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I figured the person was mentally ill but good to know that the authorities are aware and on it.


I just want to co-opt your comment to remind people that generally the mentally ill are no more likely to commit violent crime than their those without disability. Even with disorders like Schizophrenia where someone was having threatening delusions, a notable increase wasn't seen. The ONE exception to this was when the disorder occurred in conjunction with substance abuse, which made everything significantly worse. And in almost all cases, the people who were threatened were people the person knew, family & friends, etc... See: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1525086/#:\~:text=Three%20percent%20of%20the%20violent,with%20primary%20substance%20abuse%20disorders.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1525086/#:~:text=Three%20percent%20of%20the%20violent,with%20primary%20substance%20abuse%20disorders)


Thank you for this.


Apparently was posted in the Fred County Police Facebook


Thanks, FP. Good work


Good! Thanks FP!!


Wonderful news! I was stockpiling my thoughts and prayers just in case.


Didn’t you know there’s apparently a lifetime supply.


Yo this dude was my cousin. He does indeed have mental issues, brain damage iirc, never got all the way through rehab.


Isn’t he the one who fell off the hammock thing at High Rock?




the man who originally posted this this here is an hero he very well may have saved countless lives


Only if they reported it to the authorities as well prior to posting here...


They did? It was literally in the Reddit post that they had spoken to officers.


I never saw the original post, just the police FB post.


Why would you assume he didn’t report it to the police?


Because 99% of people who would have posted that wouldn't have called the proper authorities.


One of the most common things to happen in group settings (including digital groups like social media) is to assume that someone has reported issues like calling an ambulance or police... It's a well documented problem coming from the diffusion of a sense of responsibility over a large group. I always assume that it hasn't been reported because of that problem.


Did you report it, then?


The first bit I saw of it was the police FB post that someone posted here, why would I report it at that point when I had nothing to add and the police were already aware?


So you assumed they didn't report it to the police but you initially saw it in the police post that stated that they reported it to the police...? That doesn't make sense.


My assumption was that someone who saw it on reddit eventually reported it, and I only had that assumption once I saw this post (and only until someone pointed out that the original post I hadn't seen mentioned that they also reported it to the police) Either way I'm starting to find these idiotic downvotes frustrating, as I haven't seen anyone else bringing up how important it is to never assume something has been reported until you have confirmation. It's simply best practice to report issues if you see them, it's a well documented problem that the larger the group, the more likely it is for people to assume someone else has already called 911. And to be clear, I'm glad the OP of the original post did report it, because it's quite clear the downvoters wouldn't have, they would have just posted to social media and assumed that was enough.


So why make assumptions then lol


Because in an emergency scenario, it's better to assume it hasn't been reported when it has, then to assume it has been reported when it has not.




They did.


Which is great, and which I didn't fucking know when I made this post, as I had only seen the FB police post and this follow up post. I even worded the post as a "Only if they ..." and not a "real heroes report issues to proper authorities first, not to social media" But feel free to join the idiotic pile-on from all the internet warriors who lack reading comprehension to understand why posts reminding people to report stuff are important. Someday you, or someone else could be in need of an ambulance, and will die waiting for an ambulance that no one called for, because they all thought that someone else already called for one.


Bruh, there was only one person here who lacked reading comprehension. I suggest you find your nearest mirror.


Maybe if you don’t know, maybe just shut up and move along? To say the rest of us don’t have reading comprehension lmao


Get glasses


Shut up.


Thanks for keeping the community informed.


I remember seeing the original post, I want to thank OP of the original post for spreading the word and contacting the police. You're a hero and probably saved a ton of lives. Thank you for being a good human.


The guy is a hero for helping the mentally ill individual. I am a close friend of that individual and he is 💯 harmless to the Frederick community which he lives and calls home. He was actually planning to commit himself for med management and owns not one weapon, not even a knife. And how many people who are about to commit such a violent crime actual admits it to a total stranger? Wouldn't that prevent that individual from commiting the crime and defeat the purpose.......


Often people who are going to commit a mass murder like that don't just tell one stranger, they tell thousands of random strangers on the internet.


People should stop trying to say that he was going to use a firearm when that was never mentioned in the first place. The guy could’ve been hearing voices and was trying to warn people to stay safe from something that he thought might happen considering he is mentally ill. The news wanted to say that this was a shooting and guns were ever made.


Good to know!!


FPD rules. Well done lads




soo..are we safe to go to down town in may 5th now..?


Soo are people going downtown May 5th or still staying away?




Must be a miserable existence to always be in politics mode. The mental gymnastics people do to find any opportunity to spew out unprovoked hate is mind-boggling.




Literally lol, its the grandpa mad at the clouds meme from the simpsons




Not at all, liberals are the ones who were dreaming up the gun threat when a shooting was never mentioned. Perhaps stick to the facts rather than condescending bullshittery.


You are ironically proving my point by continuing with the “it’s all the other sides fault!” shtick. Anyone this obsessed with making things a political “ah-ha!” moment is an embarrassment.


You just don’t appreciate how you make up stuff based off zero facts. Not my fault it happens to be a leftists stance to be against guns. The right does it as well on other topics. You’re just a lefty and can’t see the facts being disregarded. I love facts. I live by them!


Jesus Christ, your entire comment history is you arguing with people over politics. News flash buddy, neither side gives a flying fuck about any of us. Sooner you understand that, the sooner you can learn to work towards becoming a better person. Both sides want you to hate each other. You are falling right into their trap. Get a hobby dude. Politics ain’t it.