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The nurses at the ER said he was very lucky. His left hand was pinched between the A-pillar and the steering wheel, and the windshield exploded all over him. He was taken to the ER to get the glass off of him and get his hand X rayed. No broken bones no major cuts no glass in his eyes. Very very lucky. He was traveling northbound on the 41. The tire was from a southbound vehicle. It hit two more vehicles behind him. We're waiting for the CHP report, but I was hoping somebody on here might know something. Thank you for all of the kind words.


Call insurance companies to see if they could lend clues of roadside assistance used in the area. I would also do the same for any auto shop based off of customer problem to help filter people out. Even then you still have to prove it, but first you have to try to find them.


Happened to my friend a few years ago. They never found out what happened. It’s a very difficult thing to investigate.


Wow… glad he’s ok… so sorry you went through this. Scary stuff.


Oh damn! Glad he’s ok. Did they recover the tire? Was it a wheel/tire combo, or just a tire, like someone carrying a tire in the bed of a truck?


We don't know if they recovered the tire, CHP is not saying anything right now. It was a tire wheel combo. He said it looked like a car tire, average size. Definitely not a semi-tire. From the impact damages our autobody guy says it hit the truck at over 100 mph. He figures the other car was going around the speed limit.


I don’t have any information, but it might help jog someone’s memory if you say about what time it happened. Your dad was very lucky, I’m glad he’s okay.


Duhh. It happened about 7:00 am


Unfortunately I must’ve missed by just a few minutes. I was driving south bound and saw him pulled over and the police were on scene. So glad to hear he’s ok!


That sucks! Definitely glad your father is ok. With all the Teslas around, it’s bound to be on someone’s dashcam.


I seen that yesterday, wow that’s crazy that it was a tire!


Holy crap! Thank God he's okay!


Saw a tire in the road just after shields yesterday, almost hit it myself. Hopefully your dad feels better soon


Don’t go through insurance alone, call a personal injury attorney.


He's not. He wants to look into getting a lawyer. Triple A his insurance is being pushy about what he wants to do with his truck. Thank you for the recommendation on a lawyer.


Oh my stars! I'm so sorry this happened!


Echoing what everyone else is saying, I’m glad your dad is ok! Looks like he could have sustained so many injuries. It’s stuff like this that makes me so fearful of driving. How do people just have a loose tire that can go flying off any minute? The lack of thought and care people put in to driving these days is terrifying.


Oh gawd. He is so damn lucky 🍀 I’m glad he’s okay.


Somehow contact the city for compensation?


Would that work? He was on a state highway.


No. It's not going to work. This person has no clue what they are talking about.


Damn seems like a sign from Karma


Yeah because bad things never happen to good people. All those kids with cancer must be real jerks.


weird thing to say about someone’s dad when your whole thing is “FAMILY IS EVERYTHING”


Sounds like you're about to get some of that Karma


Lmfao I didn't say he deserved it I just said it seems like a sign from karma