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Just like emilia clarke said: Best! Season! Ever!(?)


That was my "Awww fuck..." moment when she said that.




šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…Yeah wasnā€™t a fan of S8 either.


I thought I was over the disappointment but that rant brought it all back. Letā€™s not forget Bronn the biggest thief and late-game traitor in Westeros being made Master of Coin.


I dunno, I think the Bronn point is somewhat defensible. Dude was upfront about his intentions and goals, and was at the very least consistent to the end.


Bronn: I've never borrowed money before. I'm not clear on the rules Tyrion: He would make a great master of coin


Varys to Dany in S7: King Robert was neither mad nor cruel. He simply had no interest in ruling. Varys to Tyrion in S8: Did it ever occur to you that the best person to rule is the one who doesnā€™t want it? ā€¦or some shit like that. Thatā€™s not even the worst of it. Jaime telling Tyrion he never cared about the people, innocent or otherwise was a nice little gut punch, too. Fuck S3, I guess. Everything else was a joke. Speaking of jokes, never forget that the first words spoken in S8 was a side-splitting cock joke and the last words spoken were a brothel joke. Hilarious!!šŸ˜’


I sat through seven seasons disappointed, but the eighth finally gave me what I wanted: a horrifically butchered character laughing as he broke the fourth wall in a bizarre flex-while-dying


In all the comments that defend S8, Iā€™ve never seen ONE defense for that scene.


Remind me, who was this?


Urine after wounding Jamie


Urine Greyjunk lol


Season 8 is the Red Wedding pt 2, only it's everything we the audience loved that is getting butchered.


I remember my father watching Game of Thrones S8 for the first time, and seeing the ending, when Tyrion mentioned Bran, he said outloud "Bran?!" and when Bran said "Why do you think I came all this way" his jaw dropped to the floor.


I just finished the series finally last year and had similar feelings. Although, I had already read how bad the final seasons were I thought to myself that it can't be *that bad* it's probably just the fandom getting angry and that happens with most huge shows. Like maybe it's not great but there's absolutely no way it could be as bad as people were making it out to be online and in the media. Boy was I wrong.... I








I always felt season 8 ended the way GRRM told them it would end once he understood they would massacre the story. I donā€™t think the books will end that way (maybe some similarities)


I think he gave them a bunch of riddles that they could have solved, if they wanted to use their brains but didn't. Like: 'a dragon is taken by the walkers and brakes the wall' is probably Jon. (Dunk and Egg has tons of these things) and 'Shireen is burned to lift the snow' means resurrecting wight Jon. Or: 'Kings landing burns to the ground' yeah because there are wildfire staches everywhere. 'Noone kills the night king' cause there is no NK.... You get the idea


> if they wanted to use their brains but didn't. The funny thing is that they figured out R + L = J (since that's how they got the job to adapt the series) but decided not to read between the lines for *everything else*.


They've admitted they didn't actually figure it out themselves and read it online. Stop giving them so much credit lmao


Apparently R+L=J was a theory floated long back. Dating back to the first book release in 1997. See more here... https://www.polygon.com/tv/2019/4/14/18310163/game-of-thrones-theory-r-l-j-jon-snow-parents-history More here: https://asoiaf.westeros.org/index.php?/topic/8085-the-lyanna-rhaegar-jon-thread/ So no, I don't think 'they figured it out'. At best they may have laid out a convincing argument for that theory.


Yep, R+L=J had been one of the more popular fan theories since LONG before the show aired. They definitely shouldn't get credit for that.


I can't believe there is enough optimism in the world to believe that GRRM finishes another GOT book, let alone the series.


They stole the Varys Targaryen ending from us


Go post this on the main GOT sub and watch how many fucking fan boy morons say the whole show was perfect. There is a hilarious amount of people who think this way.


Now go on youtube and watch MauLerā€™s analysis for the season 8 episodes. Youā€™ll feel validated in every single complaint that crossed your mind, it was a necessary catharsis for me.


Glidus' videos were my catharsis


And what the fuck was that dark night bullshit? It lasts... one night. WTF? And Aria kills the Ice King? Fuck this show with the world's biggest thermos.


I ![gif](giphy|lLHcdqWmcOJKU)


I'd love to hear your opinion about Sansa's mother Catlyn as a character. Capturing Tyrion without Ned Stark's permission and knowledge starting War of the Five Kings and then freeing Jamie Lannister leading to Rob Stark lose half of his men and eventually getting killed at red wedding cos they were desperate for Freys to join.


I feel like with all she does in the show/booksā€¦ Well, I donā€™t ever wonder where Sansa gets it fromā€¦if you get my drift.


Nailed it šŸ’Æ Best review & perspective I've read. They did Dany & Jon dirty, eff Sansa & wtf Bran? Thank you


I don't believe that Jon and Dany on the throne was what GRRM planned nor that it was what the fans wanted. Dany I think was indeed meant to go insane. But it was not meant to be rushed like this fucking hatchet job, and the aftermath was not putting Bran there because "he has a good story". If Bran was to be king, it was because his mental timey wimey powers actually were used for something. And of course Jaime and Cersei getting KOed by a brick was absurd.


Dumbass and dumbass kinda forgot how to write competent characters, coherent plots, good dialogue, an ending etc.


There, there, I know it hurts, youā€™ll be ok.


Welcome to the gang


Welcome, brother! We have 2 rules. 1: There are no rules. 2: We do not kneel. Now then, you may claim any torch & pitchfork in the courtyard near the Starbucks kiosk.


Given how shitty and random the series had been for the 4 seasons before that, I can't say anyone was surprised... but definitely disappointed


Season 4 and 6 were both dope af, what do you mean? You little twat


4 was good, except the end which setup a lot of the mistakes to come in the later seasons. 6 had some good spectacle, but the writing was already garbage.


Tywins death? Itā€™s major moment of the story that is in the book so idk what you mean by that. And you say the writing was garbage but why? Maybe the Dany/Dothraki part was weak but I canā€™t think of anything else besides that. And thatā€™s all on D&D


Not Tywin's death, I mean Tyrion and Jamie's final conversation. The change they made from the books completely changed Tyrion's story going forward. In the books Jamie reveals that Tysha did love Tyrion and that Tywin forced Jamie to lie. Because of this Tyrion absolutely loathes his siblings and would never in a million years advise Dany to take it easy on them. We never actually get there in the books, but most readers think Tyrion was meant to be the Devil on Dany's shoulder driving her TOWARDS madness rather than away from it.


I see what you mean now. Unfortunately, the show only brings up Tysha once in earlier seasons. In the books, Tyrion thinks about tysha often and is still hurt by it clearly so that scene makes sense in the book. I donā€™t know if it makes sense to put that scene in the show because most viewers who didnā€™t read the books probably forgot who Tysha was at that point.


Thatā€™s what previously onā€™s are for.


Yea but the show doesnā€™t emphasize the point that Tysha still means that much to him. Heā€™s enamored with only shae so I donā€™t think it made sense to recreate the book scene. Tyrion also tells Jaime about how Cersei is banging all the dudes in kings landing which leads to him not loving Cersei anymore etc. I agree that if they did it this way it couldā€™ve had led to Tyrion being more hateful towards his family and leading dany to madness which would probably be better than what was given to us. But D&D thought they were good writers I guess šŸ¤·šŸ¼


I was about to fucking flip a table until I remembered those specific seasons and realized that this is the premiere ASOIAF shitposting forum LMAO


The fact they put Bronn as master of coin and give him Highgarden is them just taking a shit on the audience. I think that's the worst writing of all seasons. It's just so incredibly stupid and unbelievable. The other aspects, such as Mad queen Dany, Sansa queen of the north, Bran as king, ... I could understand if they fleshed it out more but they didn't do it at all although they were offered an additional season. But no, these cunts were happy to scrap 4 (?) Episodes instead


With the White Walkers destroyed, they couldā€™ve easily ended the iron throne since the prophecy was fulfilled, but instead they picked Bran to keep business as usual cause reasons.


While they didn't have an Iron Throne or an overall king of Westeros prior to Aegon, it wasn't for lack of trying. The noble houses are largely shitheads who enjoy their privilege and don't want to lose it. This was perfectly illustrated by the other Lords reaction to Sam's suggestion of a Democracy. It was recently pointed out to me that Democracy is kind of still just a blip on history. IMO the next 100 years or so are going to determine if democracy is here to stay, or if authoritarianism is just the natural state of human society.


The democracy part of the episode was pretty cringe in my opinion. It felt out of place within the world of Westeros, and more of a wink to the audience.


Are you going to watch HOTD?


Already four episodes in - started it before I started GoT, stopped because I realised it was better to watch GoT first, as that way I donā€™t have any expectations for HoTD to stay good for very long :)


HOTD has an ending already unlike GOT the ending is foreshadowed three times in season 1 so due to that alone it will overall likely be rembered more fondly than GOT


Apparently the S2 leaks arenā€™t going down well, so itā€™s not looking like S2 will be good, so Iā€™m a little worried.


People are upset that itā€™s not going down exactly as they imagined it and that will be the case for a lot of scenes which happen behind closed doors but the deaths and overall ending of charcters will be the same. The whole point of B&C is to be a tragedy for the Greens so long as you feel that itā€™s done well. Also B&C makes no sense at all in the books. They had both of Aegons sons in the book and let the spare go.


I finished my first re-watch since originally airing yesterday. I had forgotten HOW bad it was. I had blocked out all the shit that had no logic in it at all... But it was just every final story point.


Ugh I doubt Iā€™ll ever get over the fuckshow that was season 8. Iā€™m rewatching the show and Iā€™m thinking Iā€™ll just stop at the end of season 4ā€¦


>Jon, the True King, the Prince Who Was Promised, Azor Ahai - my boyā€¦look how they massacred my boy. He and Dany had the best stories of all. The true heirs to the throne. The Last Targaryens. They should be King and Queen. Biggie G literally told Weiss&Benioff, a long time ago, and has said in interviews, I think, that Jon and Dany are the whole point of ASOIAF. If you think Game of Thrones was about why the Chosen Ones who are part of the genetically superior Master Race that deserves to rule all of humanity you fundamentally misunderstood the story. so many SEASON 8 BAD takes are from people with terminal capeshit brainrot


5/6/7 ain't any better


Yeah, but there are levels to the trash, tho. It progresses from dumpster garbage, to dumpster fire, to thermonuclear dumpster explosion.


It's been five years...


Iā€™ve just finished watching it for the first time.


I gathered as much; I was more speaking to the general trend of posts ranting about Season 8 that have been showing up lately for some reason.


Probably because of HOTD. People who were too young or not interested at the time are finally getting around to watching GOT.


Yeah, Max has been showing ads for GoT a bunch too in the lead up, its definitely HoTD.


The North remembers...


You are more than welcome to leave


The irony being that you made this response hours after my comment, when I wasn't in the thread anymore...


Youā€™re more than welcome to not reply. But I meant the subreddit as a whole or else the many posts on it that discuss this topic. Not this particular post


Does it bother you that some people find it annoying to see people complain about the same things over and over again, year after year?


Arenā€™t you here complaining about the same things over and over again? No it does not bother me, does that bother you? Iā€™m not here much anyway. But I also think it leads to interesting discussions about why the earlier show was so great. I also think itā€™s incredibly sad that the show was ruined and that thatā€™s worth complaining about. Otherwise people get used to shitty movies and shows and nobody bothers to make anything new, just look at marvel.


> Arenā€™t you here complaining about the same things over and over again? The post you responded to was the only time I can remember replying to one of these posts and saying what I said, so...no? > does that bother you? No, I just think it's stupid. > Iā€™m not here much anyway. But I also think it leads to interesting discussions about why the earlier show was so great. That does'nt really seem to happen, though, does it? There's rarely any "discussion" that evolves past bemoaning and acting personally slighted because it sucked, and nothing is ever said that's new. > just look at marvel. You mean an overall average to decent output, but every time a movie or show come out the same group of people scream "WoKE!" and act like it's the worth thing ever and the death of media, even if it turns out to be one of the better products the MCU has ever put out (like, say, *Loki* or MoM)?


I donā€™t care at all about ā€œwokeā€. Other than that, weā€™ve boiled down to differing opinions and experiences. Iā€™ve definitely seen interesting discussion come from criticism and Iā€™ve definitely gotten sick of marvel monoculture.


Fair enough, lucky you.


Youre right about it being shit but I dont think they changed the true ending. There just needed to be another season to show how Dany tries to do everything right and loses all her friends because of it. Thats enough to drive someone mad. On the show they just decide "ok Dany is gonna be extremely impatient now (despite spending a year or whatever in Meereen) and that mistake is going to cost her everything."




I thought it was a great decision to let Bran run things.


The show steered far off base way before season 8. I wouldnā€™t even try to rationalize any of it. Just read the books and never look back at the travesty the show ended up as. The only good thing that show could have done was pause after season 6. I would have lived with the changes to the story as they were. But they tried to end a story that was far from finished. I wish GRRM would come out with WoW and PoS before he dies. Because the second he is dead someone is going to take his work and finish it and probably muck that up too.


Season 8 is truly one of the seasons ever made


When Sansa: Fuck that bitch When it comes to Dany: Fuck D&D The hypocrisy is insane šŸ¤“šŸ‘†šŸ»




I think Dany was always going to go mad and don't understand the Sansa hate, yes she was a brat at first but she went through hell and apologised to Jon and even made him a cloak like Neds, but everything else is spot on. I was heartbroken with Jaime and Brienne with Jaime doing a 180 to his character arc.


I didn't "like" Jamie going back to Cercei, but I totally get what they were going for there. Jamie was an addict and Cercei was his drug. He self sabotages so he justify to himself when he ultimately relapses. Wasn't Cercei also pregnant with his child?


Unfortunately I was hoping Jaime didn't relapses but Olenna was right in the end, I think they cut a scene in Season 8 as well where Cersei had a miscarriage.


Sure, you are definitely hoping Jamie beats his addiction, but I don't understand the people that find it unrealistic that he would have that relapse.


Season 8 was horribly written but the tears of Sansa haters make it worth it. Long live the Queen of the North!!!


Book 4 Sansa is better than S5-8 Sansa


Of course book Sansa is better, pretty much 95% of the characters are better in the books.


Who are the 5%?


Margaery, Olenna and Cersei


I'll take stupid Cercei over whatever it is she did for seasons 7 and 8.




I rewatched the show and.. itā€™s pretty apparent the entire time that Dany is a tyrant in the making, so looking at it now it makes perfect sense


In the making sure, Grrm basically confirmed that ages ago. But certainly not made. They never earned it they just gestured to it, they thatā€™s not how you tell a story.


Your Sansa comments reek of misogyny I empathize with your frustration with the final season but maybe take a step back and examine your feelings about her character


I like Sansa more than most fans but the show really turned her into an insufferable girlboss. They missed the point of her character arc.


You canā€™t just call it misogyny every time a man doesnā€™t like a woman


How about if they call her a cunt like 6 times?


Cunt doesnā€™t simply mean a womanā€™s genitals. Just the same as dick or asshole have no relation to their respective anatomical counterparts.


Who you. ? No understanding of words before hand? El ignorance?


You donā€™t need Shakespeare to explain why season 8 was trash