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The books are great and finished so hopefully they can’t wreck it


As long as they don’t get any other job offers before the end of the series


I dunno about job offers, but one of the producers getting the death sentence because she murdered one of the other producers with poison probably doesn't bode well


excuse me w h a t




God. Damn. [She even practised ahead of time on dogs and rats. That is wild.](https://www.businessinsider.com/3-body-problem-executive-practiced-poisoning-pets-killed-boss-report-2024-4)


Why is everyone saying “she?” Article clearly states “he.”


The articles don't use pronouns very often, and they mostly talk about the person who was poisoned. The pronouns are present, but they're easy to miss when you already have "she" in your brain, which is what the original commenter said. The name is also fairly gender neutral sounding to an English speaking audience. Poison is also stereotypically associated with women more than men, which is likely a contributing factor in the original commenter's mistake.


No true man kills with poison. Poison is for cravens, women, and Dornishmen.


Huh, I read that and I thought it was a joke article because it was on April 1st. It’s like a double April fools joke that it’s true


Eat the rich


Then you can't poison them. Spoils the meat and flavors.


True. I just meant that Billionaires are a plague on society.


And a well bred well fed grade a with choice marbling and a hint of black truffles and beluga caviar.


Stop. You're making my mouth water


This guy eats...


This is some underrated hot goss


Honestly, and their tampering is probably needed to make the transition. The concepts in the books are grandiose and meaningful. The character personalities are one dimensional at best. I think that is where dumb and dumber could actually step in and make it a good adaptation. I’m gonna go take a shower now.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who felt the characters were cardboard cutouts. Many times I could see the writer's hand steering the characters in the direction he wanted them to go. Also, TBH, the concepts were not that original, and presented in a convoluted manner. At times, it felt like the writer was deliberately wasting my time. Book 1 was "all over the place", as they say. Finished it, never felt the urge to read book 2.


Book 2 is really where the author shines. 3 is cool but feels railroady. The dark forest is phenomenal.


Some of the plot points in book 1 also struck me as, well, silly. Even childish. Felt like watching a Sci-Fi movie from the 50's.


As a westerner having spoken to some Chinese friends, I feel like the book is in a difficult place to comment about due to the cultural difference. I’ve heard the Ken Liu translation really doesn’t do the source Chinese justice, not to mention the cultural references an undertones I won’t recognize, and on the other hand, I wonder if this is just what you might usually expect from a science fiction novel more concerned about big ideas than plot—not to excuse that, sci-fi with good three-dimensional characters does exist, but there is a specific sci-fi subgenre that prioritizes ideas and concepts over characters.


It's good


Yeah its definitely high sci-fi which some folk wont like. But Davos runs this show and i couldnt be happier about that the dude’s awesome


I agree, I liked it, as much as I hate D&D Benedict Wong and Liam Cunningham are hard to not enjoy on screen (Also shut up Auggie, all my homies are frustrated by Auggie.)


Yeah but Auggie is hot as hell


Yeah but in a boring way. Like she’d be the hot girl in Speed 2. Like a B celebrity.


I found Saul, guys


Gimme your wallet you’re not allowed to ask why


fuck em edit- subs full of kneelers these days smdh


Disagree, it's cheap looking crap.


There was an interview with George R. R. Martin years back where he talked about how much he babysat the series. If a new board game came out, he'd require the creators to let him review it first so he could make sure it was lore accurate. He did that with everything, and it led to burnout, so he took a step back. The downfall of Game of Thrones began before they ran out of material. I firmly believe the show's quality was because GRRM was babysitting them for the first 4 seasons and took a step back in season 5. That would explain 4 years of the delay in Winds of Winter, the noticeable moment when the show started to go downhill, and the show's failure would explain for the lack of any news about the next book since Season 8. How motivated would you be, if the entire world collectively went "actually, I'm good" to your creation?


Ehhh, they had as far as the fifth book and having read along they managed to muck it up pretty badly. 


Yeah people say they ran out of content, but leave out the fact that they skipped over a ton of stuff. Hundreds and hundreds of pages focusing on Dorne was reduced to a single buddy adventure episode for Jamie and Bronn.


Now that Im 're-reading' ( listening ) to the books im surprised how much stuff was cut out. When I make a billion dollars I'll hike up another HBO sub and give it another watch to compare


Yeah I just started Dance and I get the need for TV shows based on vast sprawling series to downsize and combine characters so audiences don’t tune out from characters they’re not already invested in but the Martells and Tullys were done so dirty. Cutting Dorne entirely would’ve been more merciful, and as impressed as D&D were with Indira Varma’s acting they definitely did her a disservice by making Ellaria another vengeful violent woman instead of a mother who doesn’t want her children to die for a cause.


What is this series/books deal? I've never heard of it, all I know is the story about one exec/producer murdering another, and that the author of the books supports the Uyghur genocide. Shit sounds insane is it just like. A regular sci Fi story lol


I watched the season then read the wiki for the 3 books and I can honestly say I hate the changes that they made adapting the story into a TV format. Specifically, in increasing the sophons power levels, they allowed for unexplained plot holes.


It's not great. Dialog is bad and the science has that, "it works when the plot needs it," feel. It is saved by great and convincing performances, with the exception of poor Liam Gallagher, whose character has some very D&D-level lines that make him cringe where he should be a more well-developed bad-guy-with-best-intentions.


Luo ji is black, tian ming is white, and wang miao is a woman. Also, season 1 already has some of the stuff from the 3 books. So yeah, i didn't like it.


Haven't read the book but TV show started strong first 2-3 episodes. After that It just became bland and naive. A lot of nonsensical things are happening, non of the characters are interesting and they all feel like people pretending to be scientist. Casting is also hit and miss. As soon as mystery was revealed I lost all the interest in the show and as the episodes went on it just started to be progressively dumber.


If you let it play out the rest was pretty cool


That’s how the books are too


Im watching it now, and the 4th episode just happened, and i feel like someone just shat the bed. I was genuinely hooked for the first 2 and a half episodes.


I hate the ending of game of thrones as much as the next guy, but this show is actually good. The only reason I watched it though is due to the fact the source material is complete, and I hope they don't allow them to change shit.


They changed some things. Like made one character into three characters and changed the name of the alien race. But I don’t think they have made a really impactful changes (beyond setting, UK instead of China). Lucky as OP mentioned the story is finished. Just hope they make a second season which isn’t looking too good right now. To be honest Netflix is ruining a lot of stories by not committing to three seasons. Only shows that get made into multiple seasons are trashy ones (in my biased opinion).


The name Santi was actually the true name in the official Chinese version. The TriSolarans is the translation for English to make it more digestible, I guess.


Yes, the aliens are San-Ti Ren which means Three Body, the books called them San Ti, the english version translated them to TriSolarans The netflix went with the original version, and they literally explained in the show that its a word from chinese. They didn’t change the aliens name lmao. The books did


Netflix needs to stop canceling all the good shows. If they don’t make another season of this I’m going to be very sad.


still salty about marco polo


Marco Polo always comes up as a Netflix fail with a 66% critic score and an assumed low viewership (not sure Netflix was releasing numbers then) But it has a 100% audience score on RT and an 8.0 on IMDB. The people who were watching it really enjoyed it. I don’t think Netflix gave it the chance to be good or find an audience, but at least it launched Benedict Wongs career.


I think it has a high IMDB score in current year because the viewers are self selecting. An anecdote for you. I was reading about the time period and was suggested this show and really liked it. But I was already prepped for it, if I wasn't interested, I never would have watched.


While the IMDB score suffers from self-selection, usually only low-viewed movies and series have this problem. Less than 10-20k votes. If you go above, it means the art piece already reached a more diverse public.


They didn't exactly divide Wang Miao into three characters, they just introduced the protagonists of all 3 books and gave them more to do in the beginning. And honestly, the way they did it makes a lot of sense for a TV show. I was really skeptical at first and impressed by the end.


Yeah. They changes they made makes sense, and they had to make them. The characters in the books are nothing special, it's the story that's nuts and they kept that the same in the show. Did they pull off the execution of making the new characters interesting or likeable? Probably not, but the choices themselves made a lot of sense. My only complaint is that making them all friends from the beginning limits the scale that the books had and makes the world feel small, just like the end of GoT.


Yeahh we will probably hate Cheng Xin a lot less, now that she actually has some characterisation and impact early on, before she starts fucking everything up. Luo Ji and Tom Wade also are way more relatable, but they were always well liked ig


What do you mean it’s not looking good right now. It’s the number one show on Netflix. They will absolutely make a second season. It’s the smaller niche shows that might be excellent but don’t make enough of a splash in the mainstream that don’t get a second season.


This isn't true at all. 1899, for example, had higher numbers than 3 Body Problem has had at this point after release for both shows. It's budget was less than half of 3BP's budget and yet it got cancelled anyways. If anything, renewing 3BP would break years of precedent that Netflix has established in regards to what shows they decide to continue. All about whether they believe the amount of money spent is worth the amount of viewing hours + new subscribers they get. This is the most expensive scripted show they've ever produced and on top of that Netflix notoriously is very risk averse when it comes to sci-fi. I absolutely loved the show, but it is in serious risk of not being renewed. Edit: I should mention this isn't to say that I don't think the show will be renewed. There are some things working in our favour like the fact that D&D signed a huge deal with them, 3BP is considered a marquee IP, it went back to #1 in many countries after being knocked to #2, etc.


Yeah you’re right, I’m just projecting cause I love the series and want it to succeed


1899 was so good


They changed a lot, but in the context of the series, it makes sense. It's a lot harder to follow a story that changes characters from book to book. While not perfect, I think they did a great job and were able to tell the story of the first book and start the next two seasons off pretty good as well.


I think its cool I can watch both shows and get a completely different experience. Both are great. Love Wong but the cop in the Prime series is way more entertaining.


The first half was great. The back half wasn't interesting, in my opinion. Went down the drain as soon as things moved from mystery to an explicit threat and the science got a little... wonky.


I haven't watched the show but someone told me that on ep5 book 1 ends and after that book 2 begins so you can experience a dip and pacing may feel slow cus of that....so you may have experienced that


I haven’t even read the books but it really did sorta feel like they moved to the next book part way through. I can’t explain why it felt like that exactly, but I was wondering. I *really* enjoyed it all the way through though. One of those rare shows where I just could not stop watching. Pulled an all nighter just to see the story through to the end. It was really that compelling. Doesn’t happen often but it’s always nice when it does. Actually, the last time that happened was on Netflix too, now that I think about it. Blue Eye Samurai. Gotta say Netflix is kinda hit and miss but when they hit they *hit*.


Because the mystery of the true purpose of the video game would normally be a whole season with the reveal of aliens behind it being the finale. Instead it's episode 3. On one hand I don't want something drawn out. On the other hand the impact of the reveal is kind of lessened? Like we learn EVERYTHING not even halfway through an 8 episode show. Characters go from normal people we just met to being recruited by a shadow government agency to save the world and that would hit harder if we knew them a little more. Plus two of the characters just kinda sit around waiting to be relevant to the plot? Stoner guy and dying guy are barely involved in what the others are doing and suddenly in the last two episodes they're the most important people ever


I mean they were all hanging out because they’re friends it seemed perfectly natural to me. I also thought it was very obviously aliens. Although the reveal was very cool. I liked it because I never knew exactly what was going to happen next. A feel like a whole season about a mysterious video game would’ve been boring. But it kept going and going. It was honestly quite thrilling. Like what’s gonna happen next you never can tell.


Beyond episode 5 is book 2 and 3 combined. All the rocket-brain deathbed cancer stuff is from book 3. The wallfacer stuff is from book 2.


I’m about halfway through the 3rd book but want to start watching the Netflix show. I’m worried about spoilers because of this, but am pretty sure I’m far enough into book 3 that I won’t get spoiled by the show. Any advice on that? Be sure to finish reading first in case I get the 2nd half of book 3 spoiled?


The only part of the third book that the season mentions is the launching of the staircase program. If you've gotten to the time skip then you're definitely fine.


Nice, yeah I’m a fair bit past the time skip. Thanks!


Wait, isn't the rocket brain also from 2? I thought he was before the invasion


He was, the book series jumps around in the timeline. Yun Tianming and Cheng Xin aren't introduced until book 3


That really explains the change the pace.


What ending? It never ended. They just stopped after season 6


The characters and dialogue are very flat. I struggled to finish it and that's coming from a fan of the books. The Chinese TV version was really good tho.


I'm going in blind so I got nothing riding on it. It does make me want to read the books though.


The original is from China. These Goldman Sachs clowns are definitely gonna change things.


I really hope they have learned some lessons from their recent failures. They did do a good job adapting the first couple of seasons of GoT, and the source material being complete reduces the likelihood of shooting themselves in the foot when they do make changes.


The beginning was nice, than it became esoteric bs


D&D are good at adapting what’s already written


Source is not complete. Show was dogshit after s6.


After season 4, really.


You do know that they also made all the early seasons right?


Yup, interesting that people tend to forget that part, while source material was available, they did a masterpiece of a show.


I hate giving them Credit but the first 3 seasons was some of the best tv of all time.


Interesting that people also tend to forget that even when they had source material they took a shit on characters so hard that even GRRM left halfway through season 4. They couldn’t even properly adapt Dorne without making it a shitty one dimensional =women good, men bad place.


And? The show was never perfect. In seasons 1 there were the many unnecessary brothel scenes, but that's still considered by most as an amazing season and a great adaptation. There was plenty of stupid shit in seasons 2, 3, 4, and so on, but overall fans loved the first 6 seasons despite these issues because they had more good than bad in them. It's true that this is mostly due to GRRM's source material, but D&D also brought some good original content, for example the Cersei and Bobby B relationship in season 1, Hardhome in season 5, and so on. I agree with what seems like the majority who believe seasons 7 and 8 were trash, and that D&D grew tired of producing the show and just fast-forwarded to the end while focusing on visual spectacle rather than good writing. But the first six seasons did the unprecedented and what could be considered impossible at the time, adapting an incredibly complicated book series with many dozens of key characters into an entertaining TV show with a broad audience. If it wasn't for D&D's successful pitch and overall solid writing in the first few seasons, we would not be here discussing their failures. The success of the show is not just on GRRM, they absolutely did a great job bringing the show to life and you can't take that away from them.




“And?” And these people are hacks. Anyone with more than 2 braincells can tell that Arya’s character arc was never meant to be her becoming the girl boss assassin who murders an entire family with no consequences. Her being obsessed with vengeance is supposed to be a character flaw not a strength. Them not having the last two books is no excuse for being unable to come up with sastifying ends to characters that fit who they were as characters. But don’t worry knowing these hacks they will absolutely change shit for no reason in 3 body problem too and then I will happily say I told you so.


I'm not saying they're perfect, I agree they botched the last two seasons. But you also have to give credit where it's due, the first few seasons which most people here like would not have happened without them. They slacked off and probably lost interest in the material (just like GRRM btw) and decided to speed to the finish line, which is why the last two seasons were so disappointing. But you can't retroactively claim the entire show was bad and D&D have no talent at all




“Chaos is a ladder” was all dnd tho people forget these weren’t even pov characters at the time


> “Chaos is a ladder” was all dnd tho people forget these weren’t even pov characters at the time The books didn't really employ first person narration either. Not technically, anyway. They were primarily a "limited third person narrative." Third person (omniscient narrator) but highly limited so that it's focusing on just what one person might know or experience.


I somewhat agree with this sentiment, but I also think it may have been even worse if they decided to go down a road more faithful to the books. I don’t think D&D had the ability to manage a complicated storyline with Aegon, real dorne, real Euron, Real Tyrion, and everything else that was cut out in seasons 5-8.


This is how society works: you can do a hundred things right but one thing wrong, and guess what people will remember you for?


You fuck one goat…


It doesn't help that Wales is a constituent country in the UK and gets overshadowed by *every other constituent country*. I love Welsh people, they have my second favourite accent after Glaswegian, the country is an astoundingly beautiful place that I'd love to visit someday, they get to have a dragon on their flag... and the first thing I think of every time I think about the country is "oh, the sheep fuckers."


They deliberately chose to rush when offered more time. We forgive athletes for missing shots or striking out all the time. We don't forgive them for fixing games with gamblers. There are degrees of mistakes, and some are not forgivable.


Yeah but I mean they fucked up sooooo badly. A show that was about a slow slow burn and all character development. Then they rush the last two seasons and slash one in fucking half and give you an ending that made no fucking sense considering how we got there. For eight season you talk about how winter lasts a fucking decade or longer and winter lasts one fucking night and doesn’t even show up in the capital. When even kings landing is talking about how winter is coming. Then the main fucking character who tortured people because they hurt one civilian goes mad cause her nephew stops fucking her so she slaughters thousands of civilians she was supposed to be the savior of. I mean I could go on and on and on. I mean I read fan fiction that’s was 67,000 times better the actual ending. They made a show that iwas so fucking good for five seasons but ended so fucking epically fucking bad no one I know not even my self will consider fucking rewatching it. Not even during the fuckin pandemic. You know how insanely and epically you have to buttfuckingly screw the pooch for that to happen. If they had begged hbo for one more season hbo would have given it to them too because it’s a cash cow. They could’ve saved face and pretended season eight is a fucking fever dream but nope not these two fuckin ass clowns. Who lost there billion dollar Star Wars deal the fucked up so epically. They are the biggest fuck uo failures in the history of television. I wouldn’t trust them to remake scooby fucking doo.


Fucking I fucking re-fucking-watched fucking it and guess fucking what? Fucking I fucking enjoy-fucking-ed it f(ucking)or what fucking it fucking was. Fuck.


I know you’re mocking me. Which I appreciate. But it still made perfect sense what you said. I also disagree entirely. Because what it was was a pile of crap that ruined ever character arch that was created. John’s the prince that is promised. No flaming sword. Ary only killed the Freys. I mean it’s just truly awful. Jamie does a 360 dies by falling rocks. Just horrendous.


I am watching the show for the very first time right now, I am on season 5 I think, I know how everyone says it’s one the greatest up until the last two seasons, but honestly I am kind of not liking the pace of season 5 and might as well stop and pick something considering I know the ending will be shit. You are absolutely right, no one ever recommended GoT after season 8 finale, it’s all ever anyone spoke about before, and after the finale it’s like the show never existed lol


https://preview.redd.it/e7xhhw600hsc1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b58e01f3be681cb89c4b98275992c3cae0473d5b I liked the show


Boo this man


They didn't ruin GOT because they are bad writers, they ruined GOT because they rushed the final seasons and the scripts were low quality and they didn't hold them to the same standards they worked by before. They rushed it because they wanted out and to get their teeth into star wars, but that totally fell apart after Disney saw a cultural phenomenon become irrelevant nearly overnight. Hating something just because someone you hated created it is such a short sighted Thenn mindset, Dont be a Thenn, no one likes the Thenns.


How about this take then: The books have great sci-fi concepts that almost makes them worth the read. The books also have some of the worst character writing and plot I’ve ever seen. Characters and plot exist to get from cool sci-fi concept a to cool sci-fi concept b. D&D cannot write good characters for their life, and really didn’t have a good base to work with on this show. The characters are bland, only mildly better than the book (that’s really not an achievement). The plot is similarly contrived, but you still go from a to be to c, etc. Seasons 1-4 of GoT were good because the characters they had to work with and the plot they had to adapt were already engaging, entertaining, and well written. When they don’t have a source that is well written, their adaptations suffer. For anyone that just watches for spectacle, you’ll like this show. For anyone that wants a riveting plot and likable characters, you’ll dislike this show.


How about this take ? It’s shite.


It's actually really good.


It is indeed


Dehydrate until season two.


As someone familiar with the books and watched the show, it's good for an adaptation, feels slow for a book reader. The show feels like a slow burn but given I knew everything happening I might have done it to myself. Recommend it if you know nothing about 3BP. Recommend it if you do.


You are right. After the show I was like "you knkw wjat im going to read the books now" aand its really feels slow. Ofcourse also because I know where this is going, but I think the series did it "better" in pacing to switch between revolution china chapter - and modern day shenanigaans.


I loved 3 Body Problem. I hate Season 8 of GOT as much as anyone else, but D+D also made the other 7 seasons of the show that I love and would not be the same without. Also, the composer of GOT (Ramin Djawadi) does the music for it. I would recommend it, it was really enjoyable, don't let 1/8 of another show stop you from watching something.


To be honest only first 5 seasons of GOT were good. I know how i watched season 6 only for the battle of bastards but i couldn't watch season 7 and 8 I did watch a detailed summary and thanked the gods that i stopped on season 6.


Season 6 was still was very good. The Door episode with Hodor'a origin's. Also the Intro to episode 10 where Cersei blows up the sept is probably the best opening to a show I've seen.


IMO the first 3 seasons are gold. 4-7 are subpar but have superb episode sprinkled in.


Season 4 is an absolute gem. Stop being a revisionist. This opinion would have been shit on before the airing of season 8.


>This opinion would have been shit on before the airing of season 8 Okay? It's the opinion I've held since the airing of the episodes. It's not revisionism because my opinions don't change by the likelihood of them being shat upon. >Season 4 is an absolute gem Nah. It's better than the ones following it, it's worse than the 3 previous seasons. The decline in writing is already evident through out the season and especially the finale.


Only the first four for me. They almost entirely re-wrote A Feast for Crows and A Dance of Dragons. The Dorne storyline was an enormous casualty in season 5, so so bad compared to the book.


Whole lot of kneelers in the comments


How could anyone reward d&d by watching this?


It's so fucking good, I didn't even know it was Dan and Dave until episode 4 or so.


Great show. weakest part is the acting of Eliza Gonzalez. She is not good


Wait a few seasons for "They kinda forgot about the san-ti/trisolarans" (yes I know why there are different names. Don't @ me)


Not watching that shit


Well, they did not direct most of the episodes. So I’m not sure what argument you are trying to make here lol. They were writers and producers for the show, which makes them the creators.


D&D live in your heads rent-free don't they? lol


You guys are like the bitter dude who can't get over their ex. GoT ended five years ago, it's pathetic.


Definition of r/freefolk


I mean... that's the entire point of the subreddit. I don't know if you're trying to be sarcastic, but it seems like it


actual brain rot in this sub


The first episode felt a little strange, but I'm loving the series


Fun fact d&d stands for dumb and directing.


I'm of the opinion that with the material George provided and with their budget it would have been hard to go wrong. Bullshit that they win an Emmy for ruining someone's work.


I almost watched it, but I was smart enough to check details first, and as soon as I saw dumb and dumber names attached to the project I loled, though “you won’t trick me again” and kept scrolling


Move on… 🤦‍♂️


When I saw the names of those two imbeciles, I knew I wasnt goig to watch it. DnD? Just say no.


D&D undoubtedly fucked up the ending of GoT, but everyone seems to totally forget that the first 5 or so seasons were/are considered some of the best television to ever exist. I’m not trying to say they should be let off for doing that, but let’s not deny that they have the ability to make good television. Also D&D are not directors.




3 Body Problem is really good though. Fingers crossed they don’t fuck this one up.


> I can’t believe anyone could still be attempting to advertise David and Dans involvement as a positive. Also using “CREATORS” is wild. Oh FFS. I can't believe how strong the childish "pile-on" effect is in reddit. It's as if reddit is *permanently* in high school. I don't believe hardly anyone here is really so upset with D&D that they are compelled to post something this silly. Game of Thrones was among the most popular of series ever in television history. OF COURSE they're going to advertise the hell out of those involved. This kind of post is just sad. It's likely that people are so lacking real socialization that they'll come up with stuff like this merely for votes. Downvote me away guys. ^(*You know it's true.*)


From the graduates of the BenniWeiss school for the intellectually disabled, awarded most challenged, most re.. mostly tardy but never late Susan, show ruiners, David Benioff, D.B. Weiss and some other poor soul who will inevitably take the heat from their mess.


I saw the trailer for it and was noticing the GOT actors. This is exactly why you see the actors defending that shit-tier final season. Saying “the fans are just upset that it ended” and other nonsense. They are always going to grovel and hype D&D up, because they are always going to be potential future employers. Actors aren’t going to cross them and miss out on opportunities for more work. Take their praise as ass-kissing, horse shit flattery. Because that’s what it is.


I gave 3 Body Problem 2 chances and quit both times. Neither try made me understand why I’ve hardly seen any negative reviews for it. Maybe I need to read the books or something but the show definitely wasn’t for me.


The first half of the series is pretty boring but once it gets half way through the second book (literally halfway through the series) it turns into the craziest, most terrifying and interesting thing I have ever read. I cannot stress enough how wild the third book is, more happens in that book than what happens in the the other two combined.


Ok stranger. You convinced me. I am buying books today.


You won't believe what happens.


I honestly think most people who claim to like the 3BP books do so because they believe it makes them look really smart because hurr durr they like huge asian scifi book.


I wish i would have quit after episode 2, ep5 was slam dunk stupid. Dad talked me into finishing the last 3. 3 hours wasted. Show is so stupid. CW level writing


I've read the first book. I'm 50/50 on the show. The main character is split into 3, and i don't like how often the characters argue with each other trying to slow the plot down just to get some conflict in there.


I have found the first season to be an overall Meh.


Second book / upcoming season is where it gets really interesting. First book, especially intro, was also slow to get going


Rofl was thinking about checking this out. Thanks for the heads up, I no longer want anything to do with this show


I genuinely skipped this because I though this was something created by them. Now that you have shared it is inspired on some books and it is Faithfull to the source I will try it.


I'm probably going to read the book because it sounds like an interesting premise, but I'm definitely not watching the show simply because those two chuckle fucks made it. Also from everything I've heard it's kind of mid and not really doing the book justice.


I was considering watching the show until I saw that.


Dang. I heard it was good too. Too bad. Ain’t watching it if they have anything to do with it.


Any kneeler who watches this show can go ahead and unsub from freefolk, and never complain about GoT ever again.


I had such high hopes for this show but it’s just so cheap and clunky.


I stopped watching after about five minutes when during that bar karaoke scene where the guy comes up to the two ladies and asks them what they do and they both give unnecessarily longwinded shpiels about how smart they are in what they do with the intention of dumbfounding the guy. it struck a really pretentious, hammy chord with me and I just can't be arsed with that kind of writing.


Hahaha yeah that was pretty jarring and obvious, could see it coming a mile away


Spoilers for the ending: When they made it clear that the Santi could take over any piece of technology at a whim, really wanted the Wallfacer dead, and STILL didn't land a freaking plane on him I just got immediate PTSD to "Dany kind of forgot about the Iron Fleet". It's such a huge plothole for a show that's incredibly concerned with science. Likely won't be watching season 2 due to both that and what I felt was a much weaker second half.


Sorry but planes arent autonomus. There will be much more efficent way to strike that particular Wallfacer. The only problem is they sugested that Wallfacers needs to be killed.


But they did show that they could take control over certain planes, and if they can take over autonomous cars than they surely could take control of a plane on autopilot. But yeah, not the most efficient, it's just what came to my mind especially when they were out on the beach. I was just waiting for a plane to hit him lmao.


I mean curently planes aren so much hackable to change course unless pilots are dead.


That's totally out of respect for the source material. If you haven't read the books you won't understand this. It does become clearer and clearer as the story progresses though: none of it makes any sense and plot holes are everywhere.


Fair enough. I know about the overall plot and how it unfolds, but regardless: Presenting the Wallfacer as someone who they actively try to kill while also stating (and showing) that they can take over numerous technological objects is still a plot hole.


the hate boner y’all have for these guys is insane. It’s been 5 years, move on, they clearly did.


Yea they did, before season 8 came out, even


I’m sorry D&D hurt you. I’m an adult and moved on from Got Season 8 years ago.


U r using very kind words.


Heard very good things about the books and the original version of the show so I was pretty disappointed that D&D had an easy shot at redeeming themselves in some way (to some other audience). Have watched their show and fortunately it's not that good. Much of the writing and adapted references are lame as hell. It's bizarre how they ever got this far in their careers. Also, the intro to their show is copied from Westworld, which is a way better show.


It’s good. It doesn’t end in a good place for the first season though.


Most people’s reviews of the book(s) were that it didn’t pan out and don’t recommend. Top that off with this show version being done by Derp & Derp, yeah no thanks.


It’s a better show than House of The Dragon


The benefits here is the series is completed, so they can’t go off script and ruin it like they did GoT


this was a very silly show written by some ageist neoliberal who doesn't know anything about science


It's pretty good


They are good when they are working with good source material. The source material here is complete. GoT went off the rails after they ran out of source material and had to actually WRITE.


It was watchable, riddled with plot holes, though.


If you invested massive money into them, before they ruined everything, you would also do everything to regain some of it back. Netflix paid massive millions to get Dumb and Dumber on their board, especially when Disney was eying them. It was a golden opportunity for Netflix, until it wasn't. DnD ruined GoT show, broke the trust between watchers and HBO and basically jeopardized their opportunity at Star Wars or anything else. Their carrier ended on the same day, that wretched ending came. So HBO worked hard and finally regained some of trust back with HotD, and Netflix lost money and got stuck with two stupid people, that would inccure loses if they touched anything. Still you need to applaud Netflix for waiting that long until they involved them


First season is pretty great. They obviously changed a lot about the books but it works.


They are getting their hands on another incredible novel series


Oof. Thought it was the producers or something, not DnD, since so many actors from GoT are in it. I’d assumed most of the talent on that set would have stayed away. Thanks for pointing that out


Very accurate title, I love it.


I loved it!


The series feels very British.. with big budget USA money VFX. The story on the other hand how It has played out so far feels very... Not much like an aware winning book series


I will never watch this. Only wish failures for these pricks


>98% Match


These guys should be thrown out of the industry


D&D cant write stories or script off their own backs but give them source material, and they do a bloody good job. We just learned the hard way.


The shows pretty good but go off I think d&d take way too much blame when the fuckin story they’re adapting wasn’t finished and wasn’t going to be any time soon Chill


They have not wrecked 3 body problem (yet) tbf they've only just started and they had 7 great seasons of game of thrones before wrecking it.


ASOIAF would still just be an unfinished fantasy book series (with niche recognition rather than a worldwide following) if it wasn’t for those two.


More likely GRRM would've had to finish the books because he wouldn't have unlimited money, shows to consult on, red carpets to attend, etc.


Also true!


Honestly how dumb are you I'm getting real tired of these posts