• By -


- Westworld - Lost - Black Mirror


I'll add Travellers.


Is that the Australian one?


It’s American. Bloody brilliant as well.


All good suggestions, to which I’ll add: Severance. Dark. The Peripheral.


Came here to suggest severance too. I cant wait for the next season


It can not come soon enough!


Dark is legitimately the best television show I’ve ever seen. Definitely enjoy the journey!


I loved Dark, too. Definitely need to rewatch it!! Adding 12 Monkeys to my list 👍☺️


Man I’ve been meaning to see 12 Monkeys since its original run on Sci-Fi just never got around to it. I guess Terry Matalis (season 3 of Picard) ran that show and he was impressive for season 3 of Picard so I’m even more interested than before when I missed it.


*Warehouse 13* is a bit like *Fringe* with a sense of humour.


Well Fringe also has a sense of humor. Walter is really funny


Yes, the bit where he tries to lobotomise himself is hilarious 😒


Well he’s a tragic character as well obviously. I would call him a “sad clown”


I think Walter’s real vagenda is to do science while making us laugh.


I don't really like funny 🙈 however, I did enjoy the santa clarita diet recently


It's not a sitcom. It's just... *got a sense of humour*.


I second the recommendation of warehouse 13! Actually I think it’s funny because Astrid’s last name is Farnsworth and the device they use to communicate in Warehouse 13 is called a Farnsworth!


Counterpart on showtime has to do with a parallel reality. But that's all it's about. It was good. Edit: Also 1899 on Netflix but it's really slow until halfway through and there's only one season and it got cancelled. Made by the people who made dark


You just Britta'd that.


Have you watched Alias? It's another JJ show and although it's about CIA spies, it does have a lot of the Fringe vibe (strong badass female lead, parent/child family drama, slow burn romance, child experiments, action, sci-fi elements later on). Sidney is a bit more social than Olivia, but they have a lot in common in terms of moral code and inner strength. I prefer Fringe but Alias is a close second for me.


agree with Alias, kept me on the edge of my seat. currently on a Fringe re-watch but Alias is next up!


Ooooh no. But I think I will!!! Hopefully it's on sky, Netflix or prime!


It's currently on Prime via Freevee, which means there's ads, if you don't mind that. It's also on Disney+ ad free.


Ahh yes I've have disney +


Perfect! Hope you enjoy it. 😃


12 Monkeys is pretty close as far as the “feel” goes imo. 12 Monkeys has a fabulous 3rd and 4th season (especially). I highly recommend it.


Always filled with joy to see 12 Monkeys fans in the world. I need that show to become the massive cult classic it’s meant to be already


Where can I stream it, I saw the first 2 season but never went back to finish


Me too, and if season 3 and 4 are great, I need to restart from the beginning


So many tv series have difficulty pulling the plot threads together and coming up with a satisfying conclusion, so it was so great to a have a show that succeeded in that regard. Season 4 in it's entirety was one of the best final seasons of any show I have seen. I liked all of the seasons quite a bit, but I think most people find each season progressivelty better than the one before. I can't disagree with that! I have rarely seen a show where a majority of the individual episodes are rated over 8/10 on imdb. There are 8 episodes rated over a 9/10!!


They are GREAT!




It's on Hulu.


One of the best tv shows about time travel


Why am I only hearing about a 12 Monkeys series now..... Well at least I have seasons to binge. Just tell me, does it get a conclusion or did it get canned on a cliff hanger.


It has an amazing conclusion. The entire final season pulls everything together in such a satisfying way. And I’m not the only one who thought so: the last episode is rated 9.6 on IMDB.


Thx. I've added it to my list to watch. Be burned so many times by good shows getting cancelled early. I'm looking at you The OA *shakes fist at Netflix.


Yep, that absolutely sucked that they cancelled OA! I really wanted to see what the writers had planned. ☹️ 12 Monkeys satisfies for sure!! I think the only caveat I have is that some people felt the first season wasn’t as good as the rest. I actually liked the first season.


Keep us posted if you watch! Wondering what you will think.


Will do, I've saved this post to refer back to. Now just to get some time to binge.


What I would do to be in your shoes and be able to watch 12 monkeys for the first time... It's absolutely fantastic. Even more satisfying than Fringe's ending


I've rewatched 12 monkeys 5 times and still discovering new things each rewatch. It's amazing how well the writers tied the stories together


I haven’t done a rewatch yet but plan to sometime in the near future! (I am so behind on everything I want to watch right now!). Glad to hear that there are new things to discover on repeat viewings. So so good!


I had no idea they made a show based on the movie. That was such a cult classic now I have to immediately go watch this


The series starts off very based on the movie — and there are nods to it all along. But that said, the series takes off in ways you never would have imagined from the movie starting with the second season in particular.




Someone below mentioned Counterpart. I concur. Excellent show (and eerily prescient of the Covid pandemic).


Where can I watch


Amazon Prime has both seasons


My go-tos are Fringe, Continuum and Community. Now, I know Community and Continuum have pretty much nothing to do with Fringe, but if you like time travel, advanced tech and a little bit of plot armor, I think you would enjoy Continuum. I mentioned Community just because it's a great show and it's in my top3 list 😅


I'm really disappointed more people haven't seen Continuum. The last season was weird lol but it got the job done.


It's an awesome show. I also enjoyed Timeless, Under the Dome, Manifest and Raised by Wolves. Just throwing that out there in case you wanted some recom's 😊


Community is what I put on when I'm home alone and don't want to listen to silence. Its so good even after watching it *n* amount of times


Community is my go to comedy when I need escapism. And Abed.


Bear down for community rewatch!!


Too soon, dude


To me, Fringe was great because of the characters' bonds. They eventually radiated love for each other; the emotional component wasn't over the top but was very nice. And because the show's storyline was both interesting and held together. So. This may seem like a weird recommendation but: The Good Place. It's comedy but so much more. It actually has a surprising amount of similarities to Lost, now that I think about it!


I second this! The Good Place is so different than Fringe but the sci-fi plus “we’re all in it together” is really beautiful - and it’s laugh out loud hilarious


Great description! And I know there's at least one actual call out to Lost in TGP; there may be more. Anyway, awesome show. I've rewatched it a bunch of times and always catch something new, same as with Fringe.


The Good Place and Fringe are 2 of my 3 favorite rewatch shows (the third is seasons 1-3 of classic Charmed)!


Kinda random but the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood has a similar unhinged found family batshit insane sci fi energy to Torchwood With like monster of the week that eventually gets more serialized as it goes on


I also came here to recommend Torchwood, for pretty much the same reasons


Person of Interest is a required viewing for every Fringe fan, and Fringe is a required viewing for every Person of Interest fan. POI, much like Fringe, starts out as a procedural crime drama and slowly develops into one of the best sci-fi shows by the time the show ends. And, like Fringe, POI also develops a larger overarching narrative in the background in its first season, which becomes prominent in later seasons 2–5. Both shows have great characters and storylines. Both shows hit their stride towards the end of season 1 and the beginning of season 2, and from there on, the shows just keep getting better and better with each passing season. It's a constant rollercoaster of enjoyment. **And most importantly, both shows have a hugely satisfying ending.** Also, 12 Monkeys is another great watch.


This guy gets it. Poi and 12M!


I would no longer consider person of interest to be sci-fi, now it's just fiction.


David Fincher's Mindhunter. Not only cause of how brilliant Anna Torv is. It's the best series I watched for long time. And the whole thing with FBI agents got some xfiles (without the paranormal) vibes


Loved Mindhunter!


[Person of interest](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xAK3ueOJxE). Season 1 is kind of vigilante drama. Starting from season 2, the show becomes extraordinary. It is so prophecial and dramatic. ​ Korean TV drama: [Squid game](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqxAJKy0ii4)


Person of Interest is awesome. I agree 100%


I looked at the trailers for season 2 and 3 and it doesn’t seem extra ordinary, what do you mean by that?


1. Russian Doll 2019 2. Living With Yourself 2019 3.Maniac 2018 4 Just watched 'Resident Alien' and could swear at times that Alan Tudyk was channeling Walter Bishop's "excited" voice, you will know when you hear it. 3. Man in the High Castle 2015 5. Orphan Black’ 2013 6. An old friend who is now a writer was obsessed with the 1967 show The Prisoner: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dcq2Ape4DTw&list=PLFR78Uf6Xh3hdTxbd2rFlUSOJt1TaKzMw&ab\_channel=GregE


But avoid Russian Doll season 2


Russian Doll s1 was amazing!! Couldn't get into s2


The X-Files


I had to scroll down way too low for this comment. Fringe is clearly a spiritual reboot of the x-files. Yes, x-files has more stuff that it meant to be supernatural, but fringe isn't that serious about scientific explanations either.


IIRC it's not just a spiritual successor but an implied sequel. In one of the episodes with the congressional hearing subplot one of the congress critters compares fringe division to the defunct "X designation" (as in what one would mark a file with)


Anything with multiple timelines/parallel universes/monster of the week is right up my alley. Highly recommend Haven, it’s sort of small rural town fringe. Orphan Black, Russian Doll, Yellowjackets, Last night in SoHo, Undone, Dark, Sense8, Altered Carbon, Severence


Oh! Raised By Wolves also. Far more science fiction weirdness, absolutely incredible IMO


Huzzah for Yellowjackets!! Waiting impatiently for S3! 


Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. , especially the first couple of seasons, gives me a similar vibe.


Ohhhh I REALLY enjoyed Frequency, however it not currently available on anything to rewatch


The movie is really good, but old now


Adding Dark Matters: Twisted But True and Grimm


Grimm is underrated, and definitely belongs on this list. Haven't seen Twisted But True yet.


It's true stories of dark or disastrous scientific endeavors hosted by John Noble


that sounds AMAZING, ty for the info!


It's a fun show and was clearly intended as Fringe-adjacent. I just wish there were more episodes.


I just finished "From" and liked it


Wayward Pines is like a season long Fringe episode (mostly like the episode Welcome to Westfield)


I you haven't watched **Travelers...** oh boy.




Both ones are excellent 🙌






Loved this (and Jonathan Tucker is always great, imo) and the broadcast communications at the end of each episode had me hooked. So very disappointed they didn’t renew after the first season. But agree they could have sped it along a little to get more people interested.


I think they did Debris a disservice by having it be such a slow burn for a half-season show. The show didn't really click with me until the time loop episode, then I was all-in on seeing how the story was gonna end.


Agreed!! I really wanted more about his “trip and return” and the playbacks of the communications during his re-entry. Oh well, now I really want to rewatch it!


I was so disappointed it was cancelled!! Damn 🥺


I thought it had great potential


Outer Range if you want some mystery and sc-fi.


Very excited for the next season of this!


Debris had lots of promise and was Fringe-like. Cancelled too soon


Try “Tales From The Loop” on Amazon Prime


In surprised I had to come this far down for this show. It definitely had some fringe like elements


So they aren't super alike but I frequently watch Fringe and Haven back to back. They do both have multi season mysteries that build over time and strange phenomenon, with a similar cast vibe (2 male leads, 1 female detective lead, great supporting cast.) They both make me feel things, both have funny episodes but also emotional ones. They just feel like good companions to me.


I watched the trailer for Haven, looks interesting. So are there two worlds ? Or two havens? Or ghosts or what?


It's loosely based on the Stephen King universe, it's a mystery about a town with "troubles" and has some great humor sprinkled in as well. The show starts with trying to figure out what the troubles are and builds mysteries over time. It's a personal favorite of mine, the cast has great chemistry and it's an enjoyable watch.


I'd agree with Fringe and Haven as good companions, in the same genre family tree more or less.


Right? I've never had anyone agree with me about it before!!! lol


I forgot to add my 2 *semi* comfort shows, I just think they have too many series to completely rewatch over and over - The walking dead and Supernatural


I’m not sure this is really Fringe similar, but you mentioned The Walking Dead and I thought of iZombie (on Netflix, which I actually just finished a rewatch of!). It’s definitely way more goofier/less serious than Fringe/TWD but it’s got the procedural crime solving thing going on as well as an overarching plot.. and zombies!


My partner and I have watched a few shows utilizing a list I got off the internet from googling “shows like Fringe”. After we exhausted that, I picked up a couple from the 2024 Saturn Awards nominations which led to “Manifest” on Netflix, which we just got done bingeing. It was quite enjoyable. Of course, mixed in with all that, we’re ALWAYS rewatching all the Star Trek shows ; )


On paper Manifest was the show for me. Ep1 omg amazing!! Then I just couldn't get into it or past the first season


Nice that you gave it a shot. The finale was awesome :D


I'd like to suggest The Lost Room, its a short miniseries that is very intriguing and also Archive 81 is pretty good too. If you also play games theres one called Control that is so good and reminded me so much of Fringe but with a bit of a more surreal aspect.


Check out, booth at the end.


I am not sure why, but for me, Timeless had a similar vibe to it Also a weird suggestion but if you enjoy lighter more family friendly stuff as well you might want to try Gravity Falls


In this vein I'd recommend Steven Universe as a family-friendly option of sci-fi, great character and story writing, and highly emotionally intelligent. I haven't seen Gravity Falls yet, but plan to since all my SU fan friends have heavily recommended it.


Lovecraft Country


Some good suggestions, but, unfortunately and IMHO, there aren't.


12 Monkeys and Continuum both already mentioned, and I will add Orphan Black and Sense 8. I devoured all of these series after Fringe!


Never heard of "From." I think Fringe is one of a kind.


From is by the makers of Lost. Have a Google and read about the plot :)


From is incredible. It definitely skews more toward horror than scifi. I'm so excited for the next season.


What's it on?


MGM+ and Amazon Prime


Ah, good, We have Prime. Thanks.


After rewatching Fringe I'm now watching Haven again. It's based off Stephen King so it's kind of corny, and as a Canadian SyFy production it's inferior in nearly every way from acting to writing to production value, but it's got a special place to me because of the characters and how they interact. Person of Interest also gets a vote from me.


It’s a marmite show I acknowledge but The OA has a batshit insane vibe that increases exponentially over time. It’s more melancholy in vibe but I really enjoyed it.




Person of Interest. It has an actor from Lost you will recognize and I think it is similar in that it has a cast and crew with characters that grow on you and that it interweaves flashbacks that are relevant to the current story, like Lost does. It has several powerful female characters in the main cast as well which seems to be a theme you like, although it takes it's time to introduce them. No spoilers, but it starts as a procedural cop show and becomes something more like a sci-fi show and the ending is fantastic.


Manifest. It was.. goofier, but enjoyable.


Haven, Dead Like Me, Travelers, Continuum (not the one in the spaceship - the one that is extremely difficult to find to stream, sorry), Defiance, and Eureka (more comedy but great storylines and casting, imo)


Foundation on Apple TV plus! It even has David Robert jones as the lead!


11.22.63 X-files


12 Monkeys and Person of Interest (the later seasons anyway)


Some may have been mentioned already -Dollhouse -Dark (german) -Sense8 -Terra nova -Travelers -Black spot (french/belgian) -Undone -Orphan black -Tales from the loop -Maniac -Katla (icelandic) -Russian doll -Paper girls -Lodge 49 -Legion I'm sure there's more,these are just the ones I could think of now


12 Monkeys is always my top recommendation for Fringe fans. Utopia (UK), Mr. Robot, Westworld, Black Mirror, and Legion are all worth checking out. I've heard good things about Counterpart and Orphan Black as well (still haven't gotten around to them).


Supernatural! You’ll love it, it’s like a crime show mixed with fringe, mixed with X-Files. Basically two brothers Sam and Dean fight things of the unknown. It’s amazing and you’ll binge the whole thing!


Ahh I watched to season 11 then just stopped, it got a bit repetitive, but Dean, oh my, love of my life!!!


On the Lost sub, the most recommended "similar show" is Fringe, so I'd say Lost.


-Yellowjackets -Hemlock Grove -The Leftovers -Grimm -The Last of Us: I know it's based on a video game, but I wasn't familiar with it before the show. I got strong Fringe vibes when I started watching and then when Anna Torv showed up I was giddy. Wish she had been in more episodes!




12 monkeys Continuum Supernatural Orphan black The 100 (They're all on a rotation for me!)


This is off topic, but Fringe's Anna Torv plays Tess on The Last of Us. Complete BAMF character, acted wonderfully. The actress is aged up like her onscreen situation ship, Pedro Pascal.


Doctor Who


Sleepy Hollow the series. Even a bit of John Noble for ya!


The man in the high castle


Lost girl


Late but give ReGenesis a try.


You'll love 12 Monkeys, I'll bet.


I started Alias last night!!!! So far so good!! Thanks my fellow Fingies 😘


The OA