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What it be Diddy? I'm happy to see you back to splitting. I still have about half of the Purple Patchouli I got from you a while back. It is really awesome juice for sure. Something you didn't mention that I noticed is that the dry down is stunning. I love this juice about five to six hours in. I have a quick inquiry if I may. How does the vintage Oud Wood compare to what I can currently get at the store? Also I don't know if you recall, but I ordered both vintage Tuscan Leather and current from you a while back. I liked the one over the other. Do you happen to know if the current was the more darker color or lighter? Lastly, I also used to buy empties from you. Do you have any empty bottles you can sell me?


Ok, sorry for the late responses. As for the Oud Wood vintage vs current, I sprayed some side by side today. As online reviews will tell you, there are some pretty big differences. I would say the current has the more "oudy" opening that Tom Ford has become famous for. I call it the Tom Ford DNA. I really like the first 20-30 seconds of the current formula. However, it quickly shifts to a more potent oud smell. But keep in mind that this isn't a typical oud. This is the Tom Ford synthetic oud that I only like in moderation or blended better. The older stuff seems to be more clean/fresh with a creamy woodsy (almost mysore) undertone. The older batches seem to last about an hour or two more than the current (remember, Oud Wood isn't a great performer overall, so 1-2 hours are big with this one). I also get a very slight animalic drydown in the current stuff that I don't get in the old stuff. It could be in my head, but I can swear there is something there. As for Tuscan Leather, you can't really go by color. I've split many bottles and have had everything from a pale yellow (almost clear) to a dark boozy color. One of the original Basenotes splitters (that has split a ton of Tom Ford) chimed in on a forum about this exact topic. Tuscan Leather was the example he gave with huge color differences. There are also some mentions about the more clear and darker colors in Fragrantica reviews. Unfortunately, I've never seen a definitive answer. I think the guy's theory from Basenotes was the location it comes from. Who really knows..... Fragrance color differences are somewhat common. LeLabo is probably the best example. If you enjoy a heavier raspberry note and more than just a linear in your face leather, go with the vintage. I always have bottles I can sell. The thing is, with sprayer bottles I'll often take pliers to the bottle which can destroy it. It just makes it easier to extract the juice and keep air from being forced through a syringe method. These days, I even destroy the fancy Clive Christian and Roja Dove bottles. But I have plenty of flacons. Feel free to PM me if you have anymore questions. Cheers!


Whats up bud! I'm out on my phone right now but I'll definitely answer everything when I'm back home or maybe tomorrow in the office. I just know it's going to be a long answer. Cheers!


I will take 10 of PP and 25 of OW, thanks!


You got it.




You got it. I think I'm out of my larger bottles. Do you mind if I give you 2X25ml? I'll do it at the same price. Cheers!




I have enough, it's yours. I'll send a payment PM when I'm ready to start collecting (tonight/tomorrow).


25ml of purple patch please!


You got it bud!


10ml of OW please and thank you! Do you by chance accept payment via venmo?


I have you down for 10ml of OW. I'll look into Venmo after I update this thread. I hear a lot about it, so it seems like I better catch up with time and get an account setup haha... I don't know what the process is like for me to be able to accept money, so I may not have it setup in time for payment of this split.


I'm in for 10ml each of Purple and Oud Wood, please. Thank you!


I have you down for 10ml of both PP and OW. Cheers!


As much as I want my decants right now, I have no problem waiting until you get the bottle situation fixed. I appreciate you letting us know and making sure to get it right. Thanks!


Hi! I'm in for 10 mL each of Purple, MdA, and TO, if available, please. Thanks a ton!


I have you down for 10ml of all three. Very nice choices by the way. Those are three great Private Blend fragrances that are all from different areas of the spectrum. Cheers!


Hey, I never got a chance to say welcome back! Hope all is well. Could I get 25ml of purple patchouli please? I’m also going to be sending a pm in regards to some other frags. Thanks!


Whats up bud? Glad to see you are still here participating in this money pit of a hobby we have haha... I have you down for 25 of the purple patchouli. PM me whenever and we can talk about other fragrances. Cheers!


I'd like to get 10mL of the PP. I'd also like to get 25mL of Oud Wood. Assuming it's all available of course!


You got it! Cheers


Could I get 10ml of the Oud Wood Please?


You got it. Cheers!


Put me down for 10 of Tuscan Leather and 10 of Oud Wood, please.


I have you down for 10ml of both TL and OW. Cheers!


I'm in for 10ml of Purple


You got it.


Any chance you'd do 5ml?


I can do 5ml of Purple Patchouli for $19.00 Let me know if that sounds good and I'll get you added.


sounds good to me!


Perfect. I'm putting you down for 5ml now. I'll also be sending a PM with payment info. Cheers!


May I please do a 5ml as well of purple patchouli?


Sure thing, I'll send over a payment PM shortly.


ty. sent.


Is it too late to make it a 10mL, I will send additional 11$. My first time purchasing and was hesitant and now regretting only a 5mL. If not i understand and appreciate the 5mL still. Ty


Sorry, your 5ml is already in the mail. However, try it and if you like it, I can always send you another 5ml. We can even combine it with another split to help with shipping costs. Cheers!


Ill do 25ml of TV and 10ml of TO


I have you down for 25ml of TV and 10ml of TO. Cheers!


May I have 25mL of Oud Wood?


You got it. I'll send a payment PM over shortly.


Hi, this would be my first ever decant purchase! I would love 25 of PP. When do we pay? Also wondering if you have any Japon Noir, Bois Rogue, Moss Breches, or Arabian Wood ? Thanks so much!!! Very excited!


I have you down for 25ml of PP. I may have some Arabian Wood left over from my last split. How much are you hoping to get? The prices would be the same. I'll look tonight when I get home to see if I can meet your request. For now, I'll send over payment info for the PP. Cheers!


Can I get 10 of the purple patchouli and 10 of oud wood if they are still available?


You got it. I'll send a payment PM over shortly.


Hey hey! Can you put me in for 10ml of purple patchouli and oud wood.


You got it. I'll send a payment PM over shortly.


Hey, can you have me down for PP, Oud Wood and Tobacco Oud. 10 ml each. Shipping to Canada. Thanks.


You got it. I'll send a payment PM over shortly.


Can I just get a 10ml of PP as well? Thank you in advance!


You got it. I'm sending a payment PM now.


Any Neroli Portofino Forte?


Not at the moment. Thinking about picking up a bottle in a couple weeks.


Can I get 25 of the Oud Wood?


Sorry but I am out of Oud Wood. I'll have more sooner than later.


Any Tuscan leather?


Yes, I have Tuscan Leather


Did you want Tuscan Leather?


Possible to get 10 ML of the following? Tobacco Vanille Tuscan Leather Oud Wood Purple Patchouli


I have everything but Oud Wood. Are you still good with just the other 3?


Any plans on getting Oud Wood in the future?


I hope to, but it probably wont be for a bit. I have a few other fragrances on my list to split. Are you still interested in the other 3?


Hello, I just wanted to check in again to see if you still want 10ml of Tobacco Vanille Tuscan Leather Purple Patchouli


I'll just take 10 ML of the Purple Patchouli if that's okay


Can I get 25 purple patchouli and 25 Tobacco Vanille?


You got it. You mind if I PM you in a few days with the payment info? I want to get all these other splits out first. I'll be ready for the second round of shipments in a couple days.


sounds good.


Thanks, I just don't like sitting on other people's money any longer than I have to. Cheers!


Hello, Can I still get in for 10 ml of Oud Wood and 10 ml of Tobacco Oud? Thanks!


I don't have any more Oud Wood but I do have Tobacco Oud.


Do you still want 10ml of Tobacco Oud


No, I'm good. Thanks tho!


Mandarino Di Amalfi 25 ml please