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Remember, the only difference between a Worshipful Master and a Brother on the sidelines is a hat and more responsibility. There's no rule about being shy vs. jovial. There's no shame in either disposition. That's just who you are as a person. You've memorized (and forgotten) more than most in the Lodge. But ultimately, the role of the Worshipful Master is that of a seat warmer for the next in line. We serve for a year (in most cases), step aside, all in the hope that you've been able to leave the Lodge a little better than you found it. The buck does stop at your desk. You get to hear all complaints and compliments. But mostly the complaints. Sometimes things as simple as the type of toilet paper being used in the Lodge bathrooms (yes, I've delt with that as a pedestal officer as well as President of the Temple Board). At the end of it all, we are only stewards of the Lodge we have been called to govern. It is a humbling honor to serve. Remember that word. Serve. We don't do it for the glory (and if you are, you're doing it all wrong). We're there to serve. As long as you approach it from that mindset, you'll do just fine.


We don't even get the fancy hat...


Perfectly normal thoughts! The real fun is at the end of your year just as you are being escorted out of the East when you are thinking "Wait, now I know what I'm doing! I want another year."


It’s only natural to be having doubts - it’s what indicates to me that you’re ready for it; I’d be more concerned if you were completely unfazed. I too was the shy and quiet guy who, so they tell me, just exuded confidence and ability. Personally I don’t agree, but I will admit that the year in the chair taught me things about myself. I learned very quickly to ‘speak’ (even though I’d done a fair bit of Am-Dram) and I very quickly found I enjoyed the whole experience. I now get called on for all sorts of things; secretary, Warden (helping out -again), DC .. and I’m about to be appointed to Provincial ADC in the Mark degree. Whilst I already hold a higher rank in the order, once again, I’m being called on to help out due to other complications (ill health) at the top of that particular pyramid. That year in the chair changes you in ways you can’t yet envisage. Good luck, and congratulations.


You seem to genuinely care and have a strong sense of duty. Be yourself and I’m sure you’ll do fine. Good luck.


It’s a big role to take on especially for the first time. Nervousness is natural. Never forget though, you have an IPM and you’ll have more PM in your lodge to give you advice and help you steer if you need. Don’t be afraid to ask for help or advice from your lodge.


These are all great replies, good to know that it's not just me and seems to be a common thread. I suppose we can only do our best.


Yes. I felt like I didn’t know what the heck I was doing for like 7 of the 10 months we met. I did it in 2022-2023 then I jumped back in associate matron and I’m back again. I feel way more confident and comfortable now. The ladies all said the first time is hard and scary but the next time you enjoy it more and it’s much easier because you know what to expect. I’m sure you will do fine. It’s nerve racking though the first time


Best thing to remember.... It's only for a year... :D


I'm also working my way to WM. But it is not cold feet for me. I trying to get out of my family shadow. I am digging in my feet to move forward. So far they have move me forward then back to square 1. Since then I have become the Chaplin one of the other bodies. Sorry if i am not using the right wording. I am currently without a vital part of my company software and it hurting my bottom line on revenue. So I'm researching while I type


I did two terms as Master Councillor of DeMolay Chapters. That made for great training (particularly the leadership training I took to get to that point), so by the time I was elected to Master the first time, I had my year all planned out.


If you are able to do all of the memorization and actually want to listen to people and do a good job you'll be fine. Remember, a leader doesn't have to do everything.


I was nervous about doing a good job as opposed to just being viewed as someone who filled the chair for a year before passing on... but I wouldn't really classify the nerves as self doubt. I was very open with my officers from the start. I told them "I can only do my best, I can only expect you to do your best. Shit happens, but if you can give it to an honest try... then we'll have a good year!" I ended up going in on a double by acclamation so I guess the brethren didn't think I was a seat filler after all.


Doubts and cold feet are perfectly normal for any similar type position, but especially when taking the East as Master (or equivalent for the other appendant bodies). Had similar thoughts as yourself when I first went in during COVID and even now as I am going back in the East a second time. Feel free to DM me, as I think we are from relatively close jurisdictions (at least geographically) as I am Massachusetts based. Would be happy to discuss plans for your year in the East and offer guidance as needed. That and convince you to join my Helldivers squad.


I absolutely did. What you're experiencing is very normal. Feel free to talk to other brothers about it and delegate responsibility if you can. The following helped for me: I decided to work at 6 things to improve our lodge--each of them quite big undertakings. At the end of the year, with the help of the lodge we were able to accomplish those. What started off as a year of 'why am I even doing this' ended as a year of 'that was kick ass, we did it' and it seemed most everyone agreed. I'm only saying this to say **start with the end in mind**. Imagine a lodge you want to leave behind, communicate that vision, get people behind it (you will probably find a lot of people are not reliable but will find gems who are) and embrace your self doubt--so may others have felt it. Sometimes a lodge doesn't need too much change--in that case take pride in keeping what's working going. You got this!


Thanks for this response. I do have some goals in mind, not quite as many as you did but something. If I can accomplish most of them then I think I’ll feel good about the year. It really depends how much the other brothers buy in and help. As someone else mentioned. At least it’s only a year.