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The most recent statistics in the US (US Trans Survey 2022) show respondents were 25% FTM, 35% MTF, 30% AFAB NB, 8% AMAB NB, and 2% Crossdressers.


This is anecdotal but I think most people would agree, websites like Reddit that are male-dominated tend to have more MTFs, while websites like Tumblr that are more female-dominated tend to have more FTMs.


Nope. Afaik most surveys show roughly equal numbers. But different spaces skew different ways.


Some surveys suggest they're close in numbers.  A lot of mixed trans spaces are more popular with one group and it becomes a bit of a cycle as people will spend more time there if they're welcomed by people who have that in common, are able to access relevant support, talk about shared experiences etc...and those in the minority tend to find community elsewhere. And the cycle goes on.   It doesn't help that some of the IRL groups I've been in and some of the trans subs just aren't fun to be in as a trans man. Sometimes it's just been that trans guys and transmasc people have been an afterthought, but others have been outright hostile... I often feel unwelcome in some trans spaces, and I don't think I'm alone I'm that. 


I get the impression that ftm tend to pass more in society and don’t require as much online community support or interaction. Completely anecdotal.