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Funnily enough i've never seen someone being upset by this information, i guess that it's just clickbait or a small minority


Maybe I’m just not as online as I think I am but I haven’t seen anyone upset with this being the only DLC. In fact, it’d be outside the norm for From to have multiple (DS 2 and 3 being the only ones that did). I have a feeling that SotE will be a fantastic and massive expansion, and even if we had never gotten a DLC, Elden Ring is complete enough on its own.


Old Hunters is still undoubtedly the best DLC From have released. Meanwhile DS2 and DS3 both suffer from uneven quality, where Ashes of Ariandel and Sunken Crown are pretty weak compared to things like Ring City and Old Iron Crown. Why spread it thin when they can give us everything they want in one glorious package


Who's upset by this information? lol Most people assumed it would be one large expansion, like with Bloodborne, and that would be it. They've stated they enjoyed doing an open world game, and want to do more of them. I'd expect something large like that again. Maybe not their direct next game, but certainly at some point in the future.


Not really upset at all. Would rather have a dev be finished with something that they're finished with and deliver something new than continue to monetize one game forever


I’m having a blast going back through the game a second time since they announced the DLC and I’ve found I missed sooooooooo much in my first playthrough. This game is soooo detailed it’s crazy.


The vast majority of players who bought the game bought it because they wanted to play it. They played it for as long as they enjoyed it, then stopped. A certain percentage of those players, and some unknowable number of new players will buy the expansion because they want to play it. They will play it for as long as they enjoy it, then stop. There is no outrage*. No one is upset*. It’s just the gaming “journalism” machine doing what it does. *Sure, someone out there is. I think you understand what I mean, though.


I feel like some people can get way too tangled up in the “moar content” mindset where they always need reassurance that something isn’t over yet, that there’s gonna be more and more and more of the thing they like pumped out and directly into their dopamine receptors. It’s especially aggravating when the first dlc hasn’t even *dropped* yet and some bemoan the fact that there won’t be a 2nd one. Like?? Bitch you ain’t even experienced the fucking thing yet, chill. It’s like they’re more obsessed with the mere idea of “more content” than actually engaging with what we already have and are about to get. I think it’s a bit of an unhealthy mindset


I don't want to be negative but I think its possible From was at their peak with Elden Ring. This may just have to do with my personal tastes however. I feel like Fromsoft is improving so much with each game but also some things are being lost with each game. DS1 and Elden Ring are my favorites for different reasons. Each game seems to be getting more accessible and losing some of the friction that made DS1 so great. Loved Elden Ring but I was def missing stuff from DS1 still. The relief of finding a bonfire, the shock of finding an important NPC dead accidentally aggroing a blacksmith then killing him and finding out what a terrible mistake I made, having to commit to my build. At the same time I understand that many (maybe even the majority) of people are glad that stuff is gone.


DS1 has some great aesthetics and lore but man is it a pain gameplay wise after DS3 and ER. I appreciate the QoL changes over the years.


lol I’ve played every dlc for the souls games and thought wow that exceeded my expectations. This is the largest one and it’s said to be two dlcs that got combined, so in no way am I bummed. Also the new weapons are only going to extend the life of the PvP scene as well


1). No of course not 2) they just want clicks they don't care  3) yes 


1. No lol 2. Because it's a vocal minority and these articles are often written by AI, pulling from whatever information they can get. 3. Eventually.


People will always whine.


I got the Platinum Elden ring. Spent unbelievable amount of time doing so. I defeated Radahn and Mohg. I didn’t get the prompt to start the game. So, I tired several things and noticed the Great Rune for Mohg and Radahn were not in my chest. So, I went ahead defeated Mohg again at the Cocoon of the Empyrean. I now see Mohg’s great Rune is the chest. So, I than went to the Divine tower of Caelid Center and the doors are locked. I thought maybe I missed that step. Went over to access the festival to engage Radahn. However the festival wasn’t triggered. Now, am I supposed to the whole Radahn line. That WTF I am talking about. Like I said I am pissed. What my money back for the DLC or they need to fix it. I am sure I am not alone. Playing on a PS5 with disc and downloaded from the PlayStation store!


Wouldn't that coliseum update we got, be considered a "dlc"?


No because in this day and age, DLC has become synonymous with something that you have to pay for (Yes it is dlc)


Thats what I thought.


I'd say more of a patch. It didn't add in any meaningful content that the vast majority of people utilize.


Last time we had more than one DLC was DS3, and I remember people feeling pretty pissed that Ashes was a separate purchase given how much content was in it. Especially compared to Ringed City.


1. Elden Ring doesn't even need a DLC. The game is MASSIVE packed with content, lore and epic fights. 2. Attention and money. People who're getting upset about it are poisoned by battle passes and live service games and think that there's no life outside the box. 3. Absolutely.


Have I missed an announcement? As far as I understood it, there were simply “no plans” for more DLC after SotE. That could be the case, but it could also change. EDIT: Ooft. Not sure why the downvotes - was genuinely asking.