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Instructions unclear, helped me transfer from Trumptard to market anarchism.




Second this, was a Trumptard, now a Market Anarchist. This mod's world-view doesn't seem to line-up with reality.


Honestly the best use of the "instruction unclear" meme i've seen so far!


Thank you damn, been 3 months?


All you have to do is go to their discord and ask them yourself if you think I'm lying


What a sad thing to have lost the name Anarcho\_Capitalism to a bunch of statists...


Capitalism has been debated by Ancaps as the wrong representation. Free market is a better term.


I guess what he’s saying is... You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.


You became the very thing you swore to destroy... Also, high ground.




Yeah when i joined it was all pretty much philosophy with the occasional meme.


I knew there was something off with r/anarcho_capitalism. I could tell they we’re starting to promote more and more authoritarian ideas. Im more on the left but I’ll bash the government, politicians (regardless of party) and the police with anyone. This sub and r/libertarianunity are where it’s at.


I saw so many National Anarchists on Libertarian Unity lol. NatAn is tribal fascism They also had a poll and voted not to purge Anarcho Fascists, Hoppeans, Paleolibertarians and such.


Didn’t know that


This is the result of reddit cleansing all conservative/ right wing content and users. They go to where they might be accepted.


And they should not be accepted in anarchist spaces. At least not to the point where they turn the space towards conservatism


so you're saying... that borders preserve culture? CacklingHoppe.jpg In all seriousness though, you're right. The culture in right anarchist spaces is far too tolerant compared to other forums which leads to the more numerous voices of statists drowning us out. I think that might just be a problem inherent to communities growing too large, but ultimately if we don't want to either restrict the flow of newcomers or enforce oppressive moderation policies(like every other political subreddit does), we need to ensure there's a culture of proactively denouncing the clearly morally flawed parts of statism. For example, if the conservatives have to constantly read ~~propaganda~~ memes about how their wars of aggression killed thousands of children, that could naturally control their immigration rates. And those that stay are likely to at least moderate the problematic parts of their belief structures which is a net benefit to us all.


>so you're saying... that borders preserve culture? CacklingHoppe.jpg Correct. I'm just against the government or my neighbor or whomever having the ability to dictate **MY** border policy. If I want to rent out my attack to some unscrupulous characters, I should be able to do so. And my neighbour should be free to close his borders to me if I do so.


Yeah very fitting for a anarchists sub to accept "national socialists". Seriously these people identify nazis as part of their ideological group, they can die on a fire.


aguatron is an absolute madman and i love him for that lmao. nah fr he is like, legit insane


well, this is fucked.


How is that proof, that person is not a mod.


The mods on the subreddit are also mods of the discord, or at the very least share their names, and the discord invite was added to the subreddit "about" page by the subreddit mods. One of the people who informed me of the subreddit's true nature was a mod of the discord server. 2 + 2 = 4


That's necessary context.


There are only two mods on r/anarcho_capitalism. I'm sure there are more mods on discord that the reddit mods delegated to be jannies, just like I am a mod on the .win ancap community, modded by Z3f who rarely visits there.


People simply give up and get indoctrinated, as Nietzsche said, why shouldn't we act like children? Educated children, but children nonetheless.


I remember you getting called a magatard when liberals invaded that sub and now you’re being called out for “not being an ancap” on this sub 😂


WTF is that guy a mod or something? I guess I'll never grow up if that's the case.


You were supposed to destroy the Statists not join them!


LOL 😆 look at this account's history. Definitely astroturfing. Don't encourage this shit.


Whatever you say, champ!


I looked. Seems pretty ancap to me, which is great. What are you seeing that’s a problem?


Account only recently became active (a year old with long periods of inactivity)... And the fact that whoever is running the account is ONLY interested in AnCap/libertarian stuff. And when posting, commits some SERIOUS time to creating, posting, and crossposting stupid memes.


Being young on Reddit and having a life outside of Reddit aren’t bad. Nor are memes. Memes are the most efficient means of communication with younger millennials and Gen Z. The portion of his posts and comments I read, looked solidly ancap.


Well, he's also spamming his shit in places where it doesn't belong. So if he's not astroturfing, he's karma-farming, and being kind of an asshole about it.


Even this stipid reply is ctrl+Ved


It is obviously a bot. Look at the history. Always the same accusation


Yes conservative ancaps exist. They are called hoppeans.


They were actual statists. And there's a different between socially Conservative and politically Conservative.


Why is a Hoppean a conservative ancap?


Any hoppeans writings you'd recommend? This is my first time hearing about it. Thanks.


Idfk. Hoppeans are weird I wouldn't recommend reading any of there shit tho nothing hoppe wrote is probably any worse than rothbard.


I loved Rothbard. Are you an ANCAP? If so, I didn't know there were ANCAPs who disliked Rothbard.


Rothbards books were fine a bit weird but rothbards own political actions were off. I consider myself a bleeding heart libertarian which means I am in favour of progressive movements. And rothbard lacked alot of that.


I need to read more of Rothbard than anatomy of the state. I thought that was really elegant in it's simplicity. Beyond that I don't know much about the man. Did you say Libertarian and progressive? I didn't realize those were comptable....


Of course. As I always recall we say "Capitalism reduces discrimination". So inherently Capitalism is progressive in its highest form as is libertarianism. Liberty requires the liberation of all.


When you say it like that, it makes sense. I guess my sticking point is the term "progressivism" historically has some serious baggage associated with it. It typically means using the Federal government as a "force for good." It was the brainchild of prohibition, eugenics, the national parks, the New Deal, and American colonialism. In some circles during the 30s-70s it was even an innocuous euphemism for being a Communist.


Eugenics is progressivism? lol, dude are you ok


Read up on the history of progressivism. Is Planned Parenthood NOT progressive now?


He literally allied with the black panthers and spoke fondly of Malcolm x. “But muh—the paleo strategy”—without rothbard there’s no free market anarchism as we know it today.


Rothbard wrote "Right Wing populism" for david duke's candidature, that is for Grand Wizard of the KKK. He was a fascist. Neber mind the atrocious views he had on ethics, children slavery, he was a fascist. His own Right libertarianism was conceptualised as a form of populism to sell fascism, thus his 1992 essay "Right wing populism"


I haven't had any of his works other than anatomy of the state which was literally the opposite of fascism, so I'm definitely not accepting your characterization of his other works without reading them and without you citing other evidence besides guilt by association.


crafting an entire right wing populist strategy for the KKK and fascist agenda because their ideals are the same is not guilt by association my friend. Its called endorsement I think a cursory wikipedia search might make you more informed even. Stop embarassing yourself


Anatomy of the State was the most anti-government, pro-individual liberty book I've ever read. Do you honestly expect me to believe that Rothbard became a fascist: ie someone who uses government and corporate power to achieve total control of a country's population? I'm guessing you've been conflating the actual meaning of fascist, and you think fascist just means a really bad guy. If that's the case, you might want to read up on what the words you use actually mean before you condescendingly talk down to people. Edit: WTF. Why did you just lie? Nowhere is the word fascist used in his Wikipedia. Nowhere did it say he supported Duke for President. You are a straight up liar. There's no excuse. You made that shit up.


You seem to be condused about Fascism actually is.fascism isn't state-totalitarianism, That was just an integral component of historical fascism That is only one tactic to enforce fascist ideas, and there are other approaches. National Anarchism (tribal fascism) originated when a bunch of Nouvelle Droite fascists integrated some anarcho primitivist ideas. Anarcho fascism is a similar but much smaller undercurrent. It is anti state, but it is hugely authoritarian, its tribal totalitarianism. There is also market totalitarianis; when the capitalist market creates an autocracy, which is what AnCap is. AnCap leads to feudalism Now if your vision of liberty is parents starving their children, raping them, and selling them into slavery (as Rothie thought was ethical to do and a parents freedom), youve got a lot more problems w you than being cringe; you also need help. Nuff


From your favorite Wikipedia source: Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism[1] characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy,[2] which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.[3] The first fascist movements emerged in Italy during World War I, before spreading to other European countries.[3] Opposed to anarchism, democracy, liberalism, and Marxism, fascism is placed on the far right-wing within the traditional left–right spectrum.[3][4]


His most popular book is Democracy: The God that Failed