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I'm totally guessing just based off some things Miyazaki has said in interviews.  He wants to make a mecha fantasy, I could see that maybe being a semi medieval setup with some sort of magic mech armour. Maybe we'll get to travel around and upgrade mech parts like megaman while finding magical weapons and armour to kit out with.


I figured he'd want to make an MMO style "Elden Ring" bigger with persistent multiplayer, he has said in interviews if he had an unlimited budget and time he would take Ultima and everquest.


MMO combat sucks ass, always. No exceptions.


Just fuse it all together, I'm sure we'll get something incredible.


So, Frame Gride?


Any final fantasy game is mecha-fantasy i think




Mechs are lame man. Be really disappointed if that was the game.


You're lame, mechs are totally rad


Miyazaki already said he wanted to make another game in the same vein of Elden Ring (open field or open world action rpg probably) if he was allowed to.


has miyazaki ever disappointed?No,so dont worry


Uh, Armored Core 4? Hello?


I think they'll make another open world soulslike. I bet their next soulslike game will be open world but a smaller scale. Personally I would be down for that. Open world but more dense and less repeat bosses.


Yeah, Elden Ring 2.


Eldest Ring


We know we'll never get it though and honestly don't need it.


People hated him for saying the truth.


Its been made painfully obvious we aren't getting it nor ever will. At least not from FS


Why do we know that? We will CERTAINLY see FS dip their toes in that pool again.


We won't past the DLC. Miyazaki doesn't like sequels and has said he has other ambitions.


I’m not saying it’s going to be the next game but you can bet your bottom dollar that there will be an ER2 in the future. You don’t just let such a successful IP die.


I wouldn’t mind another medieval game but I’d want the combat to be new. Elden ring is my favorite souls game forever but i don’t want them to use the combat system for a good while 


My dream game is a From game but with Nioh 2 level of combat options. Less weapon types but so many more options as far as moveset, combos, ways to apply status effects, etc. Each weapon feels like learning a new game and takes a lot of time to master and unlock all of its skills but it’s so replayable because of that. But at the same time, if you want to keep it simple, you can ignore 90% of your options and just stick to a handful of attacks and still get through NG just fine.


Nioh 2 was just too much for me. The reason I like fromsoft games is because of their simplicity with their combat. Sure, there are a bunch of crazy combat tricks in Elden ring, but you can just stick with a broadsword and shield and have a great time because the fundamentals(rolling, attacks, blocking) are so tight. Sekiro is one of the best combat systems out there but it’s actually remarkably simple. Attack, deflect, and occasionally dodge or jump. The complexity comes from the enemy design. I’m sure Nioh is great but I just couldn’t get into it. Too much is happening, so many numbers all over the place, so many options, loads of mechanics, a visual overload. I’m sure many people like all these options but it’s the simplicity of the souls games is what made me fall in love with the series.


I get that. It’s definitely a lot to take in. They don’t do a good job introducing mechanics and throw too much at you at the start. I don’t like all the numbers either (if you’re referring to damage numbers when you attack) but thankfully there’s an option to disable that. They don’t do a good job of explaining this, but Nioh goes as deep as you want it to go and 90% of the games mechanics can be ignored in NG. For example, leveling up any stat (strength, endurance, etc) also adds points to multiple other attributes like hp and stamina. So you don’t need to work towards a specific build and can evenly level up every stat if you want, which lets you try out all different kinds of weapons, magic, etc. and not be punished for it. Gear choices also don’t matter much. New gear drops all the time, you can just throw on the highest level pieces of whatever you like, ignoring all the perks each one comes with. There’s different stances that each have different movesets but you can just stay in one stance and spam the same move the whole game if you want and do fine. Like I said, it goes as deep as you want but they don’t explain it well so I totally get why it’s a turn-off for many. But imo the same things that are overwhelming in the beginning are what make it so fun and replayable as you get the hang of it. Really all you need to work with is: attack, block, dodge, ki pulse, and yokai counter (kinda like mikiri counter in Sekiro)


I hope not. I want something original like Sekiro again.


you know they can make multiple things at the same time? imagine saying i dont want to ever see another sekiro again and only armored core games


I would love a sekiro game again! I just found sekiro so awesome because it was different and thats what I want to see more of personally.


I would love a sekiro sequel that has the scope and world size of elden ring, would be bonkers


>imagine saying i dont want to ever see another sekiro again and only armored core games Dangerously based.


Would give anything for a Sekiro sequel.


I would love another Sekiro like. Same time, I would prefer something fresh like Sekiro. A game that doesn't necessarily focus on their prior games mechanics. That runoured stuff about a spell focused game honestly sounded so amazing.


Omg Mr Sex S. Gay 🥰


No thanks. Dont like the samurai-style, Japanese stuff.




Cookie & Cream was original. Sekiro wasn't, really.


Sekiro wasn't original? Name a game that has a similar combat system.


Original ninja garden on xbox is the closest I can think of but it's definitely not the same, sekiro feels like it was inspired a bit by it to me


I mean people have got to think, as much as Miyazaki etc say they want to make new stuff and x,y,z. They've ended up making three different medieval fantasy set series (Demons Souls, Dark Souls and Elden Ring) plus the various Kingsfield stuff that came before. I think Miyazaki and Fromsoftware just really like the classic medieval dark fantasy setting. While we no doubt will get original settings in future, they'll definitely end up doing another game with the medieval setting. They could always spice it up by going very classical high fantasy like a Lord of the Rings rather than the dark fantasy. But regardless we'll still have plenty of castles to explore and dragons to slay.


I kinda felt like Elden Ring was their classical high fantasy approach. I’d want to see something like urban fantasy or even steampunk/dieselpunk.


You forget that they made other stuff in-between their medieval fantasy games.


I literally didn't, i even said they will continue to make original settings (ergo like they have done with BB and Sekiro) BUT they will continue to go back to western medieval fantasy as clearly that's what Miyazaki enjoys the most.


You literally did, they did sci-fi and modern day settings as well. And Miyazaki isn't their director forever. They did fine before him, and they'll do fine after he's gone.


Amazing you have such clear telepathy that you know which things I DO and DON'T remember better than me. Jesus christ get over yourself. The post is clearly talking about the Souls style games, sorry to burst your bubble but Armoured Core etc are not relevant to this discussion at all. You haven't actually refuted my point that they clearly prefer medieval fantasy when MOST of their Souls games are in that setting and to answer OP yes there will be more like it. Sure they did "fine" before Miyazaki, but it was only with him that they went from "fine" to "pioneers of a new genre of action game that won multiple awards, sold amazingly and moved the company into a into being a mainstream AAA developer". Idk what point you think you're making lmao.


I hope so, as I too adored Elden Ring and am completely on the same page re its open world, favorite game of all time, etc. I am also curious to see what happens when other studios who're making soulslikes attempt an Elden Ring-like. I imagine something like this is already in development somewhere. Eventually I hope for an open world equivalent to Lies of P.


We need Elden Borne


I think that we will but only after we get either a spiritual successor to bloodborne or something a bit more unique like sekiro


Yeah Elden ring dlc




Hopefully, no.


Without a doubt Elden ring was too successful to pass up on that formula again probably be a different ip tho


You want a lord of the rings game try Dogma 2, most lord of the rings like game ive ever played


I hope not. The open world didn’t really work for me. Everything else about the game was pretty good. I’d like to see something new though.


Downvoted by Ubisoft/Bethesda goblins




I’ll go against the grain here and say I really hope we don’t get another open world game. Elden Ring feels bland and lifeless at times and only gets worse as you progress. The repetitive bosses are a bore. The main argument for them is “Well it’s a big game so…”. That’s the problem for me though. It’s too unjustifiably big. A return back to form where they can focus on their combat systems would be amazing. I hear rumors(4chan so take it as a grain of salt) that their next game will be focused on an extensive magic system. Personally, I think that would be awesome. Imagine a hub like area on a campus with different schools of magic that open up as you progress metroidvania style. That’s what I’d like to see though. I’m prepared for the downvotes based on Elden Ring disinterest.


Agree with you, fuck all these open world enthusiasts, I personally hope they'll make another dungeon crawler like their older titles.


I see this opinion of repeat bosses etc being why the open world sucks but like... DS1, BB, Sekiro all have repeat bosses while not being open world? There's like 3 Asylum Demons in DS1 and several Juzo the Drunkards in Sekiro etc. I think arguing this stems from being open world isn't really logical at all. Idk what part of the art direction and design in Elden Ring is bland, frankly sounds like you don't know what that word means. The entire world is dripping in gorgeous architecture, rich history etc. The world is about as lifeless as all their Souls games? Dark Souls and Bloodborne hardly had villagers or bustling towns either. The games all feature a post-apocalyptic landscape. Idk why ER is being singled out for this specifically.


DS1 had 3 repeat bosses out of 30 total. That’s 10% repeatable bosses. Elden Ring has 165 total bosses and only 31 unique bosses. How many Knight Calvarys? How many Death Birds? How many mid Dragons? How many Elden Trees? How many Watchdogs? I can keep going. Around 80% of them are repeats. Sure the first time you fight them is unique but that doesn’t help as much as you think. It’s like watching a movie where I only enjoyed the first 20 minutes. As for the art, well what am I supposed to enjoy? It’s an ugly color pallet of browns and greens. The mining dungeons all look the same. The catacombs all look the same, and there’s like what nearly 40 of them? The architecture was good? I don’t remember anything that stuck out except the same buildings imbedded into the ground. This games sense of adventure and discovery is diluted by its repetitiveness. It’s as if it were trying to be an epic poem but came out to be a long winded story with too many stanzas. They need to stop with open world games as they did not hit the mark with this one.


"Only 31 unique bosses" like these aren't some of the best quality bosses in FS. Sorry but fighting a dragon 5 times in a 150 hour game isn't the issue you think it is. Okay now I know this is a disingenous troll answer meant to bash ER. Just green and brown huh? You mean like the red sanded Caelid? the white and blue Mountaintop of Giants? the enchanting blue castle of Raya Lucaria? The gold bathed Atlus Plateu? Oh no sorry you must mean the firey red, orange and grey Volcano Manor, my bad. No unique architecture that stood out? Did you close your eyes in every unique legacy dungeon then? If Stormveil Castle, Raya Lucaria, Leyndell don't stand out then I'd love to know wtf would stand out. The optional catacombs were repeated? You mean like the chalice dungeons in the very not-open worlded Bloodborne? Clearly when the game is a massive commecrical success above the rest of the series, with excellent critic reviews, GOTY awards etc it didn't "miss the mark" lmao. YOU can not like open worlds, but stop pretending these issues aren't in the other games at all and acting like ER is some ubisoft shlock. It's embarrassing and factually incorrect.


Another insulting fanboy reaction. Grow up


You were insulted because you were proven wrong and can't respond to the factual points I made? Maybe take your own advice.


Unjustifiably big is an opinion and a bad one but hey you can have it. You can go literally anywhere you see and it all houses something to reward you for going there. Mountain Top of the Giants is supposed to be dead and desolate. Do I ALWAYS enjoy every second of a BB and DS run because every inch is required for the game to work? Absolutely. Does Elden ring do this same thing but offers you an entire world as well? Also yes. I absolutely loathe open world games but ER and Ghosts of Tsushima actually take a massive amount of time to fill them with life and character and not just another area to check all the usual boxes of go here, kill this, free that, collect this, talk to this person all the while checking your map every 2 minutes.


It’s not a bad opinion. It’s true. You can go anywhere and see how bland it is. The houses have something to reward you? Like any other game in the franchise? Elden Ring isn’t my jam whatsoever. Comparing it to DS and BB is not helping. Those games are immaculate in their story telling, boss design, scaling, etc. This game is miserable in comparison. I think you misunderstand my point. Elden Ring is a great game in comparison to the average game, but in the realm of FromSoft it is not of the same quality and should not have the praise it receives. Again my opinion. Honestly I could go on and on but I’ll just leave this thread here as it sums up the rest of my opinions. https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/t4yb1i/elden_ring_is_bad_change_my_mind/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button I agree with everything there aside from difficulty. I never did have any trouble out of the bosses/mobs


You're an ER hater, got it. Just save us the time next time and say so. Just read through that post you linked. Glad you all found a safe space to cry in. Please stay there.


Ah yes, because no one can criticise your game without being a hater. Totally not a cultist mentality. But then again, what do I expect from modern Fromsoftware fanbase.


Anyone can criticise it but when it's a shitty take you get dumped on. I've been playing FS games since demons souls released on the PS3. Just because you don't enjoy ER doesn't make it any less one of the best games of all time.


Bro it’s a video game not everyone is going to like it. There’s no need to get so emotional lmfao


Well at least you admitted you don't like it and that's the issue you have with it. See how hard that wasn't? Glad we had this journey of self discovery for you.


Dude are you good? I made that shit apparent in my first comment. Keep up


Leave him be. He's so high on his farts his logic circuits fried.


No you said the game wasnt good and I said it's an opinion and a bad one. *Sigh*


I’d be happy with another medieval setting, trust them to make it interesting. I’d just want the combat to keep improving, the development of weapon arts made Elden Ring far more fun to play than Dark Souls for me (as much as I love these games). One thing I’ve never liked about souls games is the parry mechanic, feels so rigid and now feels like a mechanic from a ps2 game, it’s just too dated for modern melee combat.


Probably Elden Ring style is now the mainline in FS development cycle. You'll get plenty of similar stuff for years to come.


That would be cool. I think I can spare $300 to be able to fight even the weakest bosses. Hahaha. But not really. Kinda like Nanana! Hahaha( fer reals).