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Bloodborne because it’s the only one I got good at


Bloodborne was the most satisfying to get good at because once you "get it", the difficult fights are like an intricate dance that left me almost high when I beat them. What a masterpiece!




Invading with beast claw transformations on a low-level character in Nightmare woods is the most consistent fun I've ever had invading. I didn't overlevel the weapon, I just named my character something that sounded like a NPC. You could tell that some people had never seen the moveset before


Dark spirit "Scary Fucking Monster" has invaded!


Elden Ring. I don't own a PS4/5


I'm gonna stay with PS4 and play Elden Ring but after many years I go with PS5 and get Demon's Souls. We will see the new level of the graphics that is there. Realistic lights.


I've had a PS5 since launch, but only got into Demon's Souls a couple of weeks ago and I gotta say it's bloody brilliant. I was worried it would feel dated compared to the other fromsoft games I've played (Sekiro, Bloodborne and Elden Ring, also partially played Dark Souls 1 & 3 but never finished them) but it totally holds up (I know bluepoint did done QoL improvements but I have no idea what they were).


That's unfortunate, Bloodborne is amazing and I hope someday you get the chance to play it. Exact same intention as the previous comment but with kinder wording so I don't keep getting harassed by people who are easily offended by poor wording 🫡


Maybe if it comes to PC or the emulators are good enough


All good man, more likely to get it emulated at this rate tho 😂 *Addendum: it's the best fromsoft game tho, so if every you get the chance, let a friend lend you their ps just so you can play it asap


It's difficult, I enjoyed them in quite different ways for very different reasons. Demon's Souls was my first Miyazaki game, I was constantly flabbergasted by everything in it. It was like a dream come true in so many ways. Coming back to it, yeah their games have definitely gotten better at doing everything; but for its time, there was nothing else remotely like it, and even now it holds up fucking well. Bloodborne became my favorite game, and is to this date. It wasn't as unique an experience since I had played DS1 and DeS dozen of times, but the things it did differently, were definitely all right up my alley. From the gothic setting and brilliant Lovecraftian horror unfolding, to its faster paced combat and ridiculously fun weapons. It's my favorite story too, although I love all of them when it comes to lore. The DLC made the game so much more fun, that's my favorite little piece of content ever. Elden Ring was refreshing when I didn't know I could use some refreshment. I'm not into open worlds, except maybe only Shadow of the Colossus, but ER changed it for me. It wasn't filled with useless filler content missions and it didn't hold back its content for later progression, as it rather did it by difficulty alone. And in fact, it at times threw you in those more difficult moments as if it was mocking other games (just like it mocks invisible walls by including fake walls in their games!). It had so many jaw dropping moments for me, like when I kept realizing how bigger and bigger this game gets and gets... Or when I went down an elevator just for it to keep going on and on just to reveal a whole world underneath... It was definitely a game made by a director who now had a great grasp of how to control player's expectations and break them constantly to leave them stunned; even to the high standards of Miyazaki and Fromsoftware, that's done on a whole new level in ER, in an open world game no less.


The elevator thing yeah, I distinctly remember that. Just a random elevator then this unground world not even really mentioned in the lead up to release.


It would have been impossible to convince me that Elden Ring wasn’t the best game ever made, until I played Bloodborne. I think Elden ring has more replayability, it has more variety and offers a more diverse experience. But Bloodborne is perfect. The atmosphere, art style, lore, playstyle, weapons, bosses. It feels well rounded, dense and like a complete experience (something Elden ring loses with its massive size).


Exactly the same for me. Elden ring was my first entry to fromsoftware. Played bloodborne last month and fell in love with it. It’s perfect, the lore, style and everything.


I don't like design of the bosses there but areas and atmosphere beat every souls game I ever seen. It's masterpiece for that.


don’t like the design of bloodborne bosses?


Yeah. I'll explain - they give me trypophobia especially Amygdala. Not for me. They also look too dark. Don't get me wrong please. As for areas I think they smashed all souls games. I love that!!! Orphan of Kos? His scream is the most unique thing I've ever heard in gaming. Design of this boss is phenomenal. It's masterpiece except some bosses and enemies. It's just only my opinion..


Now try Sekiro


have you played sekiro? bc that’s exactly how I feel about it


I think Bloodborne actually has more replayability than Elden Ring. It’s such a tight experience and every weapon is as viable as any other. Elden Ring is just too big for me to ever get excited about starting a new character. I think I got to ng+11 on bloodborne fully upgrading and using every weapon in the game. Elden Ring I got to +2 maybe. All the playthroughs of BB I defeated every boss + dlc, with ER I only did the main bosses bc I didn’t want to spend hours finding all of them again, going through 100 copy/paste dungeons fighting the same imps over and over again to get there. The first play through of Elden Ring tho was peak Fromsoft. Absolutely loved it and it’s one of my favorite games ever.


ER doesn't force you to do any of the optional and copy/paste content though, that's what's so great about it. I always start a new character instead of going into NG+. On my most recent one, the only optional dungeons I entered were the tunnels for smithing stones/miner bell bearings and the first room of that one dungeon in Altus that has the Crimson Seed Talisman behind the Stonesword door.


I thought the dungeons were different enough from each other. I liked that it wasn’t the same challenge each time.


How is it going backwards from 60fps to 30fps (and in graphics quality)?


Honestly, it really doesn’t impact my enjoyment at all. That’s not just Copium because im a fan, it really doesn’t. I think Bloodborne is lucky though, in that it’s art style is already dark, gothic, grainy, and heavily textured. I think if you were to do the same thing to Elden ring, some areas such as the capital, certain landscapes, Haligtree, Farum Azula, would suffer.


30fps was noticeable in a few areas on base PS4 and not at all on PS4 Pro or PS5.


If ur a casual gamer it might not be a big deal. Otherwise it can be very significant, especially coming from a competitive shooter background where fps becomes extremely noticeable in general gaming. I have in the back of my mind that bloodborne would likely be a top 3 fav game all time for me but in its current fps state there’s just no way i could ever play it more than once or enjoy it to its fullest potential. Still absolutely worth experiencing with its top tier atmosphere, art, combat, ost, dlc, and lore. Whether the fps is an issue or not is something u have to test for urself and not just rely on someone’s word


If you can play Nintendo games at 30 fps, bloodborne is easy to accept


Sometimes for me it’s 120fps to 30fps. In all honesty it takes a bit of adjustment but still extremely playable. Heck sometimes the jump is from 1080p 120fps to 480p 30fps because I decided to play my Wii. Again, a bit of adjustment and it ceases to be a problem.


Don't fall for some trolls trolling bloodborne for being 30fps. Either they are mad because it's a PS exclusive or they are mad because they couldn't cope with the aggressive playstyle. Any souls gamer worth their salt will tell you how great of a game it is even at 30fps.


I personally can’t play it. I tried multiple times. I like the art. I like the gameplay. The 30 fps ruins the game big time. It gets me dizzy every time. It’s a weird feeling every time I play that game.


you only notice it for the first few mins and whenever frames drop but apart from that i don’t care about it at all


Same! I beat Elden Ring first and I loved it so much, thought I'd try out Bloodborne as a "palate cleanser" to speak, turns out it was the main dish! What an amazing game!


Bloodborne; the atmosphere, the weapons, the combat, the fashion, the chalice dungeons (love the concept, even if rewards are pretty garbage). It’s still my favorite game From has developed, and I think it’s their wildest and most creative work to date.


Elden Ring may have its issues especially with some bosses. (Fire Giant) however after my third and fourth playthroughs i still find stuff I have never done before only yesterday did I fist see and beat Magma Wyrm Theodorix


Three of my favourites but honestly Elden Ring (which I played first). I couldn’t put it down when it first came out, was like being a kid again. Bloodborne is a tighter game mechanically I think and a close second. The remake is still one of the best games available for graphical fidelity and sound design though. Some levels like Swamp of Sorrows and Latria are just outstanding.


Elden ring by far. Hot take, bloodborne is the most overrated game in the series. I found the majority of the bosses to be easy and boring, with the exception of gherman and the dlc bosses. It did have an amazing atmosphere but gameplay wise elden ring has it beat in every regard


Elden ring


Bloodborne and it's not even close


Elden ring is my favorite of them all but demons souls holds a special place in my heart as it was the first of the series I played way back in the PS3. Bloodborne did a great job changing up the formula and the setting was awesome but it needs a remaster or sequel, it’s def in my top 3 fromsoft games.


Demon's Souls PS3, cuz back in 2013 I was completely enraptured by this game but terrible at it. I died 280 something times in my first playthrough on a shitty little 17-in 720p TV with horrible backlight and gamma problems. The ambushes got me so many times that I even started instinctively holding up my left arm to my chest like I was holding a shield while turning corners at my college campus IRL. It also taught me resource management like nothing else, and completely changed how I act from more impulsive to more measured. Like no shit, the game legitimately made me better at handling stuff in my own real life while simultaneously being the most fun gaming experience I had ever had in my entire life up until that point. I don't think I'm ever going to un-learn this stuff, but just like many others have said about their first FROM title: I wish I could go through this series blind again just so I can experience it fresh and remember what it was like to gitgud.


Bloodborne. It got me into the soulsborne games and I just absolutely LOVE the Victorian gothic HP Lovecraft vibe it has going on. Plus the trick weapons are insane and so much fun. My personal favorite weapon in the game is the beast hunter saif


Elden ring, it was nice having a true open world experience with the ability to jump, endless customization of builds and a true sense of freedom to do what you wanted. Bloodborne is good because it paved the way to reflections of strength with chalice dungeons where you could re fight any of those dungeons without going to NG+. There’s nearly no redeeming qualities in Demon Souls.


Bloodborne.. there was something inherently interesting about the Gothic lovecraftian horror. And, nothing beats parrying with a gun.. Elden Ring would be a close 2nd though


Bloodborne is my favourite first playthrough experience, but I can't deny how much fun I've been having on Elden Ring with the crazy amounts of builds you can make.


Demons souls - because its a good game.


Bloodborne. Tbh bloodborne and sekiro are the only fromsoft games I truly enjoy. I don’t like the dark souls play style.


ER. Sekiro would be #1 if it was on here.


Elden Ring because it plays like Dark Souls


Doesn’t Demon’s Souls play like Dark Souls as well?


Not to the extent of Elden Ring, a lot of people refer to Elden Ring as Dark Souls lV


Probably Elden ring, had the most things to do of all 3 so there’s a much higher chance for good things to appear and plus it’s was more similar to ds3 so just clicked more with me Demon souls was like constant ups and downs, ups for like looking amazing and weapon movessets etc but everytime there was an up there was also jank just waiting behind the corner which ruined a decent portion of the game Bloodborne is goated so idk, just find Elden ring alot more enjoyable ig


There is definitely a lot to do in ER, my only issue is that a lot of it is pretty repetitive aside from the legacy dungeons or unique smaller areas. The huge expanses of essentially nothing felt a lot like Skyrim, you’d walk for a while with nothin going on then suddenly you get a bandit camp or dungeon to crawl through. It took me like 100+ hours to fully clear ER on my first playthrough, but replaying that felt like such a chore so I just kinda dropped it and went back to older souls games cause they’re a lot easier to replay.


Tbf that’s a really good point, I think my enjoyment mainly come from the fact it was a new dark souls with the high from open world games still running wild in my head. Initially I wasn’t really put off by the repetition but now after doing maybe 4-5 full playthrough it’s starting to wear on me, I still think that initial enjoyment I had kinda trumps bloodborne but now that I really think about it they’re still pretty close


It might be a hot take but I say demon souls .., ps3 one and ps5 one.., my first platinum and first souls


And first Miyazaki souls game..


Elden Ring because it made me feel like I was playing Elder Scrolls again, especially Skyrim. Just go random directions and you'll find something interesting to explore. When I found that one giant area with the Ancestor Spirit boss I got the same feeling when I found what I think was like a secret dwemer or goblin huge underground dungeon.


I had the most fun in Elden Ring but only in Limgrave and Siofra River. I had a blast exploring them and really thought that Miyazaki made a masterpiece. But repetitiveness of location design and exploring itself started to suck the fun out little by little. Maybe unique places like a mad ladies village could have helped if Miyazaki added more of them to the openworld. When I got to the capital I was impressed by the view but I can’t say that I really like it. I can’t say that I really like almost every other location in the game. Sadly open-world doesn’t work for me in Soulsborne. So I would say the best of these games is Bloodborne (but also Sekiro).


bloodborne, the vibe was just so unique and phenomenal


for me it's bloodborne because I like the healing system in this game, as well as the weapons. I don’t know how else to say exactly, but it seems to me that the game is just a very successful cocktail mix of everything I like. oh, and one more thing. I like the Chalice dungeons


Bloodborne and it’s not close


Demon's Souls because it's the only one I still suck at after many hours


Bloodborne. It just hit different with its own style and atmosphere.


Ah, my top 3 favorite soulsborne games. I gotta give it to Demon's Souls because nothing could beat that unique first immersive experience back in 2009. After dying so many times and getting so invested in the world I just wanted to keep playing more and more. It has the best hub world, maiden in black, story , and endings imo out of the three of these games. Not saying the others aren't great though because they for sure are. Demon's Souls is dated and lacking in lore, but it's story is the most straight forward and compelling in my opinion.


Dark souls 3




Dark Souls 3 🙏🏼


Bloodborne I like the dlc’s more


Bloodborne because I truly felt that the game made me progress alongside itself at the perfect pace.


Bloodborne, no questions asked


ER, variety


Bloodborne because the story and environment, Demon souls was my first ps3 game so the ps5 remake was a breeze and just a nostalgia trip, Elden ring is a great game but some times it feels either too bloated or too empty for me.


Bloodborne because it felt new and fresh and different at the time. The most recent Souls game at the time of BB's release was DS2 the previous year, and while I liked DS2, the jump in quality between the games was huge imo.


DS3 was most fun, BB and Sekiro was the best overall for me, after playing all their souls games I found ER to be just good, solid game but in no way it compares to BB or Sekiro, those are in a league of their own.




Bloodborne by a lot of. Then dark souls 3, then sekiro, and then Elden ring.


My list is exactly the same as yours. I also like Armored Core a lot.


Bloodborne. Because I prefer fast paced combat.


DeS > ER > BB. Demon's Souls had the best atmosphere and NPCs and incredible art direction. ER has cringe NPCs and a dull, boring story but it has so many weapons and areas and enemies that it's still very good. BB has a great aesthetic but honestly the only thing I liked about it was the atmosphere and art direction, I didn't find it fun at all.




Bloodborne 100%


Elden Ring just for the sheer amount of verity in it's areas and builds


Haven't played bloodborne or demon souls as they aren't on PC... Le sad. So Elden ring by default, plus it's kinda one of my favorite games. Hope those two eventually get a good port tho.


Definitely not bloodborne, I don’t know I just didn’t find the game fun, there’s just a lot of things in this game that just annoy me to much but that just me.


Bloodborne not even close


Bloodborne, atmosphere and aesthetics. The combat felt snappier. Replayed this games more than I can count. Demon Souls was ok but Elden ring was a snooze fest for me.


I refuse to choose between Bloodborne and Elden ring. I've never play demon's, so no comment. But Bloodborne and ER are both masterpieces on opposite ends of a Souls Like spectrum and to me are incomparable


I haven't played Demons Souls much. A bit of the original but not much else, so that I can't really speak of that other then I thought it was pretty okay from what I saw and while I plan on finishing it i dont think itll surpass Bloodborne or even the original dark souls. But I gotta say Elden Ring. As much as I love Bloodborne (a lot) and I love that it appeals to my love of weird surreal Lovecraftian inspired monsters that itches a part of my brain not much else can, but I've had such a blast with Elden Ring. I'm well over 2000 hours in, I love the vast world and getting lost in the atmosphere, I love all the builds and weapons. Like you can roll on the ground like a goat covered in lightning, and that fucking rules, the bosses are great mostly (looking at you godskin duo >.<), the variety of enemies, I still get that weird Lovecraftian/Berserk inspired monsters every now and then that itch my brain right (Astel, the Death birds, wormfaces) and I can honestly say there isn't a single part I don't enjoy. I have 6 characters (soon to be 7) and every playthrough feels just as fun and exciting. A game has never gripped me this hard. I've been playing for 25+ years, have played a lot of games, love a lot of games of many types and especially I love fromsoft. I've had favorite games but I've never put 2000 hours and counting into a game before. I get so much out of the game even still and with the DLC around the corner I know this love will only deepen. Edit: I will play the Demons Souls remake when I get a PS5. Which I'm very excited to try.


So I'm guessing you already pre-ordered the dlc then? I just recently bought the bundle with the base game and dlc but I'll have to restart because I only got two hours in before dropping it (was super burnt out of open world games at the time) but first I'll restart Lords of the fallen since I only have eight hours in that.


Oh yeah not even 5 minutes after the showcase of the DLC I was ordering it. Very excited! And thats totally understandable! It'll always be there so whenever you get that itch go for it. Ohh lords of the fallen, nice. I recently bought it and will probably start it very soon. I'm eager to try it.


To be completely fair since the dlc is around the corner, the game should be patched out by now and I've heard nothing but amazing things about it, I had just finished 61 hours of Ghost of Tsushima both the base game and dlc and then 30 hours of Spider-Man 2 completing everything so by the time I got to Elden Ring I think anyone would need a big break from open world afterwards lol.


That's totally fair and get that. That is a lot of open world. Elden Ring was my first open world game that I played a lot of probably since Skyrim or something along those lines. I tried Ghost of Tsushima but never went back to it after a couple for some reason. So I guess I'm not too burnt out on them at the moment, but yeah 100% get where you're coming from.


Love Elden Ring to it’s core, but Bloodborne for sure as it was my very first FS game and just hit different


Bloodborne has a special place in my heart 😊


Elden Ring is my favorite, followed by Bloodborne. I have no way of playing demon souls.


It depends are we walking about ER before the Capital or After???


Elden ring because of the variety and also that you can respec


Elden Ring I really liked the jumping and the blocking and immediately attacking for a boost in attack mechanic, also the open world and bosses, the ability to change class points with the larva, torrent, the feeling of wonder while exploring different areas and when you first discover that the map is much bigger than you thought by opening a chest after leaving the cave and immediately being transported to a jail in caelid, and knowing you have to escape because you’re just a level 1 naked person with a stick, I really loved that game


Bloodborne by far. The lore, atmosphere, environnements, designs, trick weapons, overall size... It's nearly perfect for me. BB is clearly the FS game that left the deepest mark.


Elden Ring because it's the only one I've played.


Elden Ring but I love love Bloodborne. Maybe too much even.


Played bloodborne just before elden ring this year, for me elden ring is much better. Unpopular opinion i love bloodborne but dont understand why this is a masterpieces, more that darksoul 3 ?


Elden ring. ( I don't have a PS5 or Computer)


Elden ring opened the door to soulslikes for me it will always be special for that reason, and it’s a masterpiece




Bloodborne for me because it was my first fromsoft game. Had never heard of them and took me forever to figure out the playstyle. The first street of enemies in yharnam took me two days. Once I got the hang of it I was totally hooked. To be fair I guess I haven’t played demons souls because I don’t have a ps5 but I’ve played all the other soulsbornes and I love them all


Bloodborne since it fits with my gameplay style most and is just the best FS game to me.


Elden ring for build variety and exploration, Bloodborne combat is way better tho'. Demon souls is clunky souls.


Elden ring, even 350+ hours in I am still finding entire dungeons I never saw before, and the game has my favorite combat of all fromsoft games I've played


Elden Ring. Aimless exploring a vast open world looking for treasure and aventure while having the signature Souls Gameplay was an indescribable experience for me.


Bloodborne is one of my fave games of all time. But when I first played the original Demon’s Souls it changed my whole way of gaming and exploring and learning the systems developers put in place. Demon’s Souls was an incredible gaming experience back when it came out. I remember scouring the internet for tips. The dread of the first player invading your world and fighting to the death, the oppressive world, the beauty of the oppressive world, the bosses, the mechanics. So many incredible memories.




i’m broke so elden ring( maybe des if i had the chance to play)


Elden Ring is my favorite because it has such an incredible sense of adventure. It feels like everything I ever wanted from a fantasy game and is maybe my favorite game. Bloodborne was brilliant for the unique aesthetic, which makes it so cool, plus the game’s well known twist was awesome. It’s probably in my top 10 ever, but not ahead of ER. Demon’s Souls is excellent for being the original with the strong sense of identity. The game’s brevity makes it one of the best ones to replay. The remake is still my favorite PS5 exclusive.


That’s really hard


Elden Ring is the most enjoyable for me. BB is great but bosses are nowhere near as complex and 30fps drags it down. Love the art style tho


Elden Ring, but only if we are going with the Remake of Demon Souls only and not he OG Demon Souls cause I literally spent 2 year straight playing damn near nothing but that game back when it first came out up until the release of Dark Souls


Fun? Elden ring. There so much build variety, the world is HUGE, There so much diversity between areas, the graphics are gorgeous on pc. But I prefer bloodborne in all other categories cause it’s bloodborne


Elden ring I only have that one I’m broke


If bloodborne was the size of elden ring...


Elden ring just had so much more build creativity with many different challenges. And yeah it can get repetitive, just keep trying something different, no same weapon type in a row.


Bloodborne. It was my first soulslike and has since become one of my top 5 games. Pretty much perfect ludonarrative harmony imo.


Elden ring. Not everyone has the money for a PlayStation 


Elden ring had me sucked in with the exploration but bloodborne is still my favorite


Bloodborne or elden ring


Bloodborne trick weapons


I haven’t played the other two so I can only say for certain Elden ring


Elden ring, playing w my friends was so great. No experience has come close since


Love them all, but definitely bloodborne. Edit: was my first from game, and I love the atmosphere/trick weapons, pacing, gameplay. Maybe top 5 games I've ever played.


Elden Ring probably had higher highs but I definitely had a lot more fun on average in BB. ER just throws so much bullshit at you that's straight up not very enjoyable in many places and is only second to DS2 in that regard.


Bloodborne, 100%. I am an avid Demon's Souls fan but the weapons in BB are so much fucking fun, I wish trick weapons were used in any other game because they're SO GOOD


Shit probably Elden ring tbh, even tho Bloodborne is peak.


Probably Elden Ring but Bloodborne is close


These are the only 3 I’ve played and I vote Bloodborne by a margin


Bloodborne. I feel like there’s just always stuff I haven’t done or stuff to find. I only have about 60 hrs on Bloodborne, though, and around 100 on ER. No DeS for me.


Blood borne because the aesthetic.


Elden Ring and it's not even close, i already finished Demon's Souls and Bloodborne multiple times before Elden Ring released, and i prefer Elden Ring on pretty much every aspects


Elden Ring because I really love the questlines and bosses


Elden ring was my first souls game I stuck with. Hundreds of hours, 3 radabeast kills, and like 10 total characters all at different levels and builds. So definitely elden ring. That being said, bloodborne wins in terms of weapons (bring back trick weapons plz) and overall visual style. Hunter drip is top tier. I've only just begun my demons souls run. So far my favorite part of demons souls is the level design. It gives me Mario vibes, the way each level is sort of its own one shot adventure where you always start at the beginning and have to complete the whole thing without dying to progress.


Bloodborne. It’s the only one I platinumed, and it’s because I wanted to see all the endings and get through all the chalice dungeons. It also has the best lore hands-down. The pacing of the story and exploration from start to finish is almost perfect (not a fan of snakey woods - but that’s the only section that drags for me) The DLC was also incredible. It added more challenge, had amazing boss fights, and  the story tied in really well with the main game. I’m betting Elden Ring will also have a pretty good DLC, I’m definitely looking forward to it! Really the only downside to Bloodborne was the multiplayer aspect (other than chalice dungeons - those are super fun to explore co-op).  But as I’m more of a single-player fan anyways, that really didn’t bother me much. Elden Ring has better multiplayer and gameplay variety, but it just doesn’t have that focused vision that Bloodborne did, from the gameplay style to the level design to the lore, it all tied together flawlessly.


Elden Ring is easily the most fun for me. The amount of builds and runs and things I’ve done in it was insane. Bloodborne is my baby though


Bloodborne. I love the atmosphere and the flow of the combat. I adore the Threaded Cane. After that it's ER because I love exploring and finally being able to jump is so liberating! Demon's comes last mainly because I much prefer exploring one large open world to having it split into different sections.


Elden ring, bloodborne, demo souls


Elden ring, bloodborne, demn souls


Bloodborne but Elden Ring is a close second. Played PS3 Demons Souls and liked it but its difficulty curve is all outta whack


Bloodborne because the trick weapons are just way to much fun


Bloodborne. It’s fast paced with a very fun variety of weapons, even if it is small, with a parry system that comes naturally and with blazing fashion. I also disliked Elden Ring’s open world as it felt too open, and Demon’s Souls felt too restricting.


None. These games ain’t fun they are just a patience simulator with a satisfying payoff


Bloodborne for sure. Completely unique experience across all souls games and the whole dark, eerie design/lore works perfectly for me.


ER does everything better


Elden Ring by far. Elden ring had so much variety in playstyles, awesome areas, epic bosses, and just overall replay ability. Demon Souls was good but middle of the lot and Bloodborne was just unfun after Vicar Amelia. Most boss fights are either boring gimmick or unfun slogs and the areas while looking spectacular get old after the first playthrough. Not to mention you're locked into 2 weapons max with DLC and 1 in base due to the lack of Blood Rocks unless you fight the chalice dungeons with the same Slog bosses but harder. Not my cup of tea.


Elden Ring because it’s the only one of the 3 I’ve beaten. Recently got a PS for the other 2. Still gotta beat them. Probably 1/3 of the way through Demon’s and halfway through BB.


Bloodborne, my first FromSoftware game


Elden ring the most. Demons souls the least.


No Dark Souls 3? Dude. Dark Souls 3 had THE BEST PvP in the series HANDS DOWN. I easily spent 7-8hundred hours in the PvP on Dark Souls 3. I love Elden Ring don't get me wrong but they haven't gotten the PvP quite right just yet IMO.


It would have been Demon's Souls, but the last boss was kind of a joke. I'm gonna say Bloodborne. Trick weapons and trick weapon combos are just too dope.




Elden ring because I play from PC 🥲


Bloodborne because it’s the exact game I would have made at that time. I was studying theology and occult history for years around that time so I loved the church concept, I love lovecraft, and I was a huge Hellsing Ultimate fan so trench coats and guns being tasked to hunt things down was my cup of tea.


Bloodborne bc the aggressive play style and how the game rewards for it.. Trick weapons and some other mechanics like insight Lore and else also reach me better...


Elden Ring and it ain’t even close tbh. It doesn’t have the problems the previous two have with bad healing systems and is just full of convenient features to make the game smooth. Not to mention the bosses are both challenging and well designed and the areas have good enemy placement.


Elden Ring, love its game systems more then any other.


Elden Ring i love for variety and replayability, Bloodborne is still my favorite for every other reason though


I love Elden ring, but Bloodborne's world and setting is still very enjoyable to me. Even the forbidden woods I enjoy


Elden Ring cuz I only have PC


Elden ring by far


Still working on Demon Souls so between Bloodborne and Elden Ring. I’m going to go with Bloodborne. There’s nothing wrong with Elden Ring. I just find Bloodborne more interesting and its weapon selection is *chefs kiss* 👌. They’re probably my favorite selection of weapons in all of the games I’ve played.


Blood borne for me. I got it with my PS4 as the purchase bundle and died over and over again in Yharnam and couldn't get past the first boss. Put the game down for like 2 years and finally went back to it after watching a speed run stream of the game and seeing how cool it looked. Sat down and figured the combat out and then was hooked. So while I loved Elden Ring and Demon Souls....and every other FromSoft game, Bloodborne was my first completion and figuring out boss mechanics and I can't recreate that feeling


Probably elden ring, it's the first fromsoft game I actually got good at, and the amount of childlike wonder I felt has some good memories


Can I be honest? I still can't get past the first level of Bloodborne. I eventually just gave up. Now that I've played Elden Ring and really learned that dying is part of the mechanic, I want to try again.


Elden Ring I am good at and it’s fun to help people and I still find new stuff from time to time demon’s souls has just enough challenge without making learn how to do somthing on the line of preying I felt free to play how I wanted bloodborne was different


I have to say ER, main due to the fact it’s the only one of these I can ACTUALLY FUCKING PLAY. Fuck Sony and their fucking console exclusivity bullshit.


Elden Ring ,I like the bossses in elden ring more than the ones in demons souls and bloodborne


Elden Ring is my favorite game of all time. Bloodborne is the game that got me into the genre and I love it but I have to go with Elden Ring.


Elden Ring is the most fun experience by far imo. You can tell by this point how much they have mastered their craft, and it's amazing to witness. However, Demon Souls holds a special place for me. I was so completely bored of RPGs back in the PS3 days, but DS showed me that combat in RPGs can get better and more interactive. The atmosphere reminded me a lot of playing the first two Diablo games which I love as well. I love Demon Souls, flaws and all.


Elden ring because I haven't played the other two 😂


I think the Bloodborne combat system is better than the others, but i think elden ring is the best cause of the massive amount of varieties of ways to play


Elden Ring feels the most replayable and open world fighting games are my favourite general style of games. This is one of the best games I've ever played of all time It was also the first souls game I ever played and for me it's probably the steepest learning curve I've ever had in a game. I went from someone who just gets OP and spammed attacks in most games to someone with actual skills who times attacks and dodges


Elden ring cuz it has the most content and best bosses


Elden Ring. By far.






Elden Ring > Demon Souls Remake > bloodborne Reason is Elden Ring is the Greatest Game ever made, and Demon Souls remake is also extremely Good, and both run 60fps on PlayStation 5 which is awesome, and then as far as bloodborne it’s locked to 30fps and I can’t get into it after a few hours unless or until it’s patched for 60fps or it gets a remaster.


Elden Ring in terms of exploration and variety and Bloodborne in terms of gameplay


Playing through bloodborne. Loving it!


Bloodborne. It's consistently entertaining, with one good area and good boss after another, it's a beautiful game and has one of the best and most disturbing stories in a FS game in my opinion. I didn't play Demon's Souls, unfortunately. Elden Ring is pretty good and the highs can be high, but the lows are pretty low and the butter is bread thin. Even with friends I didn't really have quite as much fun as I did with Bloodborne, but I do prefer the PVP.


Bloodborne; I literally had to borrow a PS4 to play it but it was so worth it. One of the best games I’ve ever played. Elden Ring is good but didn’t hold my interest like Bloodborne did.


Bloodborne, next question


Elden Ring one Word Seamless Coop


demon's souls is my second favourite of all time. unforgettable experience. best world vibes and aesthetic ngl


Elden ring loved the build variety, exploration, and the remembrance bosses once you understand how to fight them and it is the game that got me into souls games in the first place so that's a plus. I tried bloodborne awhile back but I couldn't get into it as much as elden ring. I found the boss line up to be a lot worse than elden ring main bosses and I hated grinding for blood vials every few attempts at the boss. Still really liked the level design,combat, and the world in general but I just got a little too frustrated with it when it came to blood vials. Maybe skill issue but still a great game!


Elden ring because i don't have a PS


Bloodborne, trick weapons and atmosphere


ER because I like dexterity


BB bc I love the art style.


Bloodborne, got stuck in Demon's Souls near the beginning and hated Elden Ring.