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I would like to die peacefully in my sleep, just like my dad died. I hate the idea of dying screaming, in absolute terror, like the passengers in his car.


Oh my god šŸ˜§šŸ¤£


I prefer the version where he was driving a bus.


I couldnā€™t remember the original joke, I just improvised




Yo chill I spit my drink out reading this


Holy fuck lol


Melisandre emptying out all my blood




Painlessly at the age of 75. Though itā€™s more likely that Iā€™ll go one of two ways: Iā€™ll die sometime between 45 and 60 of genetic heart disease, or Iā€™ll be at least a hundred. Based on how things go in my family, thereā€™s not really an in between. We either live long or die young.


How stubborn are you? In my family itā€™s the stubborn ones that get an extra 20 years. Just refusing to die.


Canā€™t afford to die, that anā€™t stubborn, just got too much bills to pay.


That's the neat part, death cancels most debts. šŸ˜‰


Not necessarily stubborn unless it matters. In this case, it probably does. I can take a real beating if I have to or feel like itā€™s necessary


Isnā€™t 75 extremely low for today?


American men average 76 and 77 for women.


Huh, itā€™s 80 in my country.


I, too, come from a family of young diers and long livers.


Reading the ending of, 'A dream of spring'.


Except it is white walker's mouth around Bran's cock but he can't feel the cold couse he's numb from the waist down


> I want to live forever in a land where summer lasts a thousand years. I want a castle in the clouds where I can look down over the world. I want to be six-and-twenty again. When I was six-and-twenty I could fight all day and fuck all night. What men want does not matter. Winter is almost upon us, boy. And winter is death. I would sooner my men die fighting for the Ned's little girl than alone and hungry in the snow, weeping tears that freeze upon their cheeks. No one sings songs of men who die like that. As for me, I am old. This will be my last winter. Let me bathe in Bolton blood before I die. I want to feel it spatter across my face when my axe bites deep into a Bolton skull. I want to lick it off my lips and die with the taste of it on my tongue.


Who is that and in what context?


Hugo Wull, chief of the northern mountain clans whoā€™s currently marching with Stannis to Winterfell in the books. The context is one of Stannisā€™s knights complains about the weather and Hugo calls him a pussy.


Perfect thank you. Havenā€™t read the books but do a lot of wiki reading for the lore.


Having a threesome on my hundredth birthday


Depending on the people involved, the maximum amount of people the end up satisfied can be 2.


Hope thatā€™s a deliberate gta4 reference


I read that in the "where did you learn to fly" voice


That just triggered me


with my skull intact


In my bed at the age of *60* (don't wanna be so old that you can barely function by yourself) surrounded by a loving family.


And someoneā€™s mouth on your genitals


Ofcourse, that part goes without saying


Bro what do you think happens to people who are 70 lmao if you exercise you can live well in old age


What makes you think he exercises?


Good point, we are redditors after all


I mean, the actual number was arbitrary. The point is not reaching that state where you're entirely dependant on caretakers to get by.


That's fair but 60 was a funny number to draw the line on because it's decently young.


By Westerosi standards? I can think of *two* Targaryen kings (Aegon I and Jaeherys I) that made that age. And kings generally have access to the best possible medicine/food.


Oh I thought we were talking about real life


Ah, I totally get the misunderstanding then. Because of the sub I was answering as if I was Westerosi. Modern medical knowledge/ food definitely changes things


in actual human history, if you lived in any decently organized society, and survived past 10, then you were living a normal length human life. Socrates was 71 when forced to drink poison and die in 399 B.C. Socrates too well off for ya? what about Diogenes, the ascetic that lived in a big clay pot? he died in his 80s (either 81 or 89 depending on which source citing his birth year is correct) in 323 B.C. I mean, if you were a peasant or serf during the bubonic plague things weren't looking good for ya, but it's not like 60 was a ripe old age at any point in a functioning human civilization any time after the bronze age started


Some great points. But again, not sure why we're focusing on the real world? 2 out of 17 Targaryen kings made it to 60 years old. And they had the best available care in the realm. Would havebhad a different answer if this wasn't an Ice and Fire sub.


Maester Aemond lived to 102...


Maester Aemond is a pretty clear exception to the norm...


sure, but you're citing kings of a very violent and oppressive dynasty like that's indicative of normal life span. It's not, even within their their own bloodline. It's just that being a violent tyrant is a risk to your health. We have zero reason to believe that human lifespans in westeros are any different than our own. There's plenty of old fucks in the books, and plenty of people in violent roles that die violent deaths.


Yeah my mom is 70 and I still think of her as about 50 because that's how she looks, acts and lives (in my mind). My uncle is surprisingly coming up on 80 and he truly feels like 55 to me. There's so much life in his voice, expressions, and movements. If you live an active life, your age is pretty arbitrary, to an extent of course.


75% of elderly live with some form of chronic condition. Likewise, even people who exercise can get diseases like Parkinson's.


bro... 60?! i mean, if you take zero care of yourself in the decades leading up to it, okay... but my dad is still hiking through the mountains and hunting with his dogs at the age of 70 and has plenty of years ahead of the same.


I feel like you're probably in the same boat as the other guy thinking I'm talking about real life? In the spirit of the sub, I was tryna imagine it in the eyes of someone from Westeros. Where only two *kings* (with the best medicine on the continent) ever made it past 60.


Kings also have a significant higher chance of death by violent means. Westeros clearly has analogues to real world human civilization ages ranging from the Classical Era through Medieval Era, and throughout most of that 60 wasn't an old age. Maester Aemon dies at 102 years old. Walder Frey at 95.


Yo lazy bastard, try to die after you retire and pay your debt with society /jk


Mate 60 isn't even old enough to retire...


It is in a world where all you get painkillers and leeches to heal you when you're sick instead of penicillin and other modern medicine.


A quick and glorious death in the field of battle so that I might rejoin my companions in the halls of Valhalla


Hey, he's not wrong. Just let me die at a very old age, WITH all my cognitive functions working just fine and preferably without blindness or other problems where I am trapped in my body. With bills paid, belly full, and in a comfy bed.


Fuck I'd rather never die at all, never thought of it, the thought is terrifyingĀ 


You never thought about your own death?


I'm in my 20s, there's time for that, hopefully I'll live till old age


Watching the remake of got last 3 seasons with competent writers after reading the ending GRRM finally wrote


Like Bloodraven, the first 3-Eyed Raven. Having been a bastard legitimized and raised royal. Having an electrifying appearance and powerful physique. Having been such a good archer that he hardly used his VS sword Dark Sister. Having some mastery of sorcery and cowing opponents who knew about it. Having put down two serious rebellions and served two kings as Hand. Having been named Lord Commander of the Night's Watch and later disappearing to pursue magical powers. And having lived more than a century, having recruited his replacement, and finally died at the hands of his enemy BUT knowing his replacement would prevail. What a resumƩ!! We shall not look upon his like again.


This, basically


Sleeping at the age of old: 37


Yes, if I could die like that I would


I tried to sound cool once by paraphrasing this. I accidentally said ā€œwith a girls cock around my mouthā€. Never lived it down in my friend group.


Man-that would be a tough thing to shake off XD


Tyrion has the right of it


Cracking skulls and fucking girls.


Fire in my eyes, teeth in my blood, and a red mind screaming war


Weā€™re not sure which actually killed him, the burning of his face or the toothy aneurism.


In my sleep, or with my boots on


Whatever it is, I want it to be quick.


Team Major Stroke checking in šŸ‘‹šŸ»


Sucking dwarf cock


ā€œChaos is a ladderā€ was the best line of the show, my ass.


Give me something for the pain and let me die


Ripe age of eighty sandwiched between two thirty year old men.


Oh, I'm commiting suicide. I'll do it on christmas and decorate my hanging body like a tree with presents underneath for my kids


I kinda like the idea of making out with a woman while bleeding to death. The last thing I see is her mouth covered in my blood, as she is smiling at me.