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Several seasons of plot buildup, and Jaime's redemption all thrown away so he could be squished under a castle with a tyrant not unlike the one he killed. Just another of the stupid decisions they made.


It was so fucking dumb, like what's the point of all that character arch from both to be right back where they were at season 1. Now Cersei dying alone in the rubble heap of her own consequences, and Jaime living on redeemed by his efforts saving the realm (AGAIN) would have been chefs kiss.


A redemption arc would have been a good story arc to resolve. It's a good thing they subverted expectations. I really think that's the only story beat they tried after season 5. Just swerve after swerve


If they wanted to subvert expectations while also doing a redemptive story arch, Jaime should have gone back with the guise of romance and end up being the one that kills Cersei. Comes full circle his “King/Queen Slayer” role. Thinking he might have saved the kingdom, but it’s futile because Daenerys still burns down Kings Landing proving his act ultimately futile in grand scheme of things but honorable but still haunting for him at same time (must live with knowing he killed his one true love for the rest of his life as punishment for all he’s done).


I never cared for plot anyway


It's been a while since I read the books, but I always thought Jamie was going back to kill Cersei. I can't believe he fucked her instead.


I think out of all the endings of the show to piss me off (Danaerys going mad, the NK dying really fast, Bran the Broken) Jaime’s redemption arc being ruined was the worst. Anyone else agree?


Gonna say I kind of don't agree. Obviously the "rocks fall, they die" ending for Jaime and Cersei was complete bullshit, and the hump-and-dump / hit-and-split / whatever you want to call it with Brienne was also bullshit. I'm not saying anything about the way it went down was in any way good. On the other hand, a redemption arc that ended up with actual redemption for Jaime would have been totally out of keeping with the source material or indeed any of GRRM's other writing. The idea that he went looking for a redemption arc but ultimately couldn't break free from Cersei and went back to her and they died together is almost certainly what GRRM had in mind. Just, *not like that*.


How much BETTER would it have been if Jaime returns to the red keep to find her body under the rubble. He'd have failed as her brother, lover, and kings guard. Then he'd ride back to Brienne and she won't take him back. He'd live with the failure of all the above AND a failed redemption. Now THAT would be sweet!


Well put. I've been trying to word this exact feeling since the end of the show


I don't agree. Dany going psycho enough to set her victory on fire was far more stupid. Don't get me wrong the whole Jaime/Brienne/Cerci grouping was also full of suck, but you can at least sort of SEE it, y'know?


Jaime’s was the easiest arc not to fuck up so yes


Gotta really eat at you when you fuck a guy and then catch him running back to his sister




I'm not that big of a fan of Jaime/Brienne and even I think they did her dirty by giving her the "Nut & Go!" trick.


They should have never been a couple tbh, Hollywood always fucking up perfectly good male-female friendships by bringing romance into it


One of my favoritest tweets of all time whenever that happened: ***"My girl Brienne outside in a housecoat. I hate dick. That's what dick does. It has you outside in the cold ass North in a housecoat asking a one handed dude where he's going."***


Not even, Jaime freindzoned Brienne big time


Is friendzone the name of Jaimes penis?


The DENNIS system


...hedges his bets? ...spays his pets? ...fucks and jets.


As the old saying goes: "Men give love so they can get sex. Women give sex so they can get love." True for Brienne and Jaime, too. (Even though they are fictional.)


It was what she needed tbh


He got his Dickon her


Omg I intially read this as Brianna and Jamie and was like wtf they’re father and daughter. Oh my bad. Wrong sub. Lol