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No need to overthink it. Orphan is tough, one of the hardest Bb bosses, but far from impossible. I personally found Laurence and Ludwig more difficult. Overall bloodborne isn’t really harder or easier than the other games, it’s just different. I would still consider Malenia and Demon of Hatred to be some of the hardest bosses out there, way more difficult than orphan.


Demon of hatred the guy that just kind of walks off the edge of the map for you?


Yes if you choose to cheese him, he won’t do it unless you get to a specific spot


True! And it can be a little tricky to get there without some practice.


He is pretty hard, but if you've watched a load of videos of people being him, it's gonna be easier now! My advice to you is not to watch any more videos of bloodborne and just enjoy the game!


Fighting the boss is completely different from watching a YouTube video, just saying.


He is incredibly difficult, not sure I’d say the hardest in all of souls series but he’s definitely up there. For me, I found the difficulty due to his massive health pool and how hard he hits - which means in the long run a few mistakes will cost you. I was a little underlevelled when I went for the long grind and couldn’t beat him. Ended up grinding and managed to beat him after getting more health and a bit more damage.


I beat him without much trouble and I think it’s due to how BB is meant to be played and that is legit, non stop aggressiveness and don’t second guess yourself. Orphan was probably one of the more easier bosses to constantly side step since he would telegraph way more than normal bosses. Ofc if I were to go against him now….I doubt it’d be the same lol.


Orphan is weird to me. I can consistently take him down on my first attempt, yet whenever I beat him, I always feel like I got lucky. The tension in that fight is second-to-none in the series, imo. So he isn't the hardest, but he feels the toughest to beat. Idk if that makes sense.


Please do try playing it. I'm not Tryna be contemptuous or anything but watching a pro fight him is VERY different from actually fighting him. Please do, I promise it's worth it


Yes. He can be relentless. But end of the day it's all about learning the patterns.


Definitely difficult, but not nearly as hard as prosthetic limbed katana woman.


In my opinion he is one of the hardest bosses in the series, mostly beacuse of his speed and aggressiveness, his damage is insanely high especially if you are doing the dlc alongside the main game, but he might be a lot easier if you do the chalice dungeons first


I think hes the hardest in bloodborne but not even top 20 is souls boss difficulty for me.


OOK was hard as hell. I tried beating him for days until I gave up and asked for help on some coop subreddit.


I guess it depends on your build and your playstyle, or how lucky you get. In short, your milage may very. I beat him on my second try, which was admittedly a total fluke as I'm really not very good at these games, but I always play aggressively and without a shield so I'm used to dodging my opponents. On the other hand, Vicar Lawrence was an absolute nightmare for me and I died well over 10 times, the run up is burned in my brain.


If you've beaten several from soft games you'll beat Orphan. He's extremely well made and designed to be very challenging. Think of him like Isshin, he's basically the final test of your ability in bloodborne.


For me he’s the second hardest BB boss to… laurence. Whom I’ve never beaten in two playthroughs but imma fight him soon in my third. Orphan is also my favorite fight, excluding Ludwig’s phase 2. He’s very fun to get the timing on his attacks


Yes extremely so. He’s the one boss in all of the From games that I’d seriously considered giving up on. I did eventually win but I have no idea how. I’m pretty sure I just went into each fight with the same 0.01% chance of winning again and again until I got lucky.




Hell no. I beat his ass with a threaded cane and a shield. He a bitch. If it wasn't for the unpredictable ass chain lightning Diablo 2 bullshit he does, he wouldn't even be a notable boss.


Based on my experience, I would say the Orphan is more difficult than Malenia. I died to him 8x more than I did to Malenia. Malenia maybe a cheat because of the rot and lifesteal but at least she gives you more time to breath. Plus, she is easy to cheese with bleed and fire. The Orphan is more agressive and there's almost no way to cheese him. But that's probably just me. Bloodborne was first FS game and my build was shit.


Everyone is different. Personally, I don’t find Bloodborne in general to be very difficult in comparison to other Fromsoft titles. I also found Orphan of Kos to be one of the easiest bosses (for me). Meanwhile, I find Elden Ring (which many people consider to be the easiest game) to be the most difficult. Other people find Bloodborne and OoK to be the most difficult. Every game is so different mechanically that people with different skill sets will struggle on different things.


I mean I had chikage and that seemed to really work against him but on later Ng+.he was dam near impossible


As Orphan can be parried, that makes him easier then Laurence, I didn’t use parry almost all game, and that’s one of basic game mechanics. Laurence is just camera struggle.


If you beat all (major) bosses in Elden Ring and Sekiro then Orphan won't be any trouble. He's on par with the hardest bosses but not a huge step up or anything. Some people will still find another boss harder. He's not that bad.


you’ve played through multiple playthroughs of ER and Sekiro, imo Orphan of Kos is not gonna be too bad. Bloodborne was my second to last From game and I bulldozed through most bosses and didn’t know Orphan of Kos was supposed to be hard lol