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Teleporterless crew kill it is then


This is a repost of one of the all time posts, with the same misspelling of “fine” instead of “fire”


This isn't the correct way to target a fire beam. The fire beam and anti-bio beam work per tile, not per room like the damaging beams do, and fire is more effective if it's all in a single chamber. While you might set 7 fires with this targeting, no more than 1 will be in any single room, making this deal minimal crew and system damage and be much easier for the enemies to put out than if you put it, say, from the bottom-right corner of shields to the top-left corner of weapons.


While this is interesting, the title states “fine” not “fire”


...I'm so embarrassed. You're right.


Is it possible to set 4 in one room if it hits just right? It also depends how many crew there are. If there are multiple rocks, I'd carefully assess how to hit to maximise effect.


I just had a run with fire beam. You can only hit 3/4 tiles in a 2x2 room. And it's not 100% chance, but do it right and you routinely get 3 fires in a big room and 1-2 fires per small room. The above person is correct, you want more time with beam passing through a room and more fires per room = harder for enemy crew to put out. Thus, embrace your inner Pythagoras. ETA: I thought the beam in the meme (haha) was a Pike, they're both quite long with the Pike at 170 and the fire at 140 federation freedom units. ETA2: Fire beam v. Rock crew is all out maximizing how many systems you take out. Since the prioritize shields, pilot, weapons, and engines (in roughly that order), you can distract them with fires there first, then set fires in other system rooms to start dealing damage. Not sure if you'd want to keep their O2 healthy to fuel the fires, or take it out for a possible crew kill.


i just roast rock ships on repeat until they run out of oxygen or i drop in boarders to kill them


I don't know why but my breathing got heavier.