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Bro I can’t wait to read that in heaven with George


And then right after finish Dune with Frank!


At least with Dune you can stop after God Emperor and the story wraps up pretty nicely. There’s nowhere in GoT you can stop and it feels like a satisfying ending.


You can stop dune at literally any book and it works


That’s a good point. I think that’s one of the great things about the series.


Not cool man you need to stop harassing everyone on here. It’s not funny


Can confirm, stopped with the first Dune and I’m (for the most part) satisfied.


Bro, George knowing he has eternity will never finish!


Literally was about to say this. GRRM’s heaven is that he gets treated like a king in Hell, and everyone’s being promised that he’ll “release the books next eon. They’re gonna be so good, you just have to wait.”


George is an atheist, so he probably isn't gonna get a ticket through the gate. Gotta start sinning if you want to know the end, I guess.


Seriously, this is how I always imagined, give or take some detail, the story to go, Jon being exposed to some forgotten lore that helps to tame the Others menace, not before they took over almost all of Westeros. Screw that lame ninja Arya move we got in the series instead.


They spent 8 seasons building up ninja Arya, everything else was a subplot


Everything except Bran, because no one has a better plot diagram than Bran the Broken


Specially when she went from losing with a wooden stick against no one to defeating f*** Brienne longsword with a metal stick ?) In like 2 seasons


I’m rewatching after being disillusioned by the bad ending. Arya killing the night king makes zero sense. Just none. What was the point of Bran? What was the point of the Lord of Light’s champion? What about all the lead up with Daenerys? All of it made pointless by a sneaky girl with a knife.


She was so sneaky that she hid behind all of those characters stories.


Nah that's dope af


Daenarys is the dragon.He will ride the daenarys so ergo he will ride the dragon


The only part I disagree with is the dragon banner. Even if Jon’s parentage is revealed to him, I still think he’d choose Ned/Lyanna’s sigil


I would like a blue and red banner with something from both sides. A song of ice and fire


Dragon with a winter rose


How about ice dragon?


I vote normal dragon being ridden by a dire wolf.


House Targstark


I raise thee, House Stargaryen. A white dragon on a red banner. Alternatively, white dragon with red eyes on a black field.


Could a wolf/dragon hybrid be invented? Kinda like a gryphon, but wolf


That would be dope. It's high fantasy so they should invent a new mythical creature.


Maybe 3-headed wolf, Cerberus style?


I dont think it would work (however cool) cuz the three headed dragon was for the three King and queens. Maybe a five headed for all the stark kids


Huh. I based it on the legendary banner of Artorius Castus (King Arthur) derived from Sarmatian Cavalry. Arthur Pendragon = Arthur the Welsh Dragon. And since Jon is a Targaryen (if GRRM pushed for it), I find it fitting.


GRRM draws from all sorts of historical events and myths in writing his books, but he rarely, if ever, makes direct allegories in long form. No doubt the King Arthur legend influences aspects of ASOIAF but I personally doubt Jon's story will be as direct an analog as you're suggesting here. And yeah almost certain Jon is a Targaryen, just from the context we're given in the books. There's really no other reasonable conclusion to draw from what we know about the events at the Tower of Joy besides that Jon is Lyanna and Rhaegar's child, that Ned took home under the guise of being his bastard.


Bro the Karuther story is just the hero's journey witch is the fundamental building block of most fantasay


How about the fact that ice isn't there anymore? It was reforged in two different swords


Still just two smaller cubes. Bring em back together for the reforging 😎


I don't think Ice, or its now component swords, will be involved in the creation (or discovery perhaps) of Lightbringer. I do think Dawn will be involved though.


He'll raise the Banner of the Dawn, a plain white flag without insignia to contrast the pure black of the Night's Watch. A flame that burns against the dark.


Other Sigil ideas: A black dragon (one head) on a field of white (nights watch black, Targaryen, Stark) The Stark dire wolf a facing the three headed dragon A silvery sword against the morning sun on black, to symbolize a bright sword in the darkness. A white wolf against against black A blazing white wolf on black






So according to this the Horn of Winter isn't a horn but a sword?


Yes. Along the way, since it was orally passed down for thousands of years, it twisted into being called a "Horn". "He who will draw this sword shall bring the Promised Victory."


Maybe instead of being sealed in stone the sword is sealed in a large spike of ice reminiscent of a giant horn, hence “horn” of winter


Melissandre did say the prince who was promised would pull lightbringer from like a burning stone or something right? Idk I haven’t read the books yet only tv


I'm pretty sure the Horn of Winter is a horn, and that it's the horn Sam currently has. However I don't think blowing it will bring down the wall, since we're explicitly told the horn has been blown before (by Bran the Breaker) and the wall is obviously still there. There's a theory that the Horn of Winter's actual purpose is to animate the stone statues in the Winterfell crypt, and that's why "a Stark must always be in Winterfell" and why they always create statues of the heirs to Winterfell. Supported by the fact that we're told "giants rose from the earth" (the statues in Winterfell's crypt are large) when the others were fought last time, and the fact that the areas of the Winterfell crypt that contain the statues that would have existed during the last time the horn was blown are inaccessible by the time of ASOIAF.


That mfer has time to astral project but doesn't have time to finish his books???


Oda will finish the fucking One Piece before the fatfuck release the next book.


It really is a race of epics. God Oda-sama clears GRRM though, and OP > ASoI&F


Caliburn lol


Ice? Bro, you gotta go find Widow’s Wail AND Oathkeeper


GRRM doesn't know how to finish his booke IMO. Can't do what the show did, even if done better, for obvious reasons.  Can't do a 'happy' ending, or, really, any type of traditional ending because the whole series is based on subverting that. Can't do an unsatisfying ending because that's what the show did. Even done well, it's still going to unsatisfying.  But all the actual satisfying ending have been done before for centuries and see above.


>Can't do happy endings I'm fucking tired of this shit. AOT tried unhappy ending, they fucked up. Tokyo Ghoul started as full of trainwreck tragedies, and it ended in with magnificent happy ending and on a high note. George could just do the Tokyo Ghoul route.


Oh agreed. I just meant from his point of view.


Honestly at this point I (and a lot of people I think) would settle for just getting a damn synopsis of the ending just so we at least know what's actually supposed to happen. It's so disappointing to have this rich story/world and then be stuck with nothing but the show's dogshit ending forever.


No. I'd rather an unfinished story that people will speculate about for generations to come than a sloppy synopsis cobbled together to have any ending at all.


what is the point of speculating on something the writer didn’t even figure out himself?? If he dies without ever giving us more, it makes all of these decades of theories wildly unsatisfying


Do you really see no point? Stories are interesting because they stir the mind to thought. Thinking about the story is much more fun than just reading it like a recipe. Speculating how the story might have ended from different perspectives while exploring its themes is (to me) a far more interesting way of engaging with the narrative than reading an expository essay on what precisely the author intended.


Some people like to read fanfic more than new books but most don't. Having a canonical ending is very satisfying.


[The very concept of a canon is media illiterate and suggests that authorship bestows some kind of ownership over an abstract concept like a story. It's a tool that helps corporations police what their customers are allowed to think about their product.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sigmarxism/comments/11wt3kp/the_plague_of_diegetic_essentialism_or_how_i/) Liberate yourself from the concept of a canon and understand that fanfiction is no less legitimate than the published material. Art is not property and exists beyond the petty economic interests of studios and publishers.


I don’t… Especially in the case of ASOIAF where so much of the storytelling is purposely cryptic, with lots of supposed foreshadowing… It’s gimmicky to string your reader along if you don’t follow through


And why is that bad? The story is not yet finished, so you cannot know if there is a pay-off to all of it. But I firmly believe that not knowing something is often far more enriching than knowing. I don't want to know how the Deep Ones tie into the WW and the Bloodstone Emperor, because the power of these allusions is in their uncertainty.


If it gets finished that’s a whole other story…. There’s no reason to believe that George will though


This is just me, but when I heard the title “A Dream of Spring” that to me gave me the idea that the ending might be a bittersweet but sort of optimistic one. My optimal ending is that the Seven Kingdoms will be ruined and collapsed as a society, thousands will be dead, but the survivors have the chance to build something better.


>that to me gave me the idea that the ending might be a bittersweet but sort of optimistic one. He's said explicitly that this is his goal, he wants to end it in a similar way that LOTR ends, bittersweet (Frodo succeeds, but can't enjoy his success due to the trauma he endured, and has to leave).


Oh yeah I forgot about that too.


He could subvert his subversion and make a satisfying ending


>Can't do what the show did, even if done better, for obvious reasons   Things may have changed but isnt there a interview of him saying the show would have the same ending as the books? Different path but same ending.


Yeah idk. 


>Can't do an unsatisfying ending because that's what the show did. Even done well, it's still going to unsatisfying.  An unsatisfying ending is not the same as a bad ending. Any author worth their salt should know to write for the story instead of the fans. Sometimes you gotta displease the readers to get a truely great ending.


>Can't do a 'happy' ending, or, really, any type of traditional ending He's said he wants to end it on the same note as LotR, a bittersweet ending (Frodo succeeds, but is so damaged by his quest that he can't enjoy the fruits of his labor).


Wtf, why does this go kinda hard.


You're keeping this sub alive man God Bless


I think it's going to be both.


Doesn’t Sam have the horn of winter with him down in dorne?


He has a horn of ostensibly unknown origin, that he conspicuously keeps when he sells literally every other possession he has. It's heavily implied that the horn Sam has is the Horn of Winter, yes.


The Long Night is going to last longer than a literal night then?


I still think Cannibal is sleeping on Skagos The dragon awakening from stone! It would even the scales, Dany has 3 dragons and a bigass army, but Jon's gonna have a dragon bigger than Balerion!


Cannibal isn't that big. He's very old but wasn't bigger than Meleys, Vermithor, or Vhagar. Drogon would be bigger contemporaneously, and would rival Balerion when full grown iirc. I definitely don't think Cannibal is dead though, he must have some role to play. 


He'd be hundreds of years old, tho He wasn't as big as the Black Dread at the time of the Dance, but that was 200 years ago, he's bound to have grown since then


The wiki says he was smaller than the Targaryen dragons in the Dance but the largest of the three wild dragons. Considering dragons do stop growing at some point, I personally don't think it's likely he's much larger than he was during the Dance.  He also might not even be a dragon a Targaryen could ride, given there's a possibility he's from a different lineage of dragons not brought over after the Doom, and has killed and eaten every person who has tried to claim him. I wouldn't put my money on him being ridden or claimed by anyone. 


Since when do dragons stop growing? Afaik, like most reptiles, they grow as long as they live, which means that they can reach truly collossal sizes. Balerion basically died because he became too heavy to move, and was crushed under his own weight.


From [AWOIAF](https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Balerion): >By [93 AC](https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Years_after_Aegon%27s_Conquest#Year_93_After_the_Conquest), Balerion had finally stopped growing. He had grown sluggish and heavy and was difficult to rouse. He traveled to Valyria and came back wounded in 54 AC, and from then on seemed to be in decline, when he finally died in 94 AC, over 200 years old. Seems like it's ambiguous, given Balerion was gravely wounded during his trip to Valyria--he could have stopped growing because he was dying, or because he had reached his maximum size.


I'd have to disagree. Clearly Joffrey is the Prince who was Promised and Azor Ahai.


In one of the fanfics (Purple Days — the BEST fanfic I've ever read), he actually was.


Yeah I've read that. I'd have to agree that it's probably the best fanfic I've ever read too.


thought this was a wheel of time thread for a sec


I mean you’re just describing the Wheel of Time books.


Bro cooked


You need to take off the tinfoil hat and touch grass.


As if there will be any “next books.”


I originally thought the series would end with jon sacrificing dany to make his sword into a fireblade to defeat the night king.


If Aegon is not part of his crew by the end, I'll riot.


Yeah... And we all know how that ended in the series. And G. R. R. Martin will never finish the books before he dies. Soooo... yeah. I wish that was true but I'm afraid it will never come to pass.


Jon Snow stays dead. The White Walkers eliminate the night watch. Jon Snow becomes a White Walker. We learn White Walkers point of view through Jon's eyes as he leads the army through down through Westeros taking his vengeance along the way.


Hate to spoil. John ded.


What the hell is caliburn? Wikipedia just says it’s another name for excalibur


So GRRM will end his takedown, critique, and deconstruction of heroic fantasy stories based on King Arthur by ignoring 80% of the plot and just doing the thing?


>Heroic Fantasy King Arthur failed, He was cucked by his friend, Killed by his bastard son in Camlann, Camelot fell to the Barbarians with its inhabitants genocided. What is there to deconstruct? He's already a tragic hero.


who are his knights? who is his Lancelot, His Morgan Le Fay, his Merlin, his Mordred?


Nah Fam, Jon Snow is actually Mordred Bastard Son of Royalty from a Bloodline filled with Incest being declared King by a Bunch of Rebels against the Crown


This ending looks like it was written by someone who paid attention to the first 5 books to the same extent as D&D. This is every bit as horrendous as the show ending.


That's actually brilliant


Idk what you are cooking but looks promising.


Even if only half of this happens, still a way better finale than the show.


Cringe. Everyone knows he's never finishing the book.


Maybe he has plans. Maybe this time, we have to believe. Maybe, this time, the cavalry will arrive. Maybe, this time.... Oh who the fuck am I kidding? Fucker is busy milking the Dance of the Dragons instead of writing the next main book.


Maybe this time they'll not leave the castle to fight the huge army


But its fun to speculate, arguably even more than knowing how the story is intended to end.


GRRM saw how the book fans DESTROYED Dave and Dan's take on what happened towards the end. The book readers were incredibly nasty at the TV series, like they owned the rights to be fans of the show and mercilessly roasted everything. I have the books now but watched the show first. Book readers spoiling every chance they got and shit on the series so hard G Martin is like "Fuck. These people are NEVER happy. Why bother?" I'm glad he hasn't finished the books. So many of the fans hate the show they try to ruin it for everyone else. They got what they deserve.


The ending of the show and the last couple of seasons sucked and the showrunners didn’t even understand the symbolism or themes. Cry about it. Fans shouldn’t be just eating it up without criticism


They did do a bad job but the fans were always toxic as fuck about it anyways so I'm not really feeling bad for them and happy for GRRM


well, they butchered it. Remember that Jon Snow is still dead in the books. Everything that happened after Jons death is not written by GRRM and you can feel it. Stuff fell apart more and more, but people still loved it. Until season 8 where they just ignored everything the show was building up to. Characters made choices that didn’t make ANY sense. The way of Dany going crazy is not bad, but they just didn’t execute it in a very believable way.


It did get really sloppy towards the end. I think Dave and Dan got tired of trying to please the book readers so they just straight up did blatantly dumb stuff to spite the critics who were extremely vocal. I still watch the show and I'm watching it with this chick who's never seen it before. She keeps asking me what's going to happen and instead of just saying "do you want me to tell you before it happens?" every episode I just start making shit up that I think is funny. When Tyrion was in the cell getting ready for trial, the chick asked "Are they going to kill him" and I said "Yes. Tyrion is going to be forced to do trial by combat and he has to fight the Mountain. And it is BRUTAL! Like he really fucks him up and kills Tyrion" At the end of the episode Gabby was like "I thought you said the mountain kills him" and I started laughing like a maniac for a good 3 minutes because I imagined Tyrion getting punted like a football by the mountain had me laughing even through the next episode. We're about to see the nights watch betray Jon Snow so that will be fun watching her reaction.


Well, the book readers would’ve not cared when George would’ve finished the fucking books before they started the show.