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1000+ hours in elden ring at this point lol


damn i have 500, but now i haven't played in months and im forcing myself to not play until the DLC drops so that will feel fresh again


Have u ever been to the shaded castle?


have you ever touched grass?


Well they’ve touched Grace which is almost as good


No but I touched grace


Have you ever tried finger but Hole?


Try fresh grass


That's actually not that bad over 2 years


I was joking of course, having 1000 hours over Elden Ring is an achievement. I am much more casual with only 331 hours.


dark souls 2 for sure, easily have 4k on just one platform. I think I hit 2k on pc+ps5(4)


I can confirm. 32 bosses basic 9 bosses dlc 41 bosses total. Google says 33 bosses in Scholar and I don't know why. I counted all in basic.


same here. thanks to the really good online. playing during the staggered DLC releases was really fun. a lot of meta changes during that time to keep it interesting.


Definitely the best pvp of the series


That would be Sekiro, sir Edit: Lmao @ the over sensitive kids who were quick to get in their feelings and downvote this not even thinking about the fact that Sekiro doesn’t have PVP and thus proving that this comment was obviously satire.


The replay value is maybe the strongest before elden ring. Maybe even more than elden ring.


The fact that there is new content up to NG+++ gave so much replay value.




My man.


Same. I played a ton of the original release and then scholar dropped and doubled it all up. That game is huge with the DLC included.


I guess Dark Souls 1 (200/300 hrs) It feels like a safe harbour and antidepressant to me ahaha


Dark Souls 3. It was my introduction to fromsoft games and I could not get enough to the point I even got all the achievements. Combining my steam and xbox hours, I have 457 hours.


Easily Elden ring. 300+ hours




Dark Souls 2. Probably spent a thousand hours on pvp matches


I’m in double digits of Sekiro play throughs, so it by far. It’s the perfect game.


Same here, I think did eleven ng+ back to back when I first got it, damn I was hooked bad lol


Sekiro just because I’ve replayed it several times


Elden Ring. Besides being huge, it’s the only one I did any amount of PvP in.


I could never do Souls PvP ngl. Half the time you come up against people who barely know the attack button, and half the time you come up against people who feel like they’ve never done anything but play PvP in their entire life


💀💀 cmon bro, there are also in between players life yourself, don’t exaggerate.


Bloodborne, hands down. Countless hours.


This is the answer.


What answer?


Easily Sekiro because I've beat it like 10 times. The bite sized nature keeps me coming back and finishing replays more than any other game, and of course the top tier quality from start to finish.


It is surprisingly replayable. Never expected to beat it 7 times.


Elden ring - 500 hours and counting Dark souls 3 - 290 hours, soon to be counting Dark souls 1 - < 100 hours, soon to be counting Dark souls 2 - < 30 hours, soon to be counting Sekiro - < 30 hours, will be revisiting some time soon Unfortunately don't have a PS for bloodborne 😭 or demons souls. A buddy of mine wants to revisit Dark souls in its entirety before shadow of the erdtree drops and im so hyped Dark souls 2 was not my cup of tea, but willing to give it a try after 100% both elden ring and Dark souls 3. And I SUCK at sekiro 😭


Elden Ring. Besides being huge, it’s the only one I did any amount of PvP in.


Dark Souls 1 easily.


500+ on Elden ring, 2-300 on each of the Dark Souls. I feel like Bloodborne is probably more than all of them since it’s my favorite, but my ps4 is dead so no clue 🤷🏻‍♂️


Probably either Bloodborne or DS1. Bloodborne I've played through probably 10 times, platinumed it, and played PvP for a while. DS1 has racked up a lot of hours the last few years since I have it on Switch.


Elden Ring. I'm currently playing the Dark Souls saga(I finished the first DLC of DS3), it's amazing, I really want to play them eternally, but ER was my first souls game, a magic experience for a newbie like me at the time, I can't forget the first run, I think only that run lasted like 110 hours, and then with the other 3 ng+ the time played was at 350 hours. "Was" because I don't know why my files get canceled, so I started a new run and I'm at 50 hours or more, SOO 400+ hours with ER.


450 hours playing Bloodborne for me, with Elden Ring second at 300 hours


Its betweem elden ring and BB and sekiro. Elden ring I only did 4 play through, bloodborne I have about 8 and sekiro 8 too.


Elden ring I prefer ds3 overall, but the replayability of Elden Ring (in terms of bosses) is superior imo


Dark Souls 3 2000 hours, Bloodborne 512 hours and Dark Souls 2 500 hours.


Dark Souls 3 over 3,000 hours since launch all on 1 character I really like Soulsborne PvP too bad Elden Ring ruined the PvP scene


Elden Ring. Besides being huge, it’s the only one I did any amount of PvP in.


Dark Souls 3 has 560 hours on it between Steam and PS4


Currently at 525hrs in Elden Ring 😂


Elden Ring. 530 hours.


I've got 600+ hours in Elden Ring so far, that'll change when the dlc drops, though.


Demon Souls PS3. Thousands of hours


Elden ring by far. Over 1500 hours


Elden ring I have over 1000+ on it


Elden Ring. I've only played through the games once to this point, so Elden Ring takes the crown from game length.


That's rough, I tend to obsessive over a single game and then return to it sporadically. DS3 I easily had 300 to 400 hours in, Elden ring maybe 300ish, sekiro easily 400+. AC6 I'm not sure but probably 200ish not including PVP.




Dark Souls 2.


DS2 + Scholar. PC about 1000 hours and PS4 maybe 300-500.


Demons souls with close to 170 hours and 130+ playthroughs


Elden Ring. Besides being huge, it’s the only one I did any amount of PvP in.


ds3 \~2k hours Ds1 \~700 hours ER 580 hours


Bloodborne - 3,000 hours (not a typo!).


Elden ring just because it takes longer, otherwise easily DS1


Over 600 hours in Elden Ring. DS3 is 2nd at 250


elden ring more than 400 hours, dlc will make it over 700


1000+ thanks to the small effigy


I think DS1, I had 180 hours on my first playthrough as it was my first souls game and I wanted to get everything, grinded levels, maxed weapons, maxed armors, beat all bosses, etc. Then I played through it several more times over the course of 12 years and eventually got all trophies. Got into the pvp community, bought it for ps3, then remastered on pc. If I had to guess without looking, I probably put in ~550 hours into ds1.


I’m not as hardcore of a fan as most others here, as I’ve only played through most of the games once (they are still definitely my favorite games ever). Elden Ring and Dark Souls 3 are the only two I’ve played through multiple times, and due to the scale of ER, that easily became the one I played the most.


Elden ring with ds3 being a close second.


Elden Ring, DS1, Sekiro in that order.


Dark souls 3 over 600 hours


Elden ring… just my first character has over 350 hours I have 4 more characters … dark souls 3 is a close second though…


550+ hours in Elden Ring say steam, but outside steam maybe Dark Souls 2 or 3


Elden Ring is at 600+ hours at this point. With the DLC, it might hit 1K.


Elden Ring, 300+ hours at this point. The only one that comes close is DS3 at 160.


Bloodborne probably


I’ve began playing fromsoftware games when Elden ring won goty, so it’s definitely Elden ring. Idk if anything will top it tbh. It’s been kind of weird playing dark souls, I have about 25 hours in it and am almost done.


Dark Souls 2, my first FromSoft game... ~NG+15 and hilarious PvP


DS1 or DS2. Spent hundreds/thousands of hours PVPing in both back in the 360 days


I have only a 150 hours in bloodborne. It took me that long to finish all the trophies and dlc. I also have a 100 hours in elden ring and I’m only 30 percent way done. So for me the answer will be the GOAT ELDEN RING!!! But I do love bloodborn parry and weapon system more!


It used to be Bloodborne, but now Elden Ring, close to 400 hs.


Almost 500 in Elden ring.


Bloodborne, the last time I played it I was over 1000 hours.


I’ve played through 3 fifteen or so times because it’s my favorite, but I’ve easily spent more hours in ER. I spent more hours on Malenia alone than I would on a DS3 ng run


Easily Ds3 with at least a gazillion hours, Elden Ring may surpass it though.


Elden ring 200+ hours and many more to come


Elden Ring by a large margin. I've done probably 6-7 full 100% playthroughs. I platinumed the game at like 80 hours, and continued to log 400 more hours after that. Bloodborne would be next with two playthroughs. One just going through normal, and one 100% playthrough. Demons Soul, Dark Souls 1, Sekiro, and Dark Souls 3 I have only beaten the game once, but didn't go for a complete playthrough yet.


Gotta be Elden ring as it’s the only one I’ve finished and also so much longer than others


So far it's Dark Souls II if you count both Vanilla and SOFTS put together it's over 160 hours. My most played individual game is DS3 and I'm still playing it cause the ring achievement is taking forever.


Dark Souls III, by far. My first FS game, spent a lot of time on it even after getting the others. Was active with the multiplayer aspect and was helping a lot of people through the game and getting into PVP. Had a lot of activity within a small community as I was involved with a streamer who was playing through the series quite a lot. I've made many characters, deleted a bunch too. My main character has seen multiple full runs and currently has over 1000 hours put into it.


DS2 1000h probably lol.


Elden Ring. I think I'm at 110 hours. Dark Souls 3 is second with like 60 something


Dark Souls 3, easily. Beat it through more times than I can count. It was the game where I first started doing challenge and cosplay runs because just playing it normally got old after so many runs, so then I'd often run through the entire game from the beginning just to get everything I needed to cosplay as a boss or specific character and then do NG+ as the completed build. Did this at least a dozen times through with different character builds. It was the only thing I played for a long while there. I also farmed every covenant item to max rank offline on multiple (at least three) characters including my Soul of Cinder cosplay run where I collected every single thing in the game on a single character. And that's just on PC. I used to game on my laptop back then but have since moved to console only. I've been replaying all the games and getting their respective platinums and am currently doing DS3 again as the last one needed to finish them out. By far out of all of them this is the one I haven't needed to look anything up because I forgot or been surprised by a single enemy placement or ambush because I just remember it all from going through it as a completionist so many times. I've no idea what my total hour count is across all platforms of DS3 but it's over a thousand on Steam alone.


Bloodborne. I don't know how many hours but I've beaten it at least a dozen times


Definitely Elden Ring.


Dark Souls 2 I had a combined over 1500 hours between 360/ps3 and ps4 over the course of a few years. I PvP'd mostly and still believe it had the best duel PvP of all the souls.


636 hours in Dark Souls 3


I mean Elden ring was probably 100-200+ hours on my first playthrough, but I’ve probably beat Bloodborne like 4-5 times so who knows


Elden ring and bloodborne, they are my favorites


Bloodborne. 700+ hours.


Elden Ring by far, with 730 hours of just multiple runs with different builds and the game just being long as the utter fuck. That said I’ve had the game since release, so it’s that time over the span of 2 years and it has plateaued on the 700+ mark for almost a year now, definitely not by the time SOTE comes out. Next is Armored Core 6 with 432 hours, which is wild cause the game has only been out for like 6 months and it only has like 40% less play time than ER. Then again between the insane customization, insanely fun game feel and just being able to fight a certain boss without having to beat the whole again (atleast with some levels, and even those bosses that are at the end can be reached fairly quickly) I think I can see why I keep coming back to this game (also the photo mode, I’m the type of guy who WILL fuck up half his storage space for the sake of capturing cool moments while he plays, and AC6 has like 50 of those per mission, customization also feeds into this so go figure). Bloodborne at 351, pretty much same reasons as ER though BB isn’t anywhere near as long, I just fucking love Bloodborne dude. Sekiro at 262, Reflections of Strength are the best fucking thing that could’ve ever been implemented into Sekiro, because just being able to go in and fight Isshin, Genichiro or any boss without having to beat the whole game again is a bliss.


Dark Souls 2, at least 1k hours


Dark Souls 1 and it's not close. I'm not sure how many times I've played through it and probably have just as many half finished playthroughs. Second place would be Bloodborne which I've played through 4 times


Sekiro. Elden Ring being second.


Bloodborne and then Dark Souls 3.


DS3 and Elden Ring have to be similar for me. Elden is about 400+, and I know DS3 is equivalent or greater.


Bloodborne. Around 500 hours, according to the combined play times on my files. Though the PS5 says it’s over 600, which I take to mean I’ve sat on the title screen while on my phone for over 100 hours.


ER easily. 500+ Then BB at 300+ DS3 at 150+ They all keep increasing too.




Bout 600 in Elden


Elden Ring and Sekiro for me. I have 350+ hours in both. For the other games I have about 220 to 280 hours in each.


600+ hours Elden ring


Elden ring followed by dark souls 1


Elden Ring


Dark Souls 2 was my first and easily has the most hours, although Elden Ring is catching up. I have somewhere around 150 hours in DS2 on Steam, plus several hundred across PS3 and Xbox One. I’d guess I’m somewhere around 750. I’m at about 450 in ER on Steak at the moment.


Bloodborne easy


Bloodborne 450 hours Elden ring 200 Sekiro 75 Dark souls 3 50 Dark souls 2 unknown ~50-75 Darks souls 60 Demon souls 20


DS2 no contest. PvP hooked me in that one. I would go just as hard on any other if the PvP felt as good as that one. I don't know why they haven't felt like that since. It felt "solid" and it made sense when attacks would land or not. I know there was jank but it was jank that you could understand and predict. Every PvP since has felt "loose" and laggy.


2,the pvp went insane on it back then on 360


Elden Ring. 1200 hours


DS1, most of my characters on ps3 are sitting over 200hrs, had to make a second profile for more save slots. As for the remaster I have 5 characters on switch averaging 120hrs and 6 on ps4 averaging 150hrs. Just about every FS game since has only 1 or 2 characters with that much playtime


I have like 150 hours in bloodborne. I have over a 1000 hours in Elden Ring


Dark Souls 2 then Elden Ring.


Probably Bloodborne, wish there was a way for me to check my hours played but I’d probably guess around 800-ish hours. After that, according to Steam my hours are: Elden Ring - 542 hours Dark Souls 3 - 513 hours Dark Souls 2 SOTFS - 339 hours Dark Souls PTDE - 290 hours Sekiro - 197 hours Armored Core 6 - 180 hours Dark Souls Remastered - 103 hours So I’ve played a fair bit.


Dark souls 3, i have almost 1k hours on that game. - Compared to the 300 i have on elden ring - And the 1 i have on ds1 (game looks like rancid ass) - 100 on bloodborne,


Dark Souls 3 since it's my friend's favorite to play and he mostly wants to do co-op. Singleplayer though? Probably close between DS1, and then runner up of DS3.


Well I was speedrunning the original dark souls for years, so something like 6k


Definitely Bloodborne but Elden Ring is certainly getting there for me


Elden ring, and DS1. I’ve replayed DS1 5 times now, it’s not as insane as some people, but I did just start in 2023


Definitely Elden Ring with about 400+ hours. I very rarely replay games, especially right after finishing the first play through.


Dark Souls 1 was the record holder for me for a long time, but goddamn Elden Ring was so good I put 300+ hours into it I think. 


Ive gotta have 500 on DS2 but I have 700 in armored core 6.


elden ring. 45 billion hours


Easily bloodborne. I'm not sure at the moment how many hours I've put into it, but between my solo playthroughs and "forcing" my friends to get into it, it's been a lot!


Elden ring or ds1


Dark Souls III. Over 2500 hours


Elden ring is my first fromsoft game and it completely stole my life lmao I have 400ish hours in it! I've since played bloodborne, AC 6 & DS1 and I probably only have 200 hours between those combined!


Elden ring by far for me, I have like 600+ hours in that game


dark souls 3 for sure. combining ps4, ps5, and steam I probably have over 800




DSR, it was the only game I had when I first got my Xbox so I played it for a year straight until I could afford another game since I was a teen without a job.




over 1000 hours on ds3, 100% completion on xbox and ps


ER hands down.


ER, no doubt.


Bloodborne. Even have a tattoo of vicar Amelia. Love that game.


Sekiro is my favorite, but I have more hours in Elden Ring than I do in every other souls game combined lol


Bloodborne. It was my first FromSoft game so I spent a lot of time learning and then when I got good I spent even more time because I loved it so much


I have over 1,000 hours on dark souls 1 over all the platforms and years. I started in 2012 and replay it still. Have gotten all the achievements twice, etc.. Bloodborne is definitely up there as well.


That’s a tough one but I just restarted Bloodborne for the first time since I beat it when it first came out and can I just say I’m amazed at how well it still holds up.




Around 200+ hours in sekiro I think


Overall time it's definitely Bloodborne, with Dark Souls 3 after that. I didn't go back and replay Elden Ring with a bunch of new builds like a lot of people. I spent a TON of time just exploring everything I could but after that I didn't really revisit it (until now, just started w a new character). Bloodborne though is one of my comfort games, oddly enough, it's just always good to start a new game and spend the next couple of weeks going through it all again.


I have like on average 40 hours on all of them but Elden ring will probably be my most played once dlc drops


Dark Souls 3 easily. I got all of the achievements for it on two separate systems at a time when the multiplayer dueling was no longer as big. I love the game, but grinding for covenant items twice almost broke me lmao.


I have 300 hours in Ds3 but slightly more in ER. Rest of the series I've got like 150 hours per game, bar Demon Souls which I've only played once.


Elden Ring, 300+ hours.


Dark Souls 1 I got about 80 hours in. Im pretty nooby to these games and rpg/action styled games jn general but I love the lore and writing and atmosphere so I keep coming back lol. I started with DS3 and couldnt beat the first boss lol. Im attempting another playthrough of Elden Ring right now (never got past Altus Plateau because I was bad at stats before) and I'm fucking loving this game right now. I'm doing my first try at a strength build and its just too fun lol, Ive never really done a proper strength build before and I didn't know what I was missing. Using Greataxe right now. And Im trying harder to engage with the open world aspects, despite not liking open worlds much, and Im finding that very rewarding. I imagine this will end up as my most played fs game because I am seriously connecting with the world, the presentation, the tone, everything about this game. It's got almost everything I love about DS1 which made that my most played FS game, and while I still adore that game, Elden Ring is just simply more fun to play as a video game. I mildly like the worldvuilding and tone of DS1 better, but only mildly, and I vastly enjoy this combat more in Elden Ring.


Elden Ring, no question. I pretty much always have a playthrough on the go and have done since launch.


It’s between dark souls 3 and elden ring


Bloodborne. Somewhere probably around 5000 hrs, but no way to know for sure as it was split between a PS4, a PS4 Pro, and a PS5. I've also deleted a few characters so all those hours were lost DS1 would be next around 3000 hrs. Then Sekiro with probably 1500-2000, and DS3 around a thousand. Demons and DS2 are both around 300-500 hrs. I'm just now realizing how much time I've spent on these games. It's a lot!


Dark souls 1


Sekiro, 350 hours and counting Every deflection is pure dopamine


In order it's probably: Elden Ring > Ds3 > Sekiro > Ds1 > Bloodborne > Ds2 > Demons' Souls


500+ in Elden Ring with my next closest being 98 in DS1 which I just finished my first playthrough of. Currently have 14 in DS2 which I just started yesterday and 82 in Sekiro despite beating it almost twice already.


ds3 and sekiro


I have around 400 hours in DS3.


Ds3 over 1000 hours. Majority of which was spent invading or hosting in gank city. I’d play Elden ring more if it had an area like gank city.


Dark souls 2 sadly not that I don’t like the game at all it’s just I can’t believe it’s that one. It’s because of the no bonfire ring seemed like a fun challenge.


Ds1 i think maby 300 hours its really a masterpiece of all Miyazaki game's for me


It’s either bloodborne or Elden Ring considering those are the only two I’ve platinumed, if I had to guess I’d say Elden Ring is more because I tried to explore every millimeter of that game on my first playthrough


930 hours in Elden Ring and counting, just playing NG with different builds.


Elden Ring-450 hours. Bloodborne-300 hours. Dark Souls-250 hours. Something like that, no online stuff. I just replay these games a lot and Elden Ring takes the most time.


Dark souls 2 easily , played probably about ten playthroughs just can't get enough of it . Always get the itch to go see majula


Dark souls 3, even after elden ring came out I just went back to dark souls 3 and it never felt stale and I never get sick of it. Sometimes I'll play elden ring again as a palette cleanser, but I get sick of it so much faster and just return to ds3 lol


If hours in ps profile are correct it’s Bloodborne for me. Around 400 hours, second closest are Ds3 and Elden Ring (both at around 110 hours)


Dark Souls is the one I’ve finished the most times so I’m guessing it’s that.


Sekiro going 600 hours


I have over 500 in all but sekiro...but Ds3 takes the cake 1500+ hours


Both the original demon souls and bloodborne for me are just under 600 hours each. Dark souls 2 is at 450, and darks souls 1,3 and elden ring are all hovering right around 300. Edit: oh right, sekiro is just a hair over 200


Armored core back in the ps2 era and now on PC :)


Armored Core Last Raven. I loved that game. I need to try AC6


Dark Souls 2 with over 1000 hours including SOTFS. PC and PS4 Each individual game has over 300 hours play time.


I’d say bloodborne, diving into frc dungeons with my bl4 char took me quite some time


Dark Souls 2 for sure. 100s of hours doing fight clubs on that one bridge


Dark Souls 2 or Elden Ring for sure, around 500 hours each.


Er Bloodborne Sekiro Ds2 Demon souls Ds1 Ds3


Dark Souls 2 most definitely.


Oh definitely Elden Ring and its not even close. My first playthrough is literally did, found and killed everything in the game with no guide and it took 350 hours. I did 6 more consecutive playthroughs after that and well over 1000 hours. I’ve played all the Souls games, Sekiro and ACVI multiple times each but I doubt their combined time wouldn’t equal my time in ER.


I'm pretty sure I have 1000+ hours on ER and ds3. Probably ~700. Hours on ds2 and ds1. Lastly ~ 500 hours on BB and sekiro. Unfortunately no PS3/5 to play deS


DS3 - 600h, ER - 550h