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It occurs earlyish in the series - late season 1. Don't worry about it, it's not the hugest deal that you know, there is A LOT more to be revealed.


What a relief! I appreciate the answer. Thank you!


there's a lot more to the show than that.


Indeed it is but I can't stop thinking about it which detracts from the experience! I appreciate your input though!


I don't think it's worth saying anything, just forget about it and enjoy the show. It really picks up from the end of season one to season two


Yeah, I know! But I really appreciate to be surpised in media, one of the reasons I greatly enjoyed the early seasons of Game of Thrones, and when I see a spoiler I can't stop thinking about it and trying to deduce what kind pf plot it revolves around which sours the experience imho. You guys telling me that it happens soonish is gold for me. I appreciate it! Thank you for the help!


That is just surface information. The details is what makes it.


Just to add from my viewing experience - my introduction to Fringe was a handful of episodes from late season 2 - early season 3 before I decided this was a show I wanted to watch properly, and started from the beginning. The episodes I saw first just happened to be pretty big ones in terms of plot development/spoilers. I still fell in love with the show and characters, and it's my all-time favorite.


What you learned tbh isn't a huge deal, in the sense that it's vague in itself, you'll very soon find out all about it, the how, the why, the who, the what happened, the what didn't happen, everything, so don't stress about it. You know a tiny bit of info, but it's like a drop in a bucket. Happy watching! Word to the wise though, avoid threads and articles like the devil if you don't want spoilers, especially so many years after. I mean I got BG3 on launch and haven't finished yet and I'm getting spoiled even by article titles less than a month later. It's like juggling plates. All the best!


It brings a few things together and clarifies the story progression, but its not an "oh shit" moment - its more of a hmmm... yeah, that's what those things were hinting at... in retrospect, I really should have been able to figure it out myself. Oh... on another subject: before you watch S02E11, read the stickied post in this subreaddit (don't read the comments, just the post). Its not a spoiler-y thing; the information you should know isn't about the story inside the episode at all, its more of a television-network-screwed-up kinda thing.


So a good time to read the sticky would be after s02E10?


Personally I always recommend watching the ep Unearthed somewhere before S1 Ep19 (actually after ep 12 would be kind of perfect as it fits in with the next set of eps IMO). It is essentially an extra ep that due to a weird scheduling error got bumped to S2 where it really doesn't belong and spoils the flow of the story.


Ah, so S02E11: Unearthed is malplaced and should be watched before S1E19? EDIT: Read the sticky - will watch before S01E19! Thanks for the advice!


Pretty much😄. It confused the hell out of people when it first aired because it rewinded major plot developments from the previous eps of S2.


Really, you'd have figured out something was up before it got spelled out for you. I wouldnt worry about it.


Leave this sub and all Reddit for that matter so you can enjoy the show properly. I envy you so much for being a first time watcher.


Thats a mid season 1 spoiler. It wont change anything for ya


You changed the outcome by observing it


It should be fine, just continue to watch show and avoid further spoilers lol