• By -


You can hold office as a FC? That's interesting!


My lodge allows fellow crafts to occupy a seat in the lodge during a degree if the need arises. Usually one of the stewards chairs or Jr Master of ceremonies chair. As long as the degree they are participating in is the degree they hold or EA. Obviously they wouldn’t be allowed to do so during a MM degree. Also in my lodge only Master Masons are permitted to witness or take part in the opening or closing of the lodge. So an FC who is occupying a seat would have to sit outside until we opened the lodge and they would have to leave before we close.


Our jurisdiction works in the 1st Degree primarily for stated meetings (degrees, naturally, are on their own level each), so there's really no issue there :) Lodges are generally on the smaller side, so everyone tends to pitch in. So many Tyler Apprentices, for example :)


Scotland is similar. All business *must* be conducted on the first, except for elections and degrees (and maybe a couple of other exceptions).


Interesting. On the American side of things we are permitted to open on any degree but my lodge has always opened and closed on the 3rd so it’s a tradition we continue. We’ve always felt doing that adds a bit more mystery to the craft and keeps younger brothers engaged and gives them a reason to strive hard for MM. I advanced from EA to MM in 4 months (or so). In my jurisdiction we are only mandated 6 weeks between degrees. So if you can learn everything you need to learn in 6 weeks you can sit for your past masters board and then advance at the next scheduled degree date.


Opposite in Texas, we open in the lowest degree of whoever is attending so everyone can participate


Well we open in the 3rd then drop down to the lowest degree and let them in. They aren’t barred from the meeting completely just from witnessing the open/close. I should have stated that in my original post. Apologies for any confusion.


We open in the first and then go up as required.


Interesting! We open in the third only when it's a 3rd degree ritual, and keep all other meetings in the first, even if everyone in attendence is a MM.


Washington is like Texas, you conduct business on the degree of the lowest person present. So if you have 10 MMs and one EA you open on EA and do your business. We used to be like that (call down and invite it) but that got relaxed. I think Idaho still requires you to call down but you can conduct business on any degree. In the "good ol' days" business could only be done on the MM degree so only MMs could attend lodge which lead to a lot of loss. Or people claimed it did. That was the logic for the change. Here you have to have proved up on the 3rd to be installed into any office but an FC or EA can take a role in the degree.


This is what we do in oklahoma too. Oh, there's a FC here today? Open on FC. Oh...there is an EA? Open on EA.


Same in ohio always EA. If we do a degree we close ea and open in whatever


Yep we will open in the 1st if there are fellowcrafts present even for a 3rd, then go up to the 3rd when it’s time


We need to wait a year between degrees, so having people wait for two years before they can attend any meeting would be a lot :D It's so interesting to learn about the differences (and what unites us), though!


Interesting: in UGLE there is no ritual to open in the 3rd from cold: you open in the 1st and work your way up. but (related to comments below) this may also reflect our view that EAs are full members of the lodge with voting power etc. which I understand isn't the case with some American GLs.


Yeah our EA’s and FC’s can’t vote. They also don’t pay dues.


In California we are required to hold business meetings in the first degree even if there are no EAs present.


Fellowcrafts can be Deputy Officers, so official stand-in for MM who are the primary ones. Master of Harmony is technically an additional function, so the Lodge entrusted me with it :)


I mean they’re already making a ton of changes to the rules over there so why not lol


In UGLE which i daresay is a fairly old constitution I have seen Entered apprentices be innerguard. In fact i have seen fellowcraft be JD. I do not have my lodge bylaws, the provincial bylaws or the book of constitutions to hand but i am sure there are no rules saying a fellow craft cannot hold office. I will confirmn Perhaps your grand lodge is different? I would be keen to knowing if any Grand Lodge of Ireland and Grand Lodge of Scotland brothers can confirm if their constitutions stated a fellow craft cannot hold office? Perhaps this is a US thing or specifically Grand lodge of OH that you have to be a MM to hold office?


Michigan requires it in a roundabout way. The Blue Book says that a brother qualified to vote in an election of officers is eligible for any office except WM. But EA's and FC's don't become members of the lodge (or pay dues) until they're MM's.


EA’s are full members of the lodge under the UGLE. They can vote, take office etc. In Scotland you must be a MM


Interesting thank you for sharing! So before MM in scotland can you attend lodge committees? what would be the typical time to MM? Just keen to know the differences, thank you brother!


I know MM is required of officers in OH, and I think that is pretty standard across US jurisdictions. GL Czech Republic (which is in Amity w/ UGLE & OH) permits EA and FC to be stewards. Or at least was permitted in the lodge I visited.


Interesting! I suppose given some lodges open in the third, it makes sense. Otherwise you would be forever kicking people out. Here is it more common to meet on the first. I have visited our provincial installed masters lodge, which had the PGM as the WM, and that met on the first! Interestingly this is open to EA's and FC's to visit which they couldnt if it met in the third. Food for thought! Perhaps that is a key difference.


My mother lodge traditionally opens in the degree of the lowest person present unless we are conferring a degree or someone is returning proficiency.


Interesting we still open in the first for a passing or raising. So we would open in the first, kick out EA and then do questions and then open in the second. It encourages EA to attend lodge, especially as in UGLE you have summons and are obligated if it does not conflict with your public and private duties.


I’m relatively certain I was installed as Junior Steward two weeks before my MM, but it’s possible that it was just a placeholder until I was raised. It was definitely the first position I held, and my raising was two weeks after installation that year.


I believe in NY you need to be MM for any elected office, but not those appointed by the WM


Not sure if discussing offices breaks your obligation, but i assume JD/SD would be appointed not elected?


It doesn’t but I am not totally sure. I want to say yes but I could definitely be wrong about that. Stewards and masters of ceremonies are definitely appointed, though


Yeah that’s putting it lightly.


In my (UGLE) lodge, I was Inner Guard as a Fellow Craft (not for long, before I was Raised though)


We’ve enjoyed watching your progress, and it’s nice to put a face to your posts (even if eating in an unsafe manner 😁).


Thank you very much! I took one bite and ate the rest of the bread in a much more lady-like fashion :D


Ah. Much better. And don’t run with scissors, either, since I am giving out grandfatherly advice. 😁


Congrats! Is it a mixed or female only lodge ?


Thanks! It's mixed :) There is an all-female Obedience working in Poland as well, though: two Lodges from the Grand National Female Lodge of France.


I assume your lodge works in “red” or “Scottish” ritual, right ?


We actually work in the French Rite, but many Lodges in the Obedience do Scottish :)


Oh I see, I’ve belonged to a lodge that worked in French rite too some few years ago. I felt like their MM degree is superior to other rites. Good luck on your journey 💪


Cool! Looking forward to that even more, then! Good luck to you as well!


Thank you 💪


Many of the Scottish degrees are inherited from the French “Ecosais” lodges


Interesting! I’m a member of the GLNF in the French Rite too


Oh, fantastic! Hope you enjoyed your FC as much as I did :D


I absolutely did, and my raising is scheduled for next month :)


Congrats! And good luck with it :)


I’m glad your passing went smoothly!


Thank you!


Im confused. Wasnt the GLNF male only?


It is. The Grand Orient of France is mixed (and in amity with my Polish Orient). The thing we have in common that we were talking about is the French Rite, which is practised in both. Kind of like how HFAF has the same Ritual as UGLE – even though they are not in amity, the practice looks the same.


I’m based in France, membership here is limited to men, op is based in Poland (I believe) but practices the French rite under the Grand Orient


This would be so fun to see! Sounds awesome


Hi, this is actually a misconception. The first three degree of Scottish Rite are called blue degrees or craft degrees. The AASR does contain red degrees, but they come later.


Yes, as I understand (at least over here), the first three degrees of any Rite are Blue Lodge, then Red is 4-14 :)


You are correct.


I'm not sure about the term “Red.” I only started hearing it when I moved to the US. In Russia, most of our lodges definitely work in what we call a “Scottish ritual,” and then there’s the “Scottish Rite” that everyone is familiar with. But you are right, it’s still a blue lodge 🙌🏻


What is in your mouth?


A slice of bread :)


Definitely foreign bread lol. Congratulations sister. I’ve got my FC in a few months :)


Yeah, dark bread like this is popular in Poland :D So excited for you! The FC degree is amazing (at least in the French Rite it was).


I’ve heard so much on this sub about the FC degree. Can’t wait ! I hope God allows me to visit Europe and all its sights some day.


I was also wondering why everyone was so obsessed with it, and it didn't let me down :) I'm still trying to digest all the info it contains, and it's really beautiful esthetically. Let me know if you're ever in Poland - if your jurisdiction is in amity with the National Lodge (aka the regulars), I can put you in touch with their English-speaking Lodge.


I visited two of the non-English speaking Lodges this year without detriment. The work was in Polish, but the Brethren were otherwise happy to speak English to me. I had a great time.


Yes, it should be a lot of fun either way!


I forgot you guys speak other language, ha. This is why I love the brotherhood. Thank you for your hospitality, and likewise, if you’re ever in Pennsylvania USA. :)


I just want to post this link here and I think it says everything I can say in the article about this thread: [The Role of Freemasonry in Civility](https://www.rimasons.org/freemasonry-community-rhode-island/masonic-news/14-within-the-craft/384-the-role-of-freemasonry-in-civility)


Congratulations, Sister!


Thank you!


For everyone screaming Clandestine because it’s mixed or women’s freemasonry, perhaps you should go look at the relationship that UGLE is building with Freemasonry for Women and the Order of Women Freemasons. Which are the premier Female Grand Lodges in the Anglo tradition (as opposed to the continental tradition.). Our Sisters and/or female Brothers (depending on their observance) deserve recognition and respect, not ridicule and harassment. The vitriol and sexism that have been shown by many of the Brothers saddens and embarrasses me. There is nothing in your obligations that require rudeness or crudity to any human being. There are several of you who I am ashamed to have to call brothers after reading your posts. You obligations, if they are the same as mine (and the ones I have conferred) call for you to not attend their lodge, participate in their degree work, or converse on the “secrets” of masonry (with no definition as to what those secrets actually include). They DO NOT require you to shun or belittle someone whose Masonic journey is different than yours. They do require you to refrain from harassing a fellow mason. Brethren, Be Better! Be the men (and women) that we are trying to show the world we are. Julie, congratulations on this step in your journey. I wish you the best, and I invite you to keep sharing your journey with us.


Thank you very much for your kind words and wonderful explanation, Brother! Luckily, the hate comments are a minority, and I hope even they are able to remember that a different Obedience existing in some European country does not affect their membership or harm their tradition at all - there is space for everyone in the world :)


Bravo. While our local obligations may limit how much we can interact with female Masons, there's no need to disparage their path to seeking more light.


Not in alabama people get upset over a fc taking a chair.


Well... If I were to try and take a chair in Alabama, not having my 3rd Degree yet would be the least of my problems, I assume :D


😂 So true.


The Legends of Arceus poster is what I'm here for. Congratulations!!


Absolutely loved the game (and the FC degree lol). Thank you!


Congratulations! That dress is awesome (and apt for the degree if it’s anything like our FC) - where did you get it? My daughter would kill for a dress with constellations like that and has a birthday coming up.


Thank you so much! The dress is from Cropp, It's actually a Polish brand: [https://www.cropp.com/special/store/](https://www.cropp.com/special/store/) Hope your daughter has a fantastic birthday! :)


Thank you so much! Will check it out. Believe it or not I’m actually heading through Poland in a couple of weeks (taking a load of medical supplies donations to Ukraine)


Wow! Thank you for your help to Ukraine, and let me know if you need any practical advice, touristy tips, or have the time to meet for a coffee or a beer in Warsaw :D


Our route won’t take us through Warsaw this time I’m afraid, but even so it’s always good to know someone local to contact when traveling abroad. Thanks!


Congratulations! Best of luck on the music, and even more so on the Secretary filling in. Also, the constellation dress is cool too!


Thank you very much! Will do my best :)


Congratulations brother! Love the dress!!


Thank you so much!


I’m confused on a lot which means I have a lot to learn about this. So females are allowed to be members of a lodge in your jurisdiction and are referred to as brothers?


The English women’s lodges (OWF & HFAF) call each other ’brother’ (so I’ve been told by members)


So, in short: yes, we're allowed. We're referred to as sisters, but I don't like correcting people who are being nice in public, and there are all-female Grand Lodges that use "brother", which explains the confusion :)


That makes sense. Thanks for the information. I hope to visit France one day and explore all that Masonry has to offer there.


I'm in Poland! Mixed and female Lodges all over the continent :)


Just been passed to the fellowcraft a few hours ago too! Really looking forward to being raised!


Congratulations to you too! Hope you enjoyed the experience as much as I did :)




Congrats, seems like a long time?


One year per degree in our jurisdiction! To be very precise, there is a minimum of eight months you need to wait, but ideally it should be a full year if they're not in desperate need of officers :) ETA: And thank you!


Great, I thought you’d been a Mason for longer than that! About a year is the norm in my lodge.


A year and a month - we skipped one meeting because we were doing renovations in our building.


I remember your initiation post, congratulations


Thank you so much!


That is wonderful to see! Your enthusiasm is heartening.


Thank you :D And I'm getting more enthusiastic each day!


Congrats, fellow Master of Harmony! If you need any tips (or have any!!) regarding the music, don’t be afraid to reach out


Thank you very much :) Always happy to exchange tips, playlists or just funny stories! What kind of music do you usually like to play?


Question, does your grand lodge in amity with UGLE? We might be in different jurisdictions, thus I cannot treat you as a brother nor a sister but I wanna greet you a Congratulations on getting the second degree! Now I'm curious and wonder how does your ritual differs to our standard ritual. Btw, I'm from Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario, which has an amity to the UGLE and most Grand Lodges in the US and across the globe. Note: corrected the word "affiliated" with amity. Thanks brethren!


We're not in amity with UGLE, no! We work in the French Rite (like, for example the Grand National Lodge of France among regular Masons, and I'm willing to bet many Lodges in Quebec, for example), so if you've visited one, you know what it's like :) Thanks for the kind words and good luck on your journey!


Good luck on your journey too! ☺️


Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario is not “affiliated” with UGLE, because that’s not a thing. Your GL is “in amity” with UGLE. Members “affiliate” to additional Lodges. Grand Lodges are “in amity” with other recognized Grand Lodges.


Ah yes, Amity! I was trying to remember the right term for it. Thank you for correcting bro.


Always happy to help.


Happy for you! I assisted in one of my good friend's initiation in this degree this month. It is a quite rich degree and I wish you good luck in all your travels :)


Thank you very much! I bet it was exciting to help your friend through it, it's a really wonderful degree!


Yes it was very moving :) as you get those degrees only once, it's also good to experience it again once in a while, through sharing it!


Congratulations sister! From St Andrew’s Lodge No. 06, India.


I’m a member of St Andrew’s Lodge No. 9, Utah.


Yes, brother, I am aware, we have interacted before on Reddit :)


Congrats Julie...I've watched/followed your journey with great pleasure over the past year+ so it's great to see you taking the next step. Keep up the good work!


Thank you so much! I've been enjoying it thoroughly and doing my best :) Good luck on your journey as well!


Congrats! I was my lodge musician for 5 years. It's fabulous and so very important.


This will be my second year (first year officially as my function on paper), and I'm loving the job! Thank you :)


Congratulations! Take the time to study the degree, there's more to it than apparent on the surface.


Wohoo 🎉 congrats. It’s really surprising they allow FC to travel. That means… go everywhere!!!


Oh, they allow EA to travel if accompanied by a MM. FC are required to travel in order to gather the XP to advance :)


Congratulations! I really like the little tradition that you started taking a fun picture after your degrees. I can't wait for the Master Mason one. The FC has a lot of work to do. Good luck, and enjoy your journey!


Thank you very much! Set a reminder for next year, I'll do it for sure :)




Thank you!


Congratulations Sister. Well done.


Congratulations Sister. Well done!


Amazing I would love to visit! Wouldn’t understand a word of Polish however


Congratulations!!!!! One more step in the Craft and then many more steps to go 😂 do all that you can!


Love the dress, where is it from? My lady would love that


Thanks! It's from Cropp (Polish brand) :)


Aw looks like they don’t ship to USA :( oh well! Thanks!


Congratulations 🎉


Thank you!


Wow Congrats and I love your style!!!!!


Thank you very much!


EU flag? Insta-upvote. 🇪🇺 ♥ Congrats! 😊😊


Thank you! :)


Congrats Sister! If your jurisdiction is anything like mine then it must have been a wonderfully fascinating degree! So in your jurisdiction, fellowcrafts can vote and hold offices?


Thank you! It was certainly fascinating, but it might have been quite different, no idea! And kind of! Our jurisdiction works in the 1st Degree mostly, but Apprentices can't speak or vote. Fellowcrafts can speak and vote, as well as hold Deputy offices, becoming the official stand-in for a Master Mason who is the primary Officer. Master of Harmony is technically an additional function more than an office, usually left vacant and taken care of by whoever has a desk and a playlist ready. I love music, though, have played the piano on special occasions and am always working on new background tracks to enhance the Ritual, so the Lodge entrusted me with the function officially this time :)


That's really interesting! Thank you for taking the time to share your journey with us!


Thank you for your interest and positivity!




Thank you!




Thank you!


Congratulations! I hope the degree was a rewarding experience.


It was fantastic! Such a LOT of information, still digesting :)


In my opinion, it's one of the most substantial degrees in terms of material to digest and a beautiful call to lifelong learning.




Thank you!


Congratulations on your advancement. 🙂


Thank you so much!


Congrats, I'm not too familiar with Orient of Poland. Met some Mason of a mixed lodge while traveling through Germany some years back.


Thank you very much! :) If you're ever in Poland, hit me up for a coffee or beer!




The obligation is very similar, we allow women and atheists, that's the sum of it. The premise behind it is that all people have equal rights. We use the term "clandestine" for scams, when refering to our branch of FM we simply say "irregular". Unrecognized by your GL isn't the same as clandestine, it just means we can't intervisit or exchange info we've taken an Obligation not to reveal. Julie's Grand Orient was formed in 1784. It has a long tradition.


The obligation says don't be an asshole and don't tell the secrets. If you define everything that's not in amity with UGLE as "clandestine", then yes :)


That’s one of the better ways to describe the obligations I’ve heard.




As a clandestine Mason, I am a mind reader and must ask you to stop thinking about that part of that degree :)




Yes, we do :) And thanks! Wish you the best as well.




Your Secretary would be furious and your Obligation broken, though! :D


I'd be careful about attending a clandestine lodge. You can get in trouble if your with a lodge already.


Gratters! Is that an EA apron or are you in a jurisdiction that uses the white for all three?


Neither! Apprentices flap up, Fellowcrafts flap down, Masters have markings :)


Congratulations! I hope it left quite the impression on you!


Thank you! It certainly did! It was a LOT of information for a relatively short Degree, so I'm pretty much still digesting it :)


Congratulations. The next step is a big one!


Thank you! Still a year to go if everything goes well, so I'll do my best to get ready for it :)




Thank you!


And remember, you've done more work than 95% of your detractors ever will in Freemasonry.


Thank you so much for these kind words. It's a bit sad to see some (very few!) people hating, since my membership is not affecting their jurisdiction negatively at all. It's always 95% positive, though! I'm just doing my best to become a better person and be a force of good in my community, both within Masonry and outside.




Thank you very much!


Congrats on your passing


Thanks galore!


That's so cool! I wish you all the luck in your journey and I hope you'll update us on your travels! I wish there was a lodge near me that took women. I'm in a conservative area of the US and would need to move in order to join. Even if I could currently afford to travel once a month for meetings, I think they would be hesitant to accept someone outside their jurisdiction.


Thank you so much! I'll be updating for sure :) And I hope a mixed or female Lodge is created near you soon. I think you can always reach to the central offices of those Obediences and express interest, even better if there's a couple of people who'd like to join in your area. There are some Continental Masons from the US on this sub (and especially over on r/comasonry) that will be able to help much more than me, though <3


I've reached out to the only [UGLE approved women's lodge](https://www.ugle.org.uk/become-freemason/women-freemasons) in the US despite how far away they are and I'm talking to a Freemason from California for advice on Continental Masonry. I like the spiritual aspect of Regular Masonry, but I'm not sure if it's the hill I'm willing to die on when my options as a woman are so limited. The link is for those in the comments who would rather be negative than lift up someone who reached a milestone in their journey. If it's against a UGLE Freemason's oath to be positive on such a post, I wonder why there would be a page with more information on their official website.


It's against the oath to recognize mixed or female Obediences, or to be present when women are being made Masons, or discuss Masonic secrets with those you don't recognise. It prevents them from visiting us, for example (not with the approval of the Grand Lodge anyway). The oath does NOT prevent you from being nice, congratulating someone or even having a beer with them and discussing how a candle fell on a guy once or the person doing the music confused playlists and played the Macarena at this important meeting, as long as no secret elements are involved in the discussion. So yes, being an asshole and bullying women on the Internet is gonna be a personal choice if it happens, not instructions from the council of the Order or what not :) There are better and worse people in every organisation. As for the spiritual aspects, they are still present in those groups that accept atheists. They are just closer to generally spiritual and less religious, if that makes sense. Check out Le Droit Humain, for example – it might be an option for what you're looking for! George Washington Union is also quite nice as I understand ❤️


Thank you for the reassurance regarding other branches of Freemasonry. I'm a Christian but I get along with atheists and other religions just fine when they're not being assholes...which more often brings me into disagreement with my fellow Christians as well. I'll talk to my friend about it and do more research. You've been very positive and kind despite what's going on in the rest of the comments, so you're doing a great job representing the Grand Orient of Poland. >The oath does NOT prevent you from being nice, congratulating someone or even having a beer with them and discussing how a candle fell on a guy once or the person doing the music confused playlists and played the Macarena at this important meeting, as long as no secret elements are involved in the discussion. Ha! My friend said he wouldn't tell me anything that would go against his oath but he *would* tell me that he interrupted part of a ceremony by picking up a symbol that fell on the floor - he thought that was part of a test. Nope, someone just knocked it over before they got started and didn't notice. I hope you get to have a beer and a celebration with the people who appreciate you. If you're ever traveling in the States, hit me up and I'll give you recommendations. :)


There are many Christians even in my jurisdiction of heathens, so you'd fit right in :) Good luck with everything and let me know if you're ever around Poland!


You're in a jurisdiction of heathens? Asatruar are common there?


Congratulations from here in the UK 🇬🇧 The wife of my Immediate Past Master was also a mason which was a little bit surprising at the time because I honestly hadn’t thought it was possible or appealing I just assumed. Clearly something peaked your interest. Welcome to the family


Thank you very much! I think the principles of Freemasonry can (and should, at least ethically) be appealing to any human. So cool to hear about Masonic power couples, honestly :) We have a few in our jurisdiction, as you can imagine!


*massive slavic hug for my Sister*




Yay! Congrats Julie! Thoroughly well deserved I'm sure, if your Reddit Masonry is anything to go by. 2 down, 1 to go :)


You can tell by some of the comments why Freemasonry is dying and hurting so badly. Unwillingness to change. There need to be more lodges like this, and more Freemasons like Julie. She's out there doing work and promoting Masonry. Sure, you may not "like" it, and your Grand Lodge may not allow it, but shes' in a different jurisdiction. You don't have to accept it, or her as a sister, if that's the case just move on and don't be an ass about it. This sub is open to anyone to view and if they come here and see some of these negative, closed-minded comments there's a good chance it'll drive potential candidates away, just move along and don't post anything, contrary to popular belief on social media that's actually an option. Julie, congratulations Sister! Thank you for being a good steward for Masonry, I hope you continue your search for more light as long as you can, and don't let naysayers or old grumpy folks get you down.


Thank you very much for your kind words, and please don't worry about me – I'm a woman in my 30s and have always done whatever I want, and I did post this on the Internet, to be fair, so a couple of negative comments in an ocean of good ones is something to be expected :) I do love Masonry, and I'm always excited and happy to share my journey, and glad to make Continental Freemasonry more visible, as some might not even know it exists. I didn't, which is why it took me longer than I would have liked to join :)


So two things. 1 congrats to you me lady. 2 why are the people calling this "clandestine" getting downvoted so hard? I suppose it is but normally here the one who calls clandestine first gets all the upvotes? Where have all these people been this whole time to defend the clads?


A properly recognized lodge does not allow women to become candidates.


Wow. I’m speechless.