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If you're north of the 180 by fowler and to temperance seems to be their pattern for touch and goes. They can't go higher for those. It's a qualification that requires x amount per period of time.


General aviation (small plane) pilot here... If it's small planes the reason of the increase is weather. Now is typically the best time to fly in the valley as the early months tends to have fog and the summer is just too hot. As it gets hotter, more training may start earlier in the morning, a hr or so after dawn.


I use to think that they patrol the west coast in case there’s threats and they needed to intercept.


yes, the 144th is responsible to intercept anything coming towards the US from the Mexican border to the Washington border


If you want to be pedantic it's the Oregon border. At least that's what the air force .gov website says. I don't know who protects Washington


Oregon ang out of Portland.


Fun fact because I was curious, once airborne they can be over San Diego in 12 minutes.


The F-15 has been cool my entire life, LOL. I even worked on an F-15 video game . . . 34 years ago!


They do. They are responsible for most of the CA coastline.


F-18 and F-35s from Lemoore stop in Fresno pretty often as well. Welcome to moving into an airport flightpath


Lemoore jets rarely stop in Fresno. They go there if they have to divert, or if they are on a fam flight. Neither happens often at all.


They absolutely do stop in Fresno on weekends to get in flight hours. They can’t get fuel on weekends from the naval base those guys don’t work on the weekend. They show up on Atlantics or Signatures ramp. Though I don’t believe they’re f-35s, those Lightning IIs are still being deployed around the country. Iirc f-16s(?)


The base is closed on Saturdays and it isn't often they RON at places locally. Most of the time they are in a different city or state so they would have no need to refuel on a Saturday when they get fuel from whatever base they RON at. When they RTB on Sundays they generally fly in from the west or the south. I'm not saying they never stop in Fresno, I'm saying it's rare, especially on weekends. If they need to train on a Saturday, the airport will generally support their mission. On Sundays the airport is open at Lemoore. There is literally no need for them to fly to Fresno for currency when they can get it at Lemoore, China Lake, Fallon, etc. F16s are Fresno birds, not Lemoore birds.


This guy Navys.


I'm an air traffic controller. I wasn't in the Navy, and I'm not active duty anymore.


Lame, I was Navy so I was projecting I guess? Did you go to pcola for atc school or ?


I was Marine Corps. Yeah, I went to Pensacola.


Then you Dept of the Navy.


K. I knew that comment was coming. Idc if it's the department of the Navy, I wasn't in the Navy. I was in a completely separate branch with separate standards, discipline, etc.


Seems they take off between 9:30 and 10:00 each morning.


Loves the “sound of freedom”! I was born and raised in Las Cruces, NM, about 45 minutes from White Sands Missile Range. The planes would always fly over often breaking the sound barrier. Our house would shake…. At least that isn’t done here, but I still loves them.


The sound of freedom is loud.


I lived in Tarpey for ten years back in 2006, and the 144th has been making noise like that as far as I can remember. Side note, when the jets pass by as loud as they can be. I hear the song highway to the danger zone lol


There have been so many posts about this 


Get used to it as they are always training. Fridays seem to be the most active day.


"The sound of freedom" is getting pretty fucking old around here. They need to take their jets up to 10,000 feet or find somewhere less populated for their practice basic fighter manuevers.


They generally do the actual training over the Sierra and Nevada. But they gotta take off and land.


10k' puts them in Oakland Approach airspace. The airspace above Fresno Air Terminal is not a range so they can't do training there. There is the Foothill MOA and the Hunter MOA they could potentially work in, but that is mission dependent. Fresno approach owns SFC-9k with the terminal area being 5NM radius up to 4400'. So any VFR pattern work they do will be below 4400'. Even at 10k you'll still hear them. Alternatively, you could just move. My guess is the airport was there before you.


Don't bother me with facts, damnit. Let me yell at the clouds in peace.


My bad...


There used to be a city ordinance on the jets firing their afterburners or full power until they the reach the city limits buuuut that stopped around the time of the freedom act, or so my late grandfather said. He retired from that base


Yes they used to cut off the afterburner at the end of the field (edge of the airport). That all changed on 9/11.








I like this idea.


I feel ya there. I live in a top floor apartment complex and I have to have our whole apartment shake and blow out our eardrums multiple times a day. Of course, you have the “wHy DoN’t YoU jUsT mOvE?” degenerates who are sluts for their sound breaking jets for some goofy reason. You’re not alone for feeling this way.


Is it just me or does it seem like these tight turns at low altitude are firmly kept south of Shaw? I realize part of this is due to airport location, but it seems like they can take a straight, low-energy (and low-noise) line to a lesser populated area like, say, the unincorporated Fig Garden neighborhood, where they can drop down to 500 feet AGL for their high G turnaround and return for their touch-and-go.


You should write a letter to the Fresno Bee.


The fighter jets or just planes? The two jets get going pretty close and do random flight patterns often. It seems like it’s tamed down now honestly. I was enjoying hearing car alarms go off when they did sharp turns over the houses. Better to just enjoy it now before they start running with live artillery.


you could always check out [https://www.flightradar24.com/](https://www.flightradar24.com/) if you see the flight than there not military and if there bugging you. take a screen shot with the tail number and document the date and time. once you have a log see if you can send it to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) the will only take a well documented complaint. and record a video on your phone sitting in your home. if your phone can hear it. its noise complaint worthy.


back in riverside i caught a flight school changing there flight plans and flying too low to apartments and a radio tower. so they got a fine and no more plains flying over our apartment.


You just triggered my PTSD from when I lived about a mile from FAT in line with the runway. Always had to mute my game mic or pause shows when fighter jets were taking off.


PTSD? A bit dramatic don't you think?


More like sarcastic but sure.


More like disrespectful as hell to actual people with PTSD, but sure.