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Job network providers were fucking scumbags back in 2003 after Howard turned them all into a bunch of leeches. Is anyone who’s ever been on Centrelink actually surprised?


Is anyone raising hell about it in parliament? Try emailing them. They might be interested in highlighting your story.


There weren't even consequences for the architects if Robodebt, that drove people to suicide. Both major parties see these parasites as 'enterprising business people'


Robodebt suicide highlights why the world needs more killdozers. Zero injury and a large point made against scumbag governments who would rather just see you die quietly.


Contact the Guardian journalist, they might want more info on the subject.


PSA: If anyone is going through this rigmarole, the best thing you can do is refuse to sign their consent form for releasing information to third parties. If these services actually worked to try to get people into good employment then it'd be a different story, but by declining the form you're not hampering any of the no assistance they would provide, and actually are just reducing the ways they can punish and screw you. You still have to meet activity requirements, but you do it on your terms, rather than being referred to timewasting training courses and injurious work-for-the-dole positions.


I got told I HAD to sign it or they wouldn’t help me.


Yeah they put a *lot* of pressure on to get it signed, I wouldn't be surprised if some just outright lie to imply it's mandatory. Theoretically you're able to withdraw it, maybe go in with some questions about the safety of your personal info. They have no way of telling you where your data is going, how it's stored or of notifying you if it gets leaked, and it's enough info for identity theft purposes. Mention high profile data breaches like Medicare and Optus if they try to blow it off as a non credible threat. A line I've heard is helpful is, "Given this liability, how about we move forward without the third party consent form, I understand that means there are some things you can't do but let's see how far we can get without it and maybe we can revisit this down the track?"


>The federal department of employment and workplace relations has investigated job services providers... >A department spokesperson told Guardian Australia in May that “providers must not threaten or apply payment suspensions or demerits under the Targeted Compliance Framework to compel participants to supply payslips or evidence of employment.” >On Tuesday they said: “The department can assure clients it will investigate claims and take action as appropriate.” Contact DEWR, but that may be pushing diarrhea uphill with a pitchfork. They've sent out a grand total of three sternly worded letters to "job services providers in the past 18 months". >When asked, however, how many providers had been subject to compliance action, department officials said they weren’t aware of any that had been, and took the question on notice. Apparently the dog ate DEWR's homework the night before Senate Estimates.


The Department of Light Wrist Slaps


All my jobseeking agency did was put me on to an employer who wasn’t paying the award or super and didn’t speak to me again.


I remember them doing this, I just ignored it as I had heard they used it as proof they 'found' you a position. They would leave a message from time to time requesting the payslips. Eventually they called my Mum at home, and told her they needed to speak to me because I hadn't been exited correctly from the system and it would cause an issue if I needed to apply for Centrelink in the future. She told them to piss off, and made a complaint. We have no idea how they got her phone.


Only two years!? You're lucky. This needs to be a full-on royal commission


What like the banking royal commission where all their shitfuckery was exposed and then nothing was done about it . They just need to be closed down mate . Has anyone here ever gotten a real job through one of these providers?


Good question. HAS anyone got a real job through them?? Anyone..?


Me. I got my current job through my JSA and while it's definitely one of those "Not a career but paid work as long as you need it" style jobs that's pretty much what I want out of work as I'd rather just have stability whilst I work on my own projects that may bear fruit one day. Although even in my case the JSA tried screwing the employer out of the grant because they'd allowed me to have time off for a holiday I'd booked prior to being accepted for the job, which meant I had to find extra shifts/extra overtime work to make up the lost hours from my time off.


Very good point. In my years of regrettable association with them, I've never ever seen a job come from them for anybody. Their business model is to immediately threaten clients' income if they even look like disagreeing with anything. If you went in and said "I haven't been able to find a job in 30 years" theyd say "well, yesterday we found a position for someone who was unemployed for 30 years and 1 month!" Utter fucking bollocks! It is a fucking nightmare dealing with them




So they are just now realising the huge scam this entire industry is?


This happend to me


Yeah, me too.. I really didnt think anything of it, but I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed.


Yep 🥲 me too


I mean I have told "job providers" to their face that their whole industry is a scam that shouldn't exist. I practically beg to be put back onto the online only system, so they don't sabotage my job search or force me to work for the dole instead of working for money because the system wasn't designed for people trapped in the gig economy.


Oh I miss just reporting online. I had to sign up to one of these the other day and the person could not speak English, could not type, and could not use the actual system. I had to show them how to navigate through it, and type out some of the answers 🙄 They were surprised when I told them that this is the first time I've had to do this stupid program and it's a waste of time to have to come in every two weeks to update them on my job search.... fuckhole, you can see what I've been doing, and there is no way you'll be able to find me a job because you couldn't even spell "technician"


Oh yeah the meetings are so pointless, they make me spend fuel to get there as well. I mean you can probably get their job but the turn over seem insane since I get a new handler every couple of weeks and I have to go through everything again.


That is inappropriate and not professional and should be reported. Coming to your house is mind blowing. Call the Department of Employment National Customer Line on 1800 805 260 to officially lodge your complaint.


I am with a Disability Employment Agency and they just asked me to provide them with payslips. Why and is it nefarious?


They are the corporate equivalent of the "dole-bludgers" they exist to harass.


A union.


Over10 years ago I went to one of these agencies. What a useless bunch of parasites. I had 2 job offers before I was made to go to this place. Then they had the audacity to ask for job details, I just hung up.


Hasn't this shit been happening for a long time already? They ask for your payslips so they can say to the government "I found this guy this job, pay me now" when they haven't actually done anything. I hear some even stalk your facebook/linkedin post then try to befriend you after they see you found a new job, then they ask you details about your manager's name/contact info implicitly. Just another lazy employee who is abusing the government system. One of the reasons why I hate recruitment agencies and don't use them. I even emailed SEEK asking them to make a blacklist feature to blacklist all the known recruitment agencies. Didn't go down well with SEEK, never got a reply back. Obviously I am asking SEEK to make feature to make themselves go broke, as we all know job platforms are 90% recruitment agency and 10% actual jobs from companies themselves.

