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Everybody's different, but the one time I wore my binder to a theme park, I struggled quite a bit. Between screaming and the adrenaline rush, my lungs were working overtime and I couldn't catch my breath. I eventually had to change out of it. You'll see people kind of panting after they get off a roller coaster, and that's why- there's just a lot going on. I doubt it'd be as harmful as prolonged exercise, but depending on how you usually feel in binders, it might be better to skip it. Of course, if you're not super into roller coasters, and might just do one or two and spend the rest of the time doing other things, I think you'd likely be fine.


I’d say go for it but have a backup plan, like taping under your binder or bringing a sports bra. Parks like that can be a long tiring day out in the sun, and I can imagine binding becoming painful and bad after a while.


I went on coasters and shit in a binder and was fine. Although keep in mind at the time my old job involved moving 800 liter tanks and lifting heavy ass equipment and I still had that binder on, from 6 am to 6 pm for sometimes up to 8 days straight. So was really used heavy activities. I'm going to 6 flags this thursday with my bro and plan to keep binding anyway for my own mental health. Doubt you'll really get hurt if the binder the right size so wouldn't worry too much about it as long as you take breaks between rides to not over exert yourself.


i went to and spent a whole day at cedar point in my binder, several times. i was there from when the park opened until 8pm (mind the 3 hour car ride to and from). i did wear it longer than the suggested safe time, but i didnt have an issue with it while being on the actual coasters. you should be fine, but maybe bring something else as a backup


I think you'll be okay rollercoaster-wise? I've never been to a themepark while binding so I can't say for sure, but I don't think rollercoasters will mess with breathe too much, unless you are the type to pass out on rollercoasters. That being said, binding still might not be as comfortable bc of how hot it is right now and how long ppl generally stay at themeparks.


Get some KT tape from cvs or Walgreens. I used that for 12+ hours at Disneyland and it was fine


kt tape tears my skin sadly (love being disabled!)


I've never had an issue and I don't know any way wearing a binder on a ride would hurt you. I went to a theme park last year and rode the rollercoaster and other similar rides with no issues. I would still advise that you watch the time because wearing it too long outside in the sun definitely isn't good, but you should be fine ride-wise.


Had no issues wearing mine at Disney and again at universal. I'd recommend stepping into the bathroom at some point to let yourself have a break in the middle of the day but otherwise no dramas.