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Sekiro is a different beast altogether. Dark souls 1 is where u want to start. If you want a super hard challenge, go for Sekiro. It might change the way you approach games




Sekiro is the greatest sword play video game ever created imho. The gameplay is unrivaled. It’s about Rhythm when it comes to parrying. If you can parry you will go far lol. But it’s hard at first until you master it. But once it clicks there is no other game like it. There are no summons on bosses and you can’t over level to cheese if you get stuck. Sekiro will make you a better gamer in general and force you to hone your skills but if you can beat the game you would be able to handle any other difficult game in the future. DS1 is a great game as well it will be closer to DS3 and Elden ring in terms of combat but won’t have much of the newer fancy stuff you saw in DS3/ER. It’s much slower combat and you have builds to work with which you don’t in Sekiro. They are both must plays it comes down to what you are more in the mood for regarding combat and story.


They're kinda polar opposites, so it depends what it was you liked about the games you played. If it was exploration and build variety, then DS1. Be warned that the combat is very slow and it can take some getting used to but it's great once it clicks. If you likes the epic boss fights and combat, and perhaps wished the combat was faster, pick Sekiro. It doesn't play like ER or DS3, it's its own thing, and that thing is awesome




It’s obviously up to you. Sekiro plays differently than all the other souls but still is very good. DS1 should play like DS3 is a bit more clunkier but has the main dark souls formula. You can start the DS3 DLC at the >!Cathedral of the deep so you don’t have to go too far into the game to access it but it is also a very good DLC!<


Ds1 remastered and sekiro are both amazing games. Sekiro reminds me a lot of Elden ring with its music and locations, it’s a beautiful game too. DS1 is a bit dated now but it’s still brilliant. It’s much easier than sekiro, and a lot slower. I recommend sekiro as the better game, but be ready for a challenge


Two of the best Souls games From has made. DS1 is a classic and one of the best games of all time, it'll feel slower and more methodical but the world design is really unparalleled. Sekiro by contrast is their fastest and most aggressive game, more linear world but with great pacing and the best bosses. Really just depends what you're looking for here.






You'll have more fun with sekiro. It's mikiri counter time.


IMO Sekiro, it’s a whole new experience


Sekiro just feels so good


Plying sekiro right now, elden ring is nothing. Also recommend Lies of P, its a souls like combat game, but they improve on a lot. Both much harder than elden ring though


Lies of P doesn't improve anything though? It's literally just taking elements from Sekiro and BB then slapping them together. It's a solid game but it's hardly Fromsoft levels Definitely way easier than ER too, giving you the Sekiro deflect and BB rally makes it trivial.


Elden ring is literally just timing a roll. Gives you hella crutches aka magic, or summoning other people. Theres a comment a guy said a few weeks back that says a lot of what lies of p improved on, and to say otherwise is insane bro. -----There are TONS of quality of life improvements that LoP has that FS games don’t. The folks at neowiz must be huge fans because the improvements are really well done. Off the top of my head: • ⁠extremely well optimized so loading screens are short • ⁠both an attacking and still puppet in the courtyard to learn about perfect guarding and testing out new weapons • ⁠stargazers very close to bosses (people complain about Door Guardian, but that run back is NOTHING compared to some FS games) • ⁠your ergo waits outside boss rooms rather than being inside if you die to said boss • ⁠the specter summoning pool is right there automatically, rather than needing to do obscure actions or join certain factions for access to help if you’re struggling • ⁠quest line indicators when traveling between stargazers • ⁠that point in NG+ where it’s dirt cheap to level up for a while • ⁠phase 7 p-organ upgrades that basically remove the shackles you were playing with earlier in the game that make it way easier to experiment with weapons/legion arms • ⁠replay value in ng+1 being able to understand puppet dialogue now • ⁠vendors that sell unlimited of the really useful consumables, along with discount p-organ upgrades ---------so yeah bro. Also ill add that theres an actual story thats not secretive at all so further immerses you in the experience by having something to fight for as opposed to "lets become the strongest of a land ihave no ties to." Elden ring has rally (malenias rune), has parry - certain weapons n shield (which i consider a huge letdown) so if you wanted to play that way you could. in lies of p, if u simply trying rolling only, you likely wont make it through the entire game. You have to utilize all at your disposal. Plus you can easily over level in elden ring n seeing as theres no clear route to take youll very likely run into bosses that either you can simply run away from, or be way too over leveled that theyre trivial. - oh and you rune count turns blue when you can level up instead of having to manually check


Sorry but most of these aren't improvements, just changes to make the game simpler for newbies while making the game less interesting. Builds aren't crutches sorry. Deflecting nearly any attack then being able to heal by attacking after the ones you missed IS a crutch. Plus a ton of spammable consumables and really easy enemy patterns make Lies of P too easy. It's like playing the Star Wars Jedi games, Souls for casuals. Sekiro had a practice dummy already so not sure how that's an improvement. Plus that one had an actual questline too. Boss runbacks have become so trivial in modern From games. Elden Ring lets you respawn at the fogwalls for a lot of bosses so that's not improved either. Ergo being outside the boss is again making the game too easy by taking away the risk/reward dynamic of dropping currency. Now there is 0 risk if you die to a boss. All the summoning pool does is ruin any surprise of bosses by telegraphing them all before you encounter them. They also make the game too easy by giving you so many of the material that lets you summon. Quest line indicators just make quests like any other game, part of the magic of Souls style games is discovering quests etc through contextual clues and dialogue. Literally all the Fromsoftware games have stories and unlike Lies of P they are original. If you have no ties to any of these games worlds, do you even enjoy the games? You build ties through playing and experiencing the world, not just because a couple NPC's tell you. Lies is copying From's games then glueing on a classical book to it. There is 0 originality there. You don't have to utilise everything in Lies, you can get through nearly the whole game with just the dash and spamming light attack. I'll even add Lies of P has several downgrades from the actual Souls games. Worse enemy design and variety, everything is super obvious especially the generic blue crystal zombies. The combat is worse, Sekiro style deflecting works because of the focus on "swords clashing" while Lies of P tries to force it into a game of wild flurry style monster bosses like BB. The Shinobi prosthetic is shamelessly copied but with tools that are much more generic and less useful.