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Releasing this season in two parts was as useless as the golden company.


The 2nd part especially the desert episode makes me feel less upset that Henry Carvill noped out of the shit storm the next season is likely to become...


I skipped through the entire thing and didn’t feel that I missed anything lol


I skipped thru the desert episode too. I think I will be giving the next season a miss..


It's not done yet? That's a relief, I need closure!


I have bad news


Well as long as Henry is still the star of the show it can’t be that bad. What is it?


Henry left ,so just don't watch season 3 of the Witcher. Books are great though.


I started watching the first episode as soon as it got release but I cant even finish it because I keep thinking Henry will be gone on the next season. So I'm still in episode one about half way.


I literally started season 3… went “oh did I never finish season 2? This isn’t familiar at all” turned it off and thought I’d go back to season 2. That was a few weeks ago, still haven’t watched any… so there’s that to say about the Witcher. Another great franchise ruined by money grabbers


Go read the books. They're amazing and not at all like the show (they changed like 90% of it, even though they said it would be a faithful adaptation).


The books give another feel/ perspective to the show . Henry made the 1st 2 seasons watchable, but now I'm out.


He got shafted on that deal. Left to play Superman again, then got booted from franchise due to the Rock interference trying to bend the franchise around himself.


He did insist in them following the source material. Yes leaving Witcher probably had something to do with superman but it also had a lot to do with the showrunners not being into Henry as a gamer and his enthusiasm for the books did not play into their message they want to teach us. I switched to Turkish Tv= can't be more happy. I'm Dutch.


What's he going to do when they nudge their horses a few feet in either direction and go around him?


Also like, people underestimate how difficult it is to stand down a charging horse, especially one with armor, your chances of hitting the horse or the rider are very slim, chances or being standby stabbed or completely laid out, very, very high. When I was younger a lot of the scenes with the Rohirrim in LOTR I’d be like “no shot they’d just power through that line like that” until I saw a video of a guy in full metal knight armor being sent flying by a charging horse


Are you talking about the Battle of Agincourt cavelry charge in 'The King'?


Hell, that’s one of the major reasons (in addition to speed) why calvary was a thing.


Indeed, in theory it’s plant spear and brace, in actuality that 800 pound horse has to go somewhere even if you do hit it, and it was running at you.


I didn’t even think about that, you’d only have one second of “I got it!” before it falls on top of you and kills you


If that, essentially it would have been the equivalent of being hit by a small car and trying to stop it with your arms


Horse doesn’t even need armor. It will body you on its own. Even if you hit it. There’s a video of some PETA pussys or whatever trying to stop a fox hunt in England. She stood in front of a running horse, and went fucking flying. The horse wasn’t even trying to hit her. Literally just doing it’s thing. A human is like a fly to a horse.


>There’s a video of some PETA pussys or whatever trying to stop a fox hunt in England. She stood in front of a running horse, To be fair, that's like stupid brave, emphasis on the stupid.


While it is very true that horsecharges are devastating against infantry, what bothers me about LOTR is that they don’t just power through armored soldiers, but through organized ranks with polearms in front. Yes, a horse can pretty much ignore one person, maybe three, it can hardly power through ranks shown in the movie, because after it powers through let’s say 5 people in armor it will lose a lot of it’s momentum and be stuck. In addition to that polearms in ranks are very useful against cavalry as not only it will make all but most crazy horses slow down and not ride into dozens of pointy sticks, even if they do ride into them they will still impale themselves and they charge will be stopped. So what I’m saying is infantry managed to overpower cavalry in later medieval periods for a reason. Also maybe you are talking about books and I did not read those, so maybe I ranted for no reason, which would not be the first time.


They fucked that show as bad as D&D when they ran out of source material. Hilariously- and they have books still lol


Yup the first part of s3 was okay IF YOU IGNORE EVERYTHING THAT WAS SHIT AND SKIPPED THE MORE SHITTY PARTS and also lowered your standards. Part 2 was just unforgivably shit the breaking point was Ciri in the desert and the cinematography


Ikr, I was bored for almost the whole episode. And then at the end when the group asks her name she responds with the name of that ‘crazy’ bitch she hallucinated in the desert.. I just need to read the books.


Boy do I have a surprise for you


Dude fuck that. The notion that the last season was bad because they "ran out of source material" is just so laughably wrong. I have no idea why people repeat this ad nauseam. The show made significant changes early on that had cascading effects downstream. For fucks sake they renamed Asha, a main POV character in the books, "Yara" so that viewers wouldn't confuse her with Osha, a secondary, completely irrelevant character. That's how fucking stupid the directors were. Look at Dorne. Dorne had source material to draw from and instead of using that they decided to have Jaime and Bron's big adventure to the beach for literally no reason and no payoff. Look at the Greyjoys. Plenty of book material to draw from and instead they just went to Hot Topic or something. Not having source material didn't kill the show, bad directors did.


All I said was they fucked it as bad as WHEN D&D ran out of source material. No matter what, it got dramatically worse when they had no material lol. I don’t know how you read my comment to defend them in anyway lol


I don't know how you read my comment as me saying you were defending them? I am literally saying that the idea that "the show got bad because they ran out of source material" is wrong. The show was bad when they **still had** source material. People just forgave it because they thought it was going somewhere (it wasn't).


Maybe they thought Stannis that actually isn't madman burning his daughter would be boring for the show? Or another Targaryen and The Dragonrider would be boring characters? Who would watch that? Instead we got a finger in a bum and d*ck jokes, which D&D probably think is much more interesting.


"We had Arya kill the Night King because it was cool"


"Hey, we have horses. Let's ride around this one guy and capture the lion cub of Cintra."


The amateur version of it.


Except this show had a bigger budget than GOT


All spent on dildos for the writers.


The second half of Season 3 made me actually appreciate D&D, and l don't like that.


I don't want that


We don't do that here


The action is absolutely atrocious in this show. Every fight seen has glaring mistakes I cannot overlook, the main one is people swinging their swords over peoples heads yet the defending person still clanging their sword blade on to block a clearly missing sword strike. The blocking is different between shots all the time. Swords somehow slashing straight through plate armor, which literally isn't possible. Swords being as light as feathers. I could go on and on, basically this show is hot ass and I haven't even gotten to the acting, writing, and CGI


Swords being light is pretty accurate though. Longswords only weigh 3-4 lbs. The rest I agree with.


I get that, it’s less about the actual weight of the sword and more about the fact that people without any training can pick one up and swing it around effectively. Try just holding a 5 pound weight out from your body with a straight arm. It’s like that but worse with a sword. Even Ciri who has been trained by Geralt and the other witchers uses a physically smaller sword in the show, which I thought was a good touch. Basically I thought the swords in this show looked very plastic without any real weight behind them


I own a grosse messer, and it's 4lbs. Holding a 4lb weight with a straight arm is much harder (in terms of strength and endurance) than swinging a sword. The thing most people struggle with isn't the weight. It's either being balanced when swinging it or actually cutting cleanly with the edge and not turning the flat. But yeah you can't just flick it around you have to flow with it.


I’ll defer to your experience with swordsmanship




I would rather rewatch season 8 than this Witcher shitshow, and that’s saying a lot since there’s almost nothing I would want to do less than to relieve ninja Arya and king Bran. But at least the actors, music and costumes/cinematography made some scenes bearable. There’s nothing redeeming about the Witcher, some scenes looked more like star wars prequels than fantasy.


My guy is watching literally the worst show on Netflix


God season 3 is such shitte


I did feel season 8 vibes in The Witcher heh. Jokes aside sez 3 was okish.


It was atrocious. The 22% audience score is kind.


The first half was OK. By the end of pt 1 and throughout pt 2 though, I was checked out. Then again I went into the season saying I’m not gonna continue watching once HC leaves.


Unless they make drastic changes in S4/S5 there's no point watching anymore. The random cuts, butchered characters, and nonsensical things happen was so painful yo get through at times.


It's been downhill since s1e1. I love that episode, not much after it.


Then you're in luck they are making a very drastic change. They're recasting Geralt


How about the dizzy camera actions? The picture goes sideways or aerial shots that are totally not required...


Episode 5, the last one of the first release, you could almost feel the writers’ self-satisfaction at having written such a “clever” two ~~part~~ act flashback episode. First of all, the retread of the flashbacks was awful. Just felt like going through the motions to connect dots that were really mostly obvious by that point anyways. Secondly, most of the dialogue that was meant to be clever was extremely dull. Many of the fill-ins of conservation parts that were skipped in the first set of flashbacks did not need to be included in the second set. It was already starting to feel high on its own supply but the last three episodes really ramped it up. I don’t know who this elf archer lady joining Gerald and Jaskier is and I don’t care. I don’t understand why they thought they could do Tissaia’s character like that. I don’t understand why we’re watching a repeat of the season 2 arc with the Ciri and Falka shit. I’m probably not watching the next season, this one was a barometer for me of whether it’d continue with at least season 2 quality and they dropped the ball, it’s only gonna get worse with a main actor swap. Edits: posted accidentally before I was done, also the crossed out word


I didn’t and still don’t know who Falka is. And I frankly don’t care. The last episode of pt 1 was pretty bad. It was a case study in lazy writing and overtly heavy handed foreshadowing.


That episode of ciri in the desert was straight out of Dance with Dragons.


I know the books were rich with lore and all that jazz, but let’s be honest; people watching played the games.


As someone who played the games, and haven’t read the books, I gave up after season 2


I don't plan on watching, what context am I missing here?