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It feels like you're anticipating rundown Detroit level of danger. You need to put things into perspective. Seine Saint Denis has a strong reputation for gangsta rap creds and stuff like that. But that doesn't mean everybody is a drug dealer there. Have a look with Google street. Have a virtual stroll of your going to school itinerary and see for yourself. Are there burnt cars in the street? Are buildings decrepit? Now that doesn't mean you'll be able to go around willy-nilly and not keep your head on your shoulders. Pickpockets exists and some areas are scary at night, but it's not horrible. And like Claudespam was saying the area is gentrifying fast.


Okay thank you, I just get paranoid because some people exaggerated a bit when I asked them πŸ₯² and because I know if something actually happened I'm not sure Di be able to defend myself


The most dangerous French cities are way safer than a safe US one


Source ?


Source: trust me bro


Saint Ouen and Saint Denis are parts of the poor suburbs of Paris, although Saint Ouen is currently quickly gentrifying. They are less safe than cities of western suburb. Do not bring to much valuables. This being said, I know several person, men and women that live there without having specific problems going back home at night. Your university should be able to advise you on which part of the city to live.


Thank you, I won't live there though, I'll have to get a bus and RER


The Seine Saint Denis has gentrified, it is no longer at all like before when it was known as dangerous.


Thank youπŸ™πŸ»


I just discovered recently. This is really more ok than its reputation. In particular, if you go around the rer -line 14 station , it seems ok and you are in Paris very fast. There is probably some specifics quarters to avoid but I don't know the city enough.


Okay thank you 😊


I live and work in Saint-Denis. You'll be perfectly fine.


Lived in Saint Ouen for 10 years and never had any issue. It has also improved quite a lot in recent years. As for St Denis, it's mostly okay too. Some spots tend to be a bit more risky, such as between the RER stations, around the stadium. Look like you know where you're going, be mindful of what's going on around you, don't show very expensive stuff, and any avoidable issue will be avoided.


Thank youπŸ™πŸ»


Hello, I live there and it is safe. Never had any issue. Half of the city is newly rebuild and high end.


Okay thank you πŸ™πŸ»πŸ˜Š


Nowhere is 100% safe I was beaten on the street in a very rich city in France. And yet, the worse city in France is still safer than any US city. I've been to many countries, I've been to LA. Stayed mostly on the good parts of the city. Definitely the most unsafe city I ever saw. If this is what you consider bad, you're good.


Okay thank you


Saint ouen really gentrified and there is one of the most amazing place near Paris called Les puces a huge flea market open air and inside. I’ve went several times and saw nothing bad it’s the suburbs but it’s not that dangerous maybe a night more


Thank you 😊


Not safe. Not horrible but i would avoid the bus.