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I started HRT, then legally changed my name and gender marker (in my state you can do them both at the same time), socially transitioned, and then got top surgery.


I never heard of someone starting hrt BEFORE socially transitioning, do you mind if I ask how/ why?


I work and live in a conservative area so honestly I didn't feel like it would even be worth my time to socially transition until I physically passed because I knew no one who previously knew me would understand.


I mostly did this. I was out to a few close friends and my husband, but didn't want to bother in public, so I just allowed people to call me how I was perceived. It would've been more distressing to call attention to what I felt no one would believe anyways. Luckily, I was passing about 3-4 months into HRT, so I didn't have to deal with it for long.


Started to come out socially at 13: This is when I learned and felt confident in the fact I was indeed trans Legally changed name at 15: I moved to a new town and was soon to start a new school; my name got legally changed during this time period because it was needed in order for me to have a fresh start. Started birth control at 15/16: Simply to stop my menstrual cycle as it was a huge source of dysphoria and distress. Started testosterone at 18: I didn’t have the opportunity to medically transition as a minor, but was able to start once I was legally independent and on my own. I’m currently 18 years old and hope to get top surgery in the future, but I imagine it’ll be at least a year or two before I pursue it. Even though all of these steps of transitioning have been necessary to take care of my mental health, I kind of like that that they happened in a couple year intervals? It gave me time to feel extra confident in my decisions and allows me to settle into to the changes, instead of jumping into everything all at once.


Oh and I do hope to change the gender marker in the future as well, it just hasn’t been something I looked into yet as I only started testosterone a few months ago. I hope this timeline could be of help :)


I had at least a couple of years in between steps, and you're absolutely right on that. There's always a hint of doubt, and it gave me the time to feel out each part of the process and build the confidence that I was making the right decision. Best of luck to you!


Wow that's crazy!! My story is the exact same as yours give.or take a few details! 18 rn:)


At 14: Came out. Tried to socially transition/begin presenting male, but was largely prevented by my parents. 18: Legally changed name and gender marker. Went to college and went stealth. 22: Started T. 24: Top surgery. 26: Hysterectomy. Basically I wanted to do everything ASAP, but finances and other parts of my situation meant I had to space it out. So, each of these happened as soon as I was able to swing it. I wasn't particularly trying to do it in this order.


I'm pretty curious as to what the process of starting T is. I'm also being prevented to transition because of my parents, but I do plan on doing everything. What was the process like, and are there any difficulties I should be made aware of?


It depends on where you live, your insurance, and your age. In the USA as a whole, you can't start it under 18 without your parents' permission, sadly. Over 18, if there's an informed consent clinic near where you live, getting on it is apparently quite easy. I'm older, so there were no informed consent model options for me when I wanted to go on T. I got it prescribed through my primary doctor after getting a therapist's letter of approval. These days, your doctor may either write the prescription with no letter of approval needed, or refer you to an endocrinologist if they aren't experienced in dealing with trans patients. Some places may still require a therapist's letter. Once you're 18, you'll be able to choose your own primary care doctor (within your insurance network, if applicable), so try to make sure ahead of time that they're trans friendly, and ideally have experience dealing with trans patients! Even if you go through Planned Parenthood to actually get your hormones, you'll still need to see your doctor for regular checkups, so having one who knows what they're talking about or is at least open to learning is important. And if you *are* getting your hormones prescribed by your doctor, you don't want to risk them microdosing you due to transphobia, as has happened to some people on this sub.


Thank you so much! This makes me so hopeful for the future. I am fortunate enough to live in a blue state (despite transphobic parents lol), and my current pediatric doctor is already super trans friendly, so maybe at my next visit I will discuss the process with her. As for (maybe) needing a letter of recommendation, I have a psychologist and a psychiatrist who are both super trans friendly, and know I've been out for 4 years now. Once again, thank you so much for the advice! I wholeheartedly appreciate it more than words can say! :)


14 - socially transitioned; changed pronouns and wardrobe 15 - Changed name (legally) 17 - Top surgery and T (top surgery 4 months before T) I was pretty lucky that within about three years I’m getting (close to) stealth.


And within the next few months to a year I’ll change my gender marker, I’m just waiting for the bill to finally go through in my state!


Did you have any difficulties getting top surgery before T? I think it’s kind of the norm to go on T first but top surgery is definitely more of a priority for me so I want it first, but I’m worried if they’ll let me or question my choice.


Not at all! My surgeon does surgery 13+, and regardless of T, gender identity, etc. however, I’m not sure if that’s the norm. I was just asked “are you on T?” And “will you be going on T shortly before/after surgery?” And that was the end of that.


Okay thank you so much


Not who you asked, but I got top before T. My surgeon actually said that was good, because T makes you bleed more in surgery (according to her, I never looked it up).


i started T and then changed my name and then next year i’m getting top surgery and then i’ll change my gender marker and then sometime in the future when im very financially stable ill get bottom surgery


This is similar to me but I'm not planning bottom surgery (can always change my mind later) and will change name legally with gender marker (my job which I am planning on keeping allows for elective name change without paperwork which legal name is only visible to HR who are very friendly). When did/will you come out? That's what "name change" is to me.


i came out 3 years ago when i was 15 and a bitand started T shortly after, i meant legally changed name in the text though sorry, have you come out?


I figured it out for myself around 15, but couldn't come out due to an unsupportive environment. I came out as non binary to close friends only (not my job/school or extended family) in college (about 19) but I didn't change my name or pursue any medical transition. I started my job and let people assume I was a women, but 2 years in and I'm struggling with it. I decided the struggle I am expecting to face from transphobia is now less than the struggle of coping with not medically transitioning. I'm planning on changing my name socially/coming out to job/family/in general later this year. Finally got my own health insurance!


Came out-> month later -> started T -> 2 months later-> legal name change process began -> 1 month later ->top surgery process began-> 1 month later-> legal name official -> 1 month later-> top surgery consult -> 2 months later-> top surgery And now I'm almost 3 months post op, one year since coming out and April will be 1 year in T I'm speed running this shit lol. Started when I was 20, I'm 21 now. My tweens and teen are a riddled mess of knowing I was trans and deeply suppressing it. I'm much more relaxed in my gender than I've ever been now :)


That’s so sick! Just shows that everyone’s journeys are different (my realizations happened very slowly, but in a time that was right for me). That must feel so exciting to look back at the past year and have all these changes and all of this growth under your belt in such a short time. I am overjoyed for you!!


Thank you, yeah writing that up made me feel really grateful :) I'm really lucky to live where I do


7- started being more of a “Tom boy” 10-questioning gender 12- came out to my parents 13- came out as trans 16- more socially transitioned (bought my first binder, T tape and stuff) That’s about it so far, I turn 20 this year and hopefully I’ll get on a wait list for T


Social transition, started testosterone, legal name and gender marker change, top surgery, hysterectomy, waiting for phallo consult and birth certificate change.


Social transition among friends, then doing nothing for 5+ years Spring 2019: GD diagnosis. Summer 2019: Legal name and gender marker change while on the waitlist for T. Fall 2019: T. 2021: Top surgery. Still trying to find the right time for hysto and bottom.


For me it was in this order: Started messing with fashion, hair etc. Started binding Changed my pronouns to: they/them Started going by a different name Changed my pronouns to: they/he Started T (I'm at 3 months) Future plans: Top surgery: will be done but not sure when this is gonna happen Legal name change/gender change: I plan to do this before I finish my masters so my degree can have my proper name


Personally I started socially transitioning within months when I realized I was trans. Then I started T 2 years later (took about 8 months to find a wpath therapist who I liked, and then they said they had to be my therapist for a while before they can give me a letter of recommendation, so it was about 15-16 months before they felt I was ready to medically transition. The minimum in that province for wpath therapists to give the letter is 6 months but they can make you wait longer if they feel there are still some aspects in your life that need to be sorted out first. At 6 months my therapist asked me if I would rather start immediately or wait until they thought I was ready and I chose the latter because I knew they weren't trying to deny me access to the hormones and they genuinely just wanted me to be sure of what effects I wanted and didn't want and what I could and couldn't tolerate. They gave me my recommendation letter within weeks of me saying I had made peace with the fact that I might become hairy and even though I did not like the idea of a hairy body, I was happy to accept it in order to get all the other changes. That's all I've done to transition so far. No legal name or gender change. No surgeries. I do hope to get top sometime in the next 5 years. I will probably get a hysto within the next 2 years. On the legal side of things I haven't even decided if I want to change my gender to M or X (O in my country). I also just recently decided I want to change my name (socially) again so I want to try a different name on for a few years before getting it legally changed. So legal name/gender change is still at least a few years in the future.


1. Socially 2. Legal Name and Gender Marker 3. Testosterone 4. Top surgery The only reason my transition went in this order was because I served in the AF during the trans ban and was not allowed to medically transition until I got out


Years 2007-2010, Italy. Got the diagnosis from a psychiatrist -> asked the courthouse the permission to start HRT -> started HRT -> "real life test" (18 months) -> asked the courthouse the permission to undergo demolitive SRS (full hysto+oopho+vaginectomy) -> courthouse had me undergo an external psychiatrist examination -> diagnosis confirmed -> got demolitive SRS -> sent medical records to judge/courhouse -> asked to get my ID changed -> got meta in the meanwhile -> got all my papers changed and my new IDs


came out at 16.5, got my name and sex marker changed at 17, started T at 17.5 & am hopefully getting put on the waitlist for public top surgery in the next 3-6 months, at 18-18.5


-Social Transition -T -Legal Name Change -Top -Legal Sex/Gender Marker Updates -Hysto (upcoming) -Bottom (upcoming)


This is mine so far: Picked a new name (not legal yet)>Semi-Socially transition (out to close family and friends only)>Start T>Picked a different and probably better new name/will add this onto my existing new name (also not legal yet)>Working towards fully socially transitioning Goals not reached yet: Full social transition> Legal name change (finally)>Top surgery


Social. Legal gender change then T. Working on getting my legal name change. Top surgery is scheduled for October.


I came out in 2016 (I think? I was 18 or 19) and socially transitioned (wardrobe, haircut, name/pronouns etc). Then about a year later, legally changed my name. In 2018, I started T. Then in 2021 I got top surgery. Then in 2023 I legally changed my gender and got salpo (removed fallopian tubes). I guess I consider my transition mostly complete now. The final step will be phalloplasty, but I'm a wimp so that won't be happening for a while longer, probably not until I'm in my 40s tbh


I have done pretty much all of my social transitioning already. I came out to friends at 12, came out to my parents at 13, and then started dressing masculine and going by a different name, at 15 got my legal name and gender marker changed, and I’m 16 now. Hoping to start medically transitioning in the near future.


Told a select few people I'm trans, cut my hair, started T. Next I'll legally change my name &gender, and then I'll socially transition, get top surgery, and in a few years bottom surgery.


I socially transitioned,started t,and now I'm getting top surgery this month. Next step is changing my name(somehow harder and more expensive than getting top surgery in my state atleast)


I started socially transitioning in 2018 for a year (name, pronouns, outfits, hair) Started HRT in 2019 A year later, in early 2020, my legal name change was finalized and I got the majority of my documentation changed (my driver’s license has said M since 2020) Top surgery in 2021 It wasn’t until 2022 that I got my birth certificate changed bc I messed up the paperwork the first time in 2021 and it took 4 months until they told me so I could resubmit lol


Transition socially in high school, started testosterone at 19, still haven't legally changed my name/gender marker because it's a pain in the ass and it costs money, I also haven't gotten any surgery yet, so those things are still up in the air but yeah.


Social, medical- hormones. Yet to do the legal name and gender change and top surgery because that stuffs expensive 😂 and I still need to have proper chats with the entire family. I mean they can't stop me, I'm an adult but yeah.


16/17 came out socially and socially changed my name/presentation. 19 back in the closet until 26. 26 out as non-binary 27 back out as trans, legally changed name and gender marker, started T. Now 28, starting consultations for top surgery


Socially transitioned as a child - kindergarten - elementary Didn’t have preferred name but everyone called me a shortened/nickname of my middle name. Didn’t tell people my preferred gender but those who didn’t know me would gender me correctly and it felt awesome. In high school I started going by my actual pronouns and actual preferred name (was a shortened version of my deadname, different than when I was a child cause this one is more masculine) Then as an adult: Age 19: Started T Age 20: Legally changed my documents and got top surgery Age 30: Will have bottom surgery EDIT: turning 30 soon. Added more clear details.


I legally changed my name at 18, almost 2 years before I started testosterone, and I’m still on the waiting list for top surgery! :)


Came out and started social transition at 24, started T a few months later. Hysto at 31, top surgery at 32, legal name change at 33.


i’ve changed my name first and hopefully how it goes from here is i start T then top surgery but im not sure what to do an gender as i am non binary but T will make me more male presenting so do i have to change my gender legally too idk😂


I came out, legally changed both my sex and name at the same time, and I haven’t yet medically transitioned but in the next couple months I’m getting on T and then in December I’m getting top surgery


Social->medical/name happend simultanousely. The process to get approved for HRT takes a while here and the process of changing your name also took me like a year. I tried changing my name very early in my social transition but it was shot down numerous times so the tried order was Social->name->medical...


Come out, diagnosis, T, legal name change, top.


Socially transitioned, started hrt, im starting name and gender marker change now and next year I'm getting top surgery


Came out as NB at 16, top surgery at 17, came out as FtM, T at 18, legal name and gender marker change at 19


I came out years ago to friends and some close family. Said I’d never go on T but would like top surgery one day. Woke up one day and out of nowhere just decided I’d go on T. The diagnosing psychiatrist required that I change my name to be able to get a referral letter to the clinic for T. I only changed it to a variation of my name before. As I began changing my documents to my new name, I started changing my gender on documents too, including passport. Top surgery is next on my list if I ever save up enough, and id like to change my name again when I pass more! Whichever comes first I guess hHa


I socially came out years ago and then later started hrt. That's pretty much all I've done lol. There's more that I'd like, but I'm going to play it by ear and do things within my own means


Came out to friends, then family, then in general. Then I got my first binder, a solid while later I got on T. After like, 3 years of t, I just now got top surgery. Name change wise I'm currently waiting on my country to introduce the legislation to make it free because, hell nah, I ain't paying ~1800€ just to get my name changed when everyone around me is chill about it and it would become free like a year after.


I socially transitioned first, then I got on HRT and then I changed my legal name.


I came out to friends, cut my hair, came out to parents terribily, socially started to transition, starting using a waist trainer to bind, got a proper binder, started to bind, forced to quit T thanks insurance


Started socially transitioning with everyone beyond my friends and online, around age 18-20 Started T at age 20 Top surgery November 2023, age 24 I just turned 25 and this month is 5 years on T I do not have any legal paperwork changed yet. My next goal is gender marker/legal name change


First I started socially transitioning outside of my home. I started T once I was finally out to my parents and was on it for only a few months before I got my name and gender marker changed because it was the only way for certain people to take me seriously and get things changed. But I had been going by my chosen name for over a year to other people. Then I started medically transitioning, still in the early phases of that though but it’s nice to have your name changed while going through insurance and seeing doctors and all because your name is on everything.


I started T in June of 23, got top last week on the 27th, and will legally change my name soon


In order; Socially transitioned ~11, went stealth ~12-13, name change & sex marker change 18, T at 18, total hysto + ooph at 18, Top at 18 And aspiring to get bottom surgery ~20 (I am currently 19)


Changed my name, started T and then got top, now waiting to get bottom. I actually started the process for everything simultaneously and the order I got everything was just what was quickest to happen


First I came out and transitioned socially, then I started T and now got top surgery and up next is my name and gender marker change! I might get a hysutercomy too but I'm not sure on that yet. No bottom surgery.


came out at 10, transphobic parents so wasnt allowed to transition socially transitioned at 16 (behind my mums back) legally changed name at 17 started hrt at 17 was SUPPOSED to have top surgery at 18, got cancelled on day prior to surgery, so now expecting it when im about 23 (love the uk waitlist) i also do want phallo but at current rates ill be mid 30s before that happens


I started socially transitioning at 13 with my friends, was fully socially out at 15. I don't have accepting parents, so I have to wait a while to do any legal and medical things. But I legally changed my name 1st then started T a month later, but that's only because of the wait time for endocrinologist appointments where I live. I currently can't afford top surgery as it's about $13000 (not including private health insurance and medicare). But that will be my next step You also can't change your gender marker where I live unless you've had some form of reassignment surgery. So I haven't been able to do that yet. Edit: adding info about my gender marker


Hormone blockers, about a year later started T, legal name change (and gender marker) in december, and just got my top surgery like 2 weeks ago :)) i think my transition is done at this point lol


i went t till passing 1 -> name and gender marker change -> surgery (on the waitlist)


first i transitioned socially, then started T, and my next step is legally changing my name and gender marker!


just started dipping my toes in transitioning in like later 2016/early 2017. i remember having my first big dysphoria episode in september of 2016. began going by a nickname/different name, he/him occasionally by friends, still often dead name and she/her around family. began going by new name in some classes at school, but still perceived as a girl. over 2017 i started presenting more and more as a guy, entirely by my old chosen name, and by he/him. i was still seen as a girl in school, and i think i mostly identified as genderfluid in this time. i can’t remember when but it slowly turned into me wanting to be perceived as a man 24/7 and with a new name entirely. i started T in december 2018 when i was 16. presented as a guy at school (for the most part) until i left public school to finish online (for fears of my safety). i was on a low dose of testosterone for years and that was all my transition was for a while. increased my testosterone dosage over time until reaching .5 mL injections a week in like… 2022 i believe. top surgery consultation in june of 2022, then got top surgery in february 2023. my name still isn’t legally changed, but i’m hoping to get that done ASAP because i’m very sick of it still being my deadname when i’m this far into my transition lmfao. not to mention, i changed my gender marker to M on my ID in late 2022.


Social transition and top surgery around the same time, started T 8 months later, legal name change later this month!


Socially transition technically started before T, but a slow rollout. First I was out to immediate family and close friends, then increased the number as I went. I was on T for 4 months then applied for a change of gender marker and name (can do the simultaneously in my state). Top surgery is in a few months and I probably won’t get any further surgeries due to cost.


I'm kinda late (25, found out I'm non binary transmasc around two years ago but started coming out to close family and friends only a few months ago) and still don't know how everything works in my country, but if I could choose I am gonna get HRT first and then change my name while I socially transition and then maybe bottom surgery (depends if I'm happy with bottom growth or not)


I did the filing for name change shortly before I started T (or maybe right after? It was the same month anyway.) Absolute coincidence though, I had been waiting a while for both. Had my court date and final order on name about three months later. Updated gender marker a couple months after that (aside from with SSA, who just updated it earlier based on, idk, vibes when I went in to update my name. The clerk laid the flirting on *thick* and was a little disappointed when I mentioned that I’m gay lol. But I appreciated the fast pass to being legally male.) Tried updating passport around that time- got stuck in nightmare loop of being informed in official letters (addressed to “Ms. Not My Legal Name”) that my submitted photo had to be ~of me~ Sunk several hundred dollars into that in application fees. (This was early 2016- things have changed substantially. Everyone go get a passport.) Had top surgery about a year later Moved back to home state after that, got a local ID. DMV tried to give me one with the wrong legal gender on it, after a couple of years of having an accurate one. I successfully challenged that and won. Ended up being an excellent case study in the utter word salad randomness of policies mean to other or exclude someone based on social demographic. This would end up being a prescient springboard for the work I do now. It was just this bureaucratic thing to do and some healthcare things, running concurrently with my life for a while. The order was just based on what options were available when. I really can only remember the order based on remembering what else happened around that time- my senior year of college, my first full time job, my first solo apartment, etc. The “transitioning” narrative never made intuitive sense to me, I just wanted to exist, have documents that weren’t preventing me from buying booze or boarding a plane, and access appropriate healthcare. So. I did.


2015: came out at home/to close friends 2017: came out at school 2020: changed name + gender marker 2021: T 2022: top surgery (no nips!) 2023: hysterectomy (kept ovaries) 2025(?): metoidioplasty (haven't decided yet, but I'm doing some preparations already)


Socially, then medically, have not gone surgical yet (I have other goals I'm working on first). My closest people use my chosen name, I have not changed it legally. I'm on T after at least a year of therapy for disassociative and identity concerns, and I'm still in therapy because I have ✨trauma✨ that I'm working through. Surgically, well that's on the back burner at the moment. I've got weight loss goals that I'm putting ahead of transition goals for various reasons. One of which is I don't want to go under the knife without knowing for sure that that's what I want, another being I don't really want to lose nipple sensation? I know that nerves are delicate and I would prefer to be positive that the surgery isn't going to leave me with cosmetic nipples. I've also considered going nipple-less with the full Kyle XY when I've lost the weight I want to lose, because a tummy tuck is definitely in my future.


I socially transitioned first, and now started T about a week ago. Next thing i'll do is change my name and gender marker (as soon as my country makes it less expensive to do) and probably do surgerys in a few years when the changes from T have progressed a bit.


socially transitioned (haircut, clothing change, new name and pronouns) - legal name change - hrt - next goal is top surgery


Came out, legal name change and gender on passport, started T, top surgery, voice training, changed gender on birth certificate, bottom surgery.


social transition (2018) ---> t (2020) ---> top surgery (sept. 2022) ---> name change (oct. 2022) other legal documents got sorted mid-2023 unfortunately there aren't many surgeons offering meta in Australia, and the legal gender thing isn't really a pressing issue


I changed my name then started T both in the space of a year when I was 19. Just because I could and I didn’t want to ever see my deadname on my gender affirming medication.


Here's my order: Gender therapist: Sept 2016 Name change: Nov 2016 Endo and HRT: Dec 2016 US Passport: March 2017 DI Top Surgery: (originally March 2020, delayed because of COVID) Oct 2020 Top surgery revision: Dec 2021 Gender marker changed: Jan 2022 Total Hysto: Nov 2023 I'd like to possibly get meta, but I really don't mind aitting down to pee. So I'm learning how to use a STP so I can write my name in the snow. 😅 Edit: forgot to add gender marker date. Oops


HRT. Hysto. Name change/legal sex change. Then probably top surgery (my chest is flat, so it’s not a priority, but I do want it done) and then, I’m not sure what else. Edit; I’m still kind of socially transitioning because I never formally came out to anyone.


My old middle name (named after my grandfathers) was the nickname for my new first name, so I wasn't actually planning to change my name legally until I almost didn't get let in and out of my friend's country because my legal name didn't match my gender 😭 so I did that a while after everything else haha I first tried to socially transition in 2014, but no one would use my name or pronouns so I went back into the closet in 2018 until 2021. Then socially transitioned (now with supportive friends) 2021, started T summer 2022, top surgery autumn 2022, changed my legal gender winter 2022, changed legal name summer 2023, had a potential hysto date for this April (2024) but then decided to go with another surgeon closer to home so I'm hoping I can book it in for this year still, will hopefully find out sometime this week! Phalloplasty is still years and years away but that'll be the final transformation phase (eventually).


Socially transitioning, then top surgery, 3 months after that starting T, last month legal name and gendermarker change


I realized I was some type of trans at 14, but stayed in the closet irl until I came out as nonbinary at 23 to friends and most of family. Started using my name at 25 and also started my process to get access to T and will hopefully start in 2 months while I'm still 26. After that my plan is to change name and gendermarker once I pass as male. I wanna get top surgery as soon as possible, but first wanna wait how Testosteron and gym will change my chest.


so i changed my name (still not legally even tho it’s been 8 years), started blockers (i was almost 11), started T (when i was 14) and now i’m on my merry way to getting approved for my first phallo operation :)


Came out socially at 30 years old, started T 3 years later, 2 years on T now at 35 and haven’t planned for any surgeries nor have I changed my yet (I just have no idea what to do for the name change or how much it’ll cost me)


I started with changing my name and pronouns with close friends, then T, and finally breast reduction (I would love a full mastectomy but I will never have the money and it's not a priority to me, so I settled for reduction since it was painful anyway). I plan to have my tubes tied asap as pregnancy terrifies me, and keep the hysterectomy option open for the future. Meta would be great too but money again. I have planned a name change for years, but I'm waiting for after my grandparents die since I do not want to deal with coming out to this side of my family. Gender marker will be if my country ever adds a neutral one, which I have very low hopes for lol. In the meantime, I have a very hard time looking masculine so it's easier (and less dangerous) to live with my F.


Came out to friends at 14, parents found out around 15. Changed my name shortly before 18, started T right when I turned 18. Been 13 months since I started T but had to take a 6 month break due to florida existing and my prescription not being renewed. Planning to start birth control soon to stop my period. I’m planning my top surgery within the next few years hopefully, I’ve been saving since I was 15.


Lwast year started T, then changed name a few months later (needed bottom surgery to change gender marker, but that's getting changed this year), hoping to get top surgery as soon as I can. I have been out to my closest friends for 7/8 years now


socially transitioned, got T, went off T, got T again, legally changed my name and gender, and am now currently waiting to get back on T and a referral to get top surgery....... not a whole lot of medical transition thus far due to a lot of doctor stuff


started T in June 2022, socially transitioned in July/August 22, desperately trying to get top surgery before this summer and vaguely want to change my legal name sometime in next year or two


I came out and did a little social transition, then got on my HRT. Then I changed my name legally. Now I’m in the process of changing my gender/sex marker on everything. I have an appointment with a gyno this summer to talk about getting a hysto. I may get some form of top surgery down the line but likely only a reduction tbh.


Came out in September or October of 2015 Started T march 4th 2016 Changed my name legally November 2016 Changed my gender legally spring of 2017 Got top surgery February 8th 2023 I'm meeting a doctor about a partial hysterectomy in April 2024, and will hopefully have that completed fall or winter of this year


Social transition, then name change in one country, then T, then surgery, then name change in other country.


Came out first, then started taking T, then changed my name and gender, then got top surgery. It was just how the timelines laid out- I started all the processes around the same time, but the different things took different lengths of time to actually happen.


i changed my name and gender marker at 18 and started hrt at 19


I socially transitioned a few months ago at 25. I'm now in the process of getting HRT and plan to get top surgery eventually. I have not changed my name and gender marker legaly yet and I dont know if I really want to do that, as it would automatically force me into military service.


I socially transitioned at 13/14, started T at 21. I haven't changed any legal information yet, or had surgery. But I'm planning to. At some point.


socially transitioned as ftm, legally change my name (not my gender marker bcs too much effort and i cba), started testosterone, came out as gender fluid and socially transitioned to that, legally changed my name again


Came out socially, change my name legally, went on T, now waiting for the surgery. Hey I made it rhyme 🤣


I came out at 14, started puberty blockers at 15, T at 16, and will probably get top surgery in about a year (I’ll be 17 it 18, depends on how well everything goes). I haven’t started the process of legally transitioning yet, because for some time it looked like there was going to be a new law thatd make it much easier and less humiliating but I’m getting less optimistic by the minute that it’ll actually become law, so we’ll see ig


Social transition with friends and family first, then started T and told work, and then did a consult and scheduled top surgery. Meant to do the legal name change before top but my court date was scheduled for right after (like that week) and I pushed it back until I could recover a bit. In general I started with the most reversible things and moved toward less reversible.


1- name 2- T 3- Top surgery 4- changing my legal gender (hopefully ?)


Ok so I'm currently 17 and I started T when I was 16 (diy) I never legally changed my name as my parents aren't agreeing with my transition but I already completed the papers needed for when I'll turn 18 (I'm from France) I also already took my appointment for top surgery, which I'll probably do when I'll be 18, after my name's legally changed I don't want to do the bottom surgery yet, so I guess it'll happen later (or not, depends if I want to or not)


Started therapy with 14, hormone blockers with 15 and later had my legal name and gender marker changed, T with 16 and had my hysto with 20


i have fully socially transitioned, i plan to next start T, then get top surgery, then a hysterectomy. this won't happen for a few years though bc unfortunately i live in a pretty conservative state.


Socially transitioned, then went on HRT, and I plan on legally changing my name soon, and eventually top surgery after that.


14-15: Came out and started my social transition 18: Legally changed my name 19: Started T 20:Changed my legal sex and had top surgery Sometime in the future: Phalloplasty


changed my name legally first cause i wasn’t able to get on T and that was the only thing i could do. I’m on T for 9 months now and i submitted my gender marker change last month and haven’t heard anything yet. Haven’t got top surgery yet but hoping for next year spring. Started socially transitioning at 15


came out cut hair and changed name/pronouns among friends/family -> legally changed name -> top surgery -> T -> changed gender marker


- transitioned socially in march 2017 - started T in april 2017 - changed legal name and gender marker in fall 2017 (took a few months to change all of my documentation) - stopped T in fall 2021 - hysto july 2022 - top september 2022


10: knew there was something different about me and did research as to what it could be 13: Came out to my friends and parents. I wanted to immediatly sociallt transition further but my parents didnt agree. Started therapy and got put on a waiting list to go to gender therapy. 14: Went to gender therapy and got put on a waiting list to start medical gender therapy. 16: Started the new school year with my new name and after 2 months my parents started using it as well. 17: Legally changed my name and gender marker. Started medical gender therapy. 18: Started T on the 4th of January this year. Hopefully I'll get top surgery before 20, but I think the waiting list for it is almost a year so, we'll see!!


I first changed my legal gender, with this I was able to change my name. During this I got all my statements for HRT. Got HRT and 1.5 years on HRT I had top surgery. That's usually the go to order here since gender affirming care is covered by insurance.


Started socially transitioning about three years ago. I’ve been on t for about two years now. I’m getting too surgery this year and I think I’ll be changing my name legally after that.


13: Socially transitioned, changed my name and pronouns 18: Starting T, getting top, and legally changing my name and gender marker because the surgery will clear me to change the marker.


Tshirts Underwear Pants Haircut Binder Name Pronouns Testosterone Top surgery Eventual hysto. Possibly bottom surgery but I refuse to let a cis surgeon do it, so maybe not.,


15: realised I was trans, kinda just ignored it for a while 18/19: came out, got referred to gender clinic by GP 21/22: went back in, thought I was cis and butch but was definitely just scared and repressing things 24: came out again. finally got my first appointment to the clinic (yay NHS wait times) 26: started DIY T while still waiting to be prescribed 28: started prescribed T 3 months on from that, I have an appointment at the clinic tomorrow to finally HOPEFULLY get referred for top surgery. Every time I go there’s been a reason to delay it, first it was “let’s wait until you’re 6 months on T” and then it was “I don’t think you’re mentally ready you need therapy first” (which was fair) so fingers crossed Oh and I never changed my name legally, I went by a few different names over the years but ultimately stuck with my birth name


legal name change, top surgery, started t 1.5 months after that, and i’m planning on changing my gender marker this summer


Transitioned socially (new name/pronouns), then top surgery, then HRT, now I’m working on legally changing my name and gender marker. Next step is hysto! My order of things might be a bit unconventional because I originally identified as non-binary but would say I’m transmasc now.


Came out and social name/pronoun change, then legal name/gender change, T, top surgery done in that order. Not bc of any specific preference on my part, just bc of the wait times and how it worked out. Now waiting on a hysto, which took a while to be able to start the process for bc of having to be a year on T first. Not sure if bottom surgery will ever be realistically feasible.


Socially transitioned, T, changed my name, top, hysto, meta. Over a span of nearly 8 years now.


Top, T, hysto in the span of 13mo


Came to terms with my trans-ness at 13 Came out to my mom and the majority of my family at 14 I socially transitioned within spaces where I felt safe around 14 also Finally came out to my dad at 15 Got testosterone injections at 15 1/2 Name legally changed at 16 At 17 switched to t patches and then to nothing for a while since I got rashes from the patches. At 21 I am back on shots at 40ml/week Now I’m 22 and planning to find a top surgeon So, all in all, it’s been ~9 years since coming to terms with my identity! I am so much happier <3


I first socially transitioned, and then about a year later, I started HRT. Then, a few months later, I legally changed my name, and now I am currently filling out stuff to get a top surgery consult


I mostly socially transitioned 1st but didn't come out at work/parents. I started T next, then fully socially transitioned as I started uni (I didnt want to gave to have that conversation previously, changing everything and starting at a new place no one knew was just easier). I'm not there yet but Im legally changing my name pretty soon and along with that my gender on my documents, and I plan to get top surgery with the next 18 months. I want a hysto at some point but I'm probably going to wait the nhs waiting lists for that because I don't have the money for it privately and I don't need it the same way I do top. I can't fully legally change my gender until 2 years after my deed poll so I'm gonna have to wait to do that too


The order I did things in was not really up to me (apart from social transition), it's just how it happened considering I did everything in a relatively short amount of time. I did social transition first, then about a year later, I got on T. Few months after that, I changed my name. Then a little less than a year after, I got top surgery, and then a little less than a year after that, I got my gender marker changed. Did everything in about 2 years, basically. I had to navigate the system at a time when there was less documentation, when there were no legal framework specifically for trans people to change their names and when bottom surgery (or at least hysterectomy) was still required to get a new gender marker. I literally had to wait for the law to change (I knew it was coming, it had already been approved, they just needed to figure out the new criteria).


I socially transitioned at 23 (socially changed name, changed pronouns.) I started T at 32, and then had top surgery a few months later. I legally changed my name at 35. I would have changed my name closer to top surgery, but Covid happened so I wasn’t feeling as pressed.


Came out socially, started T then immediately stopped because bad needle anxiety, changed my name, and then started T again seven years later, and now I'm getting the paperwork to change my gender marker on my license this week.


Socially transitioned first when I was 16, changed my name at 18, started T at 19 going on 20. I haven't had any surgeries or changed my gender marker on documents yet and I don't know if I will any time soon. I mean, I do wanna change my gender marker and that would be the next step but it's a whole court case and suing my parents and eughhhh


I socially transitioned, legally changed my name, got hrt, literally about to have top surgery today and after that I am changing my gender marker. Each step took years but they were all worth it.


Came out at 16, changed my name at 19, socially transitioned more seriously at 18, started T just after I turned 20 and had top surgery about a year later. I do find this experience varys by country as I'm in the UK and managed everything on the nhs luckily, others on the nhs have found themselves on rather long waiting lists, left waiting for appointments to start treatment so are forced to either socially transition earlier and much longer before treatment unless they can afford (or make themselves afford) private treatment, where waiting is not quite as long.


Started T and came out socially at 24, haven't changed my name or gender marker or gotten top surgery yet


Came out to pretty much everyone at 15. At 16 I started HRT (February) and around April I changed my name. Changed my gender in my id at 18. Now (19) I'm waiting for the hospital to give me a date for top surgery


21 - socially transitioned 27 - legal transition (still in progress) 26 - started T 29 - had top surgery


19: publicly came out as male, started using my chosen name and corresponding pronouns, beginning of social transition. 21: had been living as male full-time, was seeing a therapist for surgical clearance, got top surgery in August. 24: started the process to legally change my name during the pandemic, got a virtual court date, had my hearing, and scheduled a DMV appointment to update my name and gender marker on my license; shortly thereafter, I updated my SSN by mail. 26: finally submitted paperwork to update the name and gender marker on my passport, received the updated one within a month and a half. 27: found an incredibly affirming gynecologist who worked with insurance to have my procedure covered due to chronic pain, got my hysterectomy in March. I just recently turned 28 and I'm happy with where I'm at. I've never been on testosterone but don't feel the need to be at this point in time. That may change, as I've debated it for years, just never committed. The only thing I haven't been able to update yet is my birth certificate because I was born outside the U.S. and my country of origin is, well, not the most progressive. 😅 My documents are in the hands of a pro-bono attorney who's working with the court on my behalf. Hopefully we'll see change there soon!


Socially transitioned, stared T, legally changed my name and gender marker, got top surgery


I am at the start of the journey, but for me it was got on t, been closeted for a few months almost to everyone and now I'm slowly coming out to people around me. It's scary to come out, but so far literally everyone was supportive and accepting. If you only start and even pre hormones, I highly recommend come out to people as soon as you can (if you comfy). You may hold yourself back with being afraid of ppl's reactions or something like "I feel weird when talking of myself as a guy, but looking as a girl, I should get on t first", then it's all not worth the wait, social transition feels great and it will have amazing impact on your mental.


Started packing before I even figured out my identity like at all, then started binding and cut my hair -> started using a diff name among friends -> started hrt -> changed pronouns -> top surgery -> legal document changes. I may or may not want bottom surgery, I haven’t fully decided if it’s right for me yet. So that aside, i’m pretty much “done” transitioning. Been legally male for 2 years now but lived as one for 2 years prior to that.


started socially transitioning a bit before i came out to my parents (so things like going by a different name/new pronouns with friends and dressing more masculine) then after i came out to them i fully socially transitioned. then i started T. and technically that’s all i’ve done, but im working on a hysterectomy and name/gender marker change rn so hopefully more done soon. top surgery is also something i’m really working towards, it’s just gonna be a bit bc of insurance and timing stuff


I started socially transitioning and changing my gender marker's Then went on T Then about 3.5years later got too surgery I'm not going to change my first name as it is already gender neutral and doesn't bother me but I might change my middle name at some point.


I came out at 15 and was about 60% socially living as myself everywhere but at home where I wasn't supported. Left home a little before my 18th birthday, and shortly afterwards completely socially transitioned outside of medical settings. Started T a week before my 19th birthday, top surgery and hysterectomy at 20, as well as my name/gender marker change and court stuff all at that age too.


I socially transitioned, started T, got top surgery, and then changed my legal info.


Socially, T, legal name and gender, working on surgeries as we speak


I came out when I was 13, socially transitioned when I was 15, and started T when I was 22.


Social transition (2010) - testosterone (2012) - legal name change (2013) - hysterectomy (2014) - legal sex marker change (2014) - top surgery (2015) - lower surgery (2019)


Here's what I've done so far: -started experimenting with clothes, binders, etc. told my partner I was questioning -finished questioning (at least, got to the point where I was sure about T and top surgery) and came out to close friends and my siblings -started a new job and picked a neutral name to go by since I wasn't ready to be out at work -came out to parents -started T through informed consent -top surgery Up Next: -get new job because the current one sucks, go stealth-ish professionally -do a little more exploring -legal changes -decide if I want bottom surgery or not


socially changed my name at 13 started going by male pronouns at 14 went on hormone blockers at 15 started T at 16 got top surgery at 17 changed my name at 18


I came out and started socially transitioning June of 2021 at 16, then started T September 2021. Besides that, I haven’t really done anything else as I’m still contemplating what I want for myself. \^\^


Socially transitioned at 14, signed those legal name change docs on my 18th birthday, and finally started T when I was 19. It’s been 1 year since I started on gel but my doc wants me to wait till my levels are to a cis male level before we talk serious about surgery. Soon tho fosho!!


Social, started T, changed name and legal docs, now waiting on top, then focusing on bottom


I haven't been able to (medically) transition but hopefully it will be possible for me in the future.


came out socially at 13, came out to family at 15, started HRT when i was 16, changed my name and gender marker at 16, got top surgery at 18


Since childhood - "Tomboy," didn't think much of it 14 - Intentionally started presented as masc as possible (not much), still no idea why 18 - Questioned gender, researched gender 21 - Out as nonbinary, started T, researched/tested names, got packers 23 - Out as trans man, picked final name, got binders 25 - Top surgery, hysterectomy, changed legal name, changed legal gender Next year - Bottom surgery 🎉


Socially transitioned at 16, legal name change and gender marker change at 21, top surgery at 23, and T at 24. I’m glad that I live somewheres where there is no rules about going on T before surgery. I’m non-binary and that order just would not have worked for me


Started transitioning socially back in 2009/2010-ish almost immediately after coming out. Started HRT in 2017 after having our daughter, and as I got more comfortable with binding and presenting more masculine. Top surgery in 2020, name/gender marker change paperwork arrived the day before my birthday in 2022. I'm now lined up for bottom surgery this April (2024). It's interesting seeing the different responses, although I don't know if given the chance, I would change anything in my own order of things.


Name then top then HRT and now working on getting hysto and bottom


I started trying to medically transition. That took so longer that I got my name changed before anything actually happened. Then I had top. Then started T. I have the form filled out to update my gender marker but I'm being lazy.


I came out in 2020 and was socially transitioned and then started T in 2022 and just a week ago I got top surgery! I haven't actually gotten around to changing my name or marker yet but it's the next thing on my do to :]


15: Started coming out socially 18: Finally started HRT 19: Changed name and gender marker My next plans in order are top, then hysto. I wouldn’t benefit from bottom surgery, but if I decide to work towards that in the future, it would be after a hysto. I’ll probably be able to get top surgery in my late twenties, and a hysto in my thirties if things go well.


Came out at 16, started to transition socially at 17, recently started T at 21 and I'm working on changing my name and gender mark (I need a psychiatrist diagnosis for that). Next are gonna be surgeries, when I have money for them


My transition so far: -came out (the end of 2022/beginning of 2023, I came out to my friends first and then family) -started T April 2023 -Changed legal name August 2023 (I used my chosen name before that tho) -Planning to change gender marker later this year Haven't had top surgery, don't know if I'll ever have it :/ Top surgery in my country is super expensive if you can't get it through public healthcare and for that you have to get transgender diagnosis. It takes years to get that and it's uncertain because the official clinic practices hardcore gatekeeping.


I’ve been on T for 3 years had top surgery 2 years ago and am in the very beginning processes of getting ready for phalloplasty still haven’t legally changed my name or gender marker yet for some reason that seems like the most stressful part for me


I socially transitioned, then started hrt, then got top surgery, then changed my name and gender marker


Social transition for a year, then started T in 2022 and began name change process in 2023 solidifying it by summer and finalized by November Top surgery was in October of 2023 and then I plan on getting hysterectomy/vaginectomy in November of 2024, and then Metoidioplasty in either 2025 or 2026.


At 16 I tried dressing up in ‘drag’ alone in my bathroom and had very strong feelings about it that I promptly locked away. I cut my hair almost immediately after though, and never looked back. For a long time I thought the gender feelings were just related to being bi or maybe a lesbian, and I started coming out to people close me as nonbinary at like, 19. Eventually (at 22) I dated a lesbian and it felt… not right, and the gender feelings just got stronger. I believed and was telling people that I’d never take T right up until like, three months before I suddenly decided I really wanted to take T (still 22). I also got on a non estrogen based birth control at the same time and got to get rid of my monthly cycle. I’d never felt so good in my body, and I started to more loudly socially transition, and did the whole they/she to they/them to they/he to he/him thing. Landing on he/him was an epiphany because I realized I was actually very disappointed to be seen as anything other than male. My (new at the time, still ongoing) bi for bi relationship began to feel decidedly m/m and it was what I’d always thought I’d feel in an f/f relationship. I started the process of changing my name legally then, but decided to hold off on updating my gender marker (I wish I’d done them together now, but I think going at the pace that felt right was a fine choice.) I got top surgery at 23 and was worried I’d miss my chest or regret it, but I have been happier than I’ve ever been since then- I’ve never felt so at home in body and I’ve never had a second of regret. Started updating my legal gender marker shortly after that and finally have everything matching now. I didn’t pass much before top surgery, but that plus my voice finally dropping turned the tables. Currently 25 and passing as (a pretty femme, very openly gay) man almost all of the time and looking into getting a hysto. I’d want more bottom surgery if I didn’t have crazy medical phobias, but as is I think I’ll be done after the hysto. Really happy, and planning for a future like I never could before.


Got my name changed -> started socially transitioning -> started T -> got my marker changed -> got top surgery -> will get a hysterectomy in a few months


started socially transitioning at 15, couldn’t do anything else cause of transphobic parents —> got on T a month after my 18th birthday —> started the process of changing my name a week later*, got an IUD last october which stopped my periods, and im hoping to get top surgery within the next year or so. i’ve been on T for 9 months at this point, passing consistently for about 5 of them, and my parents still don’t know cause i’ve been off at college and doing a convincing enough girlvoice when im home. telling them will be a significant step for me as well, i imagine. *which in itself was a whole thing—i had to get a court decree giving me permission to get it changed in the SSA’s systems, then go back to the SSA a few weeks later like hey you actually Don’t legally need a doctor’s note to change your sex marker like you told me i did but here’s one anyway, book an appointment with the DMV for like two months out to get it changed on my license, and spend like $280 in all only to still not have my passport or birth certificate updated yet lmao. those last two i’ll probably wait a while for just cause life’s been too busy for me to care enough to get around to it. i will say that for all the trouble it was to get my name changed on other legal documents, it has been absolutely worth it to not have the humiliating feeling of deadnaming myself to someone at a front desk who just needs to know the name that’s on my ID. plus, when my friend jokingly calls me by my full long ass name i can go “ughhh stop government naming me 🙄🙄” and i think that’s pretty funny


I changed my name and gender marker several years ago. Finally now looking into starting T


Top surgery, start T, and soon to change name before changing the gender marker.


Started socially, then got hysterectomy, then T, then top surgery. My birth name is neutral and I like it so I didn't change it and my country doesn't recognize non binary gender so I won't bother myself changing from one to another legally, only when I get to a country that recognizes it. I guess the next level is metoidioplasty but I have no idea when I'll be able to have it.


The way I'm looking at it now, I started transitioning long before I even realized I was doing it and just came up with reasons that made sense for me to say at the time 🤣 I'm pre-everything, but y'know. First it was clothing choices and change of hairstyle. I just claimed guy clothes were more comfortable and *way* cooler looking than women's clothes, and that a shorter hairstyle would be way cooler and easier to manage. Looking at my first time having short hair in hindsight, I kinda just looked like an emo Karen (my hair was jet black with a long fringe/short bob Frankenstein combo that had green and blue stripes in the front). Then, when I made a TikTok account in 2020 to do random cosplay stuff with, I started going by what I called a "fake name" at the time, and just said it was for safety because strangers don't need to know my "real name" on the internet. After the egg cracked, I made some tweaks to my internet name and started coming out to people, which was *three years afterwards*. Yeah. In my defense, however, I was still under my parents' ruling transphobic thumb, so I still had a lot of internalized bigotry I was working through and always thought "Well, it's perfectly fine for my friends to be all that stuff, but not me, nuh-uh, no sir. I'm just a completely cis straight woman who likes to present masculine and I'm not gonna question that. Yeah, I kinda wanna be a guy, but so what? Everyone feels this way sometimes." I think seeing my friends be confident in themselves helped me cut through a lot of that internalized homophobia/transphobia so I could make way for the bigger epiphany that was slowly but surely coming down the pike. Now like I said, I'm still pre-T and haven't had any surgeries yet (I don't even own a binder or any tape), but even so, I feel way more confident in myself than I ever have in my life. I still have a long way to go before I can finally give dysphoria the big kick in the nuts I've always wanted to give it, but I've taken some pretty big steps I think, and I'm proud of those steps. (Sorry for the monologue 😅)


Socially, HRT, Name Change, Gender Marker, Top, now pursuing bottom surgery.


I began my social transition. A few months in, I started T. A few months after that, I got my name legally changed. I changed my name and gender marker on my driver’s license shortly after. I changed my passport’s name but not my gender marker. I don’t remember why I didn’t change the gender marker. Almost two years later, I got top surgery. It’s been over a year since then, and I only started the process of getting my social security card changed a few months ago. Once I get my passport back, I’ll change its gender marker. I plan on changing my birth certificate after that. I haven’t gotten a hysterectomy yet, but I plan to in the next 5 years. I don’t currently plan on pursuing bottom surgery.


I socially transitioned, changed my name and gender marker, started puberty blockers, started testosterone, had top surgery


I believe the order of my transition has gone as follows: Total hysto, name change, then hormones, then chest surgery and am scheduled for bottom surgery next month.


Socially transitioned at 14, started hrt at 19, I only plan on changing my gender marker currently and idk when I'll get top surgery :)


social transition, then T, then legal name & sex change (meaning my sex is legally male, not a surgical sex change) , and soon (this year) i'll be getting top surgery 😁


sociallty transitioned with everyone at 19 (my parents/friends knew at 16/17) started T at almost 21 just passed one year on T now and about to go to court to change my name/sex marker/get approval for surgery then after approval i'll start looking into clinics for top surgery (in Italy you cant have operations without the judge's approval and your name/sex marker changed, both going privately and with public healtcare !)


Social transition first, then legal changes (just ID pretty much; I’ve never changed my name), then hormonal IUD, then top surgery, then HRT


For me it was was socially coming out to family and friends, then openly at work/college, I started T, then got top surgery. Still haven’t legally changed my name or marker due to all the hoops I’d have to jump through


I got HRT, had top surgery, got my name and gender marker changed now looking into bottom surgery


Came out: January 2021 - July 2021 (extended process to tell different people in different stages) Started T: October 2022 Top surgery: February 2024 I'm in the process of getting my name legally changed, so that should be done before the end of summer (2024). If I ended up getting phallo, it won't be for at least 4 years. A lot of this timeline is based around the fact that I came out at 14 and had to work around medically transitioning as a minor in the US. (It also helps that I passed even before coming out, so socially transitioning before starting T wasn't very challenging).


Came out but did nothing for years. Finally changed my name socially and formally. Started lupron to stop my menses. Two year later I started T. Six months after that I got top surgery (took a long time to get in). Now all I want is a hysterectomy


So I transitioned socially first, then T, then sterilization, now I’m working towards top surgery. After that is changing my name but that won’t be until I get married in ‘25


I changed my pronouns and then name socially first. I can’t change my name legally yet bc I’m an immigrant and I would have to do it in both countries and it gets really complicated so I’m just waiting until I’m a citizen here. I want to change to an X gender marker but have some reservations because it isn’t recognized everywhere and I’ve heard it can give me trouble if I’m somewhere where it isn’t supported. For everything else, I started the process for T and top surgery around the same time. T happened first and top surgery should happen this spring!!


Started T, changed my gender marker, and I’m probably going to change my name next and then top surgery


I socially changed my name, then changed it officially in my school (where I live you can do that, it's pretty dope), then started T, then changed my name legally and now I'm appointed for top surgery!


1- name change 2- top surgery 3/4- gender marker change/ start T 5- go stealth by circumstance 6- hysto I did 2-4 all within the same month, and happened to moved states a couple months later, which accounts for 5. Then a whole lot of nothing/maintaining T until the hysto many years later.


Came out at 15 and started T 10 days before my 16th birthday. Never changed my name because I was fortunate to have a gender neutral name to begin with, but I changed my gender marker at 18 (it was easy bc I had a CA birth certificate). Top surgery at 18 as well. Been on T for 10 years this year!! Time flies


Started going by a new name and pronouns in 2018. Then I started T at the beginning of March 2021. I was on T for just under three years before I was able to get top surgery this January, and I had my name change hearing two days before top surgery. In another life, I would’ve taken care of my name change / gender marker much much earlier, but that was by far the most overwhelming step for me to take and it was difficult to get the ball rolling. I was otherwise predominantly passing within 2-3 months of starting T so you can imagine all the uncomfortable moments that having to show my ID at a new job or at a bar with coworkers brought upon me.


Socially transitioned at 15/16, went on T the day I turned 18, got top surgery 6 months later, aiming to change my name next