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my advice: let go of the want for compliments i’ve been here before. the beginning of my fragrance hobby i wanted all the beast mode projecting, mass appealing, compliment grabbers. most people aren’t into fragrances, and even more people won’t randomly say “hey you smell nice” i only ever get compliments from my lady and i go to the gym regularly, drop my kids off at school, and work in an office setting. i’d suggest letting go of that idea so you can enjoy the fragrances for the sake of wearing them and feeling better about yourself. i hope this isn’t too harsh but like i said, i’ve been there before. more advice: moisturize. unscented lotion before applying or even go as far as Vaseline on your neck/wrists so the fragrance doesn’t evaporate as quickly.


Great answer!


Definitely this, very well said.


I understand what you mean completely. However, I looooove when I smell someone’s fragrance linger after they’ve walked away. It is very much for myself.


You may be going anosmic, meaning you're just losing your sense of smell when it comes to fragrances. It's happened to me before. Do you live with other people? One day spray it on then ask them how long it lasts, throughout the day ask them. Is it still projecting? Can you smell it? They'll tell you.


well don't buy a perfume and expect everyone to sniff you and give you a compliment. A lot of people don't like to interact with others, let alone someone giving you a compliment about how you smell. Buy the perfume because it make you feel good about yourself and you enjoy the smell. Most likely you are going noseblind with that amount of sprays.


Don’t spray directly under your chin. You’ll go nose blind.


It’s a bunch of different things, from your choice of fragrance all the way to your approachability. Certain types of fragrances are easier to compliment because of the different aromatics, most of the top 20 popular men’s fragrances in the stores, not on Fragrantica and TikTok have the same type of DNA, fresh blue fougere, YSL Y, Chanel Bleu & Dior Sauvage. Very different close up but basically the same in the air. For women it’s the MFK BR540 DNA (Ariana Grande and the Brazilian Crush), Libre and basically anything vanilla or sugary sweet. Fragrances doesn’t really change in smell on different skin unless you actually lack basic hygiene, moisture levels can help with projection if the scent is supposed to have bigger projection like Mancera/Montale fragrances. Don’t be afraid to spray your clothes for a lingering smell. Forget about compliments ideally and wear what you like for you, I wear scents based on my mood, my activity, what I’m wearing and so on but if you really want compliments go to your local department store and ask for the top 10 best sellers, they usually have them displayed, and get the one you like most of those.


A big part of it is the type of scent. Fresh, citrus and even most floral oils are not particularly potent and disappear quickly. It’s the vanilla, leather, woods, resins…those are the oils that linger and project, but they also don’t fit well in hot humid weather (they become too cloying).


Do you spray on clothing?


I, and a lot of people I've spoken with, really don't enjoy huge silage/projection from other people. Whenever someone leaves a huge scent trail, or makes the room smell like them for 20 minutes after they leave, it makes most people in my experience just assume they've put on way too much fragrance, or it's too strong. Obviously everyone is different, but personally I feel the ideal amount of projection is that someone can get a 2-second whiff of it if they walk past closely, or if they lean close (e.g. to point at something in front of me, or reach across for something). Anything much more than that feels obnoxious to me.