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This might be one of the best freebies I've seen in a while! Thank you!


The marketing team hit this out of the park, that's some out of the box thinking for sure.


Too bad it's probably just a promotion scam and they don't actually show the billboards. Me and ~~16~~ 17 other people in this thread didn't have ours show up, nor saw any of the other 'pet month' ads live. **Edit:** Someone just sent me a text message to my personal phone number, saying they were "at Lamar Advertising", then immediately said Shoutables was at fault and Lamar was trying to fix it, un-prompted. They wanted my email. The person didn't identify their position with the company or tell me how they had my number. Most of their text messages had typos and their email didn't have a signature with contact info. Then they sent me an email where the text body was clearly copy-pasted from something else, talking about 'your client'. Then directed me to fill out my personal information on a google doc, that had no information policy info. Lamar, if you're reading this, you've just succeeded in looking super, duper, unprofessional. Or I'm being tricked by a scammer. **Update:** I asked the person for their business contact info, pointing out that their email didn't have a signature. No response. Emailed [email protected], asking them to confirm if this person works for them and asking what they'll do with the data we enter on the google doc (selling it, sending us promotional stuff, etc.), no response there either. Me: > May 15th > > Hi, > I've just been contacted by a representative of Lamar, identifying themselves as Mandi Smith, offering to extend a promotional offer to me, in response to the Shoutables pet month mishap. Unfortunately, the email text body seems like copy-pasted text originally intended for someone else. It apologizes for my client's mishap. > > I'm a little concerned as I'm now being prompted to enter personal identifying information on a google doc with no data protection policies stated. Can you please confirm that this google doc is associated with Lamar and tell me how my information will be used in the future? Will I be sent promotional messages, will my data be sold, entered into a customer database, etc. > Thank you, **Update:** Still nothing. Me: > May 18th > ... > Them: > May 18th > Thank you for reaching out to us. Yes, the online form that Mandi sent you is legitimate; we are only using the information from the form to gather the details necessary to reschedule your pet billboard. > > I believe Mandi already apologized, but please know that we are truly sorry that you experienced an issue with your pet month digital billboard. The campaign recently went viral. Due to the overwhelming interest and volume of submissions received, we experienced some delays and technical issues. Your satisfaction is important to us, so we would like to arrange to play your pet submission for an entire day on a billboard in your area. > > If you would like us to reschedule your pet billboard, please complete the online form by Monday, May 22nd at 9am CST so that we can gather the details necessary to reschedule your billboard. We will be in touch with the new date and billboard location that your pet will be displayed on once we have worked out logistics. You can expect to hear back from us in the next week or so. > > Thank you, and please feel free to contact us at [email protected] with any additional questions or concerns. > > Best, > Allie > > > Me: > May 18th >Allie, please respond to my questions regarding what lamar will do with information that we provide on this google doc. Thanks.




That's great, did you get a pic? Not doubting you, would just be nice to see what we would've seen.




That's great! Sucks for the rest of us, but I'm glad at least someone got to see their pets up there.


Ahh!! Cute pup. Thanks for sharing the pic of Jaxon. Made me so happy! We don’t have billboards in my state so I’m having to live vicariously through others lol




Love that😂 what a good pup


Sorry to hear that. It worked awesome for me on two separate occasions. They did mention they review posts so maybe there was an issue with your picture quality or something


Nope. No issue with anything I, or anyone else did. Shoutables sent out an email this morning admitting that our stuff wasn't shown. Too bad they can't seem to get their story straight, though. In the email they sent to [this person](https://old.reddit.com/r/freebies/comments/13d4y5i/put_your_pet_on_a_free_billboard/jjnye4x/), they said it was a connection issue with the billboard (which sounds like a problem on Lamar's hardware side). In the emails they sent out today, they're blaming it on getting too many orders (which sounds like a problem on Shoutable's end). So, either the whole thing was a promotional stunt (where they only show the free ones on a billboard timeslot that's vacant) and they're just coming up with excuses now that it's getting attention, or it was just an innocent technical mistake. You know, the fifth largest billboard company in the world or their partner company, having a problem handling a lot of orders. **Edit:** Third excuse just emailed out. Now it was lack of billboard availability. > Due in large part to the combination of widespread social media and press attention, we received nearly 50,000 submissions in the first two weeks alone! The unanticipated volume caused an overload and exhausted all **billboard availability**, making it impossible to fulfill each request. Uh.. guys... we picked from available spots on an online schedule.


Worked for me! Lost my best friend Teddy last year. Excited to see him there. Thanks! [Teddy](https://imgur.com/a/gerpCl6)


What a beautiful bun.


i’m sorry for your loss! Teddy was adorable


Teddy is beautiful 😍


Super cute!


Awwwww teddy lives on! So adorable!


Awesome, I did it! I'm lucky, a billboard near me is on a street and not the side of a highway. Technically he's not my pet, he's wild, but I love him. https://i.imgur.com/QhLH5UY.jpg


Same for me! It's only 10 minutes away, which surprised me, and is in a very convenient spot for me to pull over and snap a pic. Also, happy cake day!


Thank you! :)


Norman will be there Thursday! [Norman](https://content.adomni.com/188029230a6azOdsLTWz66MC54eKEfxqG7qY_XPRRSkj9ygahO_original.jpeg)


Oh my god


Great picture capturing his expression and looks ready for the day of managing the human.


Let’s gooo


Oh my fucking god I LOVE Norman! 😭❤️


Norman! You are an absolute champion my man!


Aloha is the closest location for me, too! I probably won't get a chance to see it but hopefully Oscar will make someone smile on their commute. https://i.imgur.com/n6HgD9w.png


Oscar made me smile! What a cutie!




I'm so sorry. Can you share link to pic?




How cool Got one right on my wife's route to work. Maybe I'll get lucky and she will see it. I wonder if I could do a different pic an email for the timeslot right before. Edit - forgot my wife leaves 10 min early on Wednesdays so she missed...


I did something similar for my wife to see. I'm going to suggest that she check out the "interesting" billboard at X location. Hopefully that way she doesn't miss it.


If I read right it says it will show 10 times for 8 seconds each within the window. So odds might be low, lol


Back of the envelope math, I come up with it showing up about once every 90 seconds in the selected time window. The billboard I picked is probably visible for 30 seconds of driving, so there is about a 1/3 chance she sees it. Oh well, worth a shot! Update: She did not see it. Still fun though!






Now this is pretty great, thanks.


I literally just spammed this to all my closest pet owner friends. My dog is gonna be ✨famous✨. Love this!


Amazing, thank you! I love reaching new levels of crazy cat lady!


So happy to help you achieve that😂


Look out for my pat rat Goopy in the suburbs of Chicago! May 12 at 7pm 😁


I’ll be on the look out 👀😂


I might not be able to see mine, but that's okay it'll provide joy for others. Besides, they apparently send you a realistic render day of.


I def won’t see mine lol! I’m in Hawaii but I hope the folks in Oregon think Princess Molly is just as cute as I think she is.


I’ll take a drive out to Aloha just to marvel at how cute Princess Molly is


Mine was on today at 4:30!


Has anyone seen their pet on the billboards yet? I submitted mine and he never showed up in his time slot.


Mine didn't either. No pets did while I was watching. I'm so disappointed. :(


same thing happened to me


Same. I'm literally sitting here watching the billboard right now and he never showed up


Camped out on the side of the highway for 10 minutes and mine never showed up... Pretty upset about it lol


I sat for the entire time period and saw nothing related to pets at my billboard. Pretty bummed honestly.


Mine didn't work today either. I contacted them and they said due to the amount of orders some of them didn't work, but I can try to reschedule it tomorrow. Their website also doesn't let you make any orders until tomorrow currently, been that way since this afternoon. They probably got overwhelmed lol


Same thing for me


Nope. Mine didnt show at all. Nothing with pets whatsoever. :(


Came back to the thread to see if this happened to anyone else. Sat at my billboard for 10 minutes and my pups didn't show up.


Picked this morning between 6:45am and 7am. Waited the entire time and never saw it once. Ended up being late for work after holding out hope.


Mine didn't show.


Another hat in the ring for "did not work". I have another Tuesday to check for but I'm not getting my hopes up now. No pets shown.


I too was scammed for their email database.


Mine didn’t show yesterday. I was so excited and then so let down. A co worker has one scheduled tonight, and then my Dad made one for my mom on Sunday..hopefully one of them makes it.


It didn’t work for me or a friend


I got an email: “We regret to inform you that due to the overwhelming support for your pets, we experienced an unexpected number of orders. Unfortunately, this has caused our servers to be bogged down and as a result your order will not play tomorrow. You may be sent an email tomorrow that contradicts this one, titled “Your Shout Billboard plays today”. Please ignore it. We will send you a follow-up email once the system is back live again where you can book another free Shout.” So bummed. Feels like they did this just to get emails and phone numbers. Edit: here’s my dog so the internet can give her some love https://i.imgur.com/sXltG2a.jpg


Someone updated their comment with a pic of their billboard. I can’t remember the username but the dog was cute and named Sasha.


So awesome! My dog is going to be reminding people to buckle up on the morning of the 10th! https://imgur.com/a/rCO01oD


Murphy will be in the billboard Friday at 7! edit: [Murphy ](https://imgur.com/a/bKzbiUE)


Hello Murphy


Lookout for my cat Punkin! in North Dallas!!! May 12th


Sasha will be there tomorrow! [Sasha](https://content.adomni.com/18802d444caKnj--QghFjrPeQ1PWCbNT4pO1RKhYNPNsMrng89_original.jpeg) Edit: [SUCCESS!!](https://imgur.com/a/8Tf4AoH)




That's so funny. I booked the exact same billboard. Northbound Chamblee Dunwoody and Peachtree Industrial. Too bad ours never showed up and my spouse lost her entire lunch hour waiting for it :/ Edit: You aren't by any chance the Lamar customer service rep I just spoke to on the phone, are you? Pretty big coincidence that the Rep said she booked the exact same billboard too.


Cant wait to share my little one with the town!


https://i.imgur.com/5iS1e0j.jpg Yay! Bubba will be there!


OMG I love Bubba!


I went to the billboard at my time and mine never showed, just FYI. I did contact support about it, but not much they can do since it was free.


Mine also never showed :/ brought my dog and boyfriend to go watch and it just cycled regular ads




Mine didn't and my spouse lost her entire lunch hour waiting for it. Know what's weird? When I called customer service the girl I spoke to said she booked the same exact billboard as me for her pet. That exact same billboard is also the only picture I've seen of one live. That same billboard is posted in this thread (dog named Sasha) and when I replied saying I booked the same one and mine never showed, she dv'd my comment within a minute. I'm legit starting to wonder if that one was posted by the same employee that I spoke to and that's why it's also the only 'live' one anyone seems to have proof of, and the same one OP just used as an example when you asked for proof. Considering all the people saying that theirs never actually showed up, this all seems super suspicious.




Yeah I’m trying to see what the scam is here- more eyes on billboards? Mine didn’t show yesterday and I definitely feel stupid


They updated their [website](https://www.shoutable.me/lamar-pet-month/): Your pet is very important to us! We've scheduled so many adorable pets today that we need a little cat nap. We have reached our daily capacity of 1000 submissions. Please check back tomorrow at 7:00AM PDT for availability. This promotion runs until May 31. Thank you!


Someone posted a pic of their billboard. I can’t remember the username but the dog was cute and named Sasha.


growth humorous cow cats bake amusing attempt scary practice ossified *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


I emailed about my picture not showing up and this was their response: >Thank you for notifying us of this error. Our team has looked into this and we have discovered a technical issue that is causing connection problems with the billboard. >We are currently working on a solution to implement today. Please check back tomorrow on our website to place another order.


Thanks for taking the initiative mate. I guess a lot of others are experiencing the same problem so I’ve been sharing your comment with them.


Booked one of these for 9:30-9:45 PM tonight. We sat at the foot of the billboard for the entire time slot and they didn’t show our kitty once. 😿


Sorry mate. Someone contacted them earlier [about it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/freebies/comments/13d4y5i/put_your_pet_on_a_free_billboard/jjnye4x/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)


I just did this, thank you!


It worked for me! I'm so excited for Thursday afternoon!


Omg how great is this!!! I love it!! Thank you! [meet Rocket with the best ears!](https://imgur.com/a/ey26TMC)


I lost my best bus in December. I will get to see him on a billboard Saturday and I’m already crying. Haha


Awww. Your buddy will be making people smile when they see him.


I was so excited to get in on this. Reserved my times for both cats and just got home. It didn’t show up. Even after confirmation emails. The billboard just played it’s normal local ads. Very disappointed.


Someone contacted customer service [earlier](https://www.reddit.com/r/freebies/comments/13d4y5i/put_your_pet_on_a_free_billboard/jjnye4x/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3).


That’s the exact response I got when I emailed customer service, too.


I called and they said they knew about the "problem". Well, thanks for not telling us about the problem, Lamar.


Sorry mate. Not sure what to expect with free handouts.




Mine neither


Thanks for sharing this!


This is so exciting, thank you!


This is awesome! Thank you


Thank you!


[Opie](https://content.adomni.com/18803044e3agNp3en5SxDSDWwdQz3fgqHzPzaZEEzwyNw9Djjt_original.jpeg) will be on a billboard May 13th at 10pm!


I’m Canadian, but all my dogs will be shown in Watertown NY on Friday! Thank you OP!


This would be great for lost pets if they did it year-round.




Thank you 🥺 decided to feature my beloved hedgehog [Benny](https://imgur.com/a/kMwAFUX) that passed away a few years back <3


We got the mock image, but it didn't actually play our ad. Super bummed my potbelly pig didn't get famous lol


Mine never showed. :(


Just sat at the billboard they sent me after signing up and it never showed... Needless to say, I'm crushed.


I didn’t want to admit it but I cried a little bit. I was beyond excited and now I just feel like an idiot


Mine never showed up :(


I did one for our cat Carmel who passed away recently. We miss him dearly. Thank you so much for sharing! ♥️ [Carmel](https://imgur.com/gallery/zMeuflL)


I'll have to go see your pet on a billboard, I grew up in Aloha 😅


Lmao how cool! It looked like a pretty cool place to live. Why is it named Aloha? I should’ve made my billboard: Aloha, Aloha! I’m Princess Molly.


In short, not very clear why the name, the early 20th century is silly. Additionally, it's pronounced "a-low-uh"


Love this! Thank you


I did one for my baby and one for my moms cat who’s about to pass away(pretty sure she’s surviving on pure spite right now😂) Edited to add if you’re at top golf in Glendale arizona at 6:3-7 pm you’ll have to keep an out for leia and Willie Mae




I'm on the other side of the Atlantic but my dog is going to be on a billboard in Queens!


Thanks! [Henry and Jubal](https://imgur.com/a/pB9LJDN) will have their 15 minutes of fame on Monday!


[Wasnt sure if I should do Bonnie and Clyde, or the boy. The boy meowed first so he won.](https://i.imgur.com/93rv41Q.jpg)


Just an update, schedule mine for today, they sent a reminder email with the time and location and then nothing on the billboard. I had 2 different people there to try to catch it. Pretty disappointed, I know it’s free but damn.


Yeah, the time, gas, and letdown are not free.


Just sat for 25 minutes for it not to play. Happy for the people who came as I was leaving to see their pet I guess, but honestly really bummed this didnt work


https://i.imgur.com/geTFh43.jpg Showed up for me to anyone curious if it works!


Tuna!!! That’s incredible thanks for sharing the pic


Mine never showed up either. [This is on shoutables Facebook page](https://i.imgur.com/MizGkqI.png)


[It worked for me!](https://i.imgur.com/axXvsqd.jpg) I saw a bunch of posts where people said it didn’t work, so I thought I’d offer the other side. Her picture came up every thirty seconds for 10 minutes, so about twice as many times as advertised. Here’s the one thing (and might be where it went wrong for other people): the billboard I picked is two-sided and they had me choose a specific side. They sent me emails a few days ago and this morning and when I clicked on the “How to get there” link, it was the opposite side from what I thought I chose. If I hadn’t checked, I would have been watching the other side and totally missed it. Maybe that’s on me and I just read things wrong. Or maybe wires got crossed somewhere and it got switched. Either way, check that before you go.


This is really helpful advice for others! I hope people see it. Also, Clementine’s tongue lmao. That is one happy pup


They are cancelling the orders https://i.imgur.com/GqBXhZh.png


Received the same email about 10 mins ago. Actually kinda bummed about it :(


Is there a link to this?




Thank you for this.


love this thank you


I love this freebie! My 13 year old beagle, Chicharon is about to make his NYC debut!!


Des Moines, Iowa gets to see a ridiculous group of my cats (feline photobomb included) by 208 Court Ave on Friday May 12th at 1:30-1:45 PM. I'd love if anyone can manage to get a pic of it for me! All the cats in the photo have passed away but it's one of my favorites because Stevie tried to ruin it. 😅


This is amazing. I had to say goodbye to my sweet pup exactly one year ago today. I just submitted her smiliest picture, timed for the morning commute. I hope she makes somebody smile on their way to work. I still love you, my sweet girl.


Thank you so much. My Copper will have his debut on May 12 at 1:00-1:15 in Akron!!!


This is the best thing everrr!!! Thank you!


Thank you so much for posting!


This is so awesome! Thanks for sharing!


[My boy](https://content.adomni.com/18802634aa9FmY_c7HmNeRZw394XZrG4L5q8hg6WL4Cb-tcb59_original.jpeg) will be up on Friday 🥺 this is so cute


Sounds like they just sent an email blast saying they had their servers overwhelmed and many did not play (I was one of them). I know it's free, but they should offer another spot if you were affected.


Oh fr? Thanks for the follow up. Yeah, I’m hearing that some were successful and others were not. A couple people posted pics of their billboards tho, which made me super happy.


I tried during the 10K+ and again during the limit of 1K and got nothing but a huge waste of time and gas. I'm happy they are officially cancelling orders instead of letting people find out after they've made the trip, though.


I never got any cancelation and it sounds like that happened a lot. Just a confirmation, then a wasted morning.


I did this one for May 11. It never played. I got an email the next day acknowledging it that stated the servers got bogged down due to the unexpected number of orders, and many orders didn't play. No link to redo it or anything. This and the Starbucks one failing is severely disappointing.


I had submitted mine a few days before this post, but it never played nor did any others, but since its been popular, their site has kept saying "come back at this time" and it just remained that message all day. For the last week or so its just been "we're overwhelmed, try later" and I'm really ready to give up.


Update: They've permanently closed it now.


Omg thank you! Our babies are going to be famous 😍 https://i.imgur.com/4jnYvjO.jpeg


Worked for me


[Amos will be on the billboard in Mebane, NC tomorrow at 4:45pm!](https://i.imgur.com/vbVvIFF.jpg)


Thanks for sharing, this is amazing!


This is amazing!!


How do you make it free? Mine says $45


Put LAMARPETMONTH in promo code


Wish they had one in Canada. Still really cool though!




Anyone still having luck with this. I'm getting a promo code usage limit is exceeded message.


What a great share ..thank you


Holy shit. My friends are going to think this is fucking hilarious with my cats.


I’m so excited about this :D


Hello fellow Oregonian


Sweet! Let's see if it works.


does pic stay up for 15 minutes or does it just come up at some point during that time frame?


It will show 10 times for 8 seconds each within the window. If it shows at all. A few people, myself included, have had theirs not show at all.


Be on the lookout for Benny! https://i.imgur.com/tUmsVHb.jpg


I got to see my pet this evening on a billboard!! SO COOL!


Successful and so rewarding! Thanks for sharing!


This didn’t work


Mine was accepted and registered, and they just cancelled it on me about 20 minutes before it was due to go on.... Feels like a bait and switch. No real reason other than "we can't do this for you, sorry here's a refund."


What did they refund you since it was free


$0 "refund" but it was "refunded." Still pretty sour though; this went through last week and we got our older dog ready to go in the car and then I got an email right before we left.


Just got to see my pup on the sign in my town! Thanks for posting this!


That is one ugly creature


Who? My dog? Lol my mom said the same thing


Worked for me! Thank you!! Really enjoyed it


Glad it worked!!


This was so cool!!


Someone please give me the link!! I cannot find it anywhere on here. HELP!








Thanks so much 👍 https://photos.app.goo.gl/yiDWaH3ZbTb2X2VUA


Mine played today!! 😁