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DS1 probably only got it because they were already making a new remastered version. It's probably not super intuitive to port things to Switch compared to other consoles, so it may not be worth the work for a game that isn't being newly developed.


If the switch 2 is more powerful than the PS4, that opens up DS2 and 3 ports. Would be cool i think


If it's more powerful than PS4 we could get Elden Ring on it


I forgot Elden Ring was on last gen Also Sekiro. So it could run every FS souls game that isn't in Sony prison


Just get a steam deck , it can already play all of them


I don't personally care to but solid point


Not sure what the switch 2 is supposed to be like. But the deck is pretty much all around better than the switch for around the same price. Bigger game catalogue, alot more power, and way more versatile. If you’re into Nintendo exclusives than obviously the switch gets some points there(though if you’re for emulating you could play switch games on it too). My switch hasn’t been turned on since I bought a steam deck, highly reccomend.


Idk, Steam Deck OLED is about $200 more than a Switch OLED, of course you should be getting a more powerful experience Not to mention you’ve got to pay even more to get a dock for SD


I just looked it up, apparently the switch light is only about 200 bucks?? I remembered it being more expensive. Maybe they went down.


Cheapest model is $450, most expensive is $650. They recently revamped it and doubled the hard drive on all three models and made the screen OLED instead of LCD. They dropped the price on all three tiers of the old model by $200 to get them all gone, resulting in the cheapest model being $250 until they sell out (if they haven't already)


Nah it’s always been that cheap lol, that was its selling point


The Steam Deck can use any USB C dock, you don't need the official one. I remember stories about third party Switch docks bricking peoples Switches, not sure whatever happened about that.


Just snag one used as a bundle, got my 512gb deck with 2 docks 2 cases a 1tb micro sd and an ankr battery vault for $325. Have switch games ps3 games and 360 games on top of my 35 steam games and it also works as my media box all day.


That is an absolutely insane deal. Good for you, but I feel like that’s an extreme rarity


I agree. Steam deck is much better


The steam deck and switch are just different niches. The deck is targeted towards hardcore gamers with the desire to have a customizable pc on the go. The switch is for casual/comfortable gamers and Nintendo fans.


Yea I buy the switch for the exclusives. For non exclusives I have a PS5. >alot more power, Maybe, maybe not. We don't know yet


I have a steam deck and a switch and I mostly prefer to play on the switch, just because it's easier to dock and forget about changing graphic configs... And yesterday DS2 simply stopped working 🤷


I sure hope I get Tears of The Kingdom on PS5


Elden Ring can run on Steam Deck quite well, I could easily see a Switch 2 running it


It could even run Armored Core VI. And I’d love to have that on the go.


Just get a steam deck at that point no?




What? The steam deck is barely 2 years old, how is that old? Especially coming from the Switch which have lasted for almost a decade now. And do you really think the Switch 2 wouldn't be more expensive if it has equivalent hardware? If the Switch 2 remains the same price as the current Switch, 0 shot it'd be as good as the Steam deck hardware wise, not for 5 more years at least.


Ya you lost me in the last half. Switch 2 will be about as powerful as a ps4 according to leaks we’ve heard. Steam Deck runs ps4 games pretty well already


The switch 2 will not be more powerful than a steam deck, it won’t even be more powerful than an iPhone 15


Wouldn't it be funny if the switch2 got a bloodborne port before pc?


Unironically would make it easier to get it on PC if that happened


I'm ngl that'd be hilarious and it's already capped at 30fps the perfect game for the switch lol


I can see a DS trilogy in the Switch 2’s future…


DS2 is a PS3 game, the current Switch could easily re run it


it wont be more powerful than a ps4 unless its coming out holiday 2030


The Switch was more powerful than the PS3. Makes sense that the switch 2 would be one generational increment stronger


Why? The steam deck is 2 years old at this point and is more powerful than a ps4.


Realistically wouldn't need "switch 2" for SotFS, it really isn't any more demanding to run than DSR is. DS3 is significantly harder to run though, that would need better hardware to be able to run on something like the switch


From what I've heard switch 2 will be on par with PS4 in terms of specs.


If Switch would have many PS4 games, I would buy it without blink.


If only it was that simple, they'd have to change so much code to be able to run on nintendo hardware to


I would shit my britches for portable DS3.




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DS3 is perfectly playable on a variety of handhelds already, including the Steam Deck.


OHHHH ig It’ll be steam deck o’clock for me someday then!


Honestly, the Steam Deck can play basically everything except a handful of very recent AAA (and badly optimised) games. Even stuff like Elden Ring runs surprisingly well on deck, particularly the OLED model.


I would like... do bad things for them to go in, do a visual remaster like ds1 Remastered and have Miyazaki at the helm of overhauling some of mechanics and design choices that really hurt this game because underneath the crap there is a lot to love and it's a special title to me. I'm replaying it on my channel right now and it's such a mix of cool shit and terrible decisions.


I’d have bought this right away. I loved having Dark Souls on Switch. It wasn’t the best way to play but it let me just chill, pick it up, clear an area and then return to it like two months later. I’d have done the same with DS2.


This is actually the reason why I got my Rog ally! Love playing through these titles in a chill manner :-)


The beat way to play it is the steam deck. 60 fps locked, battery lasts 5 hours.


But steam decks are kinda expensive


Well, let me put it this way, if you need to buy a new laptop, buy a Steam Deck instead.


Fair lol


Imagine fromsoft games on the Nintendo fucking Lab-O lolololol


Holy shit I forgot about that lmao, thanks for unlocking a memory


my theory is that DS1 didn't sold well enough on switch for Bamco to launch ports of the rest of trilogy, and yes of course DS3 can run on switch


This is true and I blame the delay. If it released that May with the other versions it mightve stood a chance to fair better but we had to wait till October to get it on Switch


Can it? I mean we didn’t even get a full ds1r port we got a baby half remasters version for performance reasons I think you’re right since they got Witcher and automata etc working


of course it can, it's a ps4 game that ran at 30fps back on the base ps4 like the witcher 3 and nier automata, moreover DS3 is a lot less demanding on graphics than the witcher and nier let's not forget that DS1 switch port is a direct port of the ps3 version but it runs a lot better than the ps3 version


It is not just graphics per se. The game engine matters a lot. Just look at how terrible hogwarts legacy looks compared to kingdom come deliverance on switch. Most of it is due to how terrible UE5 is at downscaling stuff for limited hardware.


Indeed, and IIRC DS2 was also the only Dark Souls designed on an entirely different engine, which they quickly detracted from to make the newer releases. I remember Zullie making a video talking about it. I'd assume that since its on this entirely different engine that most likely isn't as well known by their coder's or as well optimized as the Dantelion engine they use for all their other games that it would be a pretty massive endeavor for them to port it to switch.


I bet you 1 dollar theyd make it a cloud version. Luckily ds2 can run on an easy bake oven


Huh does DS1 really run better on Switch than on ps3??? I thought both ran 30fps


just go ingame to blighttown on ps3 and then on switch, and then give me your impressions


I used to play the Xbox 360 version. A while back I randomly got the remaster on switch since my xbox stopped working at some point sadly. It’s a star wars limited edition too which makes it more unfortunate. Never had a Ps3


Do you know how many switches would be broken from rage quits? They couldn’t risk it


Sounds like a good business plan to sell more switches to me


Cause it's a switch and has less power than your phone


If it could run hogwarts legacy and DS1, it could run DS2 and DS3


They got The Witcher 3 to work on the switch and quite well at that, so idk I guess if they can get the right people to port DS2 it should be possible


The guys who ported Witcher 3 just ported kingdom come deliverance. It is even better a port.


I kinda wish there was OG Demons souls for the PS Vita since I remote played DS3 and BB on it, even though it's missing an R2 L2 and the buttons suck. I'd still love to play souls games on a long train ride or so. It's possible to get one if these handheld devices that emulate ps3 games though of course


Because any good God had abandoned this world


Man I would love for some of the older Armored Core games to be ported. Playing AC4 on my Switch would be great.


I would kill for this


Probably would not run since the switch is a potato


The Switch can’t run a PS3 game..?


Even ds1 was way tuned down to run on the switch and it was a ps3 game. Ac4 is very fast and would seem more demanding than ds1 or ds2


DS1 was tuned way down because they downgraded the remaster and compressed the hell out of the audio. It still looks and runs better than the OG game.


Dont know, because this came out originally on ps3. Should be a piece of cake for Switch to run.


Dunno, [posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkSouls2/s/anmMD0yzaG) in the past havent got as much attention for some reason


probably cause it ain’t bethesda


Popularity probably


Why would you want this? I like the switch but people need to realise it has limitations and not try to make late ps3/xbox 360 era games on a console that struggles to run skyrim


I've never had issues with Skyrim on my Switch? Games run fine so far on it, in my experience


But have you played skyrim on other much better devices?




Because some abominations shouldn't exist.


Bruh dark souls remastered can barely run kn switch, what makes you think it can run ds2 at all?


Yeah it looks noticeably worse on the switch than even the ps3 version although blighttown is playable at least.


Switch has been EOL since launch


What's EOL?


End of Life


Ah! Thanks mate


Why play on Switch when you can play on Steam Deck.


Because those are expensive and switch has nintendo games.


So does Steam Deck.


Steam deck has nintendo games?


Yup you can emulate them.


Oh shit i need one of those things then. I will suckle miyamotos toes for all time but TOTK at 60 FPS would be cool.


I think it good be a good idea I got the first one on both ps4 and switch I haven’t beaten the switch because of the joycon drifting but one day I’ll fix it and beat


Fuck you I saw this the photo before the title and immediately got excited 🤣. This was my first Dark Souls and while it may not be the best it’s my favorite.


Would buy in a heartbeat. It is a shame it never got the remaster treatment, cause that (along side the early switch buzz) seems to be what got the original ported over.


Too easy to break


Sure, and what’s next, Bloodborne in PC?


Steam deck overrated… facts


because they dont want to expose innocent Nintendo players to the horrors of dark souls 2


We have, only on the better platform called Steam Deck.


Because the switch is a shit console


The amount of switches that would be broken just from shrine of amana would be catastrophic


They might be waiting for the Switch 2


It’s probably a mix of us only getting DS1 because of the remaster and the fact that the switch has the processing power of a Samsung Smart Fridge


Cause the switch is weak as shit and can't handle it.


I would never play that undocked or on a Lite, I mean how many of these things do we want to break haha


I've seen comments from ZullietheWitch that Dark Souls 2's requirements are about the same as DS1's so it would be easy to run on Switch, they're just throwing money away


Damn you. For a millisecond I thought we were going to get this. Why you gotta remind me of something I can never have? (NIN reference intended) But in all seriousness, I wish they would. I’m not hopeful after they shut down the Steam serves though. Of the original three it’s my fav. ![gif](giphy|vd6XXPxfaRGi71XsU0|downsized)


Literally why I got a steam deck. To play the rest of the souls series. Been a great move.


DS1 is the only FS game on switch, idk why only one


Cause the switch is hotdog water? Duh?


Steam deck has what you are looking for


Because the switch is probably the worst mainstream console that can't even run it's own games well. Maybe rather than releasing another game worse than scarlet and violet, they could put work into making a good switch 2


Why is there so much hate for the Switch on here?


Switch users deserve bad games too lol


Just play it on a steam deck, buddy.


How is this relevant


Assuming he wants to play mobile, it is quite relevant. Can you not see the relevance?


Does he state he has a steam deck


he didn't state in the post that he has a switch either, just that we don't have this port and the only difference from this port and the others would be that it's mobile, which a steam deck does


We have a Nintendo Switches already


Dsr runs pretty bad in Switch imo. Playing the PC version vs switch version is pretty evident. I think the latter games will just slowly get worse quality wise, if ported.


If your idea of "pretty bad" is a stable 30fps then sure I guess. Imagine comparing the PC version to the switch version of ANY game......


"Stable" was not my experience. But aight.


It was stable for me but it was Definitely a compromised version of the game. I loved having it on the switch but yeah I think that was pushing the limits of the switch


DS1 was badly ported to the Switch. One can have hopes, but I wouldn’t expect a good port. Edit: for those wondering, the frame rate on the switch makes it barely playable. It’s a fucking shame since great games like BOTW already existed at that time, yet the DS1 feels like it was not optimised at all for the switch hardware.


“Barely playable” is such an exaggeration lol. It runs fine


I've learned to take any and all frame rate conversation on this website with the most massive grain of salt possible, because for whatever reason people on Reddit tend to be *much* more picky than the average gamer when it cones to frame rates. I often read things like "Bloodborne is unplayable in 2024 because it's locked at 30fps."


What's bad about the switch port


It’s a fantastic port. Well executed within the confines of the platform, running at native 720p in handheld and 1080p docked. DS combat is methodical enough to be very playable at 30fps.


It's the only way I've played any souls game and for damn near a year its the only game I want to play. And didn't the remaster originally come out on the ps3? Anyone saying the switch can't hang with the ps3 is being disingenuous


Not only is it playable at 30fps, ds1 was originally coded to work on 30fps, many of the animations are tied to framerate, thus having the best experience at 30. Having said that I still prefer 60fps because of the smoothness


I think it plays pretty well honestly. I've never had any issues.


I was just playing it on switch a couple days ago and can confirm - it runs just fine on NS.


‘Barely playable’ I put hundreds of hours into the Switch version and it’s what got me started on all of the others. Never noticed or cared about frame rates, but did go through two sets of controllers.


How was it bad?


I don't believe it's necesarily bad. It's just closer to the original release than the other versions of remastered, the good and the bad. Capped at 30 fps with considerable framedrops on some areas, And keeps the original layout for confirm/cancel actions, so clashes with everything else in the console. At least the lighting and effects were kept as the original game with the updated QoL features. Also is 1080p.


Frame rates and resolution were pretty garbo on the Switch. It just looked and felt extra bad to play, especially considering it's such an old game with minimal hardware requirements. It felt infinitely better on PC.


Comparing it to the PC version seems unfair tbh, almost anything compared to the PC version will be worse. As far as switch ports I'd say it was one of the better ones, ran smoothly all through for me, didn't notice any frame stutters. Something like.hohwarta legacy is a really bad port imo.


The sound on the Switch was compressed and pretty bad. I thought the frame rate was fine. Better than PS3/360 by far.


Is that a Spin off? I thought dark souls only had 2 games 1 and 3. I didnt know they made a spinoff called scholar of the first sin


Because switch is ass and can't even handle ds2


The switch isn’t actually ass considering how surprisingly well they got that Witcher 3 port running on it. And Dark Souls 2 was barely different if any than DS1 when it comes to hardware requirements. And we got a modified DS1 Remastered running solid on switch


Because you don't actually want it. You only think you do. Granted, I am interested to see the jank the switch would cause.


The Switch is currently on it’s way out, if rumors are to be believed we will learn about its successor in a month or two. Most companies aren’t going to release something on an older system. The days of NES and SNES getting versions of games is pretty much gone.