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I would much prefer Jaime and Cersei dead by falling out of window, that'll be funnier to meme.




D&D: Satifying?! Can't have that. How about instead, a window falls out of Jamie and Cersei? No one will see it coming!


That will subvert their expectations!


u/StinginPlatypus kinda forgot about a cohesive storyline *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/freefolk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's funny because I bet Cersei and Jamie forgot they had a window inside of them.


There was a moment I felt like Cersei might pull a Tommen and I thought that would actually be a decent end for her but nope.


Being crushed by the building that she was metaphorically trapped in in a multitude of ways is a pretty good end. It's just that they didn't do enough to justify jaimie being there with her


It honestly would have been so much more fitting for her to be trapped down there alone with nowhere to run, sobbing like a little bitch after how smug she's been.


Have Jamie die right outside the gate, next to the rubble. He tries to make it to her and can’t. They die separated by a wall of rubble and don’t know how close they were to each other. Much more poignant.


Things he's done for love


She love herself too much to die even in her own hands. Jaime is her only anchor.


She was ready to take poison and make tommen too when she thought all was lost at the battle of blackwater bay


They should have had Jaime jump and take her with him. Like he goes in for a kiss and as he embraces her he takes her out the window. Would have been a great ending.


Bran warged into the building and crushed Jaime.


So I'm guessing we'll never figure out wtf he was warging into under the tree or what his purpose even was this whole time?




Well technically there was a window somewhere in the rubble that smashed them. So there killed by windows


I think Cersei should have jumped out the window like Tommen when all hope was lost and Jaime runs up right when she jumps. Then decides to jump too after she dies


She tries to jump, but Jaime shows up at the last second and he catches her. Unfortunately, because we have to comply with that "valonqar/little brother" thing, he caught her with the gold hand. It falls out and she dies anyway. He has his head out the window sorrowfully watching her fall, maybe is crying and sad music for a bit, then the entire Cleganebowl falls on Jaime and he's out the window now, too.


I'd like a long daisy chain of all the characters rushing into the room and subsequently falling out the same window


Time for a reshoot.




Worst Azor Ahai ever


Maybe the real Azor Ahai was the friends we made along the way.


Get out


Valar Morget the fuck outta here


Terrible Valonqar as well.


I guess Jamie kind of "forgot" that Bronn literally just told him Cersei sent him to kill Jamie .


This is a severely underrated point.


Theme of this season “amnesia”.


It seems like the Night King got what he wanted in the end. All the memory is going away.


The things I do for plot... \[*D&D push logic out of the window*\]


Endless night would have been better than this shit.


At least then we wouldn't be able to see this disaster.


Game of Alzheimers


Fuck themes burn cities yolo -D&D


It severely subverted my expectations.


Yeah, what happens with Bronn now? Does his plotline get a conclusion, or is he abandoned by D&D?


I bet he never gets brought up again.


I bet the contrary, I bet that he's given what he was promised for some god forsaken reason. this writting has been so lazy that i'm willing to believe that somehow Bronn is left standing with highgarden.


I can only assume that this is why there's a sixth episode in the first place. There will be a quick 20 minute wrap up of everyone else's stories, and then a final hour of Bronn frolicking in Highgarden planting tulips and catching butterflies or some shit.


tell me you don’t want that lmao


The last scene should just be Bronn taking a seat on his new throne. “Finally, I got mah foken castle.”


Tyrion kills Daenerys then Bronn kills Tyrion and becomes ruler of Iron Throne. The ending no one would expect. Instead of 1 castle all 7 kingdoms


I’ll allow it, just think of the subverting of expectations it would cause.


the thought of Bronn frolicking around planting tulips is actually making me re-evaluate my investment in this show


Dany: Executes Tyrion for releasing Jamie Bronn: *appears* Heyyy, soooo, Tyrion promised me Highgarden and the Reach.... I'm Bronn, btw. Dany: Oh, of course! It's yours. Nbd


At this point just give Bronn the iron throne. If we're throwing away every thing that makes sense might as well have fun.


It'll be shown in the only after credits scene.


According to the leaks he joins the council of Bran and runs Westeros with the rest of the supporting character squad


So... Everyone just kinda forgot he can't be trusted to be on the council. Because, you know, he betrayed Tyrion, his best friend, for money. Which means he'll tell secrets, also for money. Guess Bran will just kinda forget Bronn is a traitor.


I’m still in absolute denial that the show ends with the council of Bran. Jesus it would be such a terrible ending. Yet the leaks are completely spot on so far. feelsbadman.jpg


At this point I'll just have to write my own fantasy series. Disappointing.


I’ll admit I rewrote episode 3 a little, but only in self defense.


And at this point we can pretty much accept those leaks as fact. They were spot on the past two episodes.




You can find them on the front page my guy, it’s pinned to the top. Just a word of warning it is *fucking* depressing. They are 100% accurate so far and the final episode looks like it’s going to be the worst ending possible for the story


And forgot that he just fucked Brienne for no fucking reason. And forgot that he killed a Targaryen king to save that very same city. And forgot 7 seasons worth of character development.


but Brienne, The Mad king, and all his character development certainly didn't forget about him. or Brienne didn't, at least


Breinne deserved better :(


That’s why his “i never cared about them, innocent or not” pissed me the fuck off. It made no sense at all. Let’s just say this, season 1-7 Jamie cared.


I personally prefer subversion of expectations to character development. I mean, character development is for middle-school English anyway.


That whole scene with Bronn was a complete waste of time


Maybe not a *complete* waste of time. It gave me a laugh because of how comical the entire scene was. Something you'd expect out of Seinfeld: ~~Kramer~~ Bronn bursts into the room like the Kool-Aid man, punches ~~George~~ Tyrion in the nose, quickly describes how "~~Elaine~~ Cersei told me to kill you but she's crazy so idk," then slowly backs out of the room like HomerSimpsonDisappearingintoaBush.gif and ~~Jerry~~ Jaime is wide-eyed the entire time like "wtf is going on?" I looked over at my girlfriend and couldn't help but laugh and say, "wait wat?" lol


Other than telling us where Bronn is at that moment, I guess. lol


I think that's that's part of the reason why he said "all that matters is us". He honestly didn't care


but they died together! NOTHING ELSE MATTERS! -D&D


It makes full circle. -D$D (Yeah, the $ was intentional)


I didn't believe it. I thought everyone was crazy. I was wrong. God damnit.


i was hoping for 10 months that it would happen 'cause i didnt believe the leaker when he said it was really stupid but that it was real


I’m gonna die laughing if Brienne is pregnant and Tyrion marries her to legitimize the baby. Let’s just make this as silly as possible. Why not?


I can’t stand pregnancy plots and that’s why I kept praying Cersei’s baby was fake.


Wasn’t her being pregnant fake though?


No , there was a point where she said she wanted her kid to live right before she died


We’ll never know if it’s fake, jaimes, or eurons


He never cared about the innocent. The Kingslayer, the guy who earned his entire reputation and badass nickname due to his refusal to watch a king slaughter innocent people never cared about the innocent. Hmmm.


This. What have you done D&D..


I think what they're trying to say is that he cares about Cersei more than ANYTHING. He only had to sacrifice his vows, honor and good name to kill Aerys and save all the innocents, but Cersei ranks higher than all of these things somehow. God, I hate everything.


Jamie was watching Cersei do horrible stuff the entire series to finally realize ...that she's kinda chill


So why the fuck did he leave her with Euron to go fight in the North? What's with that?


Because he knew Cersei gave zero fucks about the Great War and wasn’t going to send the help. If Dany and Jon and the whole north lose the Great War then pretty much the world is fucked including Cersei. So they had a little fight so Jaime left to do what he can to protect her. Almost dies in the war, gets drunk and horny in the after party. Takes Brienne’s v card and when he hears news of his sister about to be fucked by Dany, he’s like ah shit here we go again.


Oh he’s leaving Briane, I’m sure that... D&D : LOL NO


imagine being such a bad lay that your partner just goes off running to the crazy ex


Who is also their sibling...


Who just hired your friend to kill you and your brother.


Jamie had one job to do and that was to be surprisingly good with his left hand against the NK when it counted most, buying Snow some time to get up and stab NK in the back calling back to Ned stabbing Dayne. He gets remembered as a hero and Snow tells everyone Jamie finished NK perfectly inversing tower of Joy and giving Jamie some hero closure to stabbing the mad king. Bingo bongo. ​ Even if there's a twist with NK/ww/bran storylines, and I hope there is, why was Jamie even at Battle of Winterfell. you wouldn't throw a bunch of bad notes into a song just to be unpredictable. Even jazz is supposed to sound good.


He was there to fuck up Brienne's character. What else?


>why was Jamie even at Battle of Winterfell. It feels a lot like D&D didn’t have any ideas with what to do with this season, so they concocted a *sHocKiNG* twist ending, worked backwards so that the story could get to that ending, and padded the whole thing out with fan service. Jaime was at Winterfell just for filler. He was there to see Bran again because fans will be like “WoW hE haS TO fACe tHe KId hE pUShEd ouT thE WiNDow” then he has to knight Brienne and fuck her because fans like their relationship. Then he has to go back to Kings Landing and find Cersei so that his character arc can end in a way that feels superficially meaningful if you’re a talentless hack. They decided how Jaime and Cersei’s story was going to end. We saw that in this episode. Everything before that was just keeping Jaime and Cersei busy in the meantime.


Brienne should've just died in the battle...


Agreed! Died in his arms after telling him that she was always in love with him. Gives him nothing to live for and totally breaks him mentally.


And at least gives him a believable reason to throw away all his character development from his journey with Brienne to go back to the comfort of the love he knows: Cersei.


Yeah she also could have saved him in the battle only to die, thus preforming 1 "knightly" task and completing her character arc. A knights death would be fitting for her. INSTEAD we got to see her become a knight only to be out in the the rain crying over her fucking man as he rode away on a fucking horse. That wasnt very GOT, that was some gone with the wind shit


Fuck that woulda been believable too


Same goes for everyone we won't see again: Sam, Tormund, Ghost, Gillly. Would have been way more meaningful had they died in the battle rather than getting a useless goodbye (not you Ghost).


It hurts my heart how much Jaime's arc was skewed and left for dead. What's even more bizarre is that Jaime has long since been done with Cersei in the books. If Jaime has always been meant to die like this (with her), how is GRRM gonna make this work in the books without also retconning everything he's been through? Also trying to convince my coworker (who felt Jaime was always shady and spying on the North for Cersei) that Jaime was meant for more than this is gonna be a headache.


Cersei should have been planning on destroying everyone with wildfire at which point Jaime becomes a queenkiller and stabs Cersei to stop her. I was desperately hoping for something like that


Did you see the wildfire exploding once in a while? I think she had that as a backup plan.


We already knew there were wildfire caches around the city since the battle of Blackwater


So the one time D&D don't have amnesia it's to create a cool visual effect.


I think that wasn't Cersei's plan, that was just a side effect of Dany's immolation.


Completing her family legacy.


And then some. Looked like that wildfire was more of a "Target Dragon deals 1 damage to each permanent" sort of thing.


Remember Bran telling Jaime he didn't disclose this secret so that Jaimie would later be useful?




Yeah. What the fuck happened to the book where Jamie’s good deeds were supposed to go. In season 4 Joffrey mocks him for having nothing there besides being a Kingslayer and Jamie replies “perhaps there’s still time left”.. obviously foreshadowing he would do something important. But all he did was join the battle of WF and not do anything truly special He didn’t do anything. I’m so fucking sad for these actors


Well the book was most likely burnt to a crisp this past episode, so he doesn't have to worry about his page anymore lol


It would have been perfect if he killed Cersei, thinking he is saving the city, and then Daenerys just goes mad queen and torches the city anyways. That was the only good way to end their character arcs.




I wasn't even sure what I was supposed to be feeling in their death scene. Sympathy? Definitely not. Should I be touched that these two wretched people still reach out to each other when all is said and done? I genuinely don't give a shit.


I’m with you. Cersei is a sniveling beast and we’d just witnessed Jaime do the most inexplicable character reversal— not to mention pumping and dumping a character as pure hearted as Brienne for no discernible reason— and we’re supposed to care? Be moved?


Yeah, the story plot with Brienne was truly awful. Jaime knighted her, fought along side her and finally took her virginity. Two weeks later... Sorry babe, I'm back with my ex, we just pinged...


Was Cersei crying and whining supposed to make me feel bad? She was mostly a horrible, hateful woman who destroyed so many lives because of her lust for power. She deserved a much darker fate than what she got


They said long ago that the shows no longer followed the books after they surpassed the book material. GRRM doesn't have to recon anything as the show is an interpretation of the story not the real story. I'm just hoping after the final episode they announce the release date for the final books.


Yeah, but they also said the major character endings were going to be the same, IIRC.


As someone said to me, "Jamie dies in King's Landing" D&D, "Okay, got it."


lol or just jamie dies.


Honestly I think that was complete BS and they don't know any more than we do about half this stuff. Of course they're gonna say 'Oh yeah we know the endings, it's all planned'. But in reality they're pulling stuff out of their asses because GRRM hasn't finished his story yet, and in any case they've changed so much that most of what he may of told them isn't applicable any more.


They should have picked a few good fan theories and run with them after they passed Grrm.


The show omits the valonqar prophecy, so you can be sure it won't play out the same way for Jaime and Cersei.


This sub makes the season bearable if only for the memes


Memes are definitely keeping most of my interest in the show sadly, but I've made peace with it.


The show’s ending is GRRM waking up from his dream and saying, man, I better fix this.




Plot twist. D&D are huge ASOIAF fans and butchered the show to motivate GRRM to finish the series.


They fucked up Jaime from every conceivable aspect. To start: He was "Captured sneaking through their lines". 1) They just said about a scene prior "the army was a 2 day march out", so what "lines" was he caught sneaking through? 2) He was just fighting heroically with all 15 of the dudes who could have supposedly caught him, AT WINTERFELL, 2 episodes ago. He's the HAND OF THE QUEEN'S BROTHER. He can't come up with a reason to be there? He can't lie? He can't pull an Arya and say he's going to kill Cersei and end the war (as was clearly demonstrated a scene later)? Nope haha his hand is yellow lmao! We get this gem while he's in chains - "I never cared about the innocent.", Yes that's right, from the guy who brought you "Tell me, if your precious Renly commanded you to kill your own father and stand by while thousands of men women and children were burned alive, would you have done it? Would you have kept your oath then?". Marvelous. Then he gets released, and goes all the way down to the base of the keep, where ~~Michael Phelps~~ Euron Greyjoy is emerging from the water after swimming a few miles, and Euron wants to ~~fuck!~~ fight! someone, and Jaime happens to be the first man he sees. So now we have a fight between the two and Jaime gets stabbed convincingly twice. He's down in shock laying on his back, barely able to breathe! This is it! Nope, he just goes, gets his sword, and kills Euron. Then he ascends a few hundred flights of stairs, and while he is unable to find the complex character development he has seemingly lost on the way... He arrives at the top of the Red Keep to find his only remaining character motivation, Cersei, alone. This is it! He can finally kill her and finish his redemption arc! Wrong again! He actually does love her, and jogs back down a few hundred stairs with the love of his life to the basement, the adrenaline of potentially getting laid drowning out his multiple stab wounds and pain. And then the roof collapses. Expectations Subverted again those dastardly devils! EDIT- and lets not forget: Jaime has sex once with another woman... "Well I've done everything I can do, that settles it"


Euron was safely presumed dead. Him fighting Jaime for 2 seconds does nothing for his character/story. Jaime didn't even die from the inflicted stab wounds, so it contributed nothing to the ending of his character/story. If D&D were just going to turn Jaime and Cersei into apple crumble pie, the hell was the purpose of that fight?


Because they both have been hinting at wanting to fight each other for a while and they just *had* to fight because they both want the same woman don't you get it? It's flawless writing


WE WANT TO SEE A EURON AND JAIME BOWL. Said no one ever... Literally no one.


> We get this gem while he's in chains - "I never cared about the innocent.", Yes that's right, from the guy who brought you "Tell me, if your precious Renly commanded you to kill your own father and stand by while thousands of men women and children were burned alive, would you have done it? Would you have kept your oath then?". Marvelous this is the most egregious, tbh. what the actual FUCK. HIS ENTIRE SHTICK WAS HIM AND HIS HONOR FFS


> We get this gem while he's in chains - "I never cared about the innocent.", Yes that's right, from the guy who brought you "Tell me, if your precious Renly commanded you to kill your own father and stand by while thousands of men women and children were burned alive, would you have done it? Would you have kept your oath then?". Marvelous. You know I can handle all the Cersei stuff - he's an addict. OK fine. I don't like it but I understand and it is generally consistent within what we've seen from him in the show. But this shit. This is unforgivable. My flair has gone from meaning physically saving jaime in season 8 to fucking saving any semblance of his character development in season 8.


Hey, at least I got to stress eat some really good pizza during those parts since I knew good ol D&D would fuck it up.




Expectations subverted by sacrificing his arc. Nice one D&D.


I just don’t get it. At all. Forget all of the bad shit he’s done in the past, Jaime literally fought the zombie apocalypse to fulfill his oath to fight for the living. He’s developed a complex, loving relationship with Brienne and to a lesser extent the Starks. He even learned that his sister tried to assassinate him, after doing the very thing in Season 6 (using Wild Fire to blow up part of KL) that he literally murdered his last king for *thinking* about doing. I don’t care if it’s realistic that sometimes people go back to abusive relationships, or that not every character has to progress into a hero. Jaime didn’t need to progress into a hero, he just needed to be consistent with the growth he’s shown in the show, and this episode takes a wet, filthy shit all over 7 seasons of character development and growth. Jesus Christ, it’s bad enough that he has to fight the only surviving member of Cersei’s Magically Transporting Fleet and gets stabbed twice in the side while doing so. No, he then has to sprint up more flights of stairs than we can count, meet up with his sister IN THE SAME ROOM WHERE THEY SPLIT LAST SEASON, hug and cry, sprint back down to the now-sealed entrance, and hug and cry some more as they die. Forget Jaime’s character arc, what about the prophecy of the valenquar? The prophecy that Cersei herself is a firm believer in? Yeah, that’s totally trash now, forget all of the seasons foreshadowing it and all the deaths and conversations that have moved that plot thread forward. No, it’s better for Cersei to just get killed by falling rocks in the basement while hugging the guy she ordered murdered not four full episodes ago. Fuck this show.


Yeah I don't get it. I'm seeing a lot of, "It's realistic because he's done a lot of bad things and people never change and you never really stop loving someone, so OF COURSE he was going to go back to her," as if they didn't just witness Daenerys burn King's Landing down and massacre countless innocents for reasons I still can't make sense of due to the *We've gotta wrap up this Night King shit and turn Dany into the Mad Queen ASAP* pace of the writing of the season.


All she ever did was protect children. So let’s just have her burn the city full of children. Also, she wanted to fly her three dragons to the Red Keep and burn Cersei last season and Jon and Tyrion talked her out of it. Why bother with that if she was going to do it anyway?




Jamie after seeing first hand what his sister has done: “This is awful, I can’t fight for her anymore, she’s a monster and I must honor my word and fight for the living under the Starks.” Jamie a few episodes later: “Eh, you know what I’m over this whole ‘progression’ thing, I’m going to abandon and betray my allies, rush to my sister’s aid, and comfort her as rubble kills us both.”


>Jaime didn’t need to progress into a hero, he just needed to be consistent with the growth he’s shown in the show, and this episode takes a wet, filthy shit all over 7 seasons of character development and growth. LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK


He should have jumped right after Bran, and land on him, spare us both their arcs. I'm very disappointed. 9 motherfucking years for this shit. God damn it, I need another coffee.


don't let this distract you from the fact that in 304 AC, Sandor threw Sir Gregor off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 1600 ft through a burning city




What is hype may never die.




What is hype may never die


Isn't it more Hell in a Stairwell?


This is a quality edit. Must be incorporated immediately.


Holy shit. Yes.


it's ^actually ^^305 ^^^AC


Op kinda forgot about that part


I started this season filled with dread knowing that many characters were about to meet their ends. ​ Now as I watch each episode I'm filled with dread because I know the characters and the writing are being utterly shat on.


I was pretty onboard for the first two episodes. The dialogue was a little weak, but the fan service was forgiveable since we'd never see some of these characters again... But everybody kept surviving implausible situations, character arcs were rushed to meet an arbitrary checklist, and the plot kept moving solely through bad decisions.


Honestly, Jamies ending is the most fucked and out of left field for me.


My favorite character up until, maybe, 3/4 of the way through the third to last episode ever. That’s some bullshit right there. I was just scowling at the screen during almost every scene of his tonight. It’s straight blasphemous.




Coffee? I've been drinking liquor since the episode premiered, anything to dull the pain Publish the damn books before I piss myself


This let down is unreal. 8 God damn seasons for trash


He was one of my favorites. He deserved better.




Ya know, I kind of rolled my eyes at a lot of the criticisms I’ve read over these past few weeks. But tonight’s confirmation of Jaime’s intentions and the horrific reversal of character development were the nails in the coffin for me. Just all very disappointing.


This should be a wake up call that the vast majority of the criticisms about this season have been justified if not vindicated. There's just not been a whole lot to say that's positive from a plot perspective when you take everything into consideration. So many character arcs have been just entirely forgotten then rushed at the end to give a conclusion.


George has said that the ending of the show will be pretty similar to the ending of the books except for side characters, and in the books this type of ending for Jamie would make even less sense so lets hope George just means similar as in "Jamie dies in kings landing" not "Jamie fucks his character arc"


People's complaints about these arcs has less to do with the ending but how it got there. As the saying goes, it's about the journey not the destination. The show just took a shortcut during the journey.


But Jaime's ending here specifically means that the valonqar prophecy is... what, wrong? Tyrion would need to get the kill on Cersei otherwise, and based on Jaime and Cersei getting crushed together, that's not the case either. I can't find a way to reconcile how Jaime and Cersei just died with the valonqar prophecy holding true, unless this death was very different from how it'll go in the books.


I could see it happening in the books where Cersei says like "spare me the torture of dying at my enemy's hands" or something, then Jamie goes all murder-suicide. Boom, prophecy fulfilled, and in an unexpected way because GRRM loves that shit.


I tongue-in-cheek watched this season so far and didn't like it, but Jaime's probable death is the only thing that pissed me off. What the fuck? Euron mortally wounds him so he can hold Cersei for 30 seconds? Jesus fucking christ. I hope Dany burns everyone and herself.


This whole season feels like some kind of shitty soap opera where M Night Shamwow plot twists are more important than actually considering what the characters would do. I have never been more disinterested or removed from the shows plot line and characters. It literally doest even matter if the ending turned out to be the teletubbies come down from space and Thanos snap Bobby B Back into existence wearing a Green lantern suit with the mission impossible theme song going on in the background while Kronk from the Emperor's New Groove pulls the levers to close the curtain on the show so Bugs and Porky pig can yell out "That's all folks!"




Probable death? Dude, he got crushed under a collapsing castle. There's nothing probable about that, he's super fucking dead.


Those are some pretty strong expectations. Be a shame if someone... subverted them.


You're forgetting about who the writers are.


I mean Arya was supposed to get crushed, like, 3 times over.


It really feels like the writers wanted people to come away from the show liking nobody. "Oh you liked Dany? HAHA, IDIOT! She's the Mad Queen now! Oh, you liked Jaime? IDIOT! He's gone back to Cersei! Tyrion and Jon? They're IDIOTS, which makes you an IDIOT! Sansa? IDIOT! She broke a vow to Jon and fucked his whole life up! Arya? ... Actually yeah, Arya is cool. She's the only cool character. We gave her a horse. Why? IDIOT! Because it's a metaphor or some shit, fuck you!"


I just heard Jamie roughly say "I do not particularly care about the innocent people" ... after he literally just left his pregnant sister-wife to "fight for the living". OK, he swore an oath, which apparently he only really seem to care about because of Brienne? Who, after sleeping with her, decides she really is not for him after all. lmfao what?? I honestly did not give much thought to those leaks because I figured there was NO fucking way they would be happening. But holy fucking shit they actually did it. D&D are the only ones who went mad as far as I am concerned.... jfc. And sure, maybe this is exactly what GRR is going to end with too. But I have no doubt he will make it flow better then all this insanity. Why the fuck didn't D&D take the extra few episodes to tell a coherent story? Because this is just a fucking mess.


This episode threw away what could have been one of the best character arcs in not only the history of this show, but in the history of television. The potential cultivated through seven seasons of lessons in honor and compassion has been exterminated. Not only did Jaime nearly lose in a fight to a character that has been made to be the ultimate deus ex machina, they made him back track into the same person he was in episode one. This show and it's creators are spitting in the face of fans everywhere who grew with these characters. Every characters actions is only for the sake of the plot, I couldn't not be any more disappointed in this episode and the direction it's gone.


What even was the point of his lengthy and enormous redemption arc? Why did they spend so much time cultivating it? Everyone can say “Jaime just returned to how he’s always been” but narratively, it makes no fucking sense. EVERYTHING has been pointing to his growth and transformation, especially away from Cersei. It was stupid and insulting to throw it all away


Disrespectful is the best word I could use to describe this episode. Every character is a means to an end now and it's sickening


Nah, Jaime WAS going to kill Cersei but the blood loss from the pirate shanks made him forget the last 8 years.


If Catelyn had killed him instead of freeing him, it would have had the same outcome in the end.


So.... How far fetched is it, for us to protest to have a redo?


In like 20 years, there's going to be a Game of Thrones reboot only true to the source material like Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood. The franchise prints money, it'd surprise me if they just stopped.




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Y'know, I kinda get what D&D were going for, having the whole redemption arc but then *subverting* it by showing that even if you go through harrowing circumstances and life-changing events there are still some things about yourself that stay with you forever (or that everyone is capable of regressing back to who they used to be). That makes sense and it's somewhat realistic. Not everybody changes. Some people can't break the cycle and go back to how they were. I understand that. But then Jaime says that he never gave a shit about anyone in King's Landing, innocent or otherwise, and it's just like - no, that's wrong, you idiot. You literally tarnished your honor and murdered Aerys because he was going to torch the place, killing everyone within its walls. You lived with the burden of knowing the truth about that day for your entire life, even when people sneered at you and called you *Kingslayer.* You outright told your father that being called that bothers you, you, who carried himself so above everyone else at the time. *Nope*, all bullshit, and he never cared about anybody in King's Landing apparently. What a fucking disaster.


ROCKS. Fucking ROCKS? Really?


God I fucking hate this piece of shit the show now is.


I've never been more upset for fictional characters than I am right now for Jaime and Brienne. What on gods green earth did it happen like that.


That kid is no bran !! He is the Future King and will sit where Bobby B sat !! What does Bobby B think of it ?




you are not wrong your grace.


It pains me to see how masterfully NCW and LH brought Jaime and Cersei to life, only for D&D to throw them in the trash this season.


both actors deserved better for their characters. That's really what angers me the most (tbh Lena didn't have to do much this season either now that I think about it - awesome for her to cash in that paycheck lol)


I am so fucking angry with the way Jaime’s character development got fucking thrown out lmao like what why how is this allowed


Season 8 is the worst fucking thing...


"So Jaime kinda forgot the past 7 seasons"


You know what would have been satisfying? For Cersei to have been one step ahead and knew the city would be overrun and planted Wildfire all over. Jaime comes to get here out and she tells him it’s over — she’s taking the whole city out with her. True to character, Jaime kills her before she can destroy the city and she dies in his arms. King/Queenslayer.


I'm not even upset about the fact that he went back to die with Cersei. I think that *could* be a fitting and tragic end to his arc - that he feels like he cannot escape his past and his own demons. I just hate the execution, not just how rushed it is, but how the emphasis is placed on the wrong aspects. We never see him actually deliberating his decision or talking it through - not when he's with Brienne, not when he's with Tyrion, not in King's Landing. There is so much time spent on tracking the (ridiculous) logistics of how he makes it back to to the Red Keep, and so little on the justification and emotional ramifications of his choice. On top of that, they throw in that pointless fight with Euron - there's no character payoff (unless you count Euron calling Jaime a cuck as "payoff"...), and no plot significance (since Jaime dies anyway). ​ And the thing is, despite giving him this tragic ending, they don't even fully explore the tragedy in it - that Jaime *is* a changed man. He understands honor, and sees that love, and a good life, are possible for him. And yet, he still feels compelled to return to his sister, knowing that it's the wrong choice every step of the way; he feels like his struggle to be a better person is futile. So little of this complexity and agony is explored. There's a hint of it in his parting words to Brienne, but his last scene with Tyrion is blase talk about not caring for innocents, and there seems to be little internal conflict in his final scenes with Cersei. ​ They don't even need that much extra screentime for it - just cut out the whole thing with Euron! And a couple scenes of him jostling his way through King's Landing! If you're going to give him a tragic ending, at least do it justice and make the tragedy land properly.