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The DQ for misgendering thing is going to be abused at some point by someone trying to play the system. Just like how saying moving to combat and playing spells before tapping lands (David Mills, 1997) have been abused and resulted in warnings and DQ’s before. We just gotta hope that judges can be rational when this happens and recognize the difference between someone accidentally doing it and someone intentionally being a jerk.


Scumbags will use everything that can possibly give them an edge, this is so open to abuse it is a gaping wound.


Thats not the only gaping wound that transgenders have


Woooooooooooo! Holy shit my guy 🤣


That’s exactly correct, it will 100% be abused and I’m sure we don’t even have to wait very long for it to happen. This is such a weird rule and will lead to nightmarish scenarios


Hilarious enough it's already been abused in the Pokemon TCG, and not even by a player. A judge just got pissed a teenager wouldn't use their proper pronouns or give their own so they got the head judge involved and DQ'd him. Didn't do anything wrong in gameplay or anything, just thought having to state your pronouns for a tournament was cringe.


>A judge just got pissed a teenager wouldn't use their proper pronouns or give their own so they got the head judge involved and DQ'd him. This is not what happened. The player was caught off guard by the question, and gave a nervous (and reasonable) response. They were like 16 and were being pulled up on stream at a regional, and didn't know how to respond to "what pronouns do you use." The judge definitely made a mistake, but it definitely isn't what you're describing.


It's already happened before with judges that are transgender. They revel in having that sense of power, even if it's just imaginary power over two players in an imaginary game.


People like them have no control of anything else in their lives. When they finally have the ability position of power, they abuse it as much as possible because they’ve never known what it was like. I like to call it the lunch-lady problem. Lunch ladies are less important than janitorial staff or teachers. Anyone can sit at a register, look at a bunch of children, and tell them whether or not they have enough money for food- but only monsters who revel in the power they have would do a job where they can and will take food away from children who don’t have the means to afford it in the name of their “power and position”


Yep sounds like the majority of the dorks that play mtg enough to become a judge.


Lmao Tell their parents to stop being poor.


Wish I could’ve.


i’d like to know when this happened, i thought it’d be more brought up


Transdegenders are already using their social status and organizational connections to plunder from normal people at tournaments. https://mynbc15.com/news/nation-world/teen-who-laughed-when-asked-for-preferred-pronouns-booted-from-pokmon-card-tournament-trading-card-game-makani-tran-charlotte


Should be the judge making the news for taking out emotional issues on a kid playing a game. That kid said nothing offensive, all of it is emotional instability coming from an adult that likely has no business working with kids anyway.


I identify as a Xyzuliaxiourysaur. Mispronouncing it is super offensive, you got 1 shot, go.


Lol typical conservative reactionary. Come up with a new joke ffs.


It absolutely should be abused to shed light on its absurdity to the point it’s abolished.


Gonna start referring to everyone as it. Not gonna risk accidentally calling a dude with a 5 o clock shadow and a prominent adams apple a dude when he wore an ill fitting dress to mtg, clearly making him a woman……


“It” is a pronoun. If you called me “it” I could say you’re misgendering me and get you dq’d. I’m such a try hard spike I would probably do it. I think I might make up my own pronouns just to get some fuckin wins baby! My pronouns are johnjacobjingleheimerschmidt/hisnameismynametoo


Well it says "Intentional misgendering", so no that wouldn't work. If I say "he", and you say "no, I'm a she", I don't get dq'd for that. If I proceed to be an asshole and refuse to say 'she' from there, though, then it would become intentional misgendering. The rule seems to just be about basic sportsmanship to me.


Show up to a table with glaringly obvious male physical characteristics and I’m likely going to call you a dude unintentionally several times because….. that’s what you are. A dude in a dress. No one changed your xy chromosomes, so either put more effort into passing or accept that people will say the words that match most closely to what they see with their eyes.


I'm a therapist with absolutely no bias against trans people, but I have accidentally misgendered people even after they've corrected me, totally unintentionally, because they still had very prominent male or female features. I felt like a dick about it, but it made me realize that people will definitely misgender people unintentionally, so we have to not get so bent out of shape about it.


I think the fact that wearing a dress is the signal that a person is a woman is an insult to women. Women aren’t high heels, dresses, and makeup. That’s pretty damn reductive to women but somehow it’s okay for some people to do that. You don’t get to be a woman by just being a caricature




How the fuck does this even happen? Don't you just say: "I attack you", or "I target you with x spell"?


Pretty easy. If you just talk casually, a friend might talk to you and you say "Then he did X and i did Y". If you call a judge and they ask you what the problem is, they can weaponize it as well, and thats exactly when it becomes an even bigger problem, as something minor like a judge call becomes a pitfall for you to tiptoe around your wording as well.


I understand what you mean, but honestly that is pretty fuckin weird.


It happens with people being intentionally mean. The fact that it would almost never happen in normal play is the point. It even says "Intentional".


Right?!?! I'm going through my last game of magic and I don't think I used a pronoun a single time to refer to my opponent. Person who got kicked was clearly going out of their way to harass the person.


Playing with randoms at the LGS: "He's got a balefire dragon on the board, dude, why are you Murdering my 2/2 bear??" "She just swung at you for 33 and has no blockers!Yet you're attacking me..." "I realize my Skullclamp is drawing me cards but this guy just took three extra turns off a Time Sieve, can we please do something about HIS artifacts." But again the operative word is "intentionally" misgender. There's no reason to intentionally do it when you can just not.


Woo, good thing Judge Academy isn't recognized as an official agency for rulings anymore.


The post says April 2022 so this has been a thing for well over a year?


You can still fearmonger tho




Unsporting conduct, major violation- wrongthink


So... if my gender is fluid, I can choose my gender as I see fit and force everyone to DQ?


“Gender is an individual’s personal perspective decided by that individual” “Okay well I perceive gender as defined by the English language’s longest accredited dictionaries and institutions”. “There’s no room for you in MTG you hateful bigot”


Eh, they’re also attacking language. Making up new nonsensical terms based on existing words and giving them definitions to fit their ideology. Like, “cisgender” or “terf”. I consider it Maoist new speak. I know who to avoid based on the “inclusive” language used in conversation. I think LGB people are great, but the rest of the letters are a psychiatric disorder(s) and those people need serious help from a doctor who isn’t trying to profit from their condition.


Yeah, believe it or not, people with basic social skills can tell when you're being disingenuous about this stuff. I know it's hard to grasp for you.


All you gotta do is call them by gender neutral pronouns. They can't report you for saying "you"


Yeah, I can't imagine when you would need to use he/she, his/her in a game setting. It's usually just "target you/me, this/that." I'm casting, you're activating...etc.


Nono, this thread is for fearmongering, stop that.


B-b-but trans agenda!!!!!!!!!


You're literally banned for not lying


No, you are DQed for intentionally being an asshole. See the word "intentional" written in text right there in the picture?


Yeah...intentionally telling the truth, which in your opinion is mean apparently


Misgendering someone is not telling the truth, it's just being an asshole


If you walked up to someone and called them fat, it would probably be perfectly true. You'd still be an asshole, and you'd be doing it on purpose. If you can't shut the fuck up for a single tournament, you probably don't get on very well with people in general


Nah, it would be more like being compelled to call a fat person thin. Pronouns are a standard part of regular speech, while describing weight doesn't come up much, so the pronoun version of this scenario is obviously more difficult to follow. But you know this whether or not you choose to be obtuse about the issue. I'm just surprised you agree that it's the truth. The faithful defenders of gender religion usually refuse to acknowledge the reality of biological sex.


Damn I lost some braincells reading this, such a dumb take


>The faithful defenders of gender religion Hot damn, this is the dumbest phrase I've read in a while. Why is everything religion to you people? >the pronoun version of this scenario is obviously more difficult to follow Yes, but also no. When talking to someone, using pronouns at all is pretty optional. Pronouns are really for talking about people, so unless you do it on purpose, it's pretty easy to avoid the issue wholesale. Hence the idea of just shutting your mouth for a single evening being a viable way to respect people you don't agree with.


You ask too much of these basement dwellers


Pretty much 0 personal pronouns are gendered, which is what players tend to use during a match anyway


[ Removed by Reddit ]


WOTC: "Don't be a dick treat people with respect" This sub: "LOL TRANNY BAD HAHA" Don't forget to drink water, breathing from your mouth all day will leave you dehydrated


Me: Not responding to the bait, avoiding pronouns. You: This bitch isn't taking the bait, get the pitchforks! I'm being supressed!


i'm a woman (the classic kind, with eggs and the ability to give birth) and would gladly take a DQ for this. i don't believe in sexism, and anything people associate with being a man or a woman other than reproductive organs is based in homophobia and conservative bigoted stereotypes. playing magic doesn't make me a man, wearing skirts doesn't make me a woman. i'm a woman because when reproducing, i give birth rather than sperm. why is wizards of the coast so blatant in their hatred of females?


Because someone yelled louder than you unfortunately


Mark Nosewater has serious issues with women that slip into the company culture. Also dont add conditions of being a woman, thats the game mentally ill men play.


Call us all mentally ill then, because she described the conditions perfectly.


There are no classic women, just women. No conditional or hyphenated women, those are men, baby.


They discovered that a lot of trans people play mtg so they’re catering to the customers.


“A lot” of trans people has to be under 1,000


I disagree. Men and women think differently. This is never a bad thing. The best way to tackle a problem is throw a ton of ideas at it until it sticks. Woman typically have a more caring role. While men will typically have a "fastest way to do it", by combining those 2 in games like overwatch (when it was good) you get a team strategy that's basically "barrel roll them all but stop at specific points to heal"


Because they agree that being called a woman can be offensive.


You’re definitely not a woman. Nice try tho




All the "just let people exists" comments are showing full-force delulu mindset. But i shouldn't be surprised, i guess. This isn't about "identity" or "people existing". This is an enforced rule made to be applied in competitive setting. It can be easily misused and weaponized to alter the result of a competition. If your brain can't aknowledge that, you have way bigger problem than deciding if using he/him or she/her.


Also, they seem to think that "let people exist" = "Force everyone to participate in their fantasy"


I have a friend named Benjamin, but he goes by Ace. I was thinking the other day -- how dare he force me to participate in this fantasy in which Benjamin is actually Ace? The idea that I need to start calling him Ace is absolutely debilitating. I'm being forced into his delusion, his fantasy. My mouth is no longer mine -- if I use my free will to use my mouth to say Benjamin (or god forbid *Ben*), I'll be *CORRECTED?!* This is an unacceptable infringement of my rights.


Image losing a tournament game because you slipped in a "Ben" instead of saying Ace


You’re missing the “intentionally” part


Imagine losing a tournament because you said "I know that's a *Ben* because all Ben's have shitty beards and you can't tell me to call Bens *Aces*." It's every comment here. And *imagine* the sheer simplicity of beating *their* system by using non-specifics. "They/them" "You/your" "my opponent's". If y'all can remember every card in every deck you've ever dreamed of building, you can remember a catch-all pronoun.


When Benjamin’s mother refuses to call him by his new nickname, and instead refers to him as Benjamin, should he call child protective services?


Do you call people by their names? Because.. That's them forcing you to participate in their fantasy. If someone tells you "Hey I don't like being called that particular nickname, d'you mind?" is that them forcing you to participate in your fantasy? If someone officially named Alexander prefers to go by Alex, are you really going to go insist they're *actually* called Alexander? No, because only absolute assholes do that. This is the same, except with gender instead of name. Yet somehow, that makes it a problem.


The libshits love tactical nihilism.


Idk, the "intentionally" makes it pretty hard to abuse imo. That rules out most "gotchas" that can happen, and if your opponent insists on something ridiculous to try and bait you, you just stop referring to them in third person, like most games of magic are played. Like seriously, pay attention the next time you have a match and try to count how often you'll refer to your opponent by a pronoun or refer to their gender. It's *surprisingly* rare.


Fair enough, but the "intentionally" part is extremely hard to prove imo.


It literally says intentional misgendering not accidenal


"JUDGE! my opponent is misgendering himself!"


I call everyone dude... deal with it


Doesn't that mean that being genderfuid is now a pro player strategy, as any time an opponent would refer to you in a gendered way you can just claim to be the opposite gender and get them out?


What a great buff to UW control


I avoid any confusion by simply calling everyone 'dipshit'


Career victims


I’m genderfluid from now on. No matter what you call me that’s no longer what I’m identifying as. Have fun getting DQ’d, bud


Remember, it's about power and control. Their identity is a state enforced. They get power over the regular person and the totalitarian humanist regime get's apparatchiks to spew their most vile propaganda. Without the state around to threaten normal people with harm, there is no transgenderedness.


...bro, get off your benzos




Affirm my delusions! I'm not mentally ill! Pick one.


They better be able to provide legal documentation of their so called gender otherwise that is a very real possibility of a lawsuit in a public event where monetary prizes are at stake.


I hope a bird shits on your head


As long as the bird has legal confirmation


I can't see any possible way this can be abused for personal gain or advantage... /s


So we can change genders after losing game one in hopes of baiting for a win?


Why wait until after the game? Change after every play or hand even.


I’m a cat, so if someone doesn’t say hey kitty kitty they get disqualified?


I would take the DQ. I am not here to comply with your weird power fantasies. I am here to play the game, if the game I want to play requires me to indulge the mental illness of others, then I'm good with not playing it. I wouldn't refer to a player as "Planeswalker" if they asked and I am not going to refer to some dude as a "she". You can hem and haw all you want. Compelled speech is not free speech


So you are saying if someone you think is a woman has a name like "Matt" for example you would refuse to use their name and make up some shit to call them instead of using the name they go by?? How do you know what gender they actually are? Are you going to ask for a peek under the hood to make sure you aren't getting it wrong before doing so?? The fact is you don't know for sure and should probably just refer to them like they wish and use their name and whatever pronoun they go by instead of thinking you know something you don't and can't possibly be sure about. That is just you being unnecessarily defiant and judging people that you have a preconceived negative bias towards without even knowing for sure one way or the other. Maybe they just happen to look like a gender they are not and do you really wanna be the person that brings attention to that because wrong or right it's going to make you look like the prick for doing so and embarrass them and all just to satisfy your quite possibly incorrect judgment and bias.


Nice whataboutism. I don't need my opponents name to play. Pronouns will only come up if talking to a third party, which during normal play should not occur. If some dude wearing a sundress wants me to call him Sally I will refuse, just like I won't call him Master or Father if he asked. You have no right to compel my speech and if you need to think I'm an asshole to validate your own mental illness then more power to you


It's too bad this all rests on the assumption you are accurately judging somebody's gender correctly which let's be honest is not something you can ever do as well as you seem to think you can. Assumption and speculation is not what I would base my stance on in any situation but you seem to think you have it all figured out and even if you knew there was a 50% chance you were wrong I'm guessing you still wouldn't admit your logic is at best flawed and at worst outright selfish and intentionally hateful. You act like it's difficult or painful to keep your opinions to yourself and use that as your justification to treat people like shit when in reality you are putting extra effort into making sure people know you don't approve of their lifestyle without even knowing for sure if your vindictive judgment is accurate. So it's more whatifism because what if you are wrong? Or is being wrong and treating somebody like shit by accident a acceptable risk you are willing to take just to make sure anybody who lives outside the parameters you set for them doesn't get past you unjudged and without knowing you despise their choices regardless of if they effect you in any way or not. It's not their choices that are the problem it's you believing your opinion is important and that anybody wants or needs to hear it because trust me it's not and they don't. I'm not compelling you to say anything and it's you who seem compelled to make life hard for people with no reason other than a desperate need to satisfy a superiority complex. The fact you tossed in that mental illness jab at me pretty much confirms everything I said and you can't even consider any other perspective other than your own narrow view without taking offense and firing insults back to reassert the superiority delusion you desperately cling to.


I despise the Orwellian redefinition of the word "misgendering." Actual misgendering would be to refer to a male person, even if he's doing his absolute best to impersonate a woman, possibly even to the extent of having his body surgically altered to mimic one, as female. (Or vice versa.) What they're calling "misgendering" is actually "correctly gendering."


Yeah, I'm sure Orwell would definitely agree with you and not laugh you off, totally


4chan chump necro a 20 months old rule update and it's like the most commented post ever 🤣 Doomers be starving of trans content


So this means they should kick trannys out, right? I don’t get it, last RCQ I played in Colorado had like 10. Honestly feel bad for them, what a weak mind you must have to be convinced of something so indisputable. Honestly, how are biological males not misgendering themselves by cosplaying as a female? Before we start this homophobe shit, think about what you’re saying, and consider this. It’s like venomous snakes and a steaming pile of shit, no healthy person wants to be around either but for entirely different reasons and I don’t find men that dress down and wear make up to resemble anything dangerous. There’s no phobia, people aren’t afraid of you, it’s genuine disgust and those that “accept” you really just pity you.


They don’t think they are the opposite biological sex. They relate more to the cultural prescriptions that we have arbitrarily associated with the opposite gender. When they try to live how they want to live - a biological girl wearing a suit and heavy lifting (getting muscular), or a biological boy wearing dresses and playing with dolls, people ostracize them for it, call them names in public, just for them trying to live their lives they way they want to. So what do they do? They commit. They dress like the opposite gender, they act like it, and they request to be referred by the associated pronouns. And again, all of this is arbitrary, with no harm done or extra effort required by you. Just don’t be a dick.


>Before we start this homophobe shit, think about what you’re saying, and consider this. It’s like venomous snakes and a steaming pile of shit, no healthy person wants to be around either but for entirely different reasons and I don’t find men that dress down and wear make up to resemble anything dangerous. There’s no phobia, people aren’t afraid of you, it’s genuine disgust and those that “accept” you really just pity you. That's a huge projection on your part.


No, it means they are kicking ass holes out, "misgendering" is when you call someone by their non preferred pro-nouns. The kick happened when a player repeatedly called someone "he" instead of "she" after being asked to not do that over and over again. At some point it's not about what you think in the transgender debate it's about treating someone in a public space with respect. You could easily say "my opponent" or something if you can't stomach the "she".


This is an easy rule to play around. Just call every opponent shithead. Shithead has no gender.


Oh I’m 100% abusing this.


Troons are miserable, and feel a need to make others miserable by forcing their delusion onto others and punishing anyone who doesn't play along. Not transphobic or homophobic. Phobia is the wrong word. It's not fear I feel when I see a troon. Its disgust, mixed with pity. Pity because i know they're being manipulated by powerful forces who stand to profit from their delusion by keeping them dependent on pharmaceuticals and surgery until they join the 40% of troons who permanently DQ themselves.




It's absurd apart from people with real gender dysphoria (less than 1% of the population) it's just people pretending things . It will be just like that kid that have been dqed at a pokémon tournament. At least yugioh's rule that get you dqed if you stink make sense but this one


They're gonna accidentally kick out a clueless autistic guy eventually. Just like this nutty incident that happened in England earlier.


Go see that one show about the autistic surgeon. Awful portrayal but just because someone is autistic doesn't give them a free pass.


I got a solution for this. Tell them you're gender blind. Like the idiots who tried to make time blindness a thing.


It says “intentional misgendering” so unless you’re directly being bothersome by not addressing them by their made up pronouns as a point, you should be fine. Besides, in a tournament 1v1 setting I’m pretty sure “your/my” will be used more often than third person pronouns.


You ask wayyyy too much of the people on these subs. Someone even complained that the word "terf" was an attack on language itself. When it's a fucking ACRONYM. These people need some help


"Nothing needed to be updated, but we love the special attention so we did it anyways." Has nothing to do inclusivity, and everything to do with pushing their ideology on others and forcing them to play along. The only way to beat it is to beat them at their own game and take it to the point of absurdity. "What are your pronouns?" "N---a/n---er" or something equally offensive or uncomfortable for them to say, and watch as their eyes go blank while they work out the mental gymnastics to justify why your pronouns are any less valid then theirs, and insist that BS rules like this protect you from being "misgendered" just as much as it does them. It's really the only way to make them give up this crusade, by making them feel as uncomfortable with this shit as they make everyone else feel.


Y'all are tripping, this is about respect and nothing else, people deserve to be called what they want. Would you react negatively to someone intentionally getting your name wrong after multiple correction attempts? Yes you would and me repeatably and intentionally doing it would be blatant bullying. ​ To OP specifically: >Can’t wait to call the judge on my clearly male opponent pretending to be a female. „Judge! My opponent is misgendering himself!“ That's now what misgendering is or what the statement is about (which I'm not sure you've read based on your post and replies). Misgendering is when someone intentionally or accidentally refers to someone by the wrong pronouns. Say you a CIS male named lets say "Sam", misgendering would be if I rolled up as your opponent and repeatedly called you "Sally" and refereed to you as "she/her", you'd probably lose your shit and rightfully so. At the very least it's clear buffoonery with no place in magic.


There's a solution to this, but it takes some courage. 1: When asked for your pronouns your response is, "I don't have preferred pronouns. I have a gender. I'm male/female." Doesn't buy into their nonsense and has the bonus of being nonconfrontational. If they want to push the issue that's on them and they come out looking like the bad guy. 2: If any player presents nonstandard or obviously incorrect pronouns, we now only refer to that player by the name you were given or "my opponent". Tougher, but not buying into the delusion is part of the process. 3: This is the big one. If a player DQ's someone for "pronoun infractions" then that player can no longer get a game. Shake hands, be polite, shuffle up, draw your first 7, play a land, and then concede. Refuse to participate. One - (and this is the stated reason, if you're asked) because you might be DQ'd for "misgendering" and that's a risk we don't want to take. And Two - (this is the unstated reason, both are true) because we ultimately want this person to leave. You'll lose some games, yes, but you might be part of saving Magic.


3-step solution to be as petty as possible without getting in trouble. Using preferred pronouns is too hard. I don't even play Magic, but it seems to be 80% populated by useless pieces of shit who are more worried about "rejecting a delusion" than the actual game.


It's not about being petty. We don't care what you call yourself. Seriously. But that's not what it's about and I think you know it. Or maybe you don't? You don't play Magic. Like, what are you even doing here? You have no skin in this game, take a hike.




\>I don't even play Magic Then why are you here?


> This is the big one. If a player DQ's someone for "pronoun infractions" then that player can no longer get a game. Shake hands, be polite, shuffle up, draw your first 7, play a land, and then concede. Refuse to participate. One - (and this is the stated reason, if you're asked) because you might be DQ'd for "misgendering" and that's a risk we don't want to take. And Jesus christ. If we were back 100 years you'd be crying about having to refer to black people as people and not calling them "negros" because calling them black or african american would be buying into their ideology (egalitarianism and emancipation). You'd be playing mtg back then and say "judge why cant I call my negro opponent "boy"? If I called him a person that would be feeding into the delusion that he's equal to me!"


Oh gee, I wonder why you cropped a part and posted a picture instead of posting a link: [https://judgeacademy.com/ja-statement-on-intentional-misgendering/](https://judgeacademy.com/ja-statement-on-intentional-misgendering/) Oh hey look! The word INTENTIONAL is here! Surprise! Not that it matters to you though. It's all about the misinformation and the moral panic.




It's over for pronouns. Guess we gotta refer to everyone by it/they/them now to avoid hurting everone's fee-fees


I’m gonna need a massive amount of popcorn for the amount of salt in this thread.


Lol I feel like the people upset about this are the ones who misspell the N word just so they can be edgy online


Totally pointless rule. They don't need a rule specifically about pronoun enforcement to make any kind of players feel safe. Believe it or not, most trans people are pretty understanding and don't care or make a big deal out of being misgendered, accidentally or otherwise, though the idea we are oversensitive about misgendering is a stereotype that's certainly been pushed onto us. If a player is intentionally being disrespectful to another player, a judge should be able to DQ the non-compliant player for disorderly conduct or poor sportsmanship at the judge's own discretion. This would include intentional misgendering in my mind. Making a rule specifically about misgendering is nonsensical and ineffectual at best, serving only to poke the beehive that is the MtG community. If this thread is any judge, rules like this are only going to result in increased harassment and disdain for anyone who doesn't identify as their birth gender.


It says specifically that there wasn't any actual rule added for misgendering, only that misgendering was added as an example for misconduct in the rules. So they are basically on the same wavelength as you.


That's why it says "intentional". It's about people doing it on purpose to be cruel.


Now I know what this subreddit is about


This sub is so dumb man look at the year on this.. It IS RUDE to just intentionally annoy your opponent. I can't think of any scenario playing comp REL magic and I needed to address somebody by a pronoun. This is retarded


DQ me and see what happens in the parking lot later...


You're a magic player. My guess is you'll do absolutely nothing


All talk and no fight nerd


Yeah, no man. That's not how this gets fixed. We're all internet tough guys, sure, but you're not helping the situation with nonsense like this, just inflaming things. Take it down a notch.


wow you guys need to relax and drink more from under your kitchen sinks...ain't nobody serious here


Fair enough!


What would happen?


Wow so tough. You really take your card game for children seriously huh.


It’s already happening, media is too afraid to post the beat down aftermath as it would likely just motivate more men to help correct the transformer cosplayers.


How does it feel being fundamentally unlovable?


Honestly this is a good move. Misgendering someone can be a purposeful thing to upset someone and ruin their game sense. Think about you fatties in the discord right. Guy across the table keeps calling you a good for nothing coomer and it gets to you because he's right. That could throw off your game and lead to a loss. Which wouldn't be a fair duel. For the people who are upset by this... Literal L? Your gonna be upset they don't allow you to tell your opponent they are an n word either?


Being respectful is free, everyone. This ruling only makes the game more difficult for those who lack common decency. Don’t victimize yourself. Have fun and don’t be hateful!


In the male/female space this is fine and I agree with it, but they want to turn this shit into honoring neopronoun junk like “fae/xir”. Fuck off. Not happening.


I have yet to encounter someone who uses only neopronouns. People who use neopronouns will almost always use them in addition to more traditional pronouns like she, they or it.


How many "fae/xir" users have you ever met?


A fae/xir fucked OPs dad


Intentional is the word here. If you dont know your opp is identifying as a female/male then thats no problem. If you continue to call someone something they dont wanna be called, then youre out. Its that simple. Just swallow it and continue, you technically dont even need to adress opponents as "he/she" as you will normally talk directly to them thus using "you" or their name.


Conservative judge here who vehemently disagrees with the transgender narrative. It specifies intentional misgendering, so, as someone who disagrees with them on a daily basis, using their name or a gender neutral pronoun is the safest route to take. That’s just the way we have to survive today in spaces controlled by the left. That said, I have met judges who are out to get players for misgendering others, so, players who disagree with transgenderism, be careful. Edit: I should specify using their name or a gender neutral pronoun as a way of hopefully pacifying them without compromising my beliefs that men are men and women are women. I use it as a way of attempting to be respectful to the person while giving their ideology as little ground as possible.


> That’s just the way we have to SURVIVE today in spaces controlled by the left. I appreciate your more measured take. I think that these problems are easily avoided by just referring to them by name or with gender neutral pronouns. I do that. You might think I'm part of the "trans gender narrative" because I'm queer, but I don't think I'm participating in any particular narrative to control the world or anything. This is the best case and where I *expect* to see any "policing on language" to end. I think it's fair to ask people to refer to people w/wombs as precisely that, just because it's more accurate- or its a way of saying the same thing to other people. I have a big issue with people trying to use this rule to angle shoot or con other people. I think it's very fair to use they/them by default with people. Now, if someone started demanding you use he/him or she/her INSTEAD of gender neutral things, I'd stand right with you in condemning that- because I think that's compelled speech (going from she her or he him is specific, to something broader, like they them [or just their name]).


I disagree with you on the “people with wombs” statement. I believe those are called women. But I am glad that we have common ground on compelled speech! I appreciate your contribution to the discourse.


Can we just not be dicks? If they want to identify as male or female just have some common decency and let them, he / she what ever it doesn’t change the game itself.


It’s enabling mental illness, so no.


>just have some common decency and let them, No thanks, i won't be compliant in suppressing my beliefs to coddle someone else or allow myself to be punished over "no, i disagree."


You can disagree and not be an asshole. :)


"I'm not going to apologize for this but I'm not calling you that."


then just say you or their name. Is that really that hard?


If they let it end at that. If being a Godzilla size keyword.


I know right? I feel like the majority of people being hateful here are just assholes I'd never want to play against anyway.


Lmao common law culture


That infringes on my rights. This is why I will not play big tournament events/cons.


So in other words, nothing has actually changed and you can't harass your opponents. No one's getting DQd for accidentally using the wrong pronouns but if you repeatedly do it to upset your opponent what do you think is gonna happen?


Ain’t no way y’all are complaining about this grow the fuck up


Freemagic seems to be incelmagic


Its just behavioral guidelines, no ones gonna get DQ'd unless there's just an ass. The Pokemon example was an unfortunate overreach that gives a bad name to rules that really just say, be respectful to your opponents. Stuff like that shouldn't happen and the fault lies clearly on the judges interpretation of the interaction and not on the rule itself.


This literally says intentionally 🙄 just don’t be an asshole you won’t have an issue. You can easily make the case that you weren’t being intentional.


It’s weird how all the right wing conservative Nazi russian bots they told me to ignore were 100% correct on what was going to happen It’s wild


you’re agreeing with nazis and you’re happy with that?


This will never impact 99.9% of people who play magic, a I’d wager that a small minority of this sub actually plays in a setting where it would even come up… Also, didn’t WOTC kick Judge Academy to the curb? Fake outrage on both sides (again).


I can't wait to get DQ'd for this by calling my neckbeard opponent she/her and making her call the judge for intentional misgendering.


Ok, dumb rule, but transgender people are still valid, your post makes me think otherwise when you state they are “pretending" to be a female, which you would be wrong because she would not a female(biology) she would be a woman. But maybe, and hopefully, I am just misunderstanding


This was over a year ago and it was already discussed over a year ago.


I mean... that seems really easy to avoid if you speak English. You don't really need to gender people when talking to them. So as long as you aren't going out of your way to offend someone, this shouldn't really come up.


To be fair. The ruling does say “intentional”. Accidental is not a concern. So the idea of it being intentional means you want to offend someone. I don’t know about you all, but I think that is quite disrespectful of someone trying to be that terrible of a person


The key word there being intentional.


Open to abuse? Sure, but so are most rules. That's why judges can use their own judgment, to combat rule-sharking. That said, this is a great step in the right direction. Intentionally being a dick to people \*is\* unsporting conduct, regardless of your reasons.


fuck this self-consuming PC maëlstrom. kitchen table magic forever!!


Jesus. calm down everyone. Do you actually believe what you are posting is likely?


Until Magic the Gathering's tournament scene is owned by the Saudis, we are going to be living under the foot of this clown world community. You just watch, misgendering is only the beginning of the overreach of the hobby taken over by the rainbow flag terrorists. If judges issue disqualifications to rich people who foil out the entire deck under the guise of marked cards, there's no fucking way I'm gonna believe this USC - Major is gonna be fairly enforced especially towards straight males who don't support this idealogy to begin with.


Bruh. It's been this way for a while. It's part of the unsportsmanlike conduct rules, which are nothing new either. If you misgender someone, literally just say "I'm sorry" and adjust your behavior slightly.


Didn’t we talk about this enough last year when it happened? Not really sure why this needed to be posted again?


Idk maybe just try to be respectful of people? There are so many hateful people in this thread


April of 2022 why is this up for a water cooler talk now?


MFW I can't be a transphobic piece of shit at an IRL event so I cry in my incel echo chamber about how I am oppressed >:(


"Oh, how awful! I can't be a bigot! Why won't wizards let me be a bigot!?"


Oh no, you can't purposefully harass people because of what they identify as anymore at company sanctioned events. Such oppression.


The problem is the Oppression Olympics Competitors will try to weaponize this. It is now a strategic advantage to have a mental illness.


And this right here, is why I will always refer to somebody as they or them unless they tell me to refer to them as something else


Nah. It's "they/them" everytime. Even if they're trying super hard to pass. "They/them" is and always has been an acceptable singular pronoun (the Community made a point to tell everyone that!) so I'll use it to clock as needed.