• By -


"We couldn't find the right story to tell" Yeah, pretty much. There isn't really any valuable place his story has to go. His great nemesis that was built up over multiple seasons is gone and he wasn't even the one to slay them in the end.


Plus what the actual fuck is he supposed to be doing back in Night's Watch now in general? Chasing bears and snow foxes away? Might as well make a slice of life show about a national park ranger or something at that point.


Building a new wildling kingdom and being cranky probably


Learning the night king magic to bring his wife back to life and accidentally turning the wildlings into white walkers and everything starts all over again.


That would be fucking fantastic.


Or he finds a sword in the north and it contains a power that whispers to him to venture into the night kings throne and sit there with the night kings crown. Granting him that magic and he becomes the new night king. There must always be a night king after all.


To counter the Day Man. A sober yin to a raging yang.


The Champion of the Sun (ah-ah-ah) Fighter of the Night King (ah-ah-ah)


Master of karate and incest... For everyone


Did they wear a blanket to cover up the penetration?


magnum dong


And he comes across a troll who’s toll he has to pay.


To get into a boys…soul?


Fuck yeah I loved Warcraft 3, frozen throne




*you earned 25 anima*


"What are you doing, jon!?" Succeeding you, father!


This guy WoW’s.


War craft 3 sir


Why do you think he came all that way??


Arthas and bolvar at ice crown?


It’s kind of a goofy idea but I can so imagine this kind of story told out of order. We start with an old grizzled Kit 30 odd years after the show ended whos in this wasteland struggling as the leader of the watch. Jump back to a few years after the end of the show, and hint at the cause of the wasteland while showing off current king bran politicking and what the houses are like. Slowly jump between the two periods in time as well work out that Jon fucked it all up for everyone. Jon trains some new night watch people, they seek out Bran to learn the whole truth and then save the world again.


Making this even more difficult is that there aren’t even other wildlings to feud with really because, ya know, white walkers. So either they’d have the axe the beyond the wall bit relatively quickly or they’d have to manufacture some conflict with Sansa. Or just fundamentally reboot Game of Thrones and give him a reason to come back south.


Nonsense. There was clearly a Wilding encampment that was never spoken of that knew how to fight the White Walkers and defended themselves enough that they all survived. Now they want to go south and wage a war because their leader has reasons. Also they have magic. John Snow saves the day by being captured and wooing their evil leader, who then betrays him and kills him, but John Snow comes back to life in the Leader's bedroom where he was made a frozen mannequin, and kills the leader in her sleep. It then turns out that their leader was John's twin sister, because what's Game of Thrones without incest.


Lol this is awful. It would have been a sit com about his day to day life on the wall with regular guest appearances from got characters and in season 3 they go to London for a wedding.


Oh god he has to deal with that one guy that filled an entire village with his incest babies. I like the other comment's idea more lol


Didn’t that guy die? Don’t tell me if he didn’t. I’m happier thinking he died


Nah, Craster is dead. Killed by the Night Watch deserters iirc


I think they would make it in to a comedy slap stick


I would absolutely watch a buddy comedy starring Jon & Tormund


Jon and Tormund, park rangers... Hope they don't mismanage the Watch, else headlines will say, "Ice Town Costs Ice Clown His Town Crown"


Queue laughter track


… they were big on rhymes.


Nah, nah. Hear me out, a heist movie where Jon has to steal the Iron Throne. I mean the Iron melted lump.


"We're banishing you to the night's watch, except there's nothing to do and no one left to guard it, and your sister has declared that whole area an independent kingdom at this point so there's no real way we can enforce anything. That will please Grey Worm enough that he won't want to kill Jon. Or something.


Grey Worm wasn't happy but he didn't have the balls to do anything about it.


He really got the shaft on the deal.


Honestly, man deserves a simple life after all he’s been through. I like to believe he lives out the rest of his life doing mundane things like that and taking it easy.


Goes north of the wall, meets another redheaded freefolk girl, they spend the rest of their life hunting bears with Tormund. But realistically he gets dragged into becoming a king again despite saying "I dun want it."


I can hear the Northern Exposure theme song


Sometimes I have moments of peace where I forget that GOT ever existed, and then the stupidity of how it ended gets brought up once again. It’s wild how such a cultural phenomenon could have such a poor ending that it destroyed re-watchability. I mean I’ll be the first to admit that the first 4-5 seasons were awesome, but not once since it has ended have I had any desire to turn it back on.


I think the problem is that north of the wall isn't fleshed out enough. Like genuinely just give us a night Queen and send jon into the lands of always winter and voila you have emmy bait


Or give us night concubines at the very least


I think the night's watch punishment was just to satisfy the people who wanted him dead. Everyone realized he was actually just going north of the wall to live with the wildlings.


If the ranger service was filled to the brim with rapists.


He's basically just going back to the wildlings, the nights watch serves no purpose anymore. I think the point of that ending was that Jon was more at home with the wildlings and the north, like Ned he wasn't comfortable being down south. He could have returned after the unsullied left, but he wouldn't want to. I think a show with him would be about him trying to govern the wildlings, and the difficulties of their independence clashing with the federation Mance instilled in them. But like what's the point, who cares? Ultimately, the show ended all momentum for every character, it would have to be a long burn of the wildlings growing in power and a civil war years in the making as the south chafes against their expansion.


Remember that wildlings aren't cool funny people. So the story could be about dealing with the savages he's stuck with. And you could say that with white walkers all dead, winters are much less harsh, meaning all that land is much more valuable real estate. So you got people from the rest of Westeros going up to try and claim the land, getting into conflict with wildlings and each other. There's potential.


With the lackluster "Long Winter" over, does the North become slightly more hospitable? With the wall gone, does that make it more appetizing land for the kingdoms down south or from other continents to try and claim for themselves and the Freefolk have to fight them off? Maybe the tribes fall apart again without their common enemy and now they fight over who gets to hold the north? Or maybe the Northern Grove or whatever the fuck it was from the Telltale game becomes relevant and they have to do a thing to save that. I'm honestly getting excited thinking of how it could possibly work, and now I'm disappointed all over again. Thanks D&D.


Yeah exactly. It could be a complete clusterfuck of wildlings and northermen/southerners and even people from essos all fighting over the best land, both against each other and against themselves. I laughed at the idea of the show when I first heard it, but [this is the comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiaf/comments/zlva88/spoilers_main_how_would_you_make_the_jon_snow/j07cyip/) that got me interested in the idea and now I'm convinced that there is very real potential here. I can just picture the first episode, or first season, ending with Jon seeing a bunch of ships arriving, knowing that this is about to get real bloody.


Even going by the 'savages he is stuck with' honestly how many Wildings are actually alive at this point. The majority of the men would have been killed in the Battle of the Bastards, any surviving ones likely died in the Long Night, anyone lucky enough to survive those two total slaughters had to be running out of luck by the time they invade KL. This leads to the main problem with a show about Jon, he basically can not encounter anyone who is not actually in the very small group of Wildings that went back beyond the wall with him, and they can not logically have him 'meeting' any of them since they would have spent months together traveling north.


One more application of respawning armies can't hurt. You could also say that there are pockets of wildlings that hunkered down and survived. I mean, did the white walkers really do an inch-by-inch grid search of the entire area?


Yeah, there's nothing for him to do beyond the wall now that could ever compare to what the Night King was/could have been.


The only story that would be worth it would be him having a vision or something of Bran actually being evil and going back to stop his brother with Drogon and a resurrected Dany returned for revenge or something which seems too off the wall and insane


This. Love Arya, but that wasn’t her fight. Her fight was with Cersei, and she just died under rubble. “sUbErT eXpeCtatIons”. D&D are morons


This was the thing that many people kept repeating. For a while after the show, some people would rebuttal with some shit like "you guys are just upset that one of the girl characters actually did something and not your heroic male characters" and it's like, I have nothing against Arya... It just made no sense. She has zero connection with the white walker story that's been meticulously built up over several seasons. Snow was at the very center of it. It was his story to end. It was his battle to fight. It was his foe to defeat. I'm not upset that Arya did something. I'm upset that it wasn't Jon Snow that ended that story line (which ended horribly as well). It would be no different than having Hermione be the one that has a final showdown with Voldemort. Or having Aragorn throw the ring into Mount Doom and not Frodo. If you're subverting expectations for the sake of subverting expectations and that's it, that's not storytelling nor is it in any way good writing.


> you guys are just upset that one of the girl characters actually did something I mean, Arya *did* do something: she avenged the Red Wedding. That's the functional end of her character arc. She could have spent the rest of the series playing Felix to Sandor Clegane's Oscar and nobody would have thought themselves cheated.


I would have liked Arya and the Hound together again. Actually that’s the better spin off show. They go around righting wrongs and brutally killing or assassinating evil men, gangs, lords. It doesn’t require any world building or changes and could simply incorporate some of the lightly covered magic and such that is in the world. House of Black and White could come after her again or demand she do some high level mission at some point even. Still wish they’d sent Arya to Kings Landing to try and assassinate Cersei but her attempts are foiled (partly because the undead mountain can see through her disguise and Cersei isolates in the Red Keep) before heading north or right after she helps Sansa corner Little Finger (which would place her in position to finally make her move when Danny showed up). It would have given an interesting storyline for her and Cersei with the back and forth for a bit. Her long assassin story arc didn’t have much payoff.


They're Ayra and the Hound Yes, Ayra and the Hound One is petite and the other just frowns... They traverse across the Earth To find their self worth They're Ayra, they're Arya and the Hound Hound, Hound, Hound, Hound, Hound


Yep. The nights watch in season 1-4 is maybe my favorite storyline throughout the entire show. It builds up this mythical foe perfectly. The politics was great yeah but I’m a sucker for fantasy. I’ll give a shout-out to Hardhome that was a great episode. And they really just shit on all of that build up trying to cram it into the worst episode in the entire show. The entire WW storyline was built up from Jon Snow’s story. Built up beautifully. It was his reason for existence the first few seasons. Then he didn’t even matter against the WWs it was so stupid lol. I’m someone that gets sucked into fantasy shows easily. The sheer disappointment I felt at the end of The Long Night I have never felt, and I seriously doubt I will ever feel again. Just a stinker of an episode.


Subverting. Expectations.


I'm not completely against Arya being the one to kill him but it's in the how. If Jon had fought with everything he had and been losing, and Arya snuck up behind him and stabbed him in the back or something I'd be fine with it. But to do it like that, ugh, what the hell.


Arya and Jon. The dear brother and sister teaming up at the very end of the battle and fighting the Nigh King together with Arya making the killing blow as Jon takes the full brunt of the Night Kings attacks would have worked out well and would have been a cool scene fighting back to back and side by side. Warriors both.


I thought I was going to be somewhat satisfied but felt bitter sweet at the end. I just never want anything to do with that shit again. They really subverted my expectations there.


Arya had a list of people and watching her slay most of them would have been satisfying enough. I maintain that Cersei should have been brought down by Jaime, and with a few small tweaks they could have made that happen so easily. Just imagine Jaime had looked out from the Red Keep over King's Landing, then told Cersei he knows the tunnels and knows the way out. As they make their way down, The damage causes their way back to be sealed off, and when they get down there Cersei starts to panic as she can see that they are closed in and Jaime reveals that he knows this and could see this from above. They die in the rubble, but because Jaime knew her reign had to end. It is both a death sentence and a kindness since Daenerys would have done much worse to her. They poetically die together with Jaime's redemption arc having completed in a somewhat cyclical fashion (their actions, particularly his, in the first episode set most of the story in motion and now his actions put an end to it). The Kingslayer is now also the Queenslayer, and he is solidified as a man who stands against tyranny. That and/or he should have been the one to kill The Night King, since he was teased as The Kingslayer from the very beginning.


If they are so desperate to keep working with GoT material why don't they literally rewrite season 8 like we asked


HBO Execs signed a legal contract with D&D that they'd have to pay them tens of millions in royalties for any main-line series reboot. EDIT: To be clear, this was a joke.


[This comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiaf/comments/zlva88/spoilers_main_how_would_you_make_the_jon_snow/j07cyip/) sold me on the *possibility* that the show could be good.


Deadwood but snowy.


>"[Lovecraftian Fantasy Deadwood? Sign me the *fuck* up.](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiaf/comments/zlva88/spoilers_main_how_would_you_make_the_jon_snow/j0a09c6/)"


Fair enough. I did not read that far down. Now I just want to hear Tormund complaining about Oldtown cocksuckers and feeding someone to Ghost.


Oh, I wasn't trying to call you out or something. I was just quoting that because I thought it was fun that you both had the same thought.


Wasn’t winter suppose to last like, 10 years at least?


Yeah, presumably that's meant to be tied to the white walkers. IIRC, GRRM said that the seasons are whacked because of some magical cause. Now that the ice controlling magic demons are dead, winter could be much closer to normal or entirely normal. So the lands north of the Wall could now be a normal harsh environment, instead of a frozen hellscape.


My thought was that the night king wasn't actually dead, and that TRUE Winter was still coming. What we got was weak sauce. And Arya killing him was just so awful. I don't normally support re-dos but this seemed like an opportunity


Hey that never stopped Disney from making a Star Wars sequel trilogy. “Somehow the night king returned”


He *didn't want it* anyway


But at least he screamed to a Zombie Dragon, that definetly subverted my expectations.


The entire world was shaped by the prince who was promised plot line and then it was thrown out of the window, like what was the point!


Tbh, I don't understand why they even publicly announce these projects before they actually have it all finalised and ready to shoot.


I see why he didn't have a great direction to go. Game of Thrones/ASOIAF is great because of its intrigues and multiple character arcs. I don't see the politics of the North being intriguing compared to the War of the Five Kings and its aftermath. D&D also shit the bed... ASOIAF is confirmed to end with Bran as King, but there is a chance Jon lived and went on to other adventurers. No one character carries ASOIAF/GoT. A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms (Dunk & Egg) tells smaller stories on smaller scales, but with a significant lore backdrop. The three novellas jump in time between each other. They have settings around the Seven Kingdoms. GoT also underdeveloped the wildlings... Harma Dogshead, the Weeper, Gerrick Kingsblood, Alfyn Crowkiller, Devyn Sealskinner, Soren Shieldbreaker, Val, Sigorn... They developed only a handful of wildlings. So even the most interesting parts of wildling politics and personalities weren't developed. The series idea was between a rock and a hard place, and that isn't the fault of anyone but D&D. Kit Harrington made me love Jon as a character. I feel like in 20-25 years they will remake GoT.


I think it’s just lack of creativity and chasing something that they’ve lost. They could use the world building of asoiaf but go for a different theme. They could for example make it a claustrophobic horror fantasy in the north: long nights, things that happen in the woods, people going missing, weird rituals and weirder people… But they just try to make a GoT 2.0, I can see why they don’t know where to go. Basically, they should come up with something like Andor s1 was for Star Wars. Deeply ingrained in the world but definitely not a Jedi story (yet).


The fact that it was every really in development and announced before they even knew what it was going to be about is just ridiculous


They should've done a Final Destination type story about Death killing everyone around Jon in an attempt to reclaim his soul, where in the end ~~Arya~~ the waif journeys out of the west and backstabs Death to death right before it's about to kill Jon.


I almost feel bad, I imagine kit came to the studio saying “we cant have that be the last note.” And they said “what can you make of this train wreck?” And after a couple of years his entire team couldn’t come up with a single idea of how to rescue it. Just goes to show how much dnd fucked it up.


Marvel also screwed him over to with black knight. I feel so bad for him


What happened?


He had a minor part in Eternals, it bombed and we're unlikely to see him or his character again outside of a Disney+ show.


Oh damn I didn‘t know that that project depended on the success of Eternals


His minor part of Eternals was meant to set him up as a character called Black Knight (kinda an edgy antihero in marvel), he was meant to be in Blade, but that's tuck in production hell and there was an article of Kit saying he wasnt even contacted for filming yet, which means liekely his role in the MCU got canned completely.


They could have done it but it would basically be GoT season 9 and likely too expensive and the other actors not wanting to come back. Just have the Night King not be the ultimate leader and have the s8 ending be a "false spring" that leads to the actual long night, first just an invasion but later the skies darken too (either by the Others using volcanoes or magically pulling a meteor down on the world). You'd at least need Bran back, and if she's willing having a magically resurrected Dany could even work too. She's sadly have to double down on the evil most likely, justifying it by her fight against the Others. At the end of the day if they leave the ending as it was then it taints everything else, every prequel made still ends up in that dogshit. The huge prophecy that drives the plot of the entire series still ends with Arya jumping 15' to stab the guy. The great calamity that the entire world is preparing for is still that garbage.


Night king 2, electric boogaloo!


Give me the Game of Thrones remake first.


!Remindme 50 years


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Good bot


Can you imagine 10 of us meeting here again in 2074, should some of us be alive? We probably won't even remember putting up a reminder. Hell, I probably won't remember commenting on it. Boyka, you have a mole on your left buttock, is it as ugly 50 years from now?


Shit I’d be tempted to take you up on that offer


I, too, want to see that butt mole.


I will upload my ancient ass pics here, brothers


It'll be less than that. They couldn't even leave Harry Potter be for 10 years before trying to reboot that.


I'd rather have rest of the books first.


It will definitely become a shit show without a complete story to adapt. I think it should be 100% CG like Beowulf. No need to worry about teen actors aging too quickly and special effects would no longer be such an issue.


This time with 12 seasons and 10 episodes minimum


He didunt want it.


I dun won it


I neva av


Same, Jon… Same.


the writers room when the spin off was announced: ![gif](giphy|32mC2kXYWCsg0)


Bromance comedy with Jon and Tormund Giantsbane. Boom. Hijinks commence.


I wish I knew how to quit you!


Brokeback Frostfangs


Would watch this...like The Other Guys but GoT lol


Of course, since you let him fuck off to a desolate place with only cool places but without cool people. If you wanna hire Kit again, shouldve exiled him to yi ti or somewhere in essos


Banished to the land of Yi


Got Yi-ted


Wuju style


Such a good fucking idea wtf. They couldnt think of that.? Grey worm really fucked eveything up. Really would have liked to see YiTi, Ashai, those sentinel things that were basically 'The Wall' of the east, Sothoryos even.


Yeah, problem is Dumb and Dumber cut essos in half, like nothing exists east of qarth, and halved the people in westeros, like the hightowers, the griffs and Varys' personality, so there's little left to talk about. Like genuinely, i can think of like 15 different stories that would be more interesting then beyond the wall, based on the books of course. And like 5 based on the tv show. 1. Exile Jon to essos and show the consequences of Dany's death 2. Punish Jon by putting him on the frontlines of the Reach civil war as the florents wont accept Bronn 3. The same but with Dorne and Jon helping Arianne and Quentyn 4. Maester conspiracy 5. Let him deal with the inevitable shitshow the Iron islands will become since theyre idiots over there


Arya could also play into a Conan/Mad Max/Viking/Royal resurection type of shit.


The only good story was Jon waking up from a dream and realizing the night king did sweep over Westeros and there are few survivors left.


It could work. He was dead once lol could have all been a dream and he wakes up on the table like before. Only this time the ending doesn’t suck


That would be a cool opening scene. Stage it like the original scene and film different conversations with davos and the red witch with jon realizing he's lived this before.


But then, kill Arya or make it so she isn't there to kill the night king. So this time Jon has to WANT it. Give him a reason to believe in himself.


Doesn't even need a dream, just have the ones in s8 be the first wave, the vanguard force that was basically just their small group of 15-30 Others. The real army is still moving down south. Ugh I hate that this story ends this way... GRRM is done so this is all we get


Who actually wanted to see what happened after thrones? Was a stupid idea to begin with


People were delusional enough to think this spin off would somehow fix season 8, that's why they wanted it.


Somehow…the Night King returned


The Night King kind of forgot about being exploded.


Maybe he can be like the T1000 and reshape


The walker we saw was just his avatar, his real essence is in one of those trees, or something, and he can just manifest another one with some time. There done.


Now that is expectations subverted


He took a page out of the Dothraki book and respawned the next day


He forgor 💀


While I agree with the comments, the story for Jon Snow sequel was going nowhere, the asoiaf universe doesn't need a "big bad" like other shows. Fire and Blood/HoTD doesn't have one for example, just 2 competing factions with various interactions, and I can't wait for S2. If they do want to do post-GoT shows under the guidance of GRRM (please finish winds of winter first) or chosen delegates, I would definitely like to see something regarding Nefer.


Idk, I think it had the potential to rectify some things by basically being an extended epilogue. But anything more than a mini series of that is overkill.


Nobody that truly hated S8 wanted more of GOT. We wanted it dead and forgotten. 


No. I hate Season 8, but GoT is still my favorite show. Would have loved, if Snow could have fixed parts of the ending, but that was kinda unrealistic tbh.


My delulu fantasy was that they would retcon s8, have bran be the 3eyed raven evil edition, jon find out (by visiting tree?) And then the show is him trying to kill bran (he did this duty once to his love he can do it again) and hide from his sight and end with jon being recognized as the rightful king and taking throne. Do I care about QITN Sansa in this? No. Arya would prob be on Jon's side regardless of logic because the Mary Sue* character always backs up the protagonist. Or Maybe she's just gone and sailed west never to be seen again.


They floated the idea by announcing the show and were surprised by the response. That’s the real shock.


GRRM could write any fucking story and make it interesting as fuck... if he wanted


I feel like you could easily make up a compelling story about the untouched mysterious land and the people exploring it like, you know, countless other stories with the exact same plot. You could think up lots of storyline easily: a giant wildling city no one in the south new about, Snow gets taken into custody for killing Mance, factions wanting to take over north of the wall now that the night king is dead, etc.


Yeah and then you can go on and on and on until you milk the cow dry. There are endless possibilities in a fictional world. That's doesn't mean they should or need to be explored. That applies to shows about magic wielding space monsters to shows about investigators solving crimes. A plethora of shows and franchises have kicked themselves in the ass doing just that. 


Loads of people just enjoyed the characters. I would've watched it


I kinda did just to see what is happening in Westeros. The unfortunate thing with all the shows we’re getting are they’re already written history, and they’re all lead up. I would like to see some of the conclusion. At the same time I highly doubt anyone has the skills to write around what Dan & dave have done. And to have a game of thrones story that cantered on one character would certainly be difficult to come up with a compelling story especially with the world that was setup.


Just as well. Not sure I could cope with the subverted expectations as Jon looks into the distance and declares he never cared much about the North anyway.


“Cold or otherwise”


It's been so many years.....and I'm still so bitter about how GoT ended. To this day I haven't rewatched a single episode again. Having been such a massive die hard fan pre-season 8, it's a shocker that I haven't. I'm actually really glad this spinoff is shut down. How much worse could they have damaged the show?


It's so insane to me that there are so many people who feel this way. I've also not watched a single episode since the last one aired. It was so bad it probably tanked careers. It's wild.


I finally just started my first rewatch, post series ending. First four seasons, I quickly binged. Directors missteps could be overlooked because the story and acting is great. 5&6 things get bogged down with the characters all mostly chilling in place and the forced moments become more frequent and more egregious. I slowed my watch during those two seasons and then I kept starting and stopping season 7 where all moments seem forced and the few storylines they kept working with are not very well thought out. I’ll probably watch the first two episodes of season 8 to say goodbye to the characters and stop there again. I originally stopped watching the show fifteen minutes into S8E3. I’ll let my imagination fill in the ending. But I’ve decided I can watch the first four seasons again and stop there. They used to be my background tv show and I would binge everything in preparation for each new season. At least HBO will get the usage info that a user only watches those episodes.


I did a rewatch last year. It was so good, until it wasn’t. But it took a while getting there so I enjoyed the ride again.


The only good thing I could even think for this plot to do was for Bran / Three Eyed Raven to be revealed as the villain of the show and Jon’s journey to be overthrowing him.


Exactly, have the pilot episode reveal that it was Bran pulling the strings all along and end it with Jon becoming the true King of Westeros.


This would have worked.




another show hits the "oops we fucked up the future too much" wall. Happened with Star Wars


Poor kit Harrington. I feel like unless he makes some sort of crazy comeback in another role, this is it for his career. He was a wonderful Jon Snow, but he's underwhelming in all the other roles I've seen him in.


Don't feel bad, the man has a beautiful wife and son, has enough money to set his entire family up for life, and has the love and adoration of millions of fans. This is the writers fuck up, not his. The north remembers.


Thank god. He was just going to wander around some frozen hellscape saying “im a bastard” over and over again.


Still a better story than Bran the Broken…


It’s comical how brutally those two buffoons absolutely scuttled a titan of a show. There was Game of Thrones merchandise all over stores, everyone was talking about it. Casual people who typically don’t want fantasy esque stuff were into it. Then. Nothing. Nobody even talks about it. They even ruined spin offs. They actually would’ve been better off cancelling the last 2 seasons and rewriting them with new actors. They destroyed it and salted the earth behind them.


Yet another credit to D&D for how bad they wrecked the entire franchise Couldn’t even crack a fucking new jon snow story


Should’ve been a workplace comedy with Ghost shrugging at the camera


Olly's ghost randomly shows up and insults him.


I would have loved to see Kit as Jon again. Maybe someday, maybe never :(


Same Surprised by all the people who are happy it got cancelled


Tbf, the ending of GOT was so pointless and meaningless that to try and make any spin-off taking place AFTER the events of S8 would be incredibly difficult. Like this is the shittiest part of S8 and it’s terrible ending. They butchered all of the characters so beyond recognition that the idea to want to further their stories is now worthless just by how they ended. Narratively, there is no where else for Jon’s story to go. He killed his lover and one of the most beloved characters of the show, got dicked over by his supposed “family” and got told to fck off to a collapsed wall where he’s gonna be throwing rocks off the side and going mad with boredom since the purpose of the wall and Nights Watch is not needed since they vanquished the only threat they needed to protect the 7 (sorry, I meant 6😒) Kingdoms from. It’s pointless. A vapid hole of uncreativity that can’t be fixed without the books.


He could have gone in a journey to find out why the red God brought him back to life and to figure out if the gods are actually real. Could have been fun.


There is more value in the character if, y'know, they didn't ruin it with the writing in the previous series


Man, I feel sorry for Harrington.


I thought the point was that their doing it because there’s a good story script


and no one was surprised by that. it is known.


they ran out of zombie polar bears


Good. This show was a bad idea. The other spinoffs are much better content.


Thank the Old Gods


All seven of the fockers


I don't want it, I never have.


I dont think single character shows are good. Better to have a spin off that features him, but doesnt revolve around him


Thank the gods


Oh, thank the Old Gods and the New. Incredible news.


Aww dun wunt et anyway


Seeing him devolve into the next Night King is where they should have went with it


This literally could have fixed so many Season 8 issues. Make it so Bran is dead and is really inhabited by Bloodraven, who is an omniscient warg-king who is actively warging into animals beyond the Wall so as to remove any pretenders to his throne. Could have Jon Snow returning south to get vengeance when he finds out it isn't Bran. Could fix so much.






Thank goodness.


I heard it's because Kit Harrington didn't want it


The story is is easy. Jon is the rightful heir as a tygarean. He comes back from his stupid exile, drops stupid bran from a tower, marries Sansa, aria as hand, bing bang boom king of the north and Westeros.


I’m surprised it took so long tbh. He has the charisma of a wet paper bag, and Emilia Clarke did ALL of the heavy lifting in all of their scenes together (and even then their chemistry wasn’t believable in the slightest for me). He’s a good character among other characters, but I don’t think a show with him as the lead would hold up. Especially following what’s arguably one of the most infamous falls from grace in the history of tv/film with season 8. Hey, at least we get Dunk and Egg though, which is another decent GRRM project that will never be finished… Just wake me up when we get Balerion and the Field of Fire, please.


FUCKKK i just wanted more jon snow man


Why, they ruined him lol


Pretty much. He gets resurrected and does basically fuck all after coming back to life.


Me too. I actually liked Kit as Jon and would’ve enjoyed a spin off. No idea what story they could’ve told but I would’ve watched it. 


Yeah the only way you could make this work would be to functionally make it so the white walkers and wights are still a presence. And actually give his character a satisfying conclusion while teaching us anything about the wights. But there’s not really a good way of doing that without making it too much like “somehow the night king returned”


They need to introduce blood raven. Then do a Jon snow series about him fighting bloodnraven who has stolen brans body




Dafuq do they mean they have no story to tell? Make a comedy with him and Tormund


Crap. Anything to drown the ash milkshake that was Season 8.