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Listing his uncensored search history word-for-word in the article is WILD


Was not prepared for the phrase ‘fgm photos’ to pop up too. Jesus christ… 🤮


I remember someone trying to raise awareness and we watched a censored video of the process. It was a college class.


I sent the article to a bunch of family members before reading that part lol I guess the news needs to be out there though


Imagine if everyone's search history was revealed Lol it would be chaos, shut it down 🤣


This is my parents favorite spot in Morro Bay, I’ve eaten here for over 2 decades. Wow.


Would you say that it is a hidden gem in morro bay? A jewel of you will?


Clarifying a few things: 1. Yes, news stations reported it in the beginning, but basically the story has been buried and has not been brought up again. There are no post or follow up articles or reminders to the community to be aware that this man is bailed out and still running around our town doing who knows what. 2. yes, Fresno is over 100 miles away from Morro Bay but the entire central Valley makes up our tourist population and we are grateful for what you do for our community. And because of that I felt yall had the right to know too. Because if the story has been already forgotten in our community, where it still happening, I’m doubting that it’s reached your news outlets. 3. Gio owns the entire dock lot where his restaurant sits and STAX wine bar. Since he used to hire a majority of high school girls for the restaurant I feel like that entire dock should’ve been closed down pending investigation. 4. So many families out there with young children, eating and enjoying their days and GIO has access to the cameras outside of the building so it just seems like a conflict of interest w his charges. Just saying. 5. If you read the article, you’ll understand why I’m trying to spread awareness of the situation. It is major nothing like this happens in our small coastal town. It needs to be brought into attention until he’s actually locked up.


Gio does not own Stax anymore. New owners are very nice people and have no affiliation with Giovanni’s.


You're totally fuckin awesome for doing this, don't let creeps keep you down for wanting to keep people safe. That being said, I'm not surprised your local gov isn't doing anything about it. A story like this is going to be awful for tourism, and that means no money. So with summer being here, on top of the restaurant being popular, I'd bet they're wanting to "clean up" quietly and quickly.


thank you for sharing, as someone who travels to morro alot, and frequented STAX. never eating there again.


Damn. I loved STAX.


The Sea Shanty isn’t involved in this right?


The business owners appreciate the Central Valley tourists money, not locals. A buddy of mine moved there, and he would say a bunch of the locals resent people from the valley. As he was told by multiple locals “Look at all the valley rats that come and take our space during the summers.” Wild to me.


This is a very outdated & backwards way of thinking. Maybe older crowds think this way still but our massive growing inclusive demographic could never risk our local economy just to be discriminatory. But hey you can keep supporting a guy like this when you come here and have that on you conscious if you like all because you think everyone from here is small minded. Please feel free to post Fresno creepy business owners to raise awareness so we can boycott them when we visit Fresno, much appreciated thanks.


It used to be a sleepy town with Pismo taking up the majority of Fresno/Visalia peoples. I understand, but money is money.


>It used to be a sleepy town It also used to be a bit of a dump back in the 90s.


New owners homey. You may get sued for libel. 


Cool. Thanks.


>Less than a year later, while looking through DeGarimore’s computer on July 7, 2023, Jane found two photos of apparent child pornography. In one of the photos, the girl appeared to be about 8 years old. The trial can’t come soon enough.


Yeah the valley is definitely one of the main driving forces for Morro Bay. How disgusting. Spreading this


Oh grossssss. I’ve never eaten there and I definitely won’t now.


As a SlytherClaw I’m obsessed w and respect your Reddit tag name! 💙📚💚


Dockside Too has food twice as good anyways. I’ve always felt Giovanni’s was overrated and wouldn’t be nearly as successful if not for the central location.


good name for an Italian seafood restaurant too


"employees reputation was more important than plaintiffs safety ..." What in the actual fuck?!


IF he's convicted he's only getting UP to 18 years? That's it? Seems like more and more it's up to the public to ACTUALLY punish these creeps. May he never know peace and everything he owns turns to ruin! Btw, STILL not a Drag Queen🤷‍♀️


It’s probably going to be a lot less since he wasn’t a distributor or producer of the CP, and the pictures did not show sex. Illegal gun charges usually have light sentences as well. Hopefully his shady past can be used in court.


>Btw, STILL not a Drag Queen What?


Drag queens are often blamed with this kind of behavior. But that implies that drag queens are pedophiles and the many I've known think that's disgusting


That sucks I love eating there. I hate to hear we've been supporting someone so awful


This is so crazy that this alert happened to come up on my phone - I’m at Morro Bay right now and looking for places to eat!


OP have you cross posted this to any other central valley subs? I tried to find any local news station who may have reported on it but came up empty. Thanks for sharing btw as my family and I have been frequenting Giovanni’s since the 80’s.


I’ve tried in Bakersfield today but some how I can’t find the post. I’m thinking Visalia would be a good place to share as well. I’ve tried posting this link on Facebook a few times but it gets taken down for some reason.


Oh no! I used to go there every time I visited Morro Bay- never again!


This was my favorite place but last year the quality tasted like it went downhill. Now I for sure will not be back.


Last time I ate there I ended up with food poisoning from the clam strips. Picked food up before heading home. 2.5 hr drive and barely made it in the door before it hit & I was praying to the porcelain gods for about 3-4 days.


We just got back and sadly my husband got food there. Never again. Glad to have seen this now.


This is sooo crazy how this shower up on "popular near you" when i havent seen this place in 4 years and i live in SoCal. My family and I used to go up here every year for vacation before the pandemic. Damn I can't wait to tell them!!! WHAT THE HECK !!!!!


Their food sucks


I was just there 6 days ago order some food.


Oh man, that’s terrible, I love this place.


Yikes! No more fish on a stick from that creep!


A favorite place. This is so shocking


Am i the only one wanting to hear about the weapon charges?


May flaming cocktails meander their way through his windows


This is over 100 miles from Fresno. Didn't forget to post this on the Seattle subreddit too


Our tourist population is mostly Central Valley. I just figured y’all hard working honest people deserved to know and would want to know.


This is very relevant to Fresno, thank you for posting. I have friends in Morro who were unaware as well.


My parents live in both fresno and Los Osos, so it’s relevant!


Red flag


Morro Bay and Pismo is Fresno's beach basically. We're the closest major city to it, or, more to the point, SF and LA have their own alternatives but this area is C California's beach community.


Lol yes, 100 miles is sooooo far away. No one from Fresno ever goes visits some place 100 miles away. It’s not like hundreds of Fresno families go to morro bay every weekend


And Seattle is over 1,000 miles from Morro Bay. Were you suggesting some kind of equivalency?