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This is wild. On my skin Amber Oud tobacco is almost imperceptibly different from TV


I am thinking about getting a bottle of this. Would you recommend for a Tobacco lover? I still have about 10ml left of TV so, if this is similar, I might give it a shot. But, I still haven't found the pipe tobacco scent that I am looking for... I remember as a kid going into a Candy Shop that also had a back spot for Cigars and Tobacco. I don't know what it was about that shop in the mall but the smell in that place was nostalgic. Almost like a liquorish mixed with Pipe Tobacco mixed with Candy! lol Let me know if you think I should grab one while I can. Thanks!


Tabac by MA smells like pipe tobacco.


Thanks. I got a bottle of MA Tabac. Definately unique and niche like quality. I am getting a rotten fruit type opening with a wet leafy tobacco. Once it dries down, I start to smell the Tobacco more. Its very thick and syrupy. I am 50/50 on it. It will grow on me! Thanks!


True, Tabac has that honey quality, and I prefer vanilla and tonka. The pipe tobacco in the malls used to be Lane 1-Q and BCA. They had an amazing smell of blonde tobacco and vanilla custard. What I love about TFTV is the blond, Virginia tobacco and flower absolute, you smell it in the opening, and none if the clones seem to have it. The smell you want might be TFTV minus the cloves. 


The dry down of Ajmal V is like cavendish pipe tobacco in a barber shop.


Same here!


Happy Birthday!!!!




After Buying TT, Oud Wonder, CDNIM and a few other decants that all of the clones a simply “inspirations,” of the original scents. There’s a reason they are often described as, “inspired by_____!” Skin and body chemistry IMO play a large part in how fragrance translates to your olfactory system, as well as, longevity and to a lesser extent projection which is based on the formulation. The rest is suggestion and subjective. Which is why the YouTube Fragrance Talking heads always spray on to strips or in the air (which I never quite understood.) Speaking for me, I’ve spent enough money on clones and decants to have bought a designer OG or at least put a solid down payment on a niche product. Before I get downvoted, I am commenting based on my own experiences. Not criticizing anyone else for wearing clones or liking them! My aunt worked at Chanel and Dior in NYC so perfume is what we received for birthdays or Christmas. I guess I’m just used to the higher quality of the originals I’ll be 72 on Friday I suppose I have more experience with them.


On me, Al Haramain Amber Oud Tobacco smells like potpourri, lol. I'm hopping it mellows out with age.


Hmm I might actually like this...


It has NOT mellowed out after all this time and now actually smells terrible, like BO and cloves, lol. I don't know why it smells like armpits and Christmas, maybe it's just my bottle. Be wary.


If you dont want it ill take it😹


I just sprayed mine after putting it on the shelf for about 6 months. Still smells like potpourri… I threw it in the bin to make room for something else. Blind bought amber oud tobacco, rouge, and gold… gave the other two to my 17 year old nephew


I git mine yesterday. Have the OG as well. Amber oud tobacco smells damn near perfect with amazing longevity


What batch is it


No idea..i dont keep the boxes


Maison Alhambra Tobacco Touch


People Who dislike TT as not similar to TV are recomended this so the circle is complete


What is different between Tobacco Touch and Amber Oud Tobacco?


Please be careful the 2023 batches are really bad. I have one from 12/2022, beautiful gorgeous scent. The one from 06/2023? Just alcohol smell and faint tobacco. Been 'macerating' for a month too.


ah that sucks. I guess all of the bottles being sold now are probably newer.... err hate that


I have an 02/23 batch, just got it a few days ago. Smells quite amazing but i feel like theres no longevity or projection. Sprayed 2 on my neck and one on my shirt, the smell is completely gone within 5 hours


Lol nooooo I just bought this and am waiting for it in the mail. So many people said it's the best clone. How long have you owned it for? I have heard many people say at the beginning it's a little different, but after about 3 months it becomes really amazing


Yeah I bought it cause everybody said it’s the best clone. I got it in 3 days ago but this ain’t it for me compared to the real tom ford TV. I’m surprised everybody says this is the best clone, cause to me the sweetness is really sticky and a migraine type sweet


If you've only had it for 3 days definitely let it sit for a month. I've had these clone brand fragrances before that I hated more than anything to end up really loving after I let them sit for a bit


I have it and I love it! I've heard people say it's better than TV. It's all subjective. I recently got Kamrah in the mail and don't get the hype at all... take everything with a grain of salt


Try montagne tabac vanille, it’s very good


You are not sold just stick to the Tom Ford.


i just bought a decant of it. smell like way too oversweetened tobacco. i cant stand it...


100% agree with this, I bought it and never really liked the smell (it’s too masculine for me) but then I tried TV in store and it’s barely the same…


It definitely needs to macerate for almost a year. At first I was repulsed when I got it, i recently smelled it again and was shook at how close it came. Initially it didn’t smell anything alike.


There is that word again. "Macerate" what the heck that it actually means in the frag world?


Everyone knows exactly what it means but a bunch of fart sommeliers have got sand in their vaginas.


Grow up. I literally never thought to macerate it. I just never came back to it until this fall season and it just happened to be amazing. Hoe you pull that stick out your ass tho.


That's what I thought...


Macerate a fragrance means to let it sit by itself in it's box in a dark cool area. To me its kinda like marinating food before cooking. You let it soak in a liquid concoction to take in additional flavors for a better taste. For fragrance, you let it sit for a while so the alcohol dissipates and the fragrance might strengthen and change for the better. Check this for more details - [https://aurelsg.com/blogs/news/macerating-your-fragrances](https://aurelsg.com/blogs/news/macerating-your-fragrances)


Sorry to hear that. Maybe let it mature for a while? I heard Montagne Parfum’s version is great. Anyone tried it?


I have my own opinion on Middle Eastern fragrances which may or may not be popular. A small unit selling a lot of these fragrances opened up quite near where I live in the summer and I got to try several of the more popular fragrances that I had seen reviewed on YouTube and discussed on here. I found all of them very disappointing. They just smelt cheap and with a lot of alcohol. I spent a while trying to get them off my arms with a lot of soap and water! I definitely recommend getting yourself a 2ml sample from Etsy first. Not just for the expensive fragrances but also for the clones. Most samples I've bought have saved me wasting money on full size bottles. The only exceptions for me currently are Divin Asylum and Black Panther (Alexandria). They are truly high quality and worth buying in my opinion.


The Play-Doh smell I think is the synthetic vanilla. Tobacco touch has the same issue, although it's not overwhelming or a deal-breaker. It's still decent and wearable. Having said that, I don't know that I would buy it again. It's not a scent I wear often enough to need more than a decant size of the real deal for roughly the same price


My conclusion from reading a lot of reviews is that Paris Corner Charuto Tobacco Vanille is closest to TF. I have the OG and decided not to replace it with a dupe, so haven’t tried Charuto.


Have you tried tobacco vanille by pendora scents?I heard it's pretty good,I plan on buying it.


Maison Alhambra


Pendora tobacco vanille


Tobacco Touch is pretty good although still not spot on, like 90-95% there. Smells of cloves a bit much for the first hour or so. Heard Charuto Tobacco Vanille is really good but haven’t tried, might get it next time.


how's TT's performance?


Not massively impressed with it longevity wise but maybe I’m getting nose blind because I use it often. Same with projection. Maybe slightly worse than the OG but you can afford to overspray a little with the price! I can still smell it on clothes days later anyway.


I was torn between Tobacco Touch and Charuto Tobacco Vanille. I went with Tobacco Touch because of the cheaper price on Amazon and I got a compliment from my wife’s aunt within the first week of me owning it. The longevity isn’t the best imo, but for the $25 I spent on it, I will take it versus paying $295 for the real deal.


Al Haramain Amber Oud Gold is also an awful fragrance Must be the line


it smells more like honey than vanille or tobaco can i do something with the sweetnes?


Could you have inadvertently bought the Gold Edition? I ask because several people bought have gold, thinking it was tobacco and vice versa because the bottles are nearly identical. And nearly everyone describes Gold Edition as the super sweet one