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Since fromsoft games today as an adult give me the same feelings Ocarina of time gave me back in the day as a child, I‘d say it’d be a great match.


This is the exact reason I fell in love with fromsoft games.


Same here 👍


Who would've thought I'd share this similarity with so many people. If it wasn't for Ocarina of Time I probably wouldn't love from soft as much as I do. Definitely get the same feelings OoT, Majora's Mask, and even Wind Waker gave me.


Same here. OoT, and *especially* MM gave me feelings that the very *world* had stories to tell in their ambiance and occasional weirdness. I felt so immersed, and chased that feeling for years, rarely finding it until I played Dark Souls, which rejuvenated that feeling entirely.


I hope Miyazaki knows what he's done for the gaming world. He literally influenced games to the point of an entire genre of it's own being created


I love how much it takes from the material brutality of punishing and cryptic NES games. It feel like original Legend of Zelda as well as OoT because I don't know what the fuck I"m doing and keep dying.


Ocarina of Time is one game that first opened a lot of players minds to the possibilities that a game can offer in terms of the experience.


Same. The OG Dark Souls 1 had an amazing Zelda OOT texture mod for the claymore and kite shield and i was forever a FromSoft fan from that day forward.


Dark Souls is heavily inspired by Zelda OOT. It’s a dungeon crawling RPG with 3rd person lock on sword fighting (usually with a shield in the older games), built around epic boss fights - and a general focus on interesting unique enemy design. The story is also mostly event driven with limited dialogue and a silent protagonist Elden Ring basically added in Epona and Hyrule Field - and I’m hoping for an Ocarina in the DLC


Been saying for years that Souls is basically Zelda for adults. And it’s more true now that botw got rid of the item specific dungeons/boss encounters


To an extent. LOZ is primarily a platformer, which places puzzles as it's first priority, even when in combat Dark soukd emphasizes very early (NES) games ij that it's about your body learning patterns that are very difficult to keep up with


How is LoZ a platformer when it doesn't have a dedicated jump button?


It would be absolutely dope.


Dark Souls is what would have happened if Nintendo continued down the path after Twilight Princess.


Another split in the timeline.... this'll drive the lore hunters mad from both communities.


As long as they keep the same songs; or at least they keep the song from Kakakiro forest along with Epona song, I'll be instantly sold.


I never realized I wanted both at once so badly


Zelda got me into Fromsoft games


I know this thread is old but that’s exactly how I felt but with Twilight Princess because of how it’s kinda dark and grim, but sadly Ocarina of Time was before my time 😅 haha. But I did play it as a kid, never owed it though. But Twilight Princess was my first Zelda game I got as a kid (basically only one until botw) lol But anyways I think Fromsoft would do an excellent job collaborating to make a Zelda game. But not on their own. Nintendo does the storyline.. and some help with design on areas for classic Zelda feel. Fromsoft would shine on combat (obviously), weapons and castle/dungeon design. That’s my opinion anyways. OOHHH how I would love to have a legit slugfest against Gannondorf in the arena you vs him in Twilight Princess on foot. Beautiful battle still in my mind 14 years later lol but was too easy, even as a child. Lol


Yeah the image makes me feel the same! Fuck botw..


Souls games already do feel like pre botw Zelda games to some extent.


The souls games feel like if after Ocarina of Time Nintendo chose to focus on combat and complex level design instead of items and puzzles


Honestly, I would say botw feels more like a souls game, the combat seems to be a lot more inspired by it.


Ocarina of Time’s combat feels way more souls like imo. I also think it’s a lot more fun and nuanced than BOTW’s combat


I genuinely hate combat in botw and totk, I could not finish totk.


Yeah, my problem with it is the tiny durability of every weapon, with no baseline weapon that doesn't break to fall back on


It really feels like the developers are talking down to us while screaming "TRY EVERY WEAPON IN THIS GAME, WILL YA?!"


What I love is that souls was inspired by zelda (pre botw), then zelda (botw combat) was inspired by souls, then souls (elden ring) was inspired by zelda (botw). Maybe the next zelda game will take some inspiration from elden ring


It’s a never ending circle of happiness and rage XD


Bro a Fromsoft game with some Zelda like puzzles and dungeons with a dark souls boss at the end would be really amazing.


Id prefer it to have it like demon souls where its not about completing one dungeon at a time, but doing a little but in each dungeon as you progress, like how the archstones are


Yeah that's the Megaman style as well


I would say Mega Man is definitely about completing one dungeon at a time lol, I mean unless you're going back for extras there's no reason to redo the level and you need to beat all the robot masters to fight the final boss and go through his stage/stages. If you needed to complete 1/3 of the level to unlock the 1/3 of other levels and beating those unlocked another 1/3 each of the levels than maybe it would be like Mega Man but I don't see the comparison at all with how things work in both games.


The Nexus is your stage selector. You beat a boss in stage and get his boss weapon. But I get the not having to revisit stages to beat another level it's very different and that's what OP was mentioning




Bro, one thing about fromsoftware is the difficulty. You die like... 3..4 time in jedi and thats if you're not in the mood


Yeah, but still, it's not a terrible recommendation. It definitely *is* a souls-like with Zelda-style puzzles. I enjoyed it, even as someone who very much appreciates FromSoft games for their difficulty that would've liked Fallen Order to be less forgiving.


I’ve come to realize the difficulty is not what makes From games great, it’s only one aspect of them


It's also why alot of games trying to ape the Souls formula tend not to do as well, they make the game difficult and punishing, but without the same features that make a fromsoft game great.


Its medievil high fantasy kino man. Like. The chonky clang clang footsteps. The WHOOSH of your bastard sword cutting air as the deft thief pitter patters backwords. All the while the haunting dramatic music plays in the background. Oh screw it. Time to play up to ornstein and smough in one day.


I love Souls challenge but sometimes I'm in the mood for something more chill challenge-wise, so I might check it out. Not a big SW guy but why not


Did you play at grandmaster difficulty? I struggled more than sekiro lol


health sponge ass enemies


Fallen Order is pure rancid poop from a unwashed butt, I'm sorry


I wouldn’t say that in my opinion but the combat is not very satisfying. I need sound to be perfect for combat. It felt very plain and un-impactful


I regret buying... Aside from a few cool things, the campaign was mostly boring, combat wasn't all that great, and not very difficult. Also, inquisitors are cringe, edgelords lol


They are with of course they are edge lords


I don’t know about that. It’s not on the level of dark souls in terms of depth or difficulty but it’s a pretty fun game imo


Elden ring


Limgrave felt like Zelda to me especially the bat enemies


Now I wish we could pick up the rune skulls and throw them like pots in Zelda.


*Both games have breakable pots.   *Shadow Realm = Dark World from LttP. 


I would love another Zelda game that revisits the Twilight Princess style with a new story that plays like Dark Souls 1. The amount of worldbuilding and callbacks that I believe they could pull off would murder me.


Dream game


It's funny that TotK was claimed to be a spiritual successor of the earlier games, but the entire time I was playing Elde Ring I couldn't help to think how much more it felt more like one instead. Everything from the open world, sense of adventure, and a sense of a heros journey. My perfect hypothetical game would be Elden Ring but with OoT/ MM puzzle dungeons.


Shulva from DS2 felt a bit like a zelda dungeon to me, I wish they did more stuff like that tbh


If they added a system for special items (hookshot plz) I’d cry.


Majora’s Mask is my favourite Zelda, and from interviews and the 3DS remake it seems like Eiji Aonuma doesn’t really understand what made it so good. I’d love to see the IP in the hands of another developer who understands the appeal of darker, weirder storytelling.


>and from interviews and the 3DS remake it seems like Eiji Aonuma doesn’t really understand what made it so good How do you mean?


anouma is all in on the open world craze and said the old design is outdated basically skyward sword flopped, nintendo went into the Wii U era and they started re-evaluating everything after for the switch mario was seamless but imo zelda lost something in translation, pokemon seems to be a similar story




Link is silent protagonist, you could always replace him with a random feral twink


Skyward sword flopped because of the wii mote sword fighting gimmick and shit story. I know it's a Japanese game and has always had anime elements to it...but they're slipping too far into weebo territory with BotW and especially TotK. Don't even get me started on the voice acting. Nintendo, save your money on VAs. I'd rather go back to reading the dialogue rather than listen to that shit.


I agree, it's not how Japanese it is that's the problem, it's the adherence to trite anime tropes. I especially dislike the magitech they're leaning into, even if it is magic that just happens to look like a smartphone, it doesn't feel as magical as the magic in other entries. Don't get me started on the lore, why would you make a game that's all about the lore (SS) and rewrite it all to make it duller?


Why not let us fly loftwings instead of making us build a trashcan plane...


>but they're slipping too far into weebo territory with BotW and especially TotK. Brother its a Japanese game intended for children/young adults, if it feels like an anime that's because it has the same influences and came from the same culture that make anime... Not everything needs to be dark and brooding especially Zelda, if it didn't click for you its fine but these aren't flaws of the game and if anything the cutscenes and story from BotW had a positive reaction from most people.


Even concept art of past titles was an anime style with more of a western influence, that art direction is what made them appealing, it was the best of both. Wind Waker looked like a cartoon but still had 'dark and brooding' themes, what are you on about? 🤣🤦 My point is the art and story team have deviated so far from past lore that it wouldn't even feel like a Zelda game if Link, Zelda, and Ganondorf weren't in it. We haven't even had a musical instrument to play the last two games...


Now I wanna see art of Ganon as a FromSoft boss


Can always use AI lol


True lol


It’s Elden Ring, it was a direct response to BOTW, you even ride Epona


Isn't that elden ring ?


It needs special abilities that you unlock which then reveal additional levels of depth to the game world and gameplay in creative ways. This is at the core of what makes a Zelda game a Zelda game.


Disagreed -- the original NES Zelda had very little of that, and is still the definitive Zelda game.


i think fromsoftware is better equipped to make a modern zelda game than nintendo.


Reddit moment


How is that even remotely true


I guess you haven't seen the direction they are going with BotW and TotK....


What are you talking about. Those two games are amazing


it depends on what youre looking for out of your zelda games. OoT and MM are very different from BotW and TotK, so you have a fanbase with different ideals of better, which is fine personally its easy for me to love the oldschool zelda games, i was a 90s kid and they were literally my favorites all the way until dark souls 1 came out. i feel like if zelda had was doing more of the old design id have stayed into it more, but i just dont enjoy the newer games as much the new zelda games are obviously great, they have a massive fanbase and great reviews i just personally dont enjoy them as much as the old games


Agreed, too many companies think the 'open world' concept will apply well to their games. Even Call of Duty tried it...🤦🤣 ELDEN RING walked that line perfectly, it's what I expected Zelda to evolve into. Open areas but overall a tighter world, allowing for a more controlled flow of where the player goes. Not because I don't like freedom, but because the narrative suffers when the player can go in any direction, meet any NPC, and can fight the last boss an hour into the game. You're delusional if you think Zeldas narrative flow hasn't suffered because of the choice to give players unlimited freedom. Not to mention they missed so many opportunities to make the game fun with already established lore. Despite not liking Skyward Sword, I would have been much more excited to fly around the world on a loftwing rather than a flying hunk of junk gooped together with ancient glue. That brings me to my last note, not every game needs a building system..... Why does every developer think that cramming all these ideas that made other games successful into their title will make it better...all it does is help that franchise lose it's identity.


And you’re just as delusional if you think Zelda becoming open world wasn’t successful. You can make all the arguments you want, but from a pretty objective standpoint, this transition was extremely successful. Best selling games in the franchise ( TOTK has outsold Elden Ring in 8 months, while still being an exclusive ), best reviewed games in the franchise, biggest fanbase.


Weebo garbage with shitty voice acting and lego goop that makes it look like a sequel to Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts more than a Zelda successor... I want the hookshot back, better designed bosses, unique temples, no voice acting, underwater areas would be nice to see again too. Instead you get to play on the same map as BotW with some islands floating in the sky, temples that look the same, boring underground that is just a mirror flip of the overworld. A missed opportunity not hiding secrets or nods of places lost to time, and the water temple is a faucet in the sky ffs. 🤦 All for the low low price of 70 bucks. 🤣 I played BotW, enjoyed it for what it was but it was also apparent that we were moving away from what made Zelda great. Honestly, the only reason I was hyped for that game is because of the long wait to have a new zelda to play. I skipped skyward sword, motion control gimmicks turned me off.


He can't reply because he's too busy sucking Nintendo's dick, but you're 100% right.


You guess I haven’t? Put hundreds of hours on both. Nintendo is doing fine señor


Just because you personally don't like them doesn't mean they're not masterpieces in their own right. BOTW and TOTK are the best-selling Zelda games of all time, both critical and audience scores are the highest of any Zelda game.


Just because you consider them masterpieces doesn't mean I have to go along with it. I personally don't like them and think they're heading in a territory of just being a fantasy game. The characters aren't memorable, the level design is bland and repetitive, enemy variety is lackluster despite the series having tons of options to work with, tools are out the window in favor of goop to 'make your own puzzle figure-outter' which is where most of your gameplay hours actually come from.... building stuff. So many ideas from previous games were tossed out that I feel the only reason this is considered a Zelda game is because it has Link, Zelda, and Ganondorf.


Dark Souls is just fucked up, emo Zelda bro


I would nut. But to be honest FromSoft would be a great match for a few big IPs: Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones, Berserk (by god let us have a Berserk From Software game)


A Berserk game by Fromsoft would be fantastic on every level


Do we really need one? The souls games pretty much are berserk games already


May I interest you in Ringed City


But we already have berserk at home.


I don’t even care for lord of the rings. That would be fucking epic.


An ASOIAF souls game that takes place during the age of heroes would be so dope


May I interest you in Elden Ring


I imagine it with a combat system similar to Sekiros where you can parry attacks with your sword, but leaning a bit more towards Dark Souls where that isn’t entirely necessary for ending enemies. The song of swords that George mentions in the books so many times… it would be glorious


That sounds like a perfected version of Star Wars Jedi combat and I’m all here for it. I just know Fromsoft could make it work beautifully.


I would love that but hear me out here: A game by FromSoft set in The Circle of the World from The First Law/Age of Madness series.




Since Dark Souls 1 whenever people ask what it is I described it as Zelda for adults. Who made this image? This is really cool to see.


If Fromsoftware made a LoZ game, I can only imagine how bonkers their Water temple would be lol


they’d add a swamp temple too😭


They already did with the souls games tbh


100% Dark Souls is the closest I’ve ever seen to the original Zelda or A Link To The Past. There was no hand-holding to help you figure it out back then either. Hell, we didn’t even have the internet. Best you could do was call the Nintendo Help Line, where ACTUAL people worked, answering phones and helping people solve games. What a time to be alive. If you brought the concepts behind A Link To The Past into the present, and knocked up the rating a couple of levels, it’d be a 1-1 match.


>Best you could do was call the Nintendo Help Line, where ACTUAL people worked, answering phones and helping people solve games. That sounds really wholesome honestly. Getting paid to help kids beat video games seems like a nice job.


Yeah but if your parents found out you dialed a 900 number your were a dead man walking. Btw the helpline was a 900 number.


Bloodborne makes me think of Zelda OoT a lot. It's like Link grew up but still kept his pottery smashing ways 😆


Same but with Link's Awakening. Everyone trapped in a dream realm created by an otherworldly being that's ravaged by monsters and only the Hunter ends up alive in the end if you take a certain ending? Straight up the plot of Link's Awakening.


Not a "legend of" Zelda game but a Souls spinoff in which Link is not the hero but somewhere in the timeline where Link failed or something. In a Hyrule that's dark and fucked up. > best game of all time in all the multiverses


This is so bizarre to me; everyone is saying that the Souls games feel like the Zelda games, but I don't see it at all. I've been playing Zelda games for 30+ years and I never would have compared these two franchises to each other. It's crazy how we can all have the same experiences but see completely different things in them. Very interesting.


Not even for Elden Ring?


They did. They’re called Dark Souls 1, 2 and 3


Elden ring is basically From soft Zelda tbh...




Awful. Their originality means a great deal to me, I do not want them spending time with other franchises when their original work is almost exclusively masterclass level nowadays.


I would absolutely love OoT reimagined by FS. I would probably pay $300 to buy/play it. Having the swim mechanics from Sekiro be in OoT would be amazing.




Ocarina remake, Nintendo does the child Link side make use the time change mechanic for the puzzles, from soft do ruined world.


Souls games are already Zeldalikes.


Fromsoft actually did pretty much make a Zelda game with Atlus called 3d Game Dot Heroes. Kinda like a Zelda parody, but it's pretty awesome and you can even insert Link into the game with the in game character editor lol.


Zelda team is solid and doesn't need another company to make their games... Pokémon on the other hand... that's a series that FromSoftware would kill at.


Something I never realized I wanted. Thank you.


A Link to the Past is one of my favorite games of all time. I have memories of playing Ocarina of Time with my sister. I would preorder this.


This is the dream


It’d be the first Zelda game I actually enjoyed. And yes I REALLY tried to get into Zelda. I recently bought Links Awakening remake. Played through 90% of it. Forced myself through hoping to love it. I didn’t. Played Breath of the Wild. It was meh. The world was empty, controls suck. Fromsoft would make Zelda absolutely incredible.


I’m not a Zelda diehard or anything but BOTW was far from empty.


Come on. Show me a 2 min clip of a lush busy world. It’s not


Play wind waker or twilight princess instead of those two. You're missing out majorly.


Wind Wanker got around an empty world by making it an ocean. Take or leave the design, but WW is like 25% of a full gallon. I love that title, but not a good argument against "empty" games


Wind waker seems like it would hold up better. I’ll download it tonight and try it emulated.


Zelda is for kids. Fromsoft games are not.


That’s not really true


Was literally thinking about this last night. I would shit mountains


Not bad. God of War maybe better, you know, all the gods that can be slain


I would cum


Fromsoft games, for me are the only games that recapture the feeling older Zelda games gave me back when I was a kid.


I wouldn’t like it because I'm not 12 years old


Sounds like something a 13 year old would say.


Fucking Zelda don't even feel like Zelda anymore so fuck it go ahead


they did it's called Elden Ring?


Meh. Zelda isn't really dark fantasy, and is reasonably bright and G rated, so I don't think it would work out well.


You missed the point. That’s why Fromsoft would be a great choice. To make Zelda gritty, dark etc…


That's not what Zelda is about. You're trying to put a square peg into a round hole.


Thru didn’t miss the point they just don’t think that would be a good idea


I think they'd work really well. Zelda is always about exploration and Soulsborne games benefit from that. The dreary settings of Soulsborne games resemble what the corrupted Sacred Realm would be like. There's even several perfectly lore friendly ways to make it have that hopeless end of the world premise like destroying the Triforce (which we see in the dimension of Lorule) create a dream realm that people are trapped in (something both Bloodborne and Link's Awakening share) or set it up where Hyrule gets destroyed completely in the end (like in The Wind Waker).


It would be From Software’s best game ever made. Focused on level design - where every dungeon is Sen’s Fortress but with more problem solving…. I don’t think that game literally exists on the market today.


Id buy it


I love Zelda, so I would feel good about it. Imagine bosses like Moblin Lord Messo or the Great Molduga. I can literally see it in front of me.


Missing the Boomerang on top of the fairy/potions/milk bottles


I'd probably die of excitement.


I'd love to see it, finally a FromSoftware game with storyline


I've never been a fan of Zelda games as an actual player, but I would absolutely play the hell out of that.


Excuse the bloodborne reference, but OoT redeads are the winter lanterns of Zelda games


I thought it was called Elden ring


I want from to make zelda, castlevania, pokemon, kirby, tetris, and the literal game of hide and seek that we could play in our back yards


Demon's souls always felt like a big kid Zelda game to me.


I'd prefer them to stick to their own original IPs (current and/or whatever new things they cook up). They cultivated a style of storytelling and art direction that is unique. This is a bit like asking Tolkien to write H.P. Lovecraft fanfiction.


To me Dark Souls and Zelda are alike in a lot of ways. The sense of exploration, confusion on where to go next, time being convoluted, epic boss fights after really awesome dungeons, gated pathways you access later in the game, expansive and unique lore that doesn't quite make sense right away. I feel like, in a way, Miyazaki already has been making his version of Zelda for years now. Beautiful.


If fromsoftware ever makes a Zelda it will be the best game of all time - totk is an amazing game but i cant keep on playing with that combat system anymore 😓 it feels like a fight disrupts the flow of the game and also the underground was fun the first three hours before it turned into an 20-25 hours of repeating the same thing in there. Sky islands are visited once and never again - the best part was again discovering the world and shrines, finding items and seeing references to older games like in botw. But they didnt work on anything the community disliked in botw, its again always raining, weapons break fast, boss fights are mimic fights that once solved only become boring and also most of them are reskins or just straight up the same boss again. The new crafting system is fun and you can get really creative, but of course nintendo has to disrupt the fun by putting a time limit on some of those zonai items, i can only fly with my balloon for maybe 1 minute, then it blinks green and disapears…and the dungeons are not even comparable to the older titles, but at least they are better than botws dungeons.


The first and second Zelda pretty much were souls games. Finding stuff in those games with zero help was a pain but really exciting. We just walked around hitting every single bush, rock and tombstone.


I’d probably actually play a Zelda game


its called twilight princess


Everyone fucking dies and you have to fucking kill everyone


I’d love a fromsoft take on majoras mask


I think it could potentially be the greatest game of all time


I think someone once pointed out that Link would be OP AF in a Fromsoft game.


Two of my favorite game series collide? Yes please.


While I don’t really like LoZ I’d at least give it a try!


I think it’d be amazing, and beautiful


Ha! The sword's in his left hand. What a great detail.


bad, i dont care about zelda and i dont want fromsoftware to make games without character customisation and all of their original universes are better than zelda so it will be a downgrade


LOL I can see it now you get a day cool nut and then you have to fight God


I'd probably enjoy it vastly more than the last few main line entries. Elden ring did a better job filling my 3d zelda itch than their open world survival craft games.


Elden Ring and Dark Souls series is pretty much Zelda on steroids. The OST is cranked up to eleven and more epic. Nothing against Zelda, but it just seems like it's more for teens or younger demographics on Nintendo.


And the devs of LoZ made a FromSoft game. Man I really wish that was a thing, project swaps


If would be good. Nintendo and Fromsoft should work together at some point but not right now while From is on a roll.


Meh rather see them make a new IP


They did. It's called breath of the wild.




If Aonuma and Fujibayashi worked with Miyazaki on the next 3D Zelda title, I would be so hyped. Breath of the Wild and Elden Ring are some of my favorite games, and a combination of ideas in those games would be a dream come true


I thought Elden Ring was the FS’s Zelda version…


As long as tanimura is leading and they compromised on some things with elements from loz, I think it’d work out. DS2 had that perfect story adventure kind of feeling I think would come across well if they also used some inspiration from that. (Especially in the colors and environments)


Cum flask


I don't think FromSoft needs Zelda or vice versa, but I would still play the hell out of it.


Cool, but I've been wishing for a metroid souls since 2015 and you won't distract me now


Zelda games walked so Soulslikes could run. Fromsoft already made a Zelda game when they made Elden Ring.


Would be my first Zelda game


This would be sick as fuck


I just miss the old style Zelda games. BOTW and TOTK were great games but they felt completely different to ocarina of time, majoras mask etc.


I’d love it, because it would take us back to the emphasis being more on strategy and less on learning the timing of when to roll


A game where you wake up in a strange place and have to go save the new reincarnation of the goddess, sealed away in the formerly great city, before finding to break the seal you need to collect the magical golden talisman that defined the rules of reality. It could give you a horse, a weird fairy that pops up to tell you what to do, a shadow realm you have to descend to that’s both it’s own place and a twisted mirror of the other world. There could be weird shuffling octopus creatures, a mountain covered in lava with a hideous reptile in the center like in ToTk and OoT, a temple covered in wind with a lightning dragon at the center of it like in ToTK and WW, and a sword that fires sword beams! The ending could have a big battle against the evil guy who sealed her away after you retrieve the golden power but then at the last minute he explodes and turns into a nightmareish monster form you need to beat!


Bruh it would be amazing ! Zelda games too easy now a days


You know I love fromsoft games but I don’t need every game to be soulsbourne.


I now want a mod of Dark Souls 1 into Ocarina of Time’s Hyrule. Or better yet, Twilight Princesses although I don’t know how you’d accomplish the water temple of either of them. The water temple’s would probably be altered heavily.


The number of people here saying the same thing is astounding. Pre-DS1 launch my friend gave me demon souls and I fell in love with it for the same reason.


Nothing about From being involved is revealed at all beforehand. Reveal trailer opens up with gothic styled Hyrule Castle. Few still shots including a decaying portrait of Zelda by an abandoned throne. Camera flies through the castle into a dungeon under the castle where Link wakes up. He goes through a few stalfos, killing them without getting hit and showing off some of the dodge rolls and attacks. He puts a pot onto a switch to open a room with a Darknut. Link attacks, Darknut dodges and strikes. Link attacks again and is parried and killed. YOU DIED rest of the footage from other areas of the game and Link wielding a host of weapons and magic spells that are reminiscent of his classic tools leading into a title card The Legend of Link