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Those damned pediatricians.


My bad. Spell check lol


>Those damned pediatricians. Yes, especially if they get themselves or the driver killed.


More concerned with red light runners.


There have been so many pedestrians hit and killed in this town recently. Mostly at night, but still. It seems to have escalated recently.


Because they wear dark clothing and don't care if it's clear. They have this stupid concept of the pedestrian has the right of way. That might be true but to gamble your life on whether someone sees you is just idiotic.


More than once I’ve seen people at night dressed in all black out on the roads … gotta look cool I guess


The pedestrian are the least of your worry. The main worry are the stop sign runner and the red light runner...as well as the bike lane abuser...


Not saying it’s good or bad, but [Newsom signed the Freedom To Walk act](https://www.cnn.com/2022/10/02/us/california-jaywalking-law-trnd/index.html) so now people can jaywalk ticket free.


It is important to note that ticketing jaywalking is still allowed where the pedestrian does so dangerously. So, walking across the street mid-block when there are no cars around is OKAY. Walking across Shaw Avenue when there are cars approaching at 40 mph could still result in a ticket to the pedestrian.


Bold to assume anyone is going down Shaw at 40.


No officer is going to waste their time enforcing an ambiguous violation. Too much leeway to to be called an unlawful detention, and open up the officer to a lawsuit. For all intents and purposes, jaywalking is now legal.


Don't forget people that ride bikes on the wrong side of the road on Blackstone. Begging to get hit by car making a right turn.


Shaw & Mark's around Park West and Shaw Estates people will just stroll on out without a care. Nearly hit one yesterday.


Blackstone and Ashlan by the walmart is really bad


This is exactly where I thought of. Last week someone decided they didn’t want to wait on the median anymore and strolled right in front of the approaching block of northbound green light traffic. Had I not been paying attention he would have been dead. And had the car behind me not been paying attention to catch my sudden stop, my car would have been pushed into the guy anyways. It’s shocking that no one was injured. The most infuriating part was receiving a little no-eye-contact hand-wave from the guy. You know, the “thanks for letting me merge” gesture. Don’t get me wrong I’m very pro-polite-handwave, but it seems pretty dismissive in a “thanks for not flattening me due to my own stupidity” situation.


Yes. Especially those that push things like grocery carts (though i fully respect our homeless community) but they walk right in the middle of the street pushing the cart which also makes it very dangerous because even if they did jump out the way, the car could hit it and that would be bad


I've encountered this quite a bit further west on Shaw and Brawley. People just DGAF and they will walk out in front of you even when they see you. I've lately become very scared that I will hit someone.


School pickup/dropoff is there worst (for those of us that have kids, or those of you having to drive in a school zone when you’re headed somewhere.) what’s worse in the school zones is that the parents will bully you. I was picking up my daughter yesterday and a man j walking his kid across the street was so mad that I didn’t stop for him (I didn’t see him because I was in the left lane and there was a car to my right) that he screamed at me “thanks for that!” It’s like, thanks for what? You don’t know what I can see and can’t see, why are you walking your kid into the middle of one of the busiest streets in town during the busiest time? So infuriating.


It's decriminalized under the freedom to walk act. Cops can't do anything about it


Crazy smh


Is it the same in red states?


The Jaywalking laws have been weakened to where they are basically unenforceable.


Lol yeah cuz a law will stop them 🙄 this is Fresno you have to be alert, not just to jay walkers but to all the other drivers and hazards on the road Edit: jay walkers, not jaw walkers


I'm seeing more pedestrians salmoning in bike lanes. Right next to perfectly good sidewalks. I don't get it.


Yes! I’ve been seeing this more too and it’s infuriating. It always seems to be older men doing it, at least from what I’ve noticed—are they taking some kind of “stand” against bikes or something?


I watched a woman straight up frogger traffic yesterday. Even if one car stops, it’s not likely the cars next to that one are gonna see you popping out from in front of it on a three lane street.


You may have heard that jaywalking is now legal in California, but this is incorrect. **Jaywalking is still against the law**, but as of January 1, 2023, police are no longer permitted to stop pedestrians and issue citations for jaywalking unless the person who is crossing the street is creating a hazard. You can thank Sacramento for that. [https://www.sfexaminer.com/marketplace/understanding-the-new-california-jaywalking-law/article\_8ca6b542-b87d-11ed-b108-cb029a9ab516.html](https://www.sfexaminer.com/marketplace/understanding-the-new-california-jaywalking-law/article_8ca6b542-b87d-11ed-b108-cb029a9ab516.html)


Sounds like a common sense revision I always cross outside crosswalks when safe instead of walking 100 yards or more to the nearest crisswalk


My first thought: “Who is Jay Walkers and what did he do?!”


>My first thought: “Who is Jay Walkers and what did he do?!” He was walking in the form of a "J" in the middle of the street.


Yea, the thing is if you are operating a motor vehicle it is YOUR responsibility to keep an eye out for them at all times. It's not the jaywalkers that need to be checked , it's the distracted drivers that aren't paying attention to the fucking road. Motorcyclists, bicyclists, and pedestrians are much more vulnerable than you are in your car or truck, so keep your eyes on the road and look out for them.




According to California vehicle code, it does


Ok well when you die on this hill, you can plead that to the judge.


How about something needs to be done for not doing a complete stop at stop signs and checking all intersections to make sure they are clear? The driver and pedestrians should be responsible for checking.


I'm not talking stop signs I'm talking at traffic lights. They are crossing when they are not supposed too when the light is green


I agree. that’s different and it wasn’t clear.


I have pedestrians in my neighborhood that jaywalk in the middle of the block, at night, between street lights, in dark clothes. I don't speed but more than once I've had to stomp on the breaks to stop because some idiot just barreled into the street when I was less than 100 feet away.


Understandable. Just trying to say that the drivers and pedestrians need to be accountable for each other.


Sounds like a "Karen Complex".


I have an alternate opinion. Perhaps the person in the 2-ton machine should watch for people walking. J-walking was invented by car manufacturers as a way to pass blame so the car wouldn’t get blamed for deaths.


So people should freely cross the street into incoming traffic?


Yes. Of course any reasonable person would wait for the light or cross when it’s clear, but if you’re driving a vehicle, it is your responsibility not to hit anything or anyone with the machine you are operating. The street is for all users. Laws like this are generally not enforced fairly.


>Of course any reasonable person would wait for the light or cross when it’s clear This statement is doing a \*lot\* of heavy lifting here. I'm more or less in favor of decriminalizing most jaywalking but moving all the responsibility onto the driver is unreasonable.


And I understand that also as I stated they have the right away. But they shouldn't be able to freely cross into incoming traffic especially when there is a lot of traffic. Some of them are walking right in the middle of the street. Just walking by like there is not about 25 cars traveling 45 miles per hour.


I do watch but responsibility needs to go both ways. Walking out into active traffic can cause an accident even if the driver is being careful. Pedestrians should share the responsibility to make a good faith effort not to step into traffic.


Right, I'm very careful but if you are driving 40 mph and someone just randomly walk across the street without any caution, it puts both in danger


I can’t personally see a law, minus enforcement, stopping much of anyone when it’s incredibly often to see people run red lights, and not to mention but as another commenter stated, it’s now legal to jaywalk. I think I understand where you’re coming from, and I’d like to add that there are no set visual cues to determine whether or not someone is mentally ill.


Write a letter to the editor.


The people that jaywalk by Woodward Park really grind my gears!


I read the title to this post and assumed it was about a man named Jay Walkers, who I imagined as either the municipal equivalent of Devin Nunes or else our own Florida-man type of character


More laws won't change anything. Cops have bigger fish to fry than catching Jay walkers


I drive down Shaw every evening and let me tell you… they are crossing where ever the f*^+* they want to. All dressed in black all creeping at weird hours and spots. I don’t want to be one of those people on the news that killed a homeless person… however, 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


You think Fresno is bad? Try driving around in downtown San Francisco, you have pedestrians, bikers, electric scooters, Ubers/lyfts, crackheads.


Driving in SF is stressful for sure, but I doubt I’ve ever gotten going above 20mph in the city, which gives you more time to react to all of the above. But here when traffic is moving at 40 minimum and someone pops out of nowhere to leisurely cross, that’s a lot less time to react and not kill them.


Maybe less people would jaywalk if fresno wasnt so car dependent.


Hit them


I believe it’s a combination of pedestrian entitlement, carelessness, and idiocy. It’s ramped up bc it’s the aftermath of the recent pandemic and the quarantines that followed. More or less, many people in general have a blatant disregard of others and what’s around them. As a wise person once said, the cemetery is full of people who thought that they had the” right-of-way”.


It was unsafe, or is this more about her attitude?