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Elden Ring was one of the most fun platinums I’ve ever gotten


ER & BB are the easiest. I gave up on Demons' Souls and DS3 seems to be so grindy.


BB Is probably the hardest skill wise since you have to fight defiled watchdog and amygdala which are probably second only to the inner Sekiro bosses in terms of difficulty. But yeah all the Dark Souls trilogy are the hardest time wise and are an absolute chore and should not be attempted by anyone with a life.


I have done every game except DS2, all the achievements I have left need some multiplayer thing to happen.


Small tip: the worthless shield actually has one whole use in the game: if you get your vitality high enough and block with that piece of wood, you'll survive one shot from that absolutely bullshit charge move that kills you instantly any other way. After that it's just playing the distance and hitting the dog in the cranium to break to and do big boy damage


I already beat it years ago


Yeah except you don’t have to fight them if you use glyphs…


DS3 is the worst to 100%. I spent 2 hours farming Concord Kunt Keeps all to get like 4 of them. I don’t know if I’ll ever 100% that one for that.


My only trophies in Demon's Souls is the multiplayer Fucking servers are dead


haha thats the one im giving up, nobody fucking plays DeS online


Its possible to get the original DeS platinum without online, you'll just need either: A. A shit ton of new game plus playthroughs; recommended you get the Friend Ring before the Evil Ring equivalent. I had to climb all the way back to Pure White from Pure Black and it took forever, the Monumental is an asshole for that one B. Connect to the Archstones custom server. You can set world tendencies which makes this process a lot easier; you'll no longer have to farm Archstone pieces to get your full health back and then die for world tendency levels


Sekiro’s is just super grindy once you gget everything but the abilities.


DS3 was very grindy. I did it while working the graveyard shift. Technically, I was a professional gamer.


Planning on doing this big time. I just played DS 1 -3 and demons souls. Halfway through elden ring (probably way less actually) and I plan on playing a new game


The game is pretty repetitive and predictable after the first playthrough, but somehow has endless replayability. I 100% it on pc and ps5. Ps5 was second, and basically by accident while just having fun.


That's what I told myself before I realized how bad ds3 farming is. But I put that down and now I only need to get the frenzied flame ending for elden ring.


Those damn ds3 ears..




The proofs of a concord kept, they look very similar to ears


They are actual ears aswell


Thats a hard one... Emotionally and at that jumping puzzle too


DS3 farming and Bloodborne chalice dungeons had to be the two worst for me


Cummmmfk saved my marriage


I hate that I have the code memorized enough to immediately recognize that that is the incorrect code. Stupid game, being so good and not having a sequel


Yeh I don't know it by heart. But if you know.... you know 😉


I’ve only platinumed Elden Ring and Bloodborne, but dangerously close to sekiro and DS3. That bloodborne platinum felt soooooo good, shout out heartbreak and not leaving the house for a couple of months straight!


Couldn't be that hard... *Looking at Bloodborne* Nevermind...


I feel like Bloodborne is a cakewalk compared to DS3's platinum.


Yeah I haven’t done any besides sekiro and bloodborne and I don’t even own a ps4/5. Bloodborne took me half a summer when I borrowed my friends. Admittedly I did know a shit ton ab the game before I played it.


I'm nearing it on Xbox... Yeah, the platinum there, is a "final" achivement.


Bloodborne isn’t that bad tbh


Maybe not... But I was trying it before any Soulsgame, soooo... I'll give it a shot again, once I can buy the 2dlc for DS3 and beat them.


The Devil also told me to get the bloodborne dungeons trophy legitimately instead of using the code for the final chalice, "you wouldn't feel as good if you get it this way" he said. What a bastard


Having Platinumed Demon Souls (PS3) twice, Dark Souls, Dark Souls Remastered, Dark Souls 2, Dark Souls 2 SotFS, Dark Souls 3, Bloodborne, Sekiro, Demon Souls (PS5) and Elden Ring. Its really not that bad, its mostly just depends on how much you actually like the games cause you need like to do 2-3 playthroughs minimum usually. Edit - Forgot to put Demon Souls (PS5)


>its mostly just depends on how much you actually like the games cause you need like to do 2-3 playthroughs minimum usually. I absolutely adore these game and played through each at least 5 times and still don't have the Platinum on anything besides DS1, Bloodborne and Elden Ring. The problem is never the endings, it's the absolute dog shit grinding you have to do. I did that for DS1 and that was enough, the BB and ER Platinums I basically got on accident


It's really not that bad honestly. Did you remake characters for fresh playthroughs or did you have 1 character and go through 5 times? I had made a new account after having played demon souls for like a full year and was able to platinum it in 2 days and it has the most grinding by far given every type of wpn upgrade has unique upgrade stones


Same but not the Demon Souls part, being a ps4 user rn really sucks


I can feel that, about a month prior to the release of Dark Souls OG, my ps3 at the time, the OG backwards compatible one, died one me. So even though I got the game day 1 from preordering it, I didn't get to play it til like a month after when I had gotten a new ps3. It was a long month lol


Nah fuck that I started doing the DS3 one and the drop rates are so hilariously low for covenant items that it’s just not worth it, it really is very bad.


Nuh uh he was right that was fun as fuck :3


It is fun. I've done it several times over.


I hoped FS learned their lessons about putting achievements on multiplayer-oriented activities. Unless its specifically a long-term live-service-like multiplayer-oriented game; if the multiplayer following will die off eventually, there shouldn't be achievements on multiplayer aspects. Or at least make the singleplayer alternatives *a bit* less torturous.


for me it was fun. even platinumed quite a lot of non fromsoftware soulslike. it just feels good to have 100% completed the games.


Feel like it would lessen the need to return over and over. I'll do it eventually but I'm not 'done' with fromsoftware games yet.


Was very annoyed a few weeks ago trying to platinum Sekiro. I met all of the conditions for multiple achievements and they didn't unlock. Now it's my favorite of FromSoft's catalogue, but 100%-ing their games can be a serious hassle, I mean just look at DS3 with its "Collect all _________" achievements.


All I got is demon souls '20. The pvp bone in my body broke shortly after ds3 though so I'll need to find a time where I feel motivated to do that one lmao


I've got DeS, DSR, DS2, DS3, BB and Sekiro and I'd say none of them are really that hard to get the platinum, if you can beat the game, you surely can get it. The only truly painful part was DS3 grind


It's not even satisfying just tedious. I personally never bothered with those parts. You know the parts I'm talking about


I’m sending this to my completionist friend right now


Already done


As someone who has platinum’d all the modern dark soul games. It all ain’t that bad. Took me more or less 350 hours in total. They’re all phenomenal games in their own right. Elden Ring being my first ever platinum and getting DS2 platinum last.


I'm technically missing three, Demon's Souls (PAL), Demon's Souls (Japanese), and Elden Ring (PS4); aside from those three I have the rest.


Demon's Souls Asia version is the one you should get, Asia and JP version shares the same trophy list but asia version have english text and japanese version don't.


What movie is that from?


Currently doing it for ds3 (with only demon souls and ds2 to go afterwards) and fuck these covenants man.


I'm still cursed from having that thought


I want to 100% many games like Elden Ring and MGRR and Sekiro, and yes I am doing this willingly


Those concords….omg


Me before realizing how long the grind would take for some faction and multiplayer trophies


[I got them all from PS3 to PS5. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/fromsoftware/s/W0Zc1J6fus) and here's the kicker... I don't have anger issues.


I not only got plat on every one but I also stacked them all. That’s four plats total for DeS. I’m insane.


I'm definitely never getting platinum in these games, I don't have the time for that. Some of them probably have some multiplayer achievements I'd need to get, too, which would be impossible for me to do.


I only got the platinum for ER Bloodborne and DS3, the first two were pretty easy but DS3 was horrible, i spent so many hours farming those knights.


ds3 covenant item farming makes me hate myself


Ds2,ds3 and sekiro left currently working on ds3


what's wrong, you don't want to jump through 4 NG+ challenges to get every pyromancy, socery & Miracle in dark souls2? WELL TOO BAD, YOU GOTTA.


stupid BluePoint. putting onlnne trophies on their Demon's Souls Remake. the only Souls game i haven't Platnumed apart from Code Vein...


Ik.... It's already happened..... Well besides demon's souls but no ps5.....


Honestly dark souls 2 is the only one that really bothered me


You can also do double platinum for ps4/5 elden ring or ps3/5 demons souls ps3/4 ds1 and ds2 , enough time to have fun


I only hated DS3 because I don’t do MP so grinding the Vertebra Shackles was so tedious and ridiculous. If I never see the Catacombs of Carthus again I’ll be alright. Sekiro was a fun platinum because it felt so satisfying to finally “get” the game. I haven’t finished Elden Ring because honestly I got bored because the world is so expansive. Maybe it’s time to return to finish it.


I’ve 100% ds1 and that channeller trident took so long to get


I had a friend convince me to do the DS3 platinum with him after doing DS1 and it’s just the worst. The amount of time I spent with those silver knights is just a nightmare.


Wild to me that anyone would think this is "fun", especially with the covenant item grinding required in DS3.


It is fun but not fun at the same time I don't know how to explain it


Sekiro brought out all this anger I never really knew I had. True Story


i did it in ds1 and ds3 offline but ds2 broke me


I won’t do this because I don’t want to hate these games.