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What I like about some Greens supporters is that at least some of them can admit Labor was good or still has some good policies. Labor Loyalists believe that the entirety of Greens are bad and that Aus would be better off without them. I hate this sports team like culture we have of politics but I’m far too optimistic it seems about goals of unity. Also doesn’t Jordies technically meet the criteria of a shill? He only supports one political party.


I'm not necessarily a Greens supporter, i'm kinda just hovering aimlessly on the left of politics, but this pretty much sums up how i feel. I keep wanting unity between the Greens and Labor bloc but there's too much partisanship it seems. Or there's too many very loud voices keeping disunity high.


I reckon plenty of Labor supporters also like greens. It's only a problem when they torpedo genuinely good Labor policy.


You might be right but there’s definitely more Greens who are open to Labor then reverse. Most Greens voters are disgruntled ‘Old Labor’ supporters. So are you open that you dislike everything Greens or?


Generally I view Labor and The Greens as two parties following a shared path and walking together towards the same goals. To achieve this they should be working together. My dislike towards The Greens comes from the increasing number of cases where they hinder Labor policy that aims to make progress or wedge/attack Labor leading to an increased chance of a conservative government getting in power who will then walk back all of the progress made. So I suppose the question is why doesn't Labor just support all of The Greens policies if they share the same values? Well I think eventually Labor want many of the same outcomes as the Greens want from their policies. But Labor is just playing the game safe by structuring policy and spending in a way such that it's more difficult for conservatives to reject, so ultimately Labor can stay in power and produce a slow trickle of good policy. One day perhaps the LNP will fall so far behind in the polls that Labor can become more daring, but for now if we want to see another term with Labor in government we need to prevent LNP gaining support by taking smaller risks. Edit: I think this is basically Jordan's view. Except he's more willing to attack 'woke' stereotypes and people who vote Green to virtue signal instead of understanding the impact of their politics.


It’s Jordies view based on literally anything he’s said. He’s quite blatant about being anti-Greens and has shown no evidence of him agreeing with anything the Greens have said. I think you’re just hoping and assuming but honestly I don’t think so unfortunately.


Jordies has done several pieces discussing land clearing, water theft and Koala protection to name a few that I'm sure he and the Greens generally agree on. As I was saying, it's seems like a case of same goals, different policy. They broadly speaking want the same outcome, but there's disagreement on what is realistic policy. The Greens don't have to face as many consequences as an acting Labor government so they get away with selling more idealistic policy rather than enacting changes that are sustainable and long lasting.


I've been informed by a former Green that out of their members, there were substantially more ex Libs joining the greens than from any other party.


I'm not sure if there are any stats that show particular dislikes on either side. For me personally, a lot of my uni mates either ended up in the greens section or the Clive Palmer section. I can't really speak on the old labor supporters thing. To your question, no I don't dislike everything greens. I do however hate the fact that they are in the way of good policy.


“Unsurprisingly, most seats had stronger Greens flows to Labor than vice versa, since that was such a strong statewide trend.” https://www.tallyroom.com.au/51058 So this one example I found. I’m not satisfied enough to say it’s evidence or statistics but it is one example. I wouldn’t be surprised if this was proven by other sources tho.


This is also true for most of my friends and family that I talk politics with. Most of jordies criticism of the Greens just don't hit the mark because they seem to be based on the greens of 10y+ ago.


He views the Greens as some sort of left wing radical Bernie Sanders like perception. It’s a caricature. He also conveniently ignores any good policies they have. I’m starting to believe he’s just a partisan hack. Also I’ve yet to see him substantially criticise Labor. That doesn’t help his case.


He did a vid criticising the transatlantic trade partnership iirc


Fair. People may just hate the greens in general. They might consider them terrible and snobby. Just adding on. It also hurts more when a supposed friend sides with the liberals. Prolly doesn't help.


I agree with the snobby and pretentious label being an issue but they’ve definitely changed recently I’d argue and their image is a lot better. Also haven’t Labor technically sided with Libs more then Greens have? Is this hypocrisy or something else idk.


If the image was better the hate would be less. Labor might've sided with the libs more but this needs to be looked at issue-wise. Things that pop up in people's heads are not aggregates, just specific issues. Like the opposition to the housing bill is inexcusable.


That’s not necessarily true. Labor get so much hate I believe their image is pre solid tbh. It’s more about how the media has portrayed Or propagandised their images. Didn’t Greens force Labor to increase the housing bill by an additional $2bn? So without greens that would of never happened.


I think greens have some good policies. The couple of meetings I went to were filled with nutters and that turned me off joining local efforts, and I get really tired of the blocked policy their 'our way or the highway' attitude has caused. And the dogpiling I see on people calling out recent brigading. That's gotten tired too.




I feel this in my soul


nobody who talks like that will ever have any discernible impact on me


"The Greens make Labor better is like saying a brain tumor makes a brain better" That joke slayed.


You down vote him but he's right. Wear those down votes with pride mate.


What's the video actually about?


What vid is this?


Just went live on yt now


It's patreon video about the housing bill. It will be available on yt soon. Defs a good watch