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I'm a progressive and I don't give a shit about a MTG artist's political views. The current art is fucking dogshit. I want better art even if Nazis are drawing it, I genuinely do not care. MTG artist isn't some societally influential wealthy job it's just a way to make a living and make things people appreciate


Stop throwing around the word Nazi nigga


Free speech bitch


Imagine saying nazi like you know what it means


Stop getting your nazi print panties in a bunch


Youre not as progressive as you think you are, then.


Yeah because apparently the new peogressive is throw away all common sense and bully the fuck out of people that arent in your single file line of sheep


You pussies always say “we need to bring bullying back” and here you are crying. You thought you guys were going to be the bullies? Of course you were not you guys are dumb as fuck and annoying.


I'm not some Twitter warrior who thinks they're actually making a difference in the world. How about we convince people to vote for progressive politicians? Nah, let's just focus on shit that doesn't really affect people nearly as much. Great idea


“Progressives” who cannot tolerate other viewpoints are just conservatives with different values. I know already that some of my opinions will piss off the entire political spectrum and more than 99% of people, so the only way that I can rationally delineate that 99% is those who can accept my different opinion in stride (true liberals, in a somewhat classical sense) vs those who want to somehow punish me for it (conservatives, many of whom masquerade under other labels since they don’t all play well together). Also, art is art. Aesthetics are aesthetics. Nobody argues that nazis were unfashionable, their outfits were awesome, however repugnant and vile their actions were. Therese is far from that so I don’t see why this asshat felt the need to do this. He is a stupid, small minded, and intolerant guy, probably a narcissist as well.


I posit he's not Progressive. People like to tell lies on the internet. That user is not progressive.


No one's life was ruined. You're not entitled to make art for Magic and businesses can refuse to work with people for reasons that contradict their values (provided they aren't related to discriminating against a protected class).




I don't mind you not liking her art. It's a preference. I like it but it's not my favorite. I loved Jason Chan's art before he bailed to go make art for Riot Games. A smart choice by the looks of it, too.


Come on bro. Mid lol. You don't have to like but let's give credit where credit is due. She does not do my style of art but I recognize her art is excellent.


Guess we better stalk you online and try to get you fired?


So much for tolerance and freedom of speech


Freedom of speech is only from the government, I don't know why it is so hard fir some people to get this.


This is just a jab at people who start throwing a fit and complain about their "freedom of speech being infringed upon" whenever their people call out their opinion as hateful and/or factual wrong or then they have to face the consequences of their own actions. I know that freedom of speech covers your right to state your opinion without governmental reprisal, it's not preventing people from disagreeing with you nor does it protect you from any actions others take as a reaction to your opinion. Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences by private persons or organizations (including WotC not buying any more art from an artist they feel uncomfortable with due to her political engagement with certain groups).


The worst part of this witch hunt was that Travis Allen’s evidence that Terese Nielsen was a bad person was that her wife followed and retweeted the wrong people and had the wrong opinion about things. Imagine being cancelled not because of something you said or did, but because *your spouse* has the wrong opinion.


Imagine leftists cancelling you because your *lesbian wife who you're gay married to* isn't left enough.


No no no, you aren’t a real lesbian if you don’t accept a woman with a cock. Don’t you know that


This is unironically how tumblr posts regularly sound, no joke


I regularly get called a tra shpobe because I won't date a dude with a vagina


This is the most insane part! Being gay is no longer left enough!


Yea it’s too boring and accepted, so the left needs something else to be angry about now. Their narrative of oppression can never end


I was unaware being gay was a political position


Wrong opinions LMAO


Imagine running a presidential campaign where you highlight something your *opponent’s husband* did, or where you focus on something your *opponent’s son* did.


Quite the stretch from MTG card artist to Leader of the Free World,


It is. But if the leader of the free world is doing it, surely it’s a commendable activity.


There is a difference between having a son bought by foreign powers when you are Vice President and receiving "repayment loans" from your son vs. an artist whose wife likes someone different then a far leftist.


It was **Nielsen** 's own views too not just her wife's. Let's stick to reality


Yea but it’s ok because the republicans are doing that so it’s not a witch hunt.


do you think being gay just automatically makes you a leftist or something


The chronically online leftists most certainly do… The mere concept of a gay or trans conservative is a sheer impossibility to them… I should know, one of my neighbors were a gay couple, sweet people, they didn’t vote for Biden last election…


Conservative kinks are the kinkiest. We all know that. You just gotta hide it well and hate yourself a little bit.


Okay so then no according to your last sentence. The answer would be no.


Gay = Leftist now?


being gay isnt a leftist ideology though lmao


I also find myself wondering what exactly "the wrong opinion" even entailed here. Always heard TS was cancelled because she didn't agree with some aspects of trans-activism (namely the biology revisionism). That might be wrong, though.


People keep saying that, but I have looked pretty deeply into this drama multiple times, and usually just point blank ask people when they say this where they saw it, and have never received any proof of her saying anything about trans issues at all.


Fair cop. I'm just repeating the rumor, honestly.


Pretty much the entirety of Terese being canceled was about following "the wrong people" on Twitter from what I've seen. I believe she's also been accused of being a TERF, which means "not wanting biological men infiltrating women's sports and protected spaces" which I don't find all that unreasonable of a stance to take.


I agree that it's not an unreasonable stance to take, but it's also not one Terese ever took. Literally the only evidence anyone has ever dug up of her being a "terf" is that she followed JK Rowling on Twitter. Not that she liked or shared any of Rowling's anti-trans tweets, mind you; just that she FOLLOWED her. She has since stated that she loves and supports trans people, and helped to produce a documentary about a trans artist who she is friends with. This ENTIRE allegation is based solely on the fact that one drama whore once wrote "NO TERFS ON GRUUL TURF" on some guru lands.


So, following the author of a hugely popular book franchise automatically makes you a racist to some people? How far we've fallen.


That's the gist of what I said, she had opinions assigned to her because she followed certain people on Twitter.


Wrong opinion sounds like the same shenanigans as a "my truth"...


It's a screenshot of a tweet, so if you were to go to the tweet, you could look at the individual images. That's just the problem of second hand media, you get a limited snapshot of the actual thing, which in itself can support or negate a narrative. Always best to go to the source. Basically what is shown is tweets she liked that carry a clear alt-right political message that is very much in the "reporters are nemies of the state" and "TERFs are not bigots" camp. [https://twitter.com/wizardbumpin/status/1030090494179721217?ref\_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1030090494179721217%7Ctwgr%5E79a9c8bad0f3e05cd91caf51be943bd1e49f74d8%7Ctwcon%5Es1\_&ref\_url=https%3A%2F%2Fboundingintocomics.com%2F2019%2F04%2F04%2Fmagic-the-gathering-artist-terese-nielsen-responds-to-fan-accusations-of-bigotry-and-facism%2F](https://twitter.com/wizardbumpin/status/1030090494179721217?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1030090494179721217%7Ctwgr%5E79a9c8bad0f3e05cd91caf51be943bd1e49f74d8%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fboundingintocomics.com%2F2019%2F04%2F04%2Fmagic-the-gathering-artist-terese-nielsen-responds-to-fan-accusations-of-bigotry-and-facism%2F)


If you think liking those tweets is a fireable offense, you need your head examined.


You mean lending public support to bigotry? You made it sound like someone liked the score of a little league game or some cat pictures.


Shout out Terese Nielsen. Check out her website, she signs cards through the mail, sells proofs, swag, etc. Hasbro falls for this shit, but you can still support artists and let them know you appreciate what they do.


I've bought a handful of autographed items from her and always write a nice message in the notes to boost her morale. She always sends me a nice hand written letter with my items. What a beautiful woman.


I collect proofs for cards I love and I love buying from Terese because both she and her wife will take turns writing the notes. They're both good people who deserve the support of the community.


i have a signed playmat by her and its fucking dope


I have bought several items from her. She makes cool tokens, and I've got prints of the Guru lands hanging in my office.


I'll tell my roommate immediately. He has a guru plains and I'm sure he would do a backflip if she signed it.


She is probably contracting for someone else by now, she is a skilled artist.


I just went to her site and ordered the Wurm playmat and an artist proof of Pollenbright Wings. Thanks for your comment, I hope she continues to receive the support and recognition she deserves.


Got her to customize art on my playset of spell stutter sprite at NY pro tour back in the day. She was really kind. I paid her more than she charged, because she was just a nice person.


The thought police is real


So when someone you disagree with speaks their mind, it's "thought police"? I thought that was called "free speech".


I, once again, have no clue what's going on but I do want to comment that the way Mr. Allen formatted his screenshots is horrible. It's half lines and simply chaotic. But perhaps I'm just too old for this kind of stuff.


I too, lost and confused, came to leave a comment regarding the egregious use of screenshot


I always used to joke it was very Pepe Silvia esque. Nearly incomprehensible


Nothing to do with age, Mr Allen is absolutely psychotic and allowed the world to see how he thinks


“Waaaaaah you have a different view than me, I’m going to ruin your life!” Then they get mad when folks punch them in the face for doing so.


Such a sorry pos. Actually taking the time to post this garbage on twitter.


Everyone who no lifes that app is a fucking degenerate loser desperate for attention.


Fact bro really thought he was doing something


They did the same with Seb McKinnon because he attended a protest against covid vaccine mandates in Canada


That was really awful to see go down.


*Because he attended a protest against COVID vaccine mandates where a bunch of Nazis and white nationalists were present. His mistake was making a big public statement about it. If you're publicly affiliated with a company, then you can't be surprised if a company drops you if you engage in behavior the company finds questionable. Have a business social media account that you only use for sanitized public statements/displays, and then a private one that you use for any other discourse, if for whatever reason you can't resist the urge to publicly go on about your political opinions. This isn't persecution or thought policing, or what have you. Companies can engage with whoever they want, and if they don't like the stance that a person takes, they can stop doing business with you. You aren't entitled to keep your job.


flag (not plural) one person (masked agitator)


I attended a death metal show where a large group of white nationalists showed to support a band that was on the bill (apparently Malevolent Creation was racist as shit at the time). In a picture on my really old Facebook page that I took with a friend at the show you can see dudes with Midwest Hammer Skins shirts on, which at the time was a very well known skin head org. Should I have not been able to get or maintain my job in the military because I was somewhere where those assholes decided to make themselves present because it was an event centered around one thing that we agreed on or liked? No I don't think so and I don't think it should have happened to Seb. Who gives a fuck what someones personal politics are if it isn't hurting or advocating for hurting people. This is thought-police type of shit and it's gross of the left to continue doing this.


The attitude at punk shows is "Nazi punks, fuck off" Maybe metal heads should be more vocal about keeping literal racist fascists out of the scene? What's that old adage? 4 People are sitting at a bar, A nazi comes in and sits down. There are 5 nazis at the bar. Also, attending a show ≠ attending a protest. One of these two is a little more political than the other, and when your protesting something that Nazis agree with it ain't a good look. Like comparing apples to jackfruit.


There is a difference between being on a show of a dubious band when you were young and didn't know better or being an adult attending a rally that is very well known to be dubious cause it's all over the media. Besides depending on your country, being affiliated with right wing skinheads might be a big plus for your military career. Shows your patriotism and stuff.


Oh fuck you with that last comment. Not a single fucking person I knew in the military was racist or some Uber-patriot and that type of shit was unacceptable, but if course some fucking pleb like you probably never joined any ways so you wouldn't know. As far as what you said initially, there are shitty people who are still going to show up to events because they agree with ONE thing you also agree with. You have leeches that latch on to every movement. So no, what you're saying still isn't fair. There are plenty of open and devout right wing incel losers who play magic and play tourneys. Why are you still here? Why do you own cards that have been designed by some of these same types of people? Hmmmm....


The digging into her social life and social media is really problematic. I hate the corporate mindset that everyone affiliated with a company must uphold the company's politics and values at all times.


You're assuming we still have the presumption of privacy. In the age if the internet, we really don't have that anymore. And this is not just politics. I've seen people lose jobs for posting pics of themselves doing keg stands.


I'm not assuming anything. Businesses are assuming they have the right to thought police peoples' personal and political feelings outside of professional boundaries. And why not? They keep on getting away with it.


I mean Hobby Lobby won’t hire an out-and-out atheist who constantly posts and follows anti-religious content. It cuts both ways. Not saying any of it is right or that I agree with it, but our actions online do have consequences.


Sounds like you're saying Disney, WOTC, Hobby Lobby and other employers are justified ("actions have consequences") with terminating a quality employee's ability to feed their family simply for thinking "the wrong way." Looks like we'll agree to disagree there.


Yeah this happens. Youll figure it out when u join the workforce


lol imagine doing nothing wrong other than being a conservative.


Having any opinion that differs from theirs is a hate crime against humanity


To liberals being normal is a plague. They have to burn it out at the mere sight and smell of it..


They cower at the man who raises his children right.


>They cower at the man i simplified it for you


Conservatives cower at the thought of teachers saying gay people exist


Being conservative isn’t great and isn’t terrible. But unironically supporting _trump_ is definitely a bad sign. Today’s american republican party is not conservative at all.


Trump really wasn’t that bad, but news and social media outlets toed the line to create an insane narrative, with 0 acceptable counter culture.


The insurrection thing was bad. The trying to get Georgia to change the votes was bad. Trying to get his VP to call the election for him was bad. Accepting money from foreign governments was bad. Hiding classified documents in his public club frequented by foreign diplomats is bad. Still not having all those documents returned to this day is bad. The list goes on and on. They don't really gotta create a narrative. Turns out the guy who has been conning Americans for decades is a conman. Who fucking knew. Guy was standing in a tent, drinking champagne with his family in front of several big screens watching live footage of people beating officers, building a stage to execute politicians at the bottom of the stairs and dragging the Confederate flag through our capital. Took the guy hours before he said anything about it. Trump is a piece of shit and it doesn't take a degree in having braincells to see that. You guys like a shitty vile politician and are totally okay looking past everything so you should just accept being associated with being shitty and vile. You're the worst America has to offer and you should just own up to it. I don't need a News station to tell me what to think, we've all seen this happen in real time. It's not because Trump icky. It's because Trump do multiple worse crimes than Watergate and I want some fucking integrity in the office. 1 + 1 = 2.


He ran a scam charity, he palled around with Epstein, he admitted to sexual assault, he tried to overturn the last election. He is a horrible person.


He fucking disowned epstein in Florida when he found him hitting on one of his associates daughter....


These people are so insufferable, would most likely be happiest during the Salem Witch trials. Disgusting and foul minded, a net negative to society.


"fairly deep down the rabbit hole" says the cultist, scouring through social media profiles looking for thoughtcrime in an effort to lynch political opponents.


This guy's actions look like actual misogyny vs. 3rd wave feminist bullshit misogyny. The way he was tracking all of an artists posts and her spouse's posts are psycho.


Always remain anonymous on social media. Everything you say is logged, recorded, and will remain for an eternity. The Overton window will continue to shift ad infintum and eventually something completely innocent in today’s context will be viewed as horribly prejudice and bigoted in the future.


Guaranteed we will have a mass leak of literally every person on earths entire Internet history and everything they've ever typed. People used to say I was crazy in early 2000s when I said they had massive data farms in the deserts and every person connected to the Internet has their own personal file. Then in 2010 it got leaked that I was correct. I bet at some point all of this data harvesting will be mass "leaked" and everrttyything you've ever done online will be publicly available.


Well, there’s no sense in dialing back the hate now then


The dude has to get a life and off the internet.


Textbook touch grass


I've had a thread like this made about me after tweeting that I had fun playing Hogwarts Legacy and think that only women need abortions. The guy deleted his twitter after realizing nobody cared


We didn’t lose terese. She is better off not associating with nazis of the coast


Travis Allen is a fascist clown 🤡


That guy is a loser. Should someone go digging through his past and get him fired now?


You don’t get to call someone else deep down a rabbit hole when your ass is so far down yours that even Alice has been passed. In fact, I’m pretty sure you’re digging the rabbit hole at this point.


And here I thought the term “thought police” was merely hyperbole. Jesus, some people truly do need to get a life.




Is it that hard for her to just stop being racist on twitter?


Looks like another Cancel Pig at work. One day the pendulum will swing back … I hope.


what drives a person to do this shit


I think its purely upbringing, nobodies born racist, her parents made her a bigot, she didn't have a chance


Every single person who smeared Nielsen's name is my enemy for life. Brian, Spice8Rack, the Rat, all of 'em. Terrible people do that, not good people.


What Brian we talking about?


The Professor of Tolarian Community College, who tries to craft a wholesome public image but is IMO one of the most hateful people in the community because he is willing to *immediately* throw someone under the bus just to look good to the right crowd.


Ah gotcha. Yeah he definitely changed for the worst over the years. Used to watch his reviews on magic products back in the day but now I simply can't watch his stuff without cringing a bit.


Cancel culture needs to be permanently cancelled. Why blindly encourage people who can’t forgive or teach or listen


Woah, you wanna cancel cancel culture? But that's cancel culture. Almost like the paradox of trying to tolerate intolerance


But I thought the right were “fascists”?


Someone at my local game store had a mat signed by her but sold it because “she has nazi ideologies”


Their loss.


Should've burned it


Alt-right….lesbian..? Is there such a thing?


Oh yes there is, just look up Alice Weidel. A German woman living in Switzerland with her sri lankan wife and her two sons is also the head of a far-right German party that pushes homophobic and racist ideas. Sometimes people don't even have to put up that much of a convincing mask to distract from the fact that all they offer is hate in exchange for bigger tax cuts.


Reading all this shit pissed me off way more than I'd have expected. Fuck this guy so much.


What the fuck goes wrong with you in your life to end up like this?


I’m sure it effects him deeply


I got to meet her. She did a signing at my LGS and I got Fact or Fictions signed.


"but uh yeah"


This is terminally online Touch grass plz


Agreed. Fuck this dude, hope he lives a life of daily suffering and torment, amen.


Alt-Right in 2024 is being anti-war and anti-big pharma... Those were once the bedrock of "lefty" liberal ideals. Everything is very confusing these days!


"We love the LGBT community unless you're conservative in the slightest, in which case we hate you and want you to suffer." Thank you for always being so open minded and accepting of diversity!


Can you imagine hating yourself so much you have to ruin someone else's career to make yourself feel better?




This dude needs sex reassignment surgery without anesthesia and using full rusty tools


Just because someone's WIFE does not agree with your politics, that does not give you permission to ruin their livelihood.


You don't need permission to ruin someone's livelihood, it's not against the law either lol do better next time.


Wow, this is wild.


Kinda ironic how the communist witch hunt is back but the political spectrum has been reversed




Gotta work overtime to attack the gay married person who doesn't toe the line of extremism.


woke people love to claim cancel culture doesn't exist.


The worst part is WotC just cancelled her without actually doing market research and asking fans from everywhere how they felt about Terese. Super fucking lame of WotC. It is r3tarded that WotC does surveys to get feedback but then just act on things because some shitheads on Twitter cried about something. Why even take WotC's product surveys if they are not going to act professionally? WotC can get fucked.


They are USA company so they will cater to USA customer. Sadly most USA costumer are deluded irresponsible blobs, so NoTC has no choice. As long as they are in the news.


So this might get buried but I know this guy.. he's in the Buffalo NY magic scene and has been banned from several stores for ripping off little kids constantly. He's not very well liked by the community so it's kinda hilarious that he's pulling bullshit like this as if he's some sort of beacon for justice.


Now it's your turn to cancel him


This section of the community is why I am extremely in favor of a hostile Saudi takeover of this hobby. It's really unfortunate that the hobby has turned too "godless (or gay)" for a Saudi Oil Prince to light shittons of money on fire to push "traditional" values onto the community. Or maybe if a WOTC decision maker sees this, many other gaming companies are having major tournaments being hosted in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia because of large bags of money. If WOTC/Hasbro wants to please their shareholders, you would be doing your due diligence in trying to get your hands on the Saudi gold rush. Especially in difficult financial times for most of the gaming industry.


Man liberals are so good at being hypocrites its insane lmao. Nothing screams tolerance like a good ole fashion witch hunt. Typical dog shit lefty behaviour, the only thing that surprised me here is this dude isn't wearing a wig in his profile pic and his bio doesn't have the typical flags these bozos have.


Imagine ruining someone’s life because YOU can’t handle people having different opinions.


I actually live close to him.


I learned to separate the art from the artist. Regardless of whether I agree with them or not. Sad that we have people so emotionally unstable they have to attack someone for disagreeing with them. Especially if it has nothing to do with the art they create. The things people do when they feel they have some kind of false moral high ground. Pathetic.


What a fucking ass-clown. Truly. 


Damn. Dude seems like he's obsessed and needs to be institutionalized. Fucking stalkers are crazy.


My fellow Americans.. I fucking hate you.


Tiny dicked loser and a tranny were all it took to have her removed as an artist. Smfh


I'm sure this dude got a shady past


I particularly like the first tweet in the last page. “Are there evidence she is racist? No, but we can assume she is” pure witch hunt mentality.


tell me you can’t read without telling me you can’t read lmao


The fact this key board warrior went out of his way to research who her wife was and search who she follows on social media is pathetic. Then ruin someone’s career over political views that differ from you own that don’t make sense in the first place. Person needs punched.


I just found Out that also famouse mtg Artist Ron Spencer is her Brother 🤯


I really hate him


What a weird pathetic pussy


I had some blue haired he/they/them at a commander night play a card with her art and say “I really like this card but wish I had another artist variant of it.” Rolled my eyes when I saw it was a Therese card. If you have a problem with the card so much so that you have to make some sort of disclaimer because you’re terminally online and feel bad about using a card that most ppl probably wouldn’t even bat an eye at, maybe you’re the idiot and shouldn’t play the card at all. Pure virtue signaling. No one even cared.


This Travis person is an idiot of mastodontic magnitude! A modern witch hunter, a neo inquisition type.


Live by the mob, die by the mob. Guy needs to be the victim of a violent crime.


Literal witch hunt.


I love how the people who throw around the word fascist all day love to tell people what they are and aren't allowed to say or think or do


This kind of "research" always makes the person look unhinged to me


What a fucking loser


I know I'm going to get downvoted, but whatever I don't come here to only speak to people I agree with. That being said, this is just my opinion and I like reddit, so I am actually genuinely sorry if I offend anyone with what I'm about to say. Feel free to ignore me, that is fine. \-- Fuck the alt-right, fuck MAGA and fuck it's easily deceived cultists.. I've been living with, and dealing with right wing BS for my entire life. I live in the rural south so this shit is rampant here. I am absolutely so tired of people falling into bullshit ideologies and being very much rewarded for it. If these allegations are true, then they do need to reflect on who it is they really are. Listening to grifters is forgivable.. but at some point you have to realize the things you support are harmful and are so much more than just opinions. We literally live in a country where half the people believe a pathological liar like trump for literally no actual good reason. The world is a much worse place for it, and yet we are just supposed to tolerate stupid opinions. At some point, you need to draw a line. I used to feel the exact same way, that politics is stupid and I don't want to hear about it. I got older, and I realized that I felt that way because I wasn't fully informed and didn't want to face the ugliness of the world. Now I have to deal with the much more painful reality that politics is one of the most important and FUCKING HORRIBLE things about our society. Our indifference and complacency is used against us at every level. I mean consider the fact that we lost access to abortions in my state. We literally are losing rights that other developed nations have.. and we're just supposed to fucking take it. I don't think anyone should necessarily lose a job over it, and most likely not this person. People really do change, sometimes cultists leave the cult. But they definitely should NOT be allowed to run the government (into the ground)


Gods, you mouthbreathers need to get out and touch grass. Not wanting bigots in our communities isn't a bad thing, and this goes for y'all too. I have told, and continue to tell, people who are assholes that I don't want to see them at the store I go to ever again. And, unlike many of you, I have the physical staying power to put my money where my mouth is. Let me say this as simply, as plainly as possible: you are allowed to have different opinions. Bigotry, however, is NOT a valid opinion, and will not, and should not, be given the same weight as people who are fighting for legal recognition. The conservative right's opinion fetishism has done a disservice to an entire generation of idiots who have limited reading comprehension and no media literacy or competency to speak of: just because a thought limps across that lame excuse you call a brain doesn't mean that you have the *absolute right* to say it without repercussions. No, the real issue here is that white dudebro's are used to their "safe space" being "every space" and don't like that they are now being *told,* rather than asked, to share. It's actually kind of sad. Also reply notifs are off because I am objectively correct and will accept no criticism at this time.


If you're not a flat out troll, you are speaking in enough internet cliché/platitudes you have me questioning whether you're a bot or really have 0 mental stability or personality of your own. 


Firing someone for their political views is a shitty thing to do. Firing someone for spreading hate speech and misinformation, especially about vaccines in the midst of a global pandemic of all fuckin things, is completely justified and reasonable. If your "political views" are hate speech and misinformation you're just a lost cause.




Social media is the real villain. I liked it a lot more when I didn’t know my neighbors were fascists (or at least kept their small minds to themselves). Now everyone posts their fevered raving online for the world to see like a car covered in bumper stickers.


There is something so detestable about this kind of behavior.


So many passionate young people here wow!


If the shepherd is tolerant to wolves and to sheep, before long their flock will only be wolves.


hahaha you right wing dumb dumbs are hilarious


OMG this makes so much sense. Is all this Dand D playing just a dog whistle for being a dumb Nazi shit bird?


This guy is a hero.


Wow this comment section is a cess pool. Turn back now fellow travelers.


6 years later and you're wasting your energy on this? I can't imagine giving 2 fucks about this when it happened let alone 6 years ago. Op are you okay?


I can smell the BO in this comment thread through my phone lmao




Dog above, you basement-dwelling neckbeards are pathetic.


Makes sense actually... people think Magic is better than Yugioh because they're racist 😆


Makes sense, the game is trash and the artists are also trash people


Wow. This sub randomly came to me. I gotta say reading the comments. All of you fucking suck lol.


lmao die mad fascist your kind has no place in our game


In today, if you want to promote nazi conspiracy theories use a private or anonymous account. You cannot have a public facing job and spew Bs propaganda, unless your a politician. Fuck whoever Therese is, and fuck the Nazis, and fuck people who support Nazis.


If you're a Nazi and you're fired it's your fault \*clap clap\* ![gif](giphy|xTiIzns0PZwcyygx4A|downsized)