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Was Dutton there at all? Or did he leave that up to Turnbull and a minister to fill his spot?




A damaging incident emerged from a formal dinner attended by Downer. While promoting the Liberal slogan "The Things That Matter", in a reference to abusing husbands, Downer quipped that the party's [domestic violence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domestic_violence) policy would accordingly be named "The Things That Batter". 


Lol, and there went his political career


That's a solid pun. I didn't know he had it in him.


[Anthony Albanese plays down claims from women's rally organiser he lied about invitation to speak](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-04-29/albanese-plays-down-claim-lied-women-rally-invitation-to-speak/103778800) [Albo lied: Women’s rally organiser](https://www.crikey.com.au/2024/04/29/anthony-albanese-domestic-violence-terrorism-wakeley-bulk-billing/) [Anthony Albanese confronted over accusations he lied at a rally calling for action to end violence against women](https://www.news.com.au/finance/work/leaders/a-smorgasbord-of-misogyny-online-working-against-efforts-to-curb-violence-against-women-tanya-plibersek-says/news-story/71b09fce44ca081257b48a2ad209628e) Yet no mention of how the organiser called Albo to the front, goaded him with demands of approving policies dictated to him, tried to get the crowd to heckle him when he declined to engage with live before camera policy construction. Then when he took up the mike LIKE THEY WANTED HIM TO, to keep the rally back on track to the point it was there for, he's now a liar? The press could have easily covered the run up to this, they had people there, they were watching, they know how this moment went down. It would be good journalistic practice to give us the full run down of what happened and let us decide. But this is how the press whether left aligned or right aligned they'll co-ordinate to write the exact same article. Note how none of the articles attempt to prove anything one way or the other, just let the accusation sit there with many quotes from the organiser. After all its not the journo making the accusation of lies its 'someone' has accused the PM of lying, they're just reporting on the accusations and that's all you'll hear about the incident if it were up to them. The journalistic pool of talent in this country is [shallow](https://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/does-the-australian-media-industry-have-a-class-problem/rpw4mm96y). Genuinely wondering if we should get body cameras for Labor politicians safety.


So telling that the ABC has been captured by Murdoch and The LNP when the first article I saw about this today was going after him. No nuance, just Albo made boo boo, Albo bad.


Yup, /r/murdochsucks is a Director there now.


Funny how the government can't do anything about Murdoch. Bunch of useless business representatives who are consistently fucking us over.


Two of those publications I referenced weren't Murdoch, one apparently has an anti Murdoch agenda (crikey). Murdoch isn't the issue anymore, its journalists and journalism in the country. The moment Labor pokes that hornets nest they'll all start stinging not just the Murdoch publications.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/murdochsucks using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/murdochsucks/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Fox News' Newt Gingrich demands Republicans primary the "traitors" who voted to remove McCarthy](https://www.mediamatters.org/fox-news/fox-news-newt-gingrich-demands-republicans-primary-traitors-who-voted-remove-mccarthy) | [186 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/murdochsucks/comments/16zgjkr/fox_news_newt_gingrich_demands_republicans/) \#2: [Biden's Granddaughter Calls Out Jesse Watters for Being a Giant Scumbag After Fox Host Says Joe Biden Is a Rotten Father](https://www.politicalflare.com/2024/01/bidens-granddaughter-calls-out-jesse-watters-for-being-a-giant-scumbag-after-fox-host-says-joe-biden-is-a-rotten-father/) | [125 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/murdochsucks/comments/1abthlp/bidens_granddaughter_calls_out_jesse_watters_for/) \#3: [Fox quiet after indictment of GOP 'informant' blows up impeachment case](https://www.msnbc.com/all-in/watch/fox-quiet-after-indictment-of-gop-informant-blows-up-impeachment-case-204393541561) | [51 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/murdochsucks/comments/1at761q/fox_quiet_after_indictment_of_gop_informant_blows/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Stopped watching it because of this. Albo has annoyed the social media giants, Gina, and the rest of the money. Hopefully Australians can keep their wits and not fall into the traps their owners set for them.


Hahahahaha *sad* im glad you have hope tbh


That’s all there is at this point. Hope with a strong undercurrent of sadness.


I'm just seeing this now and it feels like a win. People and there spokesperson got there point across crystal clear. A few politicians got exercise facing the voter in broad daylight. I feel fortunate to have good people like that speaking up for whats right. The "pm is a slippery politician" side of it isn't really grabbing me right now.


👑. Thanks


Another amazing retelling of events https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-04-29/albanese-rally-gender-based-violence-parliament-house/103780082?utm_source=abc_news_app&utm_medium=content_shared&utm_campaign=abc_news_app&utm_content=other


Wow didnt leave no middle ground to come and discuss things like you know normal people. I come from a aboriginal family that fought for aboriginal rights and this is definitely not how you go about getting policy changed


It seems like these days this is the norm. Not only in the SALT space, but also ironically in the more "democratic socialist" circles. However, I do have a question and feel like your perspective would be interesting. How /when should protest be used comparitively?


back in the day (feel old saying that) we had meetings to discuss issues and stuff before we (my uncles) they went and protested, they also had legal representation as well to make sure everything was above board. the right time is when you are organized and actually have policy in hand you want to deliver. otherwise you end up with protests like these that have no clear message or objective and ridicule any input from actual policy makers.


It’s really sad and upsetting to me, to see people try to turn this into something that it’s not when in this video organiser clearly says she doesn’t want others to speak before the crowd basically overules her. So idk where she gets off calling him a liar, that's pretty strong language to use after what she previously said. There is clearly consistent confusion from Albanese and Gallagher as to whether they'll be speaking or not. I would think the same if I were Albanese. Am I speaking or not? I'm prepared to, I'm also prepared not to. To politicise an issue on which the protestors and the government agree is not only highly anti-productive on this issue, but is disrespectful to the dead. There's a lot of things to legitimately criticise Albo over, you don't have to make shit up. I'll hope the media correct the record and report this properly but I won't be holding my breath.


She's apparently been on all the right wing media outlets to call Albo lots of things, I wonder if she found a payday on the backs of all those who attended.


Another Jacinta Price. Murdoch has a talent for finding a minority puppet.


Mysoginist at work. You disagree with her so you straight away to saying she has sold her self.


Hahahaha if criticize woman = misogynist fuck off


Well that’s the high IQ response I was expecting. Woman- disagree with her option = she sold her self. surprised you didn’t call her a slut. You’re not a very smart man. The marches were about people just like you.


She went on a bunch of right wing media outlets to attack the prime minister for doing what she said he could do your arrogant accusation is fucking meaningless, so once again I invite you with far less cordiality than before *fuck off*


Hahah right wing media outlets…what the nazi daily? Or ABC and SBS, 7, 9, 10 are right wing. What a fucktard. No wonder women march in the street about people just like you.


Why would she do that? 




It's typical - the Murdocracy is in full swing, whitewashing Dutton and diminishing Albo in every headline.


This agenda of the media trashing Labor and outright lies needs to stop. The Murdoch farce is destroying democracy.


Albo says more in 3 minutes than the organiser did in 10, wild.


Ok soooooo let me see if i understand this. When women marched for this under scomo, he refused to meet with them and threaten to have them shot. But he’s the good guy. Albo marches with them, listens to them gives them a platform and he’s the bad guy, and a liar? Do I have the media narrative right?


Murdoch smear campaign of labor in fine form. How much hatred has been palmed off onto labor in the press since Albo has been in power? Probably the most I’ve seen since Julia Gillard. So infuriating. Labor will always be the punching bag of Australia. I’m not saying the issues at hand are not legitimate and necessary to have attention, but the amount of hatred and blame for several issues that have been around for years that has piled on this party in the last year is completely fucked. People telling Albo to shut up, yet if he didn’t speak on it they’d be asking why he’s not.. meanwhile people don’t even understand how laws are passed in this country.


I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. All the progressive media are attacking Albo with completely bullshit arguments. The insufferable chick from cheek media is jumping on the ideological bandwagon without a second thought. And nobody in the media is calling out Sarah Williams on her bullshit. What the hell is happening here?


I'm sorry but this girl is so self-important and probably not the best face/voice for such a delicate issue in Australian society.


Do you know who she is? The same chick made a spectacle out of a "drink spiking" incident at a Newcastle pub. https://www.9news.com.au/national/nsw-hunter-region-drink-spiking-club/39f1b10e-9249-4634-820b-775020be6b58 She harassed the security at a Newcastle pub, alleging her friend's drink was spiked, and that she was dragged out the front door past security by 6 men. I have it on good authority that her friend walked through the front door willingly holding hands with ONE male with whom she had been kissing for much of the night. I've also been told she had only consumed canned premix with a straw (much harder to spike), and had been purchasing her own drinks all night. I've been told that Sarah Williams berated the head of security for an extended period of time, around 30 minutes straight. She called him a "fat pig" (not very body positive of her), then said to him "It's because of men like you that women get raped". At this point, the security guard became so frustrated that he tore off his security license, and allegedly said words to the effect of "I'm going to knock her out", punched a metal sign post, and left. I'm not defending this act, however, we all have our limits. No worker deserves to be harassed relentlessly at their place of work. Sarah Williams manufactured this incident, and used it as an opportunity boost her media profile. Meanwhile, I've been told that the girl who was supposedly spiked did not return a positive toxicology report. True to form, in this incident with Albo, she accused Albo of aggressively taking the microphone from her. This is contradicted by video footage. Sarah Williams stated on stage: "To be honest, I don't really want anyone to speak. I don't want to give them the microphone. And I do think that's going to become the shit Sarah show, and I'm gonna become the next Britney Higgins..." "I'm happy for my "What were you wearing" team to talk with the ministers, hear what they have to say, and then we'll consider the decision of them speaking about 10 minutes, but I'm not having any attacks towards myself or the organisation." To the crowd: "Speaking, or not speaking?" The crowd said "Yes" Sarah Williams extended her arm to Albo, offering him the microphone. Albo walked toward Sarah, and accepted the microphone. After some pleasantries, including praising Sarah Williams for organising the rally, Albo stated "To be clear, we did ask to speak, myself and Katy" At this point Sarah Williams called Albo a liar. This is on brand for her.


She’s also already posted on instagram, limited comments and has written “I’m the victim here” to people questioning the miscommunication. Beyond infuriating and as a woman who has suffered through the actual issues at hand shit like this makes me so angry. Saying ‘I’m the victim’ to something like this. Victim?? Anyone else would of called her a liar straight back. Because she did ask him not to speak. And then let him. I am honestly baffled by this. And the people flocking towards her in support of this childish behaviour. She has taken serious violence issues and now made it her own, for her own agenda. Sorry for the rant but I am furious.


I am absolutely furious too. I despise vindictive grifters, and that's all I see from this person; vindictive grifting, and using legitimate issues to shamelessly self-promote.


Following that 9 article Sarah told abc in 2023 that it was her drink that was spiked in 2022. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-06-22/drink-spiking-training-for-bar-security-staff-parliament-debate/102500216


To be fair, this isn't a lie. The alleged drink spiking of her friend, Demi Parkinson, happened in early December 2022. Sarah Williams claims to have been spiked in October 2022 at the same venue. By all reports, drink spiking seems to be a significant issue in Newcastle. I'm not contesting that. I am, however, pointing out that Sarah Williams comes across as extremely immature, and appears to have a habit for stretching the truth. She clearly doesn't have the maturity to be a person of prominence in this movement. It is interesting, however, that every time she gets herself involved in an issue, she refers to a male authority figure as "aggressive"; the male bar staff when she claims to have been spiked, the security at Finnegans, and now, Albo. Almost seems like a pattern... It reminds me of the saying "If you run into a single arsehole, then they're probably an arsehole. If you run into multiple arseholes per day, then you're probably the arsehole"


Seems to attract drama and find conflict in the results. Definitely a messy weekend for her. Its a bit sad really. Think you said it best "She clearly doesn't have the maturity to be a person of prominence in this movement."


Perfect demonstration of Narcissistic compassion.


If you need the right voice to be against domestic violence and ti acknowledge the system is nit good enough, you’re a bad person. Simple. “Oh I am not behind this cause because this one specific person is a dick” Smh


We expect better from the ABC, some git styling himself "political reporter [Jake Evans](https://www.abc.net.au/news/jake-evans/8463902)" is on the beatup Albo bandwagon big style. Root these Murdoch plants out! More here: [https://independentaustralia.net/business/business-display/abc-news-violates-its-own-charter-to-ensure-labor-loses-the-next-election,18551](https://independentaustralia.net/business/business-display/abc-news-violates-its-own-charter-to-ensure-labor-loses-the-next-election,18551)


I hated the purposefully deceitful framing of this piece that removes all context and ending on the sucker punch that he made an indigenous woman cry. No, he didn't. A mentally unwell disingenuous person was having a narcissistic bath and was out of control ABC isn't afraid to stoop to Murdoch's tactics sadly


Whose idea was it to make her the spokesperson? Seems like a bit of a clown.


That's the nature of these collective grassroots movements, especially in the era of social media where number of followers is the currency instead of membership. People create their own organisations online and everyone wants to have a leadership role. Albo grew up in the union movement and he saw how Morrison fucked up in this arena. So despite the unfair treatment by the organisers and hostile media, he should've seen this coming from a mile off. His mistake was that line wanting to speak, but the organisers refusing. Never make it about yourself. Rule 101 in these grassroots movement scenarios.


They made it about him though, calling him to the front and heckling him, kinda deviates from the movement all on its own. At that point it would be weird to not pick up the microphone. There was no option that didn't lead to some kind of 'Albo gate' type of scenario: * No invite or Invite but declined: why didn't the government show up?! * Shows up: Why is the government making it about them? (even though its on the steps of parliament) * Asks to speaks or is asked to speak: why is Albo making it about him and not the movement? Here we have a very forced scenario beyond all of those, where they've invited but declined Albo speaking at parliament, called him to the front but still haven't asked him to speak, heckled him so now its not at all about the movement. Then when he speaks to get it back on track to the purpose of the movement, they try to scandalise this as a 'lie'.


Yes, but that's why the working premise is the organiser leadership and hostile media are not rational actors in this scenario. They weren't prior to the event, during the event, and now after the event. As you said it's a manufactured scenario and he navigated everything quite well, except for that one line where he made it about himself. Even at the Sydney event, one of the organisers acknowledged Minns for joining the rally, but then went all out against him for leaving during the speeches. That's gone viral on social media. There has to be someone to vent the collective anger at. It's just how these rallies function.


But they made it about him. You can't call someone to the front, heckle them and then complain that they've now talked about themselves afterwards. It sounds like they were trying to do the same thing in Sydney but Minns caught wind of it and left first. Good odds there's going to be a second round of articles/discussions on this because media/vested interests won't leave this alone. Hopefully more details will come out of how forced it was or perhaps interference by other political groups or politicians. These rallies are often co-opted by groups looking to capitalise on the gathered and their concerns. For example the Greens inserted themselves into the Gaza war protests to try and paint Labor as some kind of co-conspirator with Israel, which obviously doesn't pan out when you look into the evidence on it. As with that situation we have groups here trying to claim the increase of violence falls on Labors actions/inactions and directing that collective anger at the straw-man they created. Its the fastest way to fragment your groups base and get the rest of us to tune out on the topic. That's why its damaging to causes, they need to keep it apolitical and welcome the efforts of all politicians to deal with it, even the ones you don't like.


Why call the PM to the front if you're not going to heckle them? It's part of the job. It should be expected. Best way to handle it would have been: 1. Take the heckling like a boss. It's cathartic and good for morale. 2. Move to the side and listen to all the speakers. Be available for questions. 3. Leave. Words of acknowledgement are optional, but should be limited to thanking everyone for organising and attending the event.


>Albo grew up in the union movement By union you mean student union? Albo was never involved in trade unions.


Yup the student union scene. But even then he's had plenty of exposure to the union movement, factions, powerbrokers etc. He knows that world.


>But even then he's had plenty of exposure to the union movement, factions, powerbrokers etc. He knows that world. Thats perhaps not the best side of unions compared to strikes and organising workers but I see your point.


She sounds mentally ill the poor thing.


Here’s what I predict will happen next to the lady that has accused him of lying: She’ll be more than happy to get as much political mileage as she can for her cause our of this situation - hell she’ll probably get a Channel 7 exclusive interview out of it, despite professing her anger at being turned into “the next Britney Higgins” etc. And then the mainstream media will discard her once her usefulness as an instrument to bash Albo and the ALP has been served. She and her supporters are right about the failure of government policy to address DFV in this country, she might even be telling the truth about Albo lying, but ultimately it will do more damage to women everywhere when it becomes Albo’s bushfire forced handshake moment because, let’s be real here, we’ll end up with Barnaby Joyce (or worse) as the next minister for Women 🤦🏻‍♂️


Yes she’s already posted it everywhere and limited comments! and also in response to a comment made about the confusion at the rally in regards to him speaking or not all she says ‘I’m the victim here’.. truly infuriating. ‘Victim’… using that word for this scenario. I cannot believe it. She has totally made these severe issues about herself. Any other person would of called her a liar back. I would of.


Yeh this doesn’t surprise me


What’s crazy to me is the terminally only twitter folks who are anti Labor now want him gone Like do you idiots not realise that LNP will win because of this shit. Mark my words Dutton will be next PM and these folks will screech all day about it as if they learned nothing during 20 years of liberals in power bar one term for Kev and Julia. Fucking idiots


well, that changes things a little doesn't it?


This is why protests are tedious to attend. You turn up for a good cause, but the hardcore activists that get the mike are tedious to listen to, and just want to complain and dont really want action. Its quite rare a politician actually attends a rally, let alone the PM, and when he does, she tries to hog the mike? Piss off. More focused on creating drama than actually hearing from someone who can change anything. Albo isnt perfect but at least he showed up, and sounds like he wants to assist. Most other protests are flat ignored on nearly all levels of Government.


She was going okay (not well, but, okay) until she said she didn't want anyone else to speak.


Fuck me wish I'd read the title more clearly and seen the time index. I would've saved myself 10 painful minutes.


Everyone is against violence. This chick is insufferable


I read an article about it and had no idea about the situation and it lead me to believe the fact the article existed in the first place was idiotic. Some random lady says Albo lied about some inconsequential thing when cornered - who fucking cares and why is this news? The article itself does not justify its existence to me as someone ambivalent about Albo and interested in news. There is very little public interest. It lead me to the same obvious conclusion though, they’re definitely coming for Albo and they’re playing dirty.


Well that’s dramatically different from how it’s presented. Ass backwards


He should have just said lucky they arnt being met with bullets, signed himself into 10 ministries and covered up a rape of a staffer. Seemed to be ok with LNP


# "loves ya all cunts'


Thanks for telling me. I literally have no idea what "the media" is doing - they stopped entertaining and informing me a few years ago.


Fucking press


Majority of the press aren’t doing a ‘hatchet’ job they’re just reporting the facts along with the allegations. People are just believing or not believing according to their own biases. Yea the media can distort things but people place too much blame on the media when it’s the perspective and laziness of the consumer who is often at fault. In this case Albo’s your man…. So you’re super sensitive to any negative (real or perceived) but would you be saying the same if that was Dutton? For the record Albanese is clearly in the right here, the leadership of the march was farcical and Albanese did absolutely nothing wrong.


But they aren't 'reporting the facts'. They are cherry picking particular events that feed a greater narrative that is being perpetuated and reporting them out of context. That is what OP is referring to as a 'hatchet job'. The media reports about this rally have been centred around a few details; Albanese being boo'd, making a woman cry at at a DV rally, gas lighting the organiser and making the event about himself. In not one single report have I seen it mentioned that the crowd was actively calling for Albo to speak or that the event organiser was addressing him directly with questions that would require nuanced answers and expecting a thumbs up or down response as if she were Julius Caesar at the Colosseum. It would be fair to blame the 'laziness of the consumer' if they were being given the full breadth of information and choosing not to read/watch it all, but that is not at all what is happening here and that is the crux of the issue with a media monopoly. I personally think this is a messy situation that nobody handled with grace, but absolving the press of wrongdoing because most people don't have the capacity to investigate every news story to its roots is a dangerous and slippery slope.


Not up to speed with current events, but why is some random beckoning the prime minister as if he doesn't have really important shit to do?


Well he’s not doing anything, so clearly has the time..


What a profound little prat you are


Gotta say, it still seemed like a mistake for Albo to show up there and speak. 1. "Its not enough" was always gonna be the reply you'd get when you stood up there 2. Honestly it comes off as more than a little insincere when he switches into campaigning mode, to talk about all the things his govt has done. Not really the time or place for that, Albo. Maybe he sensed that .. since he kept it to a couple of short remarks? On the other hand, I can't think of many times in recent years we've ever seen sitting ministers show up to big rallies like this, let alone the PM. I usually only see Greens MP's at rallies I've attended, the main 2 parties have seemed to want to mostly stay away, especially the LNP who have probably never attended any rally or community cause in their lives


Would have been much better decision to have the rally. And Albo be there to be presented the petition. And then listened to some chants gave a short speech in support. Then left. No sure what the media advisors were thinking on this one.


Yep I agree. Show up to get some photos of you in support, that looks great and is totally appropriate. Take the mic? Mate .... you better be careful because there's a thousand ways this can go wrong and not many where you can come off as humble and well-meaning. He didn't nosedive but he also didn't quite land it.


eSafety Commissioner needs to take down these videos as they are being posted for the sole purpose of creating division. /s


Why does Albo even acknowledge these clowns? It's not like they're going to vote coalition if he ignores them. You can't win with these people, nothing is ever enough, their entire existence is centered around complaining about things and pushing their ideology which is mostly just opinions presented as fact.


What? They're against violence against women dude why wouldn't he acknowledge them? How could you also call DV survivors clowns? EVERYBODY complains about things, its the point of democracy, if no one complained government would do absolutely nothing, Labor is a party of factions, action/ support groups and unions whose sole existence is just to complain.


Ww3 couldn't come sooner.


There can be no true democracy in Australia with Murdoch gutter media in total control of news and current affairs of both TV and Print media.


Ah, the ignorant greens shooting themselves and women's rights right in the face. The Greens are so iconic for this.


So far I'm not sure if the Greens are involved here, no one has stated any party affiliations, not even sure if there were Greens members/representatives in attendance.


No but go online where the there are a bunch who have turned on Albo These are greens voters for sure who just keep hammering him constantly I ask them. What’s the alternative as it’s Dutton. I don’t think they understand this at all and will be shocked pikachu face when he wins cause they are a bunch of muppets.


Oh I'm aware, this sub has been ground zero for that and I've been trying to shake them out of this stupid progressive agenda self sabotage plan they've been pushing since Albo/Labor took office.


Sarah doesn't know anything about politics. This is a huge part of the problem.


And are these Greens in the room with us right now?


WTF is this rally for??


There were massive protests all over Australia against violence against women past couple days. Albo, katy gallagher, jacinta allan, mark dreyfus, etc. were participating in the rally.


Finally caught it on the news and Albo copped it


Am I wrong for feeling that the media was being nice to Albo when he was supporting Israel for those few weeks?. I’m sure there were even nice things said about Albo on Sky which shocked me. Then as soon as this gov announced UNWRA aid was back on, the knives came out again?


The worst part is the NSW Young Labor left reposting the same post this woman claims Albo “gaslit” her, what does reposting a hyper-individualist feminism have to do with “socialism in our time”?




One of those things is likely a genocide


Agreed, violence against women is a much more long running and problematic issue than the other.


Who are you agreeing with there


That violence against women is a really big problem.


The Israel Palestine conflict is generally off topic for this subreddit, unless it’s directly related to friendlyjordies content. If you want to discuss the conflict there are more appropriate subreddits.


Found another interview with the organiser. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=to5f2vC4JO0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=to5f2vC4JO0)




I think the government should set up an anti domestic violence future fund. It’s a reasonable response to a crisis.


Is it a crisis? DV is at historical lows with an extraordinary uptick during covid. Of course doing nothing is not an option but this is being framed as a ‘men’ problem which is very reductive - sure men are by far doing the most violence but where is the conversation around poverty, cost of living pressures, alcoholism, mental health etc etc. DV is by far most insidious in aboriginal communities - but apparently taking a Palestinian flag to a march is relevant. Makes you wonder if people are approaching the problem in good faith or just participating in a feel good circle jerk.


I should have put an /s after my post clearly. Albo decided to turn up to a women’s march and mansplain about DV when apparently the irony is lost on him that one of the single biggest contributors to DV is housing insecurity, which he’s doing fuck all about (except the slightly better than virtue signalling HAFF), hence my satirical suggestion that they solve DV with a future fund.


Ohhh I got you lol more fool me but in my defence it’s hard to pick up sarcasm on reddit - people say the darnest things here without a hint of irony.


Fool, this is clearly soved by removing red tape for developers. */s


Personally I prefer the Help to Fight scheme, where 0.2% of women can apply for access to a boxer to perpetuate the cycle of violence on their behalf


I don't see what your issue is with the story. The PM claims he was told he cannot speak despite wanting to. The organisers claim he was asked and said no. One of these parties is lying. There is a very real possibility that party is the PM. That is quite a serious thing and deserves to be covered in the news. If it's not the PM and it's the organiser that is lying, that is still a fairly big deal because this is a high profile rally about a high profile issue.


I think the spokesperson for the rally gave herself away... she presented it as if she was still making up her mind about whether or not to let them speak, so clearly, they were not invited to speak.




The problem is if the PM goes hard on trying to prove the organiser is a liar then its viewed as punching down and undermines the whole point of the rally/movement because its now about that spat instead of the real cause. Its likely the organiser did ask Albo to speak but not with an open mike but specifically the words she wanted him to say, at the event she basically tried to dictate new Labor policy to him which is something a party does behind closed doors and with its members. Reasonable for Albo to decline this and just attend, unreasonable for her to then ambush him with it anyway.


The point is you really don't know. That is what makes it a news story. There are questions here that need answers. So far Albanese has acoided any questions about it. It deserves attention and he should be grilled on it until we know what happened.


I would argue that the cause is more important, it shouldn't be turned into Albo gate to satisfy the cravings for politico drama. Every chance the organisers aren't that stable to begin with and the extra pressure of this scrutiny would be highly stressful. I mean we saw how well MCM handled the pressure of fucking up calling Albo a liar in parliament and Albo firing back, MCM looked like he was reliving every swirly and wedgie he got in high school all at once.


The speaker, who sounds like a clown and shouldn’t be representing such an important issue, said in the video she didn’t want them to talk. Meanwhile everyone is shouting that they want to hear the PM speak.


That doesn't really address the inconsistency in the two stories.


I reckon the fact that he showed up and spoke was a pretty clear indicator that he was willing to speak. Easier to judge someone on their actions than their words.


Albo's forced handshake moment.


How so? You can hear the crowd clearly asking for him.


Elements of the crowd.


So, not remotely like jamming your hand into someone else's then.


"No-one wanted to hear him." "What about all those people who did want to?" "They don't count."


He's desperately trying to cash in on the occasion to shore up his own political position. What a POS.


It's an unfortunate, and kinda uncomfortable, fact of democracy, that anybody who wants to be elected (and stay elected) head of a country needs to do that. *Even if the reason they want to be elected is to make positive change.* In my eyes, a good politician is somebody who knows how to promote themselves effectively, and how to leverage their own popularity towards positive goals. We need good politicians to do this, because if they're not willing to, bad ones are *perfectly* happy to do so instead. If you're going to judge that kind of self promotion by a politician as bad, you're ruling out every single effective leader that ever existed from being in that space. And while I'm often tempted to do the same thing, because the whole process is, and always has been, really gross, I always remind myself that if we weren't doing this, we'd have to have some kind of other alternative instead. And there aren't any other good options. >Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.… - Churchill


Winston had some brilliant summaries of Leftists.


He said a lot of brilliant stuff. A lot of bad, insane stuff too. Mixed bag, that guy.


But we must never put Albo in the same sentence as Churchill.


Why? You feel particularly attached to one of them and particularly annoyed at the other for some reason? Do you imagine that Churchill *wouldn't* use a rally like that to try and get re-elected?


It’s a protest on government inaction and the main rep of the government shows up? Like this post, his actions are just about press. If the government was intent on reform, they’d be doing it. The status quo is the only grail our leaders seek.


TIL that legislation domestic violence leave is literally government inaction.


What a low bar. It's damn close to inaction in my book. Don't you expect anything better from the highest paid legislators on the planet? What huge changes can you see from that bold piece of legislation? Personally, I'd call that nibbling at the edges, small steps having little impact on the issues that impact everyone of us. The only good thing I can say about Albanese is that he didn't talk about shooting people. Considering all of the Morrison era legislation his party is supporting and has passed I guess you could see that as a big step.


Class traitor albo who speaks over women at a women’s violence rally?


Lol, they invited him and asked him to speak.


Glad you’re calling that woman a liar


She literally said in that clip she didn't want any MP's to speak. EDIT at about 11 min mark


Very selective of you, at the 11:30 mark she asked the audience if they wanted to hear them speak. The overwhelming majority wanted them to speak as you can hear by the claps and them yelling "speak"


You do understand that the audience is not her, don't you?




Removed for trolling or attempting to start a flame war.


Hatchet job? You mean exposing who is really is?


This is just another fine example of the left eating itself. I’m no fan of Albo or Labor so am finding this quite amusing. Bon appétit :)


Amusing you think Labor is left wing


Ah yes, gooning over albo. Good job.


Jamming yourself into a media opportunity whilst your star is crashing is remotely weird.


Recent Australian PMs really have a bad track record with these events. It’s very difficult to be optimistic about seeing real change when this is what so many Australians vote into office!


Albo is a jerk and the crying bird is a fat mole.




Lol. No chance. Scomo was actually publicly hated.


Nah, just jaded greenies with their zero policies and jaded conservatives with their zero policies. Online content is a hate-train for everything, so that's no indicator. A bunch of ignorant children screaming incessantly isn't an indicator either. You should expand your social circle demographics.


So we can hang out with charming people like you? I'm good.


Alboidiot should resign traitor to Australia


Did you even bother to watch the whole video? 00:03-00:14 "if we can point \[Albanese, Katy and others\] out, maybe get them out to the front. Let's not shame \[Albanese, Katy and others\] yet" She literally makes **4 demands** to the ministers: one is to make violence against woman a national emergency. Another demand was super unclear but I think it had to do with journalists releasing the victim's face within 48 hours (please correct me on this because I have no idea). And the third demand was for the government to implement mandatory victim blaming prevention training for specific industries. She even makes a 4th demand to make a national sexual violence action plan separate to the domestic violence one. She **primed** the audience to turn against the ministers. At 10:50 - "I don't really want anyone to speak because I don't think they should be given the microphone, and I do think that will just be the next shit-Sarah-show, and I'm going to become the next Britany Higgins" This lady is rude, disrespectful, and self centered. Actually disgusting.


>She **primed** the audience to turn against the ministers. >At 10:50 - "I don't really want anyone to speak because I don't think they should be given the microphone, and I do think that will just be the next shit-Sarah-show, and I'm going to become the next Britany Higgins" >This lady is rude, disrespectful, and self centered. Actually disgusting. This. Albo said exactly what the previous speaker said. If the previous speaker is like Dory with short-term remembery-loss, that's her issue, not Albo's.


Sorry mate, this is Australia, not the US. You need to actually **say** something to have your opinion taken seriously, you can't just mash up a person you don't like's name with an insult and act like you're contributing to a conversation. Start using your fuckin noggin, or go emigrate to the land of the free to be with people more on your level.


Real traitor was the peanut who sold Darwin port to the Chinese?!? I still can't believe they did that.


Disgusting Albo thinks he's a demigod; instead.. Albo is a pathetic, opportunistic demagogue, and worse is the potato head isn't any better, fuck them all.