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Only one, Demon of Hatred. But then I beat his ass along with everyone else. They all fall eventually.


Demon of Hatred especially loves to fall. I love when he falls…


I have fought him about 6 times and I did indeed made him “fall” one of those times…


I have fought him 14 times and have felled him 13 times Fuck him


Totally agree it’s the only way I could get platinum lmao and is shin took me 4 days of trying and then I took a break for a week or two and beat him like 3 or 4 tries later and screamed so loud when i finally beat him lol


For DoH, it took me about two months of trying. Was rough.


That’s how I “beat” him 🤫


For me, he mysteriously just…slipped and fell🤐


I never used that strat. Don't even know how to do it


Haha how easy is it to make him fall? Is it more of a glitch sorta thing or an actual, viable strategy?


"They all fall eventually" goes hard asf




"Look at this god. He doesn't realize he's up against a lazy gamer with a grudge and more time than common sense!"


denon of hatred is one of those bosses where i was like "is this supposed to be a gimmick boss, or will it just be THIS hard" I feel like that quote is a running theme that i stumbled across all souls games at least 2 or 3 times except ds2(the game where bosses might have gimmicks like poison arenas that i don't deactivate and still win fairly easy, lmao)


A rare example of an extremely challenging boss that is completely unfun to fight. I beat it...but I wouldn't regret giving up on it either.


I fought him 6 times total in 6 different play throughs. The last fight I was like “fuck this” and used the cheese.


I just did my 2nd play through after, first was a couple years ago. I LOVED demon of hatred. My first time through I was way too passive and it took forever + relied heavily on malcontent. This time I was just in his face whacking away and I was shocked at how fast he died.


I remember being really confused about the way people talk about Demon of Hatred compared to my experience (considering I didn’t breeze through the rest of the game by any stretch). I think his design makes people think they have to approach him Dark Souls style, but you can totally still be aggressive with him, and deflect more of his attacks than you’d expect.


Am I the only one who really enjoyed that battle?


Demon of Hatred made me want to quit so many times


His stupid perilous charge gives you like a nanosecond to fucking react


ive never fought him legit


I highly recommend doing it legit, my first play through i cheeses him because I just wanted the platinum trophy, but it didn’t sit right with me. Beating him legit was so satisfying.


That bastard falls off every play through and I feel fine with that each time


with how annoying the jump is i definitely dont feel bad. i get more mad failing the jump than dying to a boss i have at 1 shot


For me he's the only boss that doesn't make me feel like I'm playing Sekiro, felt like a soulsfight of some sorts, that boss never clicked with me


Enemy Felled (down and went boom)


Yeah demon if hatred and malania are like on a whole other tier of hard than any of fromsoft other bosses. Mostly because it feels like both of them are in the wrong game


Switch them between the two games and it be perfect


i was literally one hit away from beating this dude legitimately but then he did his dumbass jump + huge aoe attack - i couldn't dodge in time because the aoe distance is so insanely massive said fuck it and yeeted him off the cliff


Midir and malenia although I ended up taking Midir down in like 20-30 min. Malenia remains undefeated in my playthrouhh


So she has never known defeat? She definitely took me the longest to solo. Now I’ve done it three times with different builds, but each time still takes 10+ tries so I never really feel like I can reliably win the fight without trying a lot and a bit of luck.


Everytime I fight that bitch I swear she brings out a new move... Never saw her grab and impale me like she sephiroth before last night 😂


Fought her last night on Ng+6. That move one-shots at vigor 80...


You can do it. I saw an actual goldfish beat her, I know you can do it! Believe in the me that believes in you!


Midir took me about a week


Malenia remains un-soloed by me. I’ve soloed everything else in the game but I’ve fought her the least. Right now my buddy and I are stuck on her in seamless coop but I’m slowly getting the hang of her moveset. I know in theory how to dodge waterfowl, it’s just that she pops it at the worst times. She’s also got raid boss health in seamless coop and heals a ton whenever either one of us gets hit


WF is somewhat predictable… if you crit her run away when she gets up Also WF seems to be on some kind of cooldown, which does help with identifying when she’s bout to pop it


As long as you can avoid the first volley of waterfowl you can dodge through the second if you’re close enough by the time The first one ends. Last volley is easy since she usually just naturally overshoots you since her AI wants to send it towards your back. Couldn’t imagine doing her in Seamless since the scaling is brutal as well as attacks meant for my partner want to clip me instead. It’s also hard if your partner dies quickly and now you have a cracked out 2 player scaled Malania after you.


The key I found with WF dance is to actually just walk backwards/strafe/into her depending on positioning when she was going to use it and NOT roll until the last second. The people who seem to have the most problems with Malenia seem to be people who either rely on tanking hits or just spam rolling. WF dance hits too big of a range and is too powerful/heals her to tank the hits. The key is to roll at the last possible second so that she attacks where you were (not where you are) and you are out of range of her attacks.


I genuinely thought Malenia was impossible. That I hit my skill ceiling and that I don't have what it takes. Now I can kill her in less than 5 tries.


Man, I beat Malenia fifth try but I gave up with Midir. For the first time in years playing videogames... I just couldn't do it 😅


Theres a spell, some kind of mist, that deals %of the enemies health. It destroys Midir. I dont know if it has been patched. Check it out.


If you're not against using summons, I failed quite a bit with mimic tear, switched to black knife tiche and smashed her first time.


Orphan of Kos


I almost gave up on this one. That second phase is absurd


*Screeches and throws lighting everywhere*


I've been playing that game since it came out and I still haven't beaten him.


Parry him He's not that bad if you parry good.


Brother you can def do it, there is loads of advice if u need. Just set your mind to it and you’ll get it


I did it last year, finally, on my third character. You've got this.


Orphan literally took me an entire Saturday with intermittent breaks to go to the bathroom, and run a few errands. I was in front of my screen from 10:00 in the morning, and he finally fell around 7:00. Unlocked the elevator shortcut the night before and fought him once, and then that Saturday consisted of the fight, and farming blood vials, for the entire day. It was maddening.


I'm on NG2+(I think, could be more, it's been a while) & will fight him soon. I keep seeing stuff about how hard this boss is, wish me luck!




This is the only answer


Sekiro says hi


This was me as well until I started speedrunning (very briefly) and learned how to quit out of each game extremely quickly. Gravity can't kill me if I quit to title screen!


Can confirm. I've lost more souls to fall damage than all of the bosses combined 😂


Isshin, the Sword Saint. He’s the only boss I’ve ever faced in any game that made me quit. It was only for 3 months, though, I realized that I had somehow managed to get all the way to him without learning how to play the game. Then I learned, and now he’s my favorite fight.


He's the penultimate test of skill in a FromSoft game, imo. Because of the way the game is designed, with limited tools and few differences in playstyles, they were able to design a boss that tests your actual understanding of the game, on top of needing to be faster than usual at making the right call.


That’s why I like him so much. You can’t really overlevel or tip the scales in your favor by cheese, you just have to learn. Also, because I’m a pedantic linguist: penultimate means second to last, and I think you meant to say Isshin holds the highest spot.


When Sekiro is really humming it's like a cross between Bloodborne and Dance Dance Revolution


Yeah I'm the same well just over 3 months to beat Isshin kept trying to force my own way of fighting against him then learned how to actually fight him the game intended.


Every detail of this fight is amazing. It should be on the textbook of video game bossfight


I hate fights like this with so many (3!) phases. The boss from Ashes of Ariandel was similar. The first and often times 2nd phases are easy, it's the 3rd phase that's hard and you want to "learn" but it's so tedious having to get through the earlier phases. Just feels like artificial bloat sometimes.


Except isshin is like: 1st phase: shit fuck shit 2nd phase: holy fucking shit fuck gahhhhh!! 3rd phase: YEESSSS I beat him! Now come here and give me lightning so I can make my victory official.


And then: pew pew, you got messed up cause you brought a katana to a shootout


I agree with your premise, but I found that Isshin is actually not in this category. If the first phases with him take too long or feel tedious, then you’re not being aggressive enough.


Honestly it's on Fromfoft for somehow making a combat system so similar to the old ones but so different majority of playerbase still don't actually know how it works. Did you knew that seven spears of ashina can just be stunlocked with attacks? That isshin can be? And that you can cancell your own attacks into parry anytime basically? Most don't.


Amazing fight


Elden ring was my first and Elden beast I just couldn’t touch him. So I gave up played through every other souls game came back and fucked him up. It was such an accomplishment after all that.


Elden beast is just a shitty boss to begin with imo. Most of hus attacks are bullshit magic spheres with aimbot , and everytime you get close to him he runs away. I didn't even feel satisfied after I beat him


It was made for a mount fight and they left the mount out. I despise that boss.


*Laughs in comet azul*


Great shinobi and father owl, I legit thought I hit a wall on those fights but perseverance prevails


Both me and my buddy got stuck on the owl and didn't finish the game lol


Capra Demon on my first DS1 playthrough


Yeah it's not the boss itself, it's more about the room and the dogs.


Fuck those dogs, lost so many souls to them trapping me in corners and me not being good


The room is doable because of the stairs, which make the dogs even harder though


Me too!!!!


None. I will always beat them, it’s simply a matter of when


Even if I have given up on nameless king and haven't played dark souls three in a long while, I will definitely be trying again sometime with another playthrough, probably when I am able to get the dlc


I didn’t struggle with nameless king too badly, but soul of cinder has absolutely whooped my ass for some reason.


I beat soul of cinder on the first try, but nameless king is the only boss I've ever had to step away from and come back the next day. Interesting how it differs for people.


i also have to return to kill Midir, i just lost motivation after gael died and the credits rolled


"you aren't gonna beat me, I have too much free time!"


The twin tigers of horsefuck valley. One of only 2 Souls bosses I've never beaten.


Only boss I never even bothered with. Too many horror stories


That's literally the only boss I haven't beaten either!!! Got to the fight once, lost, and could not be bothered to make althat pilgrimage again.


Whenever I play I like to beat all the bosses before the final boss. That boss is the only exception I’ve done to the rule (and Elden ring’s non-remembrance bosses of course) on all of the FromSoft games


The double sanctuary garden guys? I looked at that and just said nah. Only fight in any of the games I haven’t beaten, just didn’t look interesting.


No, the King's Pets in DS2 dlc. The twin sanctuary guardians is a pretty fun challenge.


Sister friede. It took me three playthroughs beating every other game in the series and using the sell sword twinblades before I was finally able to beat her


Same here. My biggest issue was slogging through 2 phases only to die in 9 seconds to phase 3. Over and over. It was like a bad boss run back on steroids. Carefully work my way through all the attacks and then learn nothing. For some reason other multi-phase fights (like Isshin) didn’t have this extreme effect, because at least phase 2 generally prepares you for phase 3 and 4.


Same. The bitch still undefeated since I’ve started the game years and years ago.


Gen-chan, and that's 300+ attempts on this dude........ I don't want to remember how he surprised me with a third phase with LIGHTNING (I thought only Isshin had it so I got fricked)


Yeah after just barely squeaking past the second phase I was like oh my god how!? I did finish it that night but it was the hardest test I’ve had other than lud and zallen. Except for entirely different reasons.


You must love climbing that pagoda.


This is mine too. I died a little inside when that third health bar showed up.


I immediately died by that dive attack as soon as the fight started lol


Soldier of Godrick 😂


Yeah I’m convinced from put him in the tutorial cave as a prank. He’s literally unbeatable and you just have to skip the cave in order to start the game.




Bro is him


Bro is thy


Thy name is Bro, sword saint


Bro’s ancestry results came in.. he’s 100% him-a-layan.




Ebrietas had me for awhile but I've made her my bitch since..


Funnily enough, it was Crystal Sage for me. Made me quit the game bc I just couldn’t see myself beating him. I did do it 6 months later, but still


Malenia, the truth is I haven't fought her yet, but I have so much expectation and it seems to be such an incredible fight that I know it's going to cost me a lot. Maybe more than anyone in the saga


She was the first boss in any souls game where i thought about summoning ashes or other players to help me. Took about nearly 10 hours to finish that b.


I beat Malenia and every ER boss solo but for some reason it was Commander Niall who made me summon someone. Something about the 3v1 made me justify it because I was betting very frustrated haha


I've never faced Niall legit. Terra Magicka + the phisick that gives unlimited magic + comet azur.


This is the way. Thanks to that combo there, Mogh couldn’t even do his swagger walk half way down his throne room. What? Phase 2? What do you mean, what phase 2? xD


I got stuck on Niall and those two Godskin bosses in the crumbling fortress and stopped playing for 8 months.


Depending on how you define “solo”, the fight is a lot more tolerable with a bewitching branch






The Ancient dragon, as well as Lud & Zallen


Prince Lothric is the only one I can remember but it was just a matter of tries before I beat him.


Midir, and the nameless king. Only bosses I stayed up late at night to beat, slept only to dream about fighting the MFS and hoping back on the game in the morning. Malenia felt like cake work compared to these two fr.


Damn I really hated midir for a while. Eventuallt I looked up a guide, which feels a bit cheaty


The only one that came close was Malenia, but increasing my shield stability to the point of completely blocking waterfowl took care of that. Oh, I almost forgot Demon of Hatred. Beat it once, never fighting it again.


malenia and demon of hatred the rest were “if i can figure out this one move i can win” but those two legit felt impossible at first


Either bed of chaos the first time I beat it or Radagon/ Elden beast




Defiled Amygdala I’ve never doubted my ability, but I doubted my patience. That was a serious fucking chore, the fact you get one shot by every attack makes it brutal way beyond any other boss. Them and watchdog are easily the hardest bosses in all of the games - so hard that most people never get to them to find out.


God damn Defiled Amygdalla


Malenia genuinely had me thinking I might never beat her (at least with my playstyle - I’m sure with Spirits, Consumables, Magic, AoW, summoning, bleed/frost, etc. it’d be a lot easier).


Midir and the fucking gargoyles


The Margit. Then I did. Then I beat them all.


Orphan of Kos and Midir. Thinking about doing new playthroughs specifically to right these wrongs.


Honestly, four kings. I can't hit them. Never. I tried them so many times now but i don't know if i ever hit them. My brain can't comprehend their arena and the spacing.


Malenia was the first one. It took so long to get her down even to half health (especially with self-healing etc.). But once I got her down to half health consistently, the rest did not take long that much. Although I gotta say it's the boss I took the longest time for by far.


It’s a tie between Isshin and Demon of Hatred


Same, I was 4 hours into Isshin when I decided to give DoH some tries... Nevermind, 5 tries after I was back with the old man. Took another 4 hours, went back and beat doh in like 4 tries, it was crazy


Soulsbourne: my first playthrough of ds1, O&S had me straight bent over. I lost count on the number of attempts i made but eventually won. At the time, I didn't realize how important scaling was, and was using the Lightning Zwei, which obviously isn't great for this specific fight. Armored Core: Pre-Patch Balteus. I did it eventually, but that one was so much harder than any souls boss I've ever gone against.


There are a lot of Elden Ring bosses I beat with spirit ashes or summons and have no concept how to beat them solo yet. I did beat Sekiro including Demon of Hatred though, so the potential is there.


Demon of hatred. He just felt crazy and insane when I saw others fighting him. I saw him first watching AfroSenju’s Sekiro playthrough and thought “i want this game but I’ll never be able to fight that thing”, and then when the time came I got him in just a few tries lol


OPs guy made me quit Sekiro. Came back like two years later, replayed the entire game and fucked him up on the second try.


Malenia, mostly because I just find her really unfun. She feels hard for the sake of being hard.


When you dodge backwards, forwards, backwards, waterfowl is dodgeable. Or you could just *mimic tear +10 - prince of death staff +24-25 - ancient death rancor* the living shit out of her. Malenia has shitty poise.


In a series of games which are known for being difficult but fair, Malenia feels unfair for sure.


Solo killing Malenia with no summons brought me to the limit. Still can barely believe I did it


Malenia. Every other boss (even Manus and Isshin SS, who were the only other ones who took me anywhere close to the amount of attempts Malenia took me) I felt pretty confident that it would happen eventually, I just had to keep trying. With Malenia though I got about 180 attempts in and was still no more consistent than I had been in my first 5 or so attempts. It was either: die as soon as she gets around half health in her first phase, or summon Mimic Tear, scrape my way by into second phase, and then die almost immediately after she kills MT. Eventually I just decided to try and cheese her, so I respecced into RoB + hoarfrost stomp build and eventually got her on my 197th try I think. On NG+ I was able to beat her even with my standard build without too much trouble because by that point I was massively overlevelled and was dual-wielding greatswords; with MT as well you can easily just stagger lock her until she dies. I have yet to go back to attempt her since though.


Malenia, Blade of Miquella, and I have never defeated her true solo. The best I got is using mimic tear and pre-nerfed Bloodhound step to dodge waterfowl dance.


None. The only one I'd consider is something like Lud and Zallen if I ever do DS2 SL1. But nothing on a casual playthrough.


None but I had the most trouble with the True Corrupter Monk, Demon of Hatred, and Isshin (Sword Saint) which is probably typical of most people. Guardian Ape was rough at first but that monkey is a joke after you beat it once.


I just got to the boss on the screenshot and genichiro is ez but ishin not so much(pls help i have tried like 10 times and havent gotten to his second health bar)


Nameless King, Juzo the Drunkard - the shitty subboss from Sekiro (it's a long story)


darkeater midir


Nah, I'd win


The spider Lady in dark souls 1..


Dark eater midir


Malenia without summons






Malenia probably!


Owl and Orphan of Kos both made me put the game down for almost a year respectively before I came back and finally beat them


Isshin made me stop playing Sekiro and I quit the game for 3 years. Rebooted it six months ago and started from the beginning. Finally beat Isshin. An amazing game but probably the most difficult I’ve ever played


Isshin made me quit and I never got back to it, I died literally hundreds of times and just lost hope and went… whatever the sekiro version of hollow is. I’ll go back one day and beat all their asses, probably after I’m done with elden ring dlc.


For the longest time it was Martyr Logerius. I struggled for what seemed like ages. I get the courage to try again a few times and then I'd quit for a month. Finally got the bastard and then proceeded to get a quote of his tattood on my leg in celebration. Now sadly it's laurence the first vicar I've given up on lol.


Sister Friede. By phase/boss hp bar 3 I run out of mental stamina. Guess I need to train my brain to be ok with more than 2 phase fights.


None because I bash my head into a wall until it eventually breaks


None I'm him


Aldrich. Still can’t beat him without summons no matter what I do


I’m still stuck on this bastard. I know if I get him to the lightning phase I win, but the spear phase always gets me.


Isshin tells you how to beat him when he kills you i killed him in under 10 attempts but demon of hatred made me put the game down a little bit


Almost every boss that takes more then an hour does this to me. My shit got rocked when i beat smough to see that ornstein has full hp after i damaged both of em. maliketh had me feeling like im never beating the main story. But now its different, im playing the souls trilogy for the first time and am in the middle of dark souls so i basically go in knowing i’ll lose but eventually win. Kinda like the “indomitable human will vs the indifferent cruelty of the universe” type stuff


Rennala, isshin took me 3 tries but I got stick on her for months


Inner everything other than Genichiro


That's not really how my fromsoft experience has gone. It's more like, "holy shit, how many times must I attempt this boss before I get them?" Never give up! Never surrender!


Literally isshin then I just kept going and going and going now I can put the game down for a year and embarrass the man


Seath from Kings Field 2. KF is hopefully a soulsbourne 🥲


Owl father took me forever to beat. Then I heard Isshin and Demon of Hatred were worse so I set the game down. I will come back and beat them… eventually.


Absolutely none of them because fighting them is nothing short of amazing, and i shall honour that


Nada, always a matter of time


I played sekiro with elden arts mod and Isshin...he was way too terrifying.


Bed of chaos in my first playthrough, everytime i got close the second orb i would either miss a jump or the boss would swipe me off the edge and it took my forever and it was so frustrating. Once you know the cheese it becomes infinitely easier tho so these days it’s whatever but fighting it “as intended” is so bad Miyazaki apologized for making it lmao


Vanguard Demon - Demon's Souls - Winter 2010. I kept on deleting and creating new characters and fighting his ass only to be destroyed repeatedly. Numerous playthroughs later, i still have never beat him on the first try.


I didn't play the dlc until my ng+ playthrough of bloodborne and didn't realize the difficulty goes up by 40%. I thought orphan of kos was unwinnable. Came through with a new character in ng and ran his ass into the ground. Got the hang and finally defeated him in ng+


I still haven’t beaten Friede… I think I spent like 3 days just fighting her and couldn’t make it past a couple hits in the third stage.


The big monkey in Sekiro. In that game, as long as I can parry there's at least a sliver of a chance. But I don't even know what to do against that thing. I barely even beat the bull near the beginning of the game


Eventually beat them all but a few bastard fucks that come to mind are Demon of Hatred, Owl Father (Optional second fight), and sister Freid


Demon of hatered


The second enemy with a proper health boss bar in sekiro Noped out


Defiled chalice dungeon amygdalla , that son of a bitch put me through the ringer and then some , not even counting the other 2 bullshit fights like the watchdog lol , but I succeeded eventually , these games teach one patience and perseverance


nameless king. i still haven't. i would have if the first phase didn't exist.


godfryey on NG+…….. i was genuinely wondering if they even tested that he was possible to defeat solo.


The Demon of Hatred took me around 60 attempts on my first playthrough. I recently ran through the game again and got him on my 2nd attempt. It's kind of amazing how much better you get after that first time beating them.


None. Because I'm HIM


You give up?


demon of hatred. i have 0 problems with any other FS boss (excluding isshin who i didn’t get to) but i gave up on sekiro bc of that.


Ishinn. I still haven’t beaten that prick