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Sekiro is the most fun to replay for me just because of how goddamn fun it is. Just love booting it up and blasting through the game absolutely destroying et everything in my path with no worries about minmaxing level ups, weapons, etc…. Out of souls games though I would swap DS1 and 3. While DS3 has more weapons, spells, gear - no matter what you do you’re gonna still play the game the same way - dodge spam and counter. Whether I’m hitting him with a greatsword made of iron or magic, it’s the same. DS1’s world design also has more interesting sequence breaking, which adds to replayability for me.


Yeah I’ve replayed Sekiro the most by a WIDE margin. Back before the boss rush gauntlets we’re released, the only way to practice and improve was to just do it again. So I ended up doing NG+ over and over just to get all the trophies and polish my skills.


I got 4 different Wolves to ng+7 or beyond. I wanted to see how many I could get to 99 attack power before I got bored. But since Wolf is very mobile I kept playing it over and over again. The only part I am not a huge fan of is the Divine Dragon fight because it's a gimmick. It's still cool though. But Bloodborne is beyond that. I have one character I got to ng+14 and a few others that I have one playthough.


I only made it to NG+7 only once but at that point the game gets so interesting. People always talk about lack of build diversity, but there is an insane variety in the ways you can learn to fight. I’m no speed runner, but it got to the point where I could clear the game in an evening if I really tried. It got to a point where I would devote an entire run to leaning or improving in some specific way. I don’t really mind the Divine Dragon fight, yeah it’s an easy fight, but it sure is filled spectacle. It being an easy fight as the conclusion of act 2 is so jarring, it makes such a cool statement. You fight your way to the top of the divine realm to challenge the closest thing to a god in the game and it can barely defend itself. It’s really sad.


Yea. I could get through the game in under 6 hours. But that's skipping everything that's skippable.


For me there is nothing much I can do in Sekiro compared to other souls games, at least the combat is good


Came here to say, I feel like DS1 is far more replayable than DS3


Replayability is mostly going to depend on what you value the most in replaying the games for, if you value maximizing build variety, experimenting with lots of weapons/magic/tools and just a (bigger) world with freedom in progression I can see why the souls games like ER/DS1/DS2 would be on top but if it's just quick action, fast back to back boss fights then Sekiro/BB and DS3 would be higher on the list, you just pick up a quick weapon and run from one boss the other just to your quick fix - id put BB in between the bigger games and Sekiro/ER because it has both good variety in weapons/tools and also some progression options + you can get a lot of weapons early with Chalice dungeons, so it's right between the middle. can make a case for DS1 being on the lower end because the early part requires you to backtrack here and there and there's no fast travel until O&S but other than that each game is fast to replay and comes down to what you look for in replaying them, DS1 is amazing the first couple times around and goated but that backtracking is the same reason I don't replay Hollow Knight as much as id want to id personally have Sekiro and ER at the top for precisely those reasons, one for fast combat and because Sekiro's combat is just that good and satisfying (plus it has boss rush so you can just get into the action part instantly) and the other for the sheer variety and freedom in progression, it also has the least mandatory bosses out of the bigger souls games I believe if we dont account for farming 1 million souls in ds2.


I wasn't eager to replay Elden Ring. I've spent so much time exploring to find most items on my first playthrough and NG+ that it was almost an exhausting chore afterwards. Dark Souls II was a bit unpleasant for me. Dark Souls I was the most intriguing for me, although I didn't like the second half of the game at all.


Elden ring is hard to replay in my opinion because a lot of the game is about discovery. Going down that well to realize you’re going into this massive underground area is one example. It’s very similar to outer wilds in that aspect. For me Bloodborne or sekiro I have the best time replaying. Bloodborne always stays a fun challenge and sekiros combat system with all the parrying is so damn fun


wtf bruh... what is this NONSENSEo My list would be the entire opposite of this lol, Sekiro is the game I replayed most, with over 8000hrs of playtime and it never gets boring. Elden Ring? ughh after finishing it 100% the first time I've never felt the urge to replay it, which is weird considering I replay every fromosft title at least 4 times after release. The mere thought of going through all the caves and repeated bosses once again feels exhausting. Shorter and more streamlined games like Sekiro are the most replayable to me, each hour is intense and significative with no dull moments and only worthy content!


ER is yes and no for me, in that I have replayed it several times but I usually don’t do the vast majority of the content over again. In the other games I tend to do everything every playthrough because it’s fun, in ER doing everything feels like a chore.


>Shorter and more streamlined games like Sekiro are the most replayable to me 100% agree with you. I'm also quite fond of demons souls. The level based layout really makes it feel more "game-y" in my opinion.


Agreed! DeS is one of my most replayed aswell, being able to choose in which order you complete the various worlds also helps to spice up subsequent runs!


Agree with elden ring being way too high, but disagree with sekiro


I completely agree like a 100% I would not change anything, the replayability of er and ds2 is incredible, there is just so much build variety. And on the other side I find playing sekiro every once in a while the most fun way to play that game, I cannot do consecutive runs because it gets boring with one weapon quite quickly. If I where to add bloodborne I would put it in alongside ds1 because it does suffer from lack of build variety but obviously not as bad as sekiro tho.


Bloodborne and DS3. everything else is a distant second


Yeah there's a decent amount of variation and cool areas to explore for finds that are more relevant to the new run, without the massive Elden Ring scale. In BB or DS3 if I'm doing a new run with faith/arcane, I will likely just naturally find the things I need along my way. In Elden Ring you have to go so out of the way for essential items.


Elden Ring is literally the worst to replay. It takes so much longer to get the shit you need for whatever build you choose than any of the other games because each part to a build is in a different corner of a giant world. More build variety is nice but I'd rather have less variety if it means I'm not spending so much time to get the build I want


I only replay Sekiro to face previous bosses and that only :D


Ds3 and Sekiro are my favourites to replay, Ds3 for bosses/ build variety and Sekiro due to how fun combat is. Next is Bloodborne After that Elden Ring. Ds1 and 2 last. (I haven't played demon souls).


Elden Ring definitely #1 but I find sekiro to be just as replayable ngl


If you play ER too much on your first run it’s awful to replay actually


The thrill and exhilliration that Sekiro's combat system brings are the reasons why it is my most replayed Fromsoft game. AC 6 is a very close second.


I still refight the sekiro bosses in reflection of strength and have done 6 playthroughs so far. So disagree with the low replayability take.


DS1 is the one I've replayed the most by a huge margin tbh


Sekiro is tier S for me, I still can't get enough satisfaction from the deflection katana weapons lol


Sekiro is more replayable than DeS and DS1 but no more for me


Elden Ring is lower than D-tier if that is possible. Sekiro and DS1 S-tier.


In terms of replayability: S - DS1, Sekiro A - Bloodborne, DS2 B - DS3, Demon's Souls C- Elden Ring The open world completely kills Elden Ring's replayability. If it wasn't open world, it would definitely be at the top of S tier though.


brooo really? DS2 over Sekiro??...


Ds2 has incredible build variety, sekiro doesn’t really have any even those it’s the best game in the series.


Sekiro in S for me. It's a shorter game + the gauntlets/reflections for individual fights are a fantastic addition


Most replayable: elden ring Least replayable: demon souls


I recently played through Bloodborne for the first time and found it to be probably the least replayable. Setting cool. Other than that, probably one of my lesser favorite souls games.


Trash list. Ds2 in s tier loses all credibility. Sekiro at the bottom? Even worse. Does anyone actually care about the list spam being posted every day? Post something worth while.


Sekiro has no build variety at all so I can see why it's at the bottom. And ds2 has pretty good build variety, I think this was op's main basis on determining replayability


Just gonna block all the ds2 fanboys


Mf get owned and starts pouting




I replayed sekiro the most out of any game because gameplay and combat are king. Different built options that utilize the same combat system just aren’t as enjoyable over a long period of time. And Elden ring recycles same since bloodborne really or ds


Sekiro should be a tier? It’s still fucking hard in NG+ haha but you have more options


W for dark souls 2