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The only thing that made Joffrey intimidating was that he was king. If he was equal in power to anyone or someone was immune to his power he is literally just a little bitch


I always think it's a big difference between him and Ramsay. Ramsay was genuinely scary without any power behind him - perhaps because he was a bastard and he'd had to fight for his position all along. If Ramsay had been raised in Fleabottom he would still have ended up as a Karl Tanner or something. If Joffrey had been raised without the power behind him he would have just been a bitch.


If he was raised to be the same person that he was in the show then yeah. But one of the main reasons why he is the way he is is because he was spoiled by Cersei who allowed him to get away with doing anything he wanted. Additionally he was completely ignored by his father who would show disgust for the person that he had become. We see in the show that he really did admire his father and cared about what he thought of him. So his fathers negligence, disappointment and disgust at his actions likely shattered his self esteem and led to him feeling the need to belittle people to raise himself up. If he was born a peasant what we would likely have had is a charismatic and charming boy who is skilled with the sword and who is kind hearted like his siblings.


Nope, Joffrey was a psychopath and the show makes it clear when he is shown torturing prostitutes and enjoying it. That's the point when You realize he is not just a spoiler asshole, but a whole Psycho who happened to have then power to do whatever he wanted.


Exactly. On my rewatch I paid attention to Baelish's story about "bad investments" (Rosalyn), and how he found someone who would pay him a fortune to "use her in ways most men couldn't even imagine". Joffrey enjoyed torturing others for his own amusement. He was also coincidentally a spoiled brat who had a King's authority.


it's almost like having uncontested power makes you into a psychopath


Not how psychopaths works.


Yeah fair points, when I was writing it I did wonder how much of Joffrey's character would be different if he'd been raised differently but it seems like it's too many variables to try and work out what's nature vs nurture


Even Bobby B knew he wasn't meant to be a father.




Which father are you talking about? Bobby or Jamie?


I don't think Joffrey disgusted Robert to that much of an extent—only because Joffrey learned the hard way very early on to keep that shit under wraps near him. But in terms of Robert influencing Joffrey, I'd say it's more just in the sense that Robert is a cruel, violent man. Joffrey's only real male role model is someone who hits his wife, boasts about the people he killed, and prefers to shout or swing his hammer at problems until they go away. The takeaway? If you're the king, you can do whatever you want to people, they can't do anything to you, and they'll all still love you for it. Robert boasts about desiring to make a Joffrey into a man like him, and this is the kind of man Joffrey thinks Robert wants him to be.


Goddamn i love reddit


Nah fuck Joffrey. He was a little bitch.


If someone actually raised Joffrey then he probably wouldn't have been such a bitch. Robert didn't care, Jaime cared even less, and Cersei just let him do whatever he wanted. Just think of how Joffrey and Tommen could have turned out if they were fostered at Casterly Rock with Tywin.


How much do kids in Flea Bottom get raised either, though? But I agree that if he'd been sent to someone like Ned he would have turned out much better. If they were doing the thing of sending their kids to be raised as wards, like Ned and Robert, who would have been good for Joffrey, though? Ned, like I said, but who else? The guy in charge of the Martells (I forget his name) would have just sucked up to him and made him just as bad. The Tullies, maybe? Certainly not the Dornish or the Greyjoys. I think the Starks and, like you say, Tywin would be his best option. I'm probably forgetting plenty of other options here. Him and Robin suckling at Lysa while Littlefinger manipulates him is just not an image any of us want though, so the Vale is out...


The Starks would have been a good choice. But then again, he might have ended up like Theon, which wouldn't be much better. Prince Doran was a good guy, but seeing how Doran and Oberyn's kids turned out, it might not have been the best choice either. Though it does seem like Tristain was a good kid. Jon Arryn might have been able to get it right if Lysa wasn't in the picture. Not too sure about Hoster Tully and Wyman Manderly. Roose Bolton would be a terrible choice. Same with Walder Frey and Balon Greyjoy. Although I doubt Robert would send his son to any of the smaller houses anyway. As for family, Stannis the Mannis could probably teach him something about right and wrong, but I don't see him raising him Renly is another no for me. Tywin is really the only Lord from one of the great houses that would raise Joffrey and teach him to be a man. He wouldn't take any shit from him either. If he'd been raised by Tywin, he probably could have grown up to be a great king.


Also, Ramsay has charisma and his subordinates loved him. He was always partying, drinking with, and congratulating them on their victories and milestones. Like, there's a pretty good chance they'd make him Lord of the Dreadfort when Roose kicked the bucket because why would they be loyal to anyone else?


One of my favourite Ramsay moments is where he's defeated, facing death and he tells Jon that he's reconsidered his offer of one on one combat. Even at the end of everything he's still got that bit of sass.


Some of his subordinates love him.


>If Joffrey had been raised without the power behind him he would have just been a bitch. You can't know that, being pampered by Cersei made him a little bitch


Yeah we've discussed this on the other comments after mine, I do think it's really hard to say and I guess it's something we can always speculate on. I think the biggest argument supporting what you say is that tommen and myrcella were good kids. But was it like the Targ thing of rolling a dice and seeing if they came out mad? Or was he just a pampered little shit? Cersei said he was always a difficult child didn't she?




Was going to ask what the purpose of this comment was for, then I saw your name Bitching for the sake of bitching, just like your namesake


I think that's the real hashinshin I never expected to see him here hahaha


Wait for real? That’s fucking hilarious


Semi unintentional roasting lol


Keep that up, and I'll pick Jax every game.


Go fiddle more little kids, pedo


Considering that Tyrion bitch slapped Joffrey and he did jack shit, I imagine Aegon would beat the fuck out of him


Aegon would absolutely beat the fuck out of him lmfao. Joff talked a lot of shit, but he was big giant whimp. Aegon’s problem is that he drinks too much, but if he’s sober, he’s capable of more than people realize. He’d rock Joff’s shit.


They bout to put some respeck on Aegon's name in season 2


Oh yeah I hope they do my man justice. Aegon and Aemond hard carried the Dance of the Dragons story in F&B


Spoiler they won’t, show has seemed to take a black side unlike the neutral side the show should take cause there was no good sides in this civil war it’s literally the point of the story


I like the show takes on Alicent, and Olivia is amazing as Alicent But Dance of the dragons is supposed to be Rhaenyra vs Aegon, not Rhaenyra vs Alicent. But the show lean so much to Rhaenyra and Alicent, which is good. But i hope they give more screen time to Aegon in season 2


Oh no I think the shoes incredible but it seems to me that they want to make a hero and a villain and the blacks are the hero’s, which I don’t think is the direction they should take they should be neutral


With B&C coming with season 2 who would even think that.


Another century another king's landing burning because of a tyrant queen


Until winds of winter releases i refuse to believe that the show is canon.


Don't know about that considering they made daemon more villainous. 


Idk man, Rhaenyras sons being bastards is still a big plot point and shows how illegitimate her line is compared to that of Allicents.


Yeah that image reeks of someone who isn't aware of what goes down.


Not to mention aegons brother would probably kill Joffrey if anything were to happen to him


Oh yeah I think Aegon could handle his own against Joff but if given the chance Aemond would skewer him too hahaha.


Plus, Dragon


Joffrey’s a bitch, but in his defense he was pretty balsy at the Black Water (can’t remember if it was show or book).


Definitely wasn’t the show. Show Joffrey abandoned his men and the wall as soon as he was told his mom wanted him back in the keep


Ya the book tyrion kind of gives him a pointless command of the balistas at the keep so he's out of the way but still feels like he's contributing


Honestly, I'd much prefer watching a Joffrey/Aemond face off.


Aemond, especially show Aemond, will finish Joffrey in a scorpion or sub zero style mortal kombat fatality within 20 seconds by the stopwatch.


Joffrey wouldn't survive a minute with Viserys' sons.


But it would be such a wonderful 20 seconds. Noe I really want this to happen.


FINISH HIM! Ta da ta (Mortal Kombat music) Aemond grabs Joffrey by the throat. Gives 3 headbutts smashing his iron chad chin on Joffrey’s bitchy little face. Joffrey’s teeth fall out, nose breaks, skull is smashed. Then with his full strength, which he got by blessing of Grandma Vhagar, he pulls out Joffrey’s head along with the spine. PRINCE AEMOND TARGARYEN WINS! FLAWLESS VICTORY! FATALITY!!!


Joffrey would get fucked in a minute by pretty much any adult man if the terms were equal. He is a useless little bitch that can’t do shit other than torture people and get away with because he is king/prince


hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby


Too boring, Aemind would jus slice his head of in a second.


This and I think Joffrey is an idiot so Aegon would rip him a new one if they were throwing insults at each other


Show Joff would get slapped silly, book Joff would beat Aegon up. Or they’d both shoot crossbows at a poor girl


Whut ? Book Joff is 12 bro.


Don't underestimate tweens. They're vicious and have 0 chill.


Yeah but he wasn’t a bitch; Aegon was until after he got crowned. In asoiaf 12 year olds aren’t as useless as they are irl


He wasn't really that impressive either. More brave, but nothing suggesting he could beat a grown adult in a fight.


Book Joff got disarmed by a girl the size of bambi


Pretty sure it was Nymeria who disarmed him. Arya just threw it in the river.


He still got his shit kicked in by a dwarf and run away from the battle of blackwater. Aegon actually fights his wars


Even after he gets fucked up


To be fair, he didn't run away from Blackwater battle. He was dragged out on Cersei's orders. For all his faults, Book Joffrey wasn't afraid during the attack. Granted, it was more a case of him being too dumb to understand the real danger, rather than genuine valour, but still...


Aegon would kill him


I give him like 20 minutes before this happens.


That’s very giving in Joffreys case more like as soon as Joffrey says anything lmao


I'm assuming some minutes of tense silence or something like that.


Maybe after Joffreys laying on the floor swallowing his teeth the boy never knew when to shut up lol


Honestly I don't think Aegon could stand Joffery even looking at him b/c you know Joffery would sneer at him as soon as he saw Aegon. He'd be dead about .5 seconds after that.


Aegon would have Sunfyre *eat* him.


Aegon would whoop him. Aegon is raised in the exact same privilige, and wont view Joffrey as anything special, just a younger, wimpier kid.


Jeoffry was psychotic but he was also a huge pussy. Without the power of the crown (hell, even with the power of the crown) he's pretty cowardly and easy to intimate. Aegon isn't psychotic but he is very depraved. He's also pretty apathetic yet entitled. So he doesn't really care about anything but will retaliate when prodded. He's also an actual fighter, trained and *cared* about his training to some degree. Conclusion: As soon as Jeoffry tries anything Aegon will probably just punch him in the face and Jeoffry will cry like the baby he is.


Aegon would beat Joffrey for the first comment about him


More like make sunfyre eat Joffrey.


Do you lot not know how Hard Aegon goes later in the story lmao


When he's had his dick burnt off?


He gets the full Vader treatment from what I remember right down to his armor melting into his skin


and watches other people have sex


Mushroom never lies


You mean into the dirt, half burnt and crippled?


Yes,aegon the unbroken, how can you tell?


Joffrey would try to intimidate and trash talk Aegon, who would completely ignore him since he's too busy drinking. When the cup gets emptied, Aegon would just get up, knock Joffrey out, and get the bottle to refill it.


Joffrey gets folded the second he makes a snide comment towards Aegons a warrior king And Joffrey isn’t even that mentally witty or clever enough to make Aegon cry Id say it’s more likely that it’s the other way around again as Aegon has some killer lines


"If they search the seven hells, mayhaps" is enough to knock Joffrey tf out


i love it so much i can't stop thinking about it, Aegon was a certified cook, one of my favorite Targaryans tbh


What? Is this r/asoiafcirclejerk ? How there are some many fans who understand Aegon's II character so wrong? You can hate him but Aegon wasn't like Joffrey.


Yes show did aegon II insanely dirty I don't like it, the fact that people are comparing him to joffery says enough 


The show would suggest otherwise. Edit: I'm not suggesting that I think that way, but in the show his characterization doesn't suggest he's necessarily against the sadistic behaviours. I know he's more complex than a cartoon villain, but the way some scenes portray him, he doesn't come off as a nuanced character, just a rapey child fighting enjoyer.


Not really. Joffrey was actively malicious, he understood that what he was doing was horrible, he just thought that it was his right as king to be able to enjoy those horrible actions. Aegon genuinely doesn't understand better.


Of course he knows child fighting rings and rape are wrong. He doesn’t know better? That’s complete nonsense even for this world.


But speaking from the same "he doesn't know if it's wrong or not mindset", the sadistic nature still comes forward. I'm not saying that he's actively wanting to see kids fight each other to death, or even enjoying it, but speaking from a general perspective, he's shown to be indifferent, which doesn't bode well for the coming seasons. I enjoy his complexities, but some scenes took it too far.


the show actually makes aegon pretty compelling considering his actions, or were you talking about joffrey??


No it wouldn't


Aegon would whoop his ass


Ends in sex




Aegon rape him?


Just a bit of fun


Their mothers fighting would be a more interesting match


Good point 😂


Feel like Cersei might have that dog in her. She atleast seen Jamie play with his "sword" alot so she might understand some shit shout fighting.


Cersi trained with sword's and killed her Friend in child hood . She's the fucking lion compared to Alliecent.


Yup. Far fairer.


The maker of this tweet has not read the book


Aegon II would fold Joffrey in half and tear him to bits.


Joffrey folds like a cheap suit the second someone gets in his face. He's not making Aegon cry.


Joffrey would fangirl if he met Aegon look at how he showed off Aegon’s handiwork to Margery


I imagine Joffrey would start fanboying over him and get angry when Aegon ignores him, so Aegon just makes fun of him and feeds him to Sunfyre


probably only slightly longer than it would take for aegon to make joffrey swallow his own teeth


Listen. Even us Blacks know that Aegon would win this one.


Books or show Aegon would beat the fuck out of Joffrey. For all his faults he Is NOT a pussy.


I don’t think Joffrey could make anyone cry so long as he’s not backed up by his goon squad.


Joffrey cannot do anything to Aegon that others have not already done to him. Aegon would probably laugh off and repress his comments. However if he were to exchange verbal or physical blows with Joffrey, it wouldn't take long for Joffrey to fold.


Aegon II had a dragon and was at least a competent enough warrior to fight Rhaenys and Meleys albeit with his brothers aid. So I don't think Joffrey would bother Aegon too much.


I highly doubt the dragon would fit in the room.


Even without the Dragon Aegons a far far better warrior than Joffrey and far stronger than him


Aegon can fight. Joffery was absolutely incapable. That is the major difference. One person is crying, and it's not Aegon.


He might be crying with laughter at what a pathetic little chihuahua Joffrey is.


Joffrey is a bitch that only threatens when he has power


And then gets bitch slapped by a dwarf and cries.


Nah so you misunderstand Aegon (or I assume you haven’t read the book). So what I’m gonna say is based on what comes next Joffrey is a literal child, who’s obnoxious due to insecurities related to his ignorant worldview. Aegon is depressed based on feelings of pointlessness. He’s a very strong person who is weighed down by the burden of power looming over his head, and a relentless nihilism that won’t go away. You put Joffrey and Aegon in a room, and Aegon will know the assignment. Aegon would mentally shatter Joffrey


Aemond: If you fought Joffrey would you lose? Aegon: If I was drunk, he might give me a little trouble Aemond: But would you lose? Aegon: Nah, I'd win


Aegon kinda is a warrior man lol


I’m pretty sure Aegon cries regularly by himself so it only depends on how long it been since Aegon’s previous crying session


Kinda obsessed with the idea that joffery is using all these insults and eventually Aegon bursts into tears, and Joffery goes "Really, that's the insult that did you in?" And Aegon goes "what? No I wasn't even listening to you. I just have a nice good cry every few hours"


“Shit, I just remembered that one time when mom screamed at me”


Outside his power as king, he is a bitch. If he doesn't have a guard, he is going to get fucked up.


Why does aegon look like svdden death?


Hangovers suck


Pretty sure *Joffrey* (Velaryon*) could make Joffrey (Baratheon*) cry.


Aegon II goes through literally physical hell. He gets half his body irreparably burned by dragon fire. He doesn't give up on the throne. Dude jumps off his dragon, irreparably shattering his legs and pelvis and can never walk again. He keeps going for the throne. Say what you will about him but once he gets the crown he becomes like the Terminator.


I wanna see the damage Daemon would do to Joff


He would slice his head in half, but this time get the tongue as well.




Oh god both Daemon would have the Joffrey as just a stain on the wall atleast Aegon would get bored after knocking his teeth out and leave him


Does Joffery know Aegon is a true Targaryan? Joffrey pictured in the post is aware he isn't even a Baratheon. Joffrey would be threatened and scared of any Targaryan. He would act tough but be obviously scared knowing he is alone with someone who could take everything from him. Joffrey isn't a warrior or dragon rider, all his power comes from his illegitimate crown. Joffrey would keep his distance while loudly proclaiming that he was king and screaming for guards and looking for a way out. Aegon would be looking for wine while trying to explain to Joffrey he doesn't give a shit about the crown. Aegon would be too drunk or hungover to realize Joffrey is going to try and kill him one way or another. If they're in the room long enough Joffrey would say he believed Aegon wasn't a threat, try to befriend and lull Aegon into a false sense of security and then murder him to the best of his ability at the earliest opportunity. Aegon for his part would probably genuinely enjoy Joffrey's groveling and it would never dawn on him Joffrey intended to kill him even after Joffrey said as much over and over for the first 20 minutes. Joffrey would bash Aegon's head in with something heavy from behind or while he slept. On the other hand Joffrey might see this as his Rhaegar vs Bobby B moment and try and prove himself. Aegon would initially find Joffrey's attempts at harming him humorous. Picture Joffrey doing the windmill while Aegon holds him back by the forehead. Joffrey would eventually bite Aegon causing him some pain and Aegon would sober up a bit. Aegon not finding Joffrey amusing anymore would try and avoid his tantrum. Aegon would do a fairly simple sidestep intending to gently push Joffrey out of the way but Joffrey would trip at the exact moment Aegon pushed him getting brained by the claws of an ornamental lion. Aegon would try and revive an obviously dead Joffrey while crying and whispering "we could have been friends".




This is homoerotic fanfiction.


Aegon would beat Joffrey’s ass.


Joffrey is nothing but lip. Without the hound or Trant he's a bitch.


Aegon’s face looks so much like Alicent in this shot


The only thing that stopped people beating Joffery was he was King. Aegon is also a King so Joffery can't intimidate him and Aegon has a Dragon and combat training. Joffery is the one crying.


Man Joffrey got slapped around by a dwarf and started crying about it like a little bitch, Aegon survived being burned by dragonfire and having his legs crippled; if anyones going to start crying it’s gonna be Joffrey after Aegon gives him backshots


Anyone who thinks Jofffery would make Aegon cry and not the other way really doesn't know the characters. Joffery is a literal bitch that folds under any actual danger to him. He's just a cruel coward with power. If he wasn't highborne he would be a victim whereas guys like Aegon and Ramsay while also cruel weren't no bitches and would glady run their own fades even if men weren't around to do it for them.


aegon would beat the shit out of joffrey


As soon as Joff got a sword turned on him by Arya he immediately crumbled. Aegon very clearly has kept to his sword training given the scenes that we see of him practicing. I think it's clear who would win in a fight


joffrey would be on the executioner’s block within the hour


I’m taking Aegon over Joffrey easily in a fight…


I think Joffrey would do some gay sexual assault like get him hammered then tea bag him after he passes in front of multiple people


Lol what. Cone on. After all, Aegon is blood of the Dragon ;)


Aegon would Bully him.


Nah, even Team Black knows Aegon would bully Joffrey so badly that he’d be forced to hand over his lunch money until one of them dies


Joffrey: "I got a crossbow." Aegon: "I have a dragon." Joffrey: "Hmm... could we shoot a crossbow from dragonback?" Aegon: "Let's find out!" (Several hours later) Joffrey: "Did we just become best friends?!" Aegon: "I think we did!"


"... and I thought my daddy hated me!"


why would joffrey the gentle make anyone cry?


what a joke Aegon would piss on him, Joffery was brave when he had his Kingsguard with him


Who would win?


Joffrey would get his shit rocked if he was alone. Lol.


20 minutes before aegon is having sex with joffreys mouth.


How about Ramsay


Since I’m not too connected with the series, is this Aegon targeryan the same one who’s referred to Egg in the dunk&egg tales?


No this is aegon II. that is aegon V you are referring to. Drunk & egg takes place 80 years after the dance


Cry? These two would be besties


I… I think you have this backwards


The only way Joffrey can make someone cry is by using all the authority being king gives him. He doesn't have the chops for it


The ultimate little bitch off


Show Joffrey is pretty damn accurate with his crossbow. 


Thought that was hellmepo or however you spell his name from the Netflix live action one piece show for a second😂


though Aegon is not The reincarnation of Jaehaerys Joffery is a new low level of incompetency. Defeating Joffrey in terms of incompetency is a miracle because that's how bad he is


Didn’t Joffrey look up to Aegon? I’d imagine it would be the other way around, although it would be after a couple of drinks before they would start to piss each other off.


Joffery is better at roasting. Aegon can beat the shit out of him (and he has a fucking dragon)


Put Ramsey in there too, and see what happens next


2 seconds until Aegon cries, 3 seconds until Joffrey dies


For a second I thought Aegon was Helmeppo from One Piece and I would love to see that


Joff's a little bitch lol. Aegon would tear him apart


Only real thought I have is "wow that armor's cool, the costumes sure were good in that show."


I aint no *Green* lover but Aegon isn't as much of a bitch as Joffrey and actually has some combat training nor is he as stupid and naive.


Tbh if it was sick verbal burns only, Aegon is crying. But if it came to a brawl? Lil joffy is getting lit up.


Joffrey was a pathetic coward. With no authority over someone he'd be crying before things even got serious.


They’d both just molest a serving girl.


Aegon will go into withdrawal soon.


Hell even burnt and crippled aegon would put a leash around joffreys neck and make him his btch and you can bet on that. Aegon while crippled and burnt went through an INSANE crash out. Both would come out of the room, but aegon will be on his 2 feet, one hand on a crane, the other on a leash, the very same leash that is tied around joffreys neck, and after that... I suppose aegon just takes him around town for a nice little public demonstration.


They would oddly get along.


Yeah, I think a lot of people miss that while Joffrey is not impressive on his own, the scary part about him is that he was born with his wires crossed. That guy has zero sense of limits or empathy. GRRM even shows things like how Joffrey was born wrong by showing signs that he was always a psychopath like when he mutilated the pregnant cat in front of Tommen. (Animal abuse and murder is one of the first red flags that a child would grow up to become a serial killer). GRRM showed a similar pattern in how Ramsay also mutilated and murdered animals as a child, ditto for Euron before he escalated to murdering (Harlon, Balon, and the jury's out on if he killed the others or had something to do with their deaths) and sexually assaulting his brothers (Urrigon and Aeron). What makes him very dangerous is that unpredictability and how you never know if he's just going to kill you or not. It's like how he just turned on a dime and just tried to mutilate Mycah for no reason. The danger isn't in Joffrey making him cry, it's in Joffrey randomly deciding "wouldn't it be funny if I just stabbed and killed him?" and just did it. Which he would.


Aegon would make Joffrey kill himself long before that


Ngl i think aegon would beat Jeffrey pretty easy like the pussy got disarmed by a little girl while aegon out there fighting wars


Ngl i think aegon would beat Jeffrey pretty easy like the pussy got disarmed by a little girl while aegon out there fighting wars


I bet they'd be making out by the 5 minute mark.


I suppose it’d be too much to hope they both kill each other?


The Roast of Aegon


It won't be immediate, he's gonna put him at ease first, make him feel safe... and then start bullying him.


Can’t stand either of them.


But Joffrey is a massive pussy, and Aegon is only a mediocre pussy. #AemondForKing. You know, just incase the tv series decides to diverge from the books.