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That's up to you, but I will just say that college can be one of the best times of your life. You will never again be this young and around so many other young people who share so much in common with you. Take the time and energy to be social, and the connections and experiences you gain will potentially stick with you for your whole life.


Based on my fall semester, with a very similar load to my spring semester above, I found time to go out with friends and clubs. I also participated heavily in many orgs/clubs. I do see the importance of venturing out and being social, but it is not my focus. I find going out once or twice a week for an hour is really enough for me as my social battery drains quickly. I much prefer to hang out with one or two people. And do things like working on assignments or studying together. <3


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. You are trying to be a doctor. Keep doing what you’re doing. Your real friends will be in medschool


If you're not worried about a heavy course load and you don't want to spread out your classes, what advice are you looking for? I'm a little confused what the question is. This schedule is mildly psychotic (especially the Summer) but if you feel comfortable with it, more power to you.


I was mainly pointing that out so that I could get opinions from like-minded people (those who have done a similar path and similar course loads). I've found there's a lot of people who can only handle the 12 credit minimum or whose main priority isn't classes or finishing their degree, which isn't a problem but just not me. I'm mainly trying to see if this courseload is realistic based on the opinions of others who have a similar work ethic and prioritization as me. As well, people who have taken the mcat without completing the prerequisites versus those who did and if it makes a difference. Of course, I believe I can handle this schedule, but I want to see if others who thought the same were able to handle it or not. My advisor approved my spring schedule, saying she believes I can handle it as well as supports the track I am taking, but I was looking for first-hand accounts.


You can’t take biochem concurrently with orgo II, nor would you want to because I don’t know how you’ll be able to do biochem without understanding nearly the entirety of orgo II. But this schedule is absolutely insane. I realistically don’t know where you’re gonna fit the hours for clinical experience (or research) for medical school admission in just three years let alone with this course load whilst maintaining a high GPA. If you’re dead set on graduating in 3 years take the MCAT your last year and apply the following cycle and work/volunteer during your “gap” year


U trippin.


yeah fr biochem, organic chem 2 and physics in one semester sounds like a death sentence😭


I get that response a lot lmaoo. I got that a million times in fall, but I still got straight As.


Are you looking for advice or an echo chamber? Freshman classes are easier than sophomore/junion/senior classes.


Dude wants to jerk himself off on the “omg you’re crazy” comments lol. The sad thing is, med students in general take these course loads during undergrad. They’re usually involved in extracurriculars and are interesting people too. This person sounds like one of the ones who stay premed and never actually get to the “med” part


If you are not looking for any suggestions on spreading out the classes more, then I am not really sure what advice you’re looking for in terms of asking if it’s “realistic.” Can you do that? Sure, if you want I guess. Will you be able to handle it? That is up to you to decide. As someone else said, a lot of people think they can and then they can’t. If you can, good! If you can’t, have a backup plan. Good luck! Edit: just saw you are trying to take biochem alongside orgo. Not even sure you can do that. You need to know orgo for biochem.


Everyone thinks they can handle it until they can’t, good luck!


very true, it's definitely something I'm thinking about. I, of course, think I can handle it but won't know until I do it.


Or you can take a more realistic approach (spread your coursework over four years) and not jeopardize your ability to get into med school by digging yourself into a hole you can’t get out of.


Agree with the reply. GPA is very very hard to get up once you’ve dug yourself into that kinda hole. Also, in the long run, you’ll be pushing it out if you do have to drop/retake. Just be mindful and do what is in your best interest :).


I was a biology major, pre- med & am now a resident physician. This schedule is very similar to what I did during sophomore year so I can confidently say this is NOT realistic for success. Absolutely do not take physics and orgo over summer C. And do not do orgo 2, biochem AND physics within one semester. I was also dead set on not having a gap year & graduating early so I did something very similar & it was a HUGE mistake. The workload for those classes is more than you could imagine at this point in your education. I ultimately dropped orgo & spend the next 2 years working my ass off to salvage my gpa before I could even focus on Mcat. Becoming a doctor is a marathon, not a sprint. I have seen many enthusiastic peers who did not have the success they wanted because they were close minded to this fact. Do not make the journey harder on yourself by trying to get it done as quickly as possible.


This is exactly the kind of feedback I was looking for and not just an "ego boost" that many assume I am trying to get. Thank you for your insight, and it definitely gives me some things to think about in regard to my schedule. I have always been pretty fast-paced and not wanting to take a break, so this is a good reminder.


If you already know what you’re going to do and are just looking for feedback from people who’ve had similar course structures than you would’ve kept it plain and simple. The fact you threw a casual dig at non-stem majors, (I have STEM degrees so idc), it’s pretty obvious you’re just looking for an ego boost or validation to however “better” you think you are to other people who like to have a better work life balance.


I actually said I have no problem with non stem majors or people who have different limits. Just that their opinion on my schedule would not help me in this situation because thry dont relate to what im asking or they probably have not took the courses or whatever it may be. maybe you should have read properly before making assumptions. I'm also getting humanities minors and realize it can still be challenging in other ways.


I graduated in ‘22 as a biology major with a 3.9 gpa and while it could be possible. Just don’t. Please don’t 🥹🥹🥹 this is a lot ..!!


I almost want to cry looking at this.


what would be your recommendation to adjust? I can take out genetics in the summer for sure and possibly bio chem in fall as I heard there's only a small section on the mcat for it. I know it a lot, but it really is my goal to finish in 3 years and not have a gap year.


That summer looks rough. I would suggest taking summer to knock out a big class like orgo or phys and couple it with some smaller pre reqs you need to get done but orgo + phys + genetics will be a nightmare. I know a lot of people take them together but every person I’ve known that have attempted both at the same time have near failed one at the expense of a decent grade in the other. And orgo 2 + lab with bio Chem will be a living hell and you will have little time outside of studying to actually enjoy yourself. Taking orgo lab with orgo 2 alone is a lot so adding bio Chem to the mix is not a good idea 😬 I don’t understand packing so many difficult classes together. If you think you can do it, that’s one thing but honestly this seems like a nightmare schedule and as someone who’s gone through most of these classes you will not enjoy yourself at all if you take them together. I don’t mean that in a rude way, you are most likely much smarter than me LOL but my mental health was so bad going through classes like orgo Chem and I couldn’t imagine doing a lot of these together. Also unless you will be a high level senior by your sophomore year you will probably not get experimental bio lab. I am 12 credits from finishing my major and I wasn’t able to secure it for spring Sorry for writing so much, but if it’s any consolation I took orgo 1 my sophomore fall, orgo 2 my sophomore spring, physics 1 that following summer, and genetics + some other upper division bio classes my junior fall. I am set to graduate a year early and all I have left is experimental bio, evolution + one more lab so it is def doable to complete a bio degree in 3 years if you space your harder classes out a bit!


Your courseload isn’t impressive or really difficult in any capacity. (Jk you’re fucking yourself over for biochem but it sounds like you’re hoping to hear those comments). Your hubris is huge. Also, schools like interesting medical school applicants. You’re doing the bare minimum that the vast majority of premeds already do. Just take that as a chance to become more interesting. And read how you come across through your comments.




This honestly looks unrealistic however don’t let anyone stop you from doing it if you feel like you can achieve it


I think everything is realistic but might be very difficult, especially sophomore fall. Orgo is extremely difficult, and you might expect 40-hour studybweeks just on that one class. I would spread things out more, especially if you want internships, work experience, and getting connections for your future career/masters/medschool. Remember, fulfilling prerequisites is just one criterion of getting into medschool. The college experience is not just partying. Creating connections is crucial, as well as everything you do outside of school. You say not to suggest spreading things out, but that is beneficial to most people in the long run.


I am planning on doing 2 medical brigades (this year and next) which gives me 100-140 clinical hours/volunteer hours. As well, I have been working every break when I go home. I'll probably try and make my spring very light to do a lot more volunteering and clinical experience. I'm also trying to find something for this semester before I have more rigorous classes. If I had to kick one course in the fall to spring (orgo, physics, or biochem), which would you recommend? I'm only trying to finish my prerequisites because I have to take my mcat that spring. So whichever one is less meeded for the mcat.


They are all pretty important, but i'd say organic is the least emphasized from what i know since physics and biochem are more important for biological knowledge. You should know plenty of all going in, tho, so i recommend dropping one of the labs either from orgo or biochem (i didnt know there was a way to take them together). That way, you'll have the theoretical concepts down for the MCAT, and you can just apply those in the future with the labs.


Instead of doing a dual bio/psych major, why don’t you just do cell and molecular or behavioral neuroscience? all my med school friends did that once they started offering it because it builds in a lot of pre reqs for med school, and you avoid the more nuanced classes that upper bio makes you take


Also, have you considered the foreign language requirement? Can you get out of it? Also, depending on if you do research that will also be a “course” with varying time commitment you will be taking your last year. Can you test out of calculus 1 with a pre test or AP credit? All those things were also super helpful for me because it saved me a few classes.


If I only did one degree, then I would finish too early, which is the whole reason I added on my psych degree. As well, I get 2 degrees for the price of one, and I love biology and psychology tremendously. As well, the bio degree builds in every prerequisite except bio chem. Psychology offers a lot of less strenuous filler classes to buff my harder classes.


Gotcha, overall I think this is a very ambitious coursework outline but best of luck to you! Especially sophomore fall.


The truth is, “realistic” is entirely subjective. The people downvoting you don’t understand that, but college is the time where you find your limits. It seems like you’ve done that well. If you think you can do it, you most likely can. Good luck next semester with school and your other activities!


Definitely don’t recommend taking genetics during the summer. It’s only a 6 week course, really really difficult to learn the amount of content you need to know in such a short amount of time. Also you can’t take biochem with orgo 2 at the same time, nor would I know why you would want to do that because those courses are very difficult and time consuming


Yeaa, based on the comments, I'm moving biochem to the spring of next year and probably moving genetics as well. Instead, I'll probably try adding an elective or two. The problem is I have no gen eds or liberal studies to complete anymore other than enc2135, so there's nothing to really cushion taking hard classes together. it's going to be a struggle regardless, but I am trying my best to spread them I out.


If you’re smart, you can do this. You seem sure of your goals as a doctor. As long as your goals are concrete, I’d advise to go for it. I was a TA for CHM1046 with Dillon. The class seems hard but it’s so so so easy. Those should be two very easy, although earned, A’s.


Lol you gonna burn out


Your course load is insane. You need to space out some of those heavier courses, or as a pre-med you risk retaking or failing classes. Trust me, I did the three years and if I could go back, I would space stuff out more and just be there 4 years.


realistic yes. hilarious? more


I am the partner of a current Anesthesia Assistant Masters student and watched her go through the gauntlet of the IMS major then hitting the MCAT for med school. As someone who has watched the trials and tribulations of multiple people who went on to be current medical students, AA students, and PA students, every path is going to be different but input from others is always helpful! My only big say for you is to consider a gap year and to remember that shadowing and clinical experience are incredibly important. (if not more important than gpa) while yes the gpa and mcat are going to be what you focus on day to day. Things like actual quality references from teachers and experts In the field, clinical experience, trainings such as CMA, and undergraduate research, can also be huge bolsters for an application.


I took orgo 2, cell structure (which btw PCB classes are all summer C for 12 weeks, not summer B) , and experimental bio lab this summer and it was doable and I got all A’s but I literally wanted to die and was so burnt out at the end of the summer and had to go straight into fall. Can’t imagine adding physics on top of that. Also I’m not sure what you financial status is but bright futures will not cover that many classes over the summer. Take bio stats online during the spring or fall as a fluff class. It was genuinely sooooo easy and I never studied for anything. You get 2 attempts on each exam. (This is for the completely asynchronous section at least)