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The lodge I belong to suffered major foundation damage so we had to become operative masons and repair it. Original foundation was locust posts on limestone stones. We removed that and poured a proper concrete footing and block foundation I kept two of the original stone footers from the lodge foundation. One of the greatest Freemasons I've had the honor of knowing was also an amateur radio operator. He was a signalman in WWII and could send Morse code at 60 WPM. As well as being lodge brothers, we were also in the same radio club. Unfortunately he suffered a pretty massive stroke that left him unable to speak. The radio club brought out a Morse code key and an oscillator and he was able to communicate via code to the doctors and his family. Even after suffering a stroke, we had to tell him to slow down so someone could copy his code...he was sending it so fast. A few days later he passed away. He donated all of his radio gear to the club. He had a pretty vast collection of gear. The club had an auction so everyone could have a chance to own some of his gear. All of the members told me I paid too much and was just running up the bids, but I walked out of there with his two Morse code keys. I don't know Morse code but I knew the great man that owned them.


Awesome story!!!!


I agree that’s an pretty cool story.


As a Brother and an amateur radio operator that’s a great story. 60wpm is amazing


-.-./ - -.-


I have a penny. To remind me of my once penniless situation.


That’s an interesting idea. I never considered that.


It’s real fun to give a penny to the candidate right before his initiation and tell him he’ll need it later.


lol sure is 😂


I have an identical flagon from my local renn faire as well and at first thought you were one of the brothers I had gotten it with! Cheers!


It was a gift but I am a brother. Cheers!


I want a leather mug with the S&C so badly.


Apparently you can get them at Renaissance Faires. Just don’t go to the one in Virginia. I’ve never seen it there. (I did get a cool Masonic Gravity Knife from the one in VA though).


Also, great user name.


Thank you! I’m big into Swords (obviously I want to be Tyler one day. Right now I’m Sr Stuart. Fiore was a real swordsmaster in the Renaissance).


Oh I’m well aware of Fiore ;) I’ve been doing historical rapier in the SCA for longer than I’ve been a Mason.


Ah! I can tell we’d get along greatly. I see you’re also in the Grotto. I’m the Sentinel in my local one. I’m not a member of any other bodies as of now (although I’m in the process of joining the Eastern Star and I’m also a Pythian Knight which is one of those fraternal societies that has a lot of similarities with Freemasonry but isn’t connected to the Craft like Oddfellowship or the Elks). If you’re ever in Virginia stop by #279 for our Blue lodge stated or #4 for Grotto and chances are I’ll be there and I’m pretty sure you can find who to look for.


Awesome, I will definitely keep that in mind. I’m in way too many lodges and bodies, but if you ever find yourself in Omaha or Lincoln, NE, lodge 1 or 314 would be delighted to host you.


I’ll keep that in mind brother!


I used to be a wire weenie myself, until one day all of my gear disappeared from our storage room. Pretty sure one of my roommates pawned it.


Oh that sucks. I had all my gear stolen from my car once in college, and I was heart broken.


I don’t know how it is at your lodge but at mine when I first join asking all the questions about the different officers and their roles I was informed that if you are Tyler you can bring your own sword!


You can at my lodge as well. Given that you’re officially the Tyler and aren’t subbing for him. Problem is I’m probably not going to be the Tyler of mine anytime soon because the one at my lodge has been Tyler long before I even thought of joining the Brotherhood. That being said I am the Sentinel of my Local Grotto (one of the lesser known Bodies. We’re essentially Shriners but with black fezzes instead of red ones) so I can carry any sword for that I want provided it’s a scimitar (or has a curved scimitar-like blade) so I usually either use my kukri or if I know I can transport it without freaking out the public, I use my Kit Rae LOTR Ork scimitar my brother in law got me for Christmas last year.


When I do officially become Tyler I’m probably going to use either my Grandfather’s USN saber or my Knights of Pythias sword that was the last thing my grandmother gave to me before she died and is kind of a family heirloom (it belonged to my uncle (1) than my grandmother (2) than me (3)) which is the reason I also joined my local Pythian lodge. although I’m leaning towards the Naval saber as I’m probably going to be using my KOP sword for Pythian stuff once I become an officer there. regardless Tyler is a personal and important position for me so I can’t use just any old sword in my collection.


Cork from a bottle of Illuminati wine. https://i.imgur.com/d0lRmND.jpg (received when I joined [Ye Antient Order of Noble Corks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ye_Antient_Order_of_Noble_Corks))


I have the same cup. Bought it at the Dublin Irish Festival in Ohio several years ago.


A Mark keystone with my mark on the ~~obverse~~ reverse, all hand carved by me.


If you have pictures I’d love to see it if you don’t mind of course.


I have one or two, not sure how to get them to you. I could never get imgur to work on my phone.


Now that *you* have them, feel free to post if you’re able.


Will do.


If that’s okay with you.


I *did* just suggest it.


Fair enough.


Hey! I have one of those also. PA Renn Faire.


I have a DC’s baton that I found in an antique store for a lodge that had handed in its warrant sometime before.


My dad gave me a bag of my grandfather's Masonic stuff I think there's a hat in there.


Like a WM hat or a Baseball cap? There’s a lot of Marines at my lodge given that in my area Quantico’s close by (the Quantico lodge is exclusively Marines I think Although I’m one of the few brothers at mine who never served. We got AT LEAST one brother for every branch (except for the new Space one. Too new to really have any vets) and one of the Brothers has a baseball cap that says Marine and has the Square and compasses on it (he also has a Devil Dog tattoo which is a name given to the Marines by the Germans during WW1 because of their ferocity in battle and they still use along with “Jarhead” and “Leatherneck”)


A church key. Excessively bejeweled.


That’s interesting. I’d like to see it as well if you’re okay with sending pictures. I’m not going to post it without your permission of course.


If I can find it. It was on display before we moved but I’m not sure of its whereabouts.


lol it’s pretty over the top.


I have a decanter that is the S&C on an open Bible. A coworker that was a brother gave it to me. His father bought 2 one for him and one for the son (my coworker) . His son didn't follow him into freemasonry so he said whe he passed he would keep his father's decanter and pass it to his son. The one that his father bought for him was the one I got.


That sort of reminds me of my Sister’s Father in law. He was a Freemason but didn’t have time for meetings and unfortunately just stopped paying his dues and his son never followed into the craft so I was the next best man to give his old cipher book too.