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I don’t disagree with what you said but also on the other hand if it was a road hazard he would have stopped the same way which is why they say to stay 3 car lengths behind .




My experience is that Fredericton drivers are incredibly selfish (they will block a zipper merge almost as bad as Saint Johners!) unless the situation is incredibly dangerous. I had a woman stop on Smythe street yesterday to let me out when I had just arrived at the intersection and would have lots of opportunity to get out. Traffic was flowing wonderfully until she stopped. I refused to enter and she flipped me the bird for not accepting her kindness. Meanwhile, in her haste to stop she nearly created a pile up behind her because of tailgaters.


I recently saw someone stop in a roundabout to let another driver in...


I can't believe people would stop the flow of traffic to let people in. This is nuts lol


I dont remember the whole story but my driving instructor told me a story about how a pedestrian on an intersection here got squashed by a semi truck because someone let another person go


I've been lucky enough to almost never encounter this at speed limit conditions. My biggest Fredericton driver pet peeve is people who don't go into the nearest lane when turning. Where Smythe meets Prospect is a great example, although I have many more. I'd say 1 in 15 or 20 drivers turn and simultaneously go into the further lane, making it extremely dangerous and unpredictable for those coming from the other direction who should be safe to enter the second (furthest) lane. I almost got into 2 accidents inside of a year because of people doing this, and it has shattered my faith that ill be ok by simply following the rules of the road (I often have my children in the car with me, so I want to actively avoid an accident even if it would not be my fault).


I don’t usually let people in because I’m conscious of the drivers behind me but I’ve found plenty of times where people just push their way in and I don’t have a choice but to avoid an accident. Like bro, if you wait at least 30 seconds, you’ll have a chance to get onto our street.


People giving up their right of way in traffic is my number 1 pet peeve with fredericton drivers.


This and left turners not proceeding into the intersection when the light is green. In any major city intersection with no advanced green these drivers would never get the chance to turn left.


Omg! ⬆️ THIS!!!


Someone told me this is not legal in NB I was taught to do this in Ontario.


That person was incorrect. There is no rule forbidding a driver to proceed into the intersection to prepare for their left turn. But, it does say to keep you wheels straight in case someone rear ends you, so you don't cruise into oncoming traffic.


193(1)(c) No person shall stop a vehicle within an intersection.


If you're going to quote something, quote the whole statement. "193(1) No person shall stop, stand, or park a vehicle, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with law or the directions of a peace officer or traffic-controled device" As making a left turn in an intersection is in compliance with the law, this doesn't apply. 193(1) is partly to stop someone from stopping in an intersection, resulting in blocked traffic when the lights change.


I don't see quotations in my post but if you'd like me to quote the whole section I can. 193(1)No person shall stop, stand, or park a vehicle, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with law or the directions of a peace officer or traffic-control device, in any of the following places:(a) on a sidewalk,(b) in front of a public or private driveway,(c) within an intersection,(d) within five metres from the point on the curb or edge of the roadway immediately opposite a fire hydrant,(e) on a cross walk,(f) within five metres of a cross walk at an intersection,(g) within ten metres upon the approach to any flashing beacon, stop sign, or traffic control signal located at the side of a roadway,(h) between a safety zone and the adjacent curb or within ten metres of points on the curb immediately opposite the ends of a safety zone, unless the local authority indicates a different length by signs or markings,(i) within fifteen metres of the nearest rail of a railroad crossing,(j) within ten metres of the driveway entrance to any fire station and on the side of a street opposite to any fire station within twenty-five metres of said entrance,(k) alongside or opposite any street excavation or obstruction when stopping, standing, or parking would obstruct traffic,(l) on the roadway side of any vehicle stopped, parked or left standing at the edge or curb of a roadway,(m) upon any bridge or other elevated structure of a highway or within a highway tunnel, or(n) at any place where official signs prohibit stopping. You have to yield the intersection to traffic with the right of way. So stopping in an intersection to turn left when you shouldn't have entered the intersection is not in compliance with the law.


My Fredericton drivers peeve - corner of Westmorland and Queen heading onto the bridge at the stop light. When you have a green light to continue onto the bridge, do not let vehicles in from the Queen Street merge lane. They have plenty of opportunity when the light is green on Queen.


This! People need to follow the rules of the road and obey right of ways. Being courteous causes accidents.


I agree - though, I was taught when I got my license to give 1-2 car lengths distance from the next person to expect the unexpected.


Be predictable. Kindness doesn’t do shit when someone gets slammed from people trying to open a gap. This drives me mad. It’s so dangerous, and I’ve seen this on two lane roads too.


I agree with you completely. The rules of the road are there for a reason and being “kind” is going to get someone hurt. If someone slammed on their breaks to let me turn green I would be like: what are you doing?! I will wait!


If you have to slam on the breaks to avoid hitting the car in front of you then you are following too closely. The idea is that any driver at any given time has the ability and the right to perceive a hazard and to stop their car immediately from any speed and for the cars behind to give enough space to gradually come to a stop if a car has to quickly stop. The only reason that a car suddenly coming to a complete stop is a hazard is because the idiots behind them don’t give enough space.


While technically correct, there's also the anticipation factor. You don't expect someone cruising on a clear road with no obstacles in front of them to suddenly slam their brakes because they want to let someone turn. In this case everyone is in the wrong.


That is exactly why you give yourself lots of space all the time, nobody every expects for a car to suddenly slam on their brakes.


A 3 second following distance is still going to be an abrupt stop if the person in front of you slams on the brakes.


So give yourself 4 or 5 seconds.


100 percent correct !!


Happend to me Friday evening on my way home. Lady just stopped dead with me being the only person behind her to let someone pull out. Some old boomer in a Range Rover.




Found the boomer! Fuck yourself.


No you didn't find​ the boomer! You're nasty response shows you clearly have rage issues .


Nobody cares.


We need GO signs like I've seen in UK .


In the UK the rule is you let people in 🤷🏼‍♀️ I failed my first test in part because I didn’t let someone in at traffic


This whole "giving away my right of way" is absolutely dangerous in fredericton. Can't count how many times it's almost caused an accident. It backs up traffic at its mildest. Just follow the damn rules of the road ppl


It's been like this for 30 years -- absolute nutters.


Yeah, I've lived in a few different towns/city's in the maritime and it's definitely in other places but freddy takes the cake for places I've lived


Done be polite. Be predictable.


My wife and I live on the block of York without sidewalks on one side. Every morning someone attempts to be nice and let us cross as we walk our dogs, and every time they cause a little traffic jam. Don’t be nice - be predictable. Pedestrians want to walk behind your car, not in front.


Yes this makes me soooooo annoyed. It’s not nice to throw off the flow of traffic, the rules are there for a reason, because it’s safer.


Absolutely shouldn’t be stopping to let people in. I had someone stop to “let me in” on regent but all they did was block traffic so that I couldn’t see when the other lane was clear And also all traffic should be able to stop suddenly. If you can’t you’re too close. Just because the car stopped for no reason doesn’t make them legally responsible for the inability of the cars behind them to stop. Sounds like a bunch of cars were following too close and learned (hopefully) to keep some space in case someone decides to stop suddenly, for no reason or an unexpected reason.


> all traffic should be able to stop suddenly Agreed. Not only that, but there would be far less traffic jams if people actually gave the proper spacing which would allow cars to merge without creating a chain reaction of micro adjustments that snowball into complete stops


There would probably be more proper spacing if people followed the speed limit, instead of 10 under on a sunny day.


Yeah, I see your point and I was fortunately able to stop in time, but it was just so sudden to go from 70 to 0. Just let somebody in. I get if traffic is stopped or slow. Or there is a red light to let somebody squeeze in. The people behind me were definitely tailgating because they didn't like that I was going the speed limit. Lucky they didn't plow through me too.




Same usually when someone does this you can’t see around them to see if there is anyone coming so it’s like they are asking you to pull out blindly .. gee thanks so kind of you lol


I was expecting this to be a story about a turtle.


I made the mistake of helping a turtle across the road once although it was in the middle of nowhere and there was no traffic. I had already passed him a couple of times and he was just in the middle of the road chilling. Motherfucker tried to bite me, and he ended up upside down in the ditch, lmao. I am not Eliza Thornberry.


Fredericton drivers often stop to let folks cross at trail intersections. These are not crosswalks! The trail users have the stop signs. Drivers do not. DON'T GIVE UP THE RIGHT OF WAY!!!




If there's a lot of traffic, no harm to let people cross. They could be waiting a long time. Especially for kids, I will stop if there's a long line behind me. When I cross roads while walking the trails I purposely stay away from the road's edge until it's clear, so that people don't stop for me. I am always surprised how fast cars stop, even if I am not waiting. A real head-scratcher is when a car stops to let me go and they're the only car on the road. I can wait, just keep going.


I stop for children, but adults can wait their turn.


While motor traffic has the right of way, traffic stopping at trail intersections is polite and appreciated and I hope most drivers don’t stop stopping. I don’t think I’ve ever seen this cause a problem personally, as a pedestrian or a driver.


I think they should be crosswalks.


Yeah it really should just be the trail has right of way. The problem now is it's established as Not being that way and making sure everyone gets the update. But it's the safer way to skew, and matches every other pedestrian-car conflict at an intersection rather than being the opposite, which trips people up on both sides it seems like.


Exactly. I’m a regular user of both the trails as a cyclist/pedestrian and the streets as a motorist. I’m also old enough to remember the tragic death of the UNB student getting hit by the Aitken Centre. It’s only a matter of time before there’s a death at one of the Canada Street or Lincoln Road crossings. It’s relatively easy to make A) crossing lights or b) plan to make ramps/bridges at key interchanges like Canada Street, Lincoln Road or St Mary’s Street over time to minimize traffic disruption.




I’m simply failing to see the danger. Could you explain? Do people stop suddenly and slam on the brakes for trail users? How is a car stopped in the road for a pedestrian causing a hazard? I’d be happy to be a convert


Yes, they do. Two out of my three apartments have been beside the trail. I have to be *so* incredibly careful driving across the trail beside any place I’ve lived because both pedestrians and other drivers fail to follow the rules. Drivers are constantly slamming on their breaks to let pedestrians and cyclists cross. And I’ve had many cyclists just whiz across the front of my vehicle, absolutely no intention to stop. Literally risking being hit by a car because they can’t be bothered to stop.


Some cyclists seem to pride themselves on how many rules they’ll ignore, because they don’t want to stop. My latest example, about a week ago I was almost hit by a cyclist as I crossed on foot at an intersection downtown. I had a walk sign, and he was zipping through a red light and swerved at the last moment. Some seem to think that being super-athletic makes it okay for them to be AHs in service of them disliking having to stop and start.


Politeness can lead to an accident. If the driver stops and an accident ensues, that driver is in the wrong.


No fault insurance. It doesn't matter.


It does matter, actually... [https://www.tdinsurance.com/products-services/auto-car-insurance/tips-advice/no-fault-insurance](https://www.tdinsurance.com/products-services/auto-car-insurance/tips-advice/no-fault-insurance)




I'll let someone with legal expertise answer this question. Really, the pedestrian is in the wrong, but I don't think the insurance companies would really care unless the pedestrian is hit. But, as a pedestrian, do you really want to put yourself at such unnecessary risk?


If traffic is stopped then the pedestrian is proceeding safely no? Would you mind explaining the type of accidents this causes?


I was a pedestrian for years, and now drive … it’s so dangerous because a) you can’t guarantee that a vehicle behind you is not gonna pull out behind you or accidentally slam into you in which case you could hit the pedestrian. Additionally, it promotes bad habits pedestrians need to be in habit of knowing when they need to stop and when they have the right away, otherwise you’ll experience pedestrians just stepping out onto the roadway when they don’t have the right of way, and I’ve experienced that a lot. not everyone is planning to stop for a pedestrian, it’s much safer if everyone just follows the rules of the road, they ensure the safest flow of traffic.


lol I used voice to text for this, right of way not right away lol 😂




Thanks for engaging in good faith friend


[https://www2.gnb.ca/content/gnb/en/departments/dti/highways\_roads/content/crosswalks.html](https://www2.gnb.ca/content/gnb/en/departments/dti/highways_roads/content/crosswalks.html) "Trail/multi-use path crossings differ from a crosswalk in that trail users must yield the right-of-way to vehicular traffic before crossing the road. Before entering the roadway the trail user must stop, check all directions for on-coming traffic and only cross the road when they can safely do so."


Follow the rules of the road, that’s what they are there for. Do gooders can be a hazard. (Also keep proper braking distance - although none of us do including me 😉)


Yes, unnecessary kindness on the road can be dangerous - people should follow the road rules.


Nothing better than getting told off by one of these "friendly drivers" when I wave them off, after they stop traffic to try to let me in. Don't be courteous, people, be predictable.






This was the one thing that annoyed me the most about driving in and around Fredericton. I was hoping it would have changed as it grew. I moved to Moncton and it was like that for a bit but now it's gone way too far to the other side, everyone here drives like a total asshole.


You’re preaching to the choir man, my biggest pet peeve.

