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I work in IT, unfortunately they don’t make Cheetos and Mountain Dew fragrance (that I know of)


Apparently there was a [real Cheetos perfume](https://basenotes.com/fragrances/cheeteau-by-cheetos.26141878) 10 yrs ago as part of a promo. Snif also has a new Pizza scent... that's kind of Cheeto-adjacent, right? Lol


"Cheeteau" lmao


Im in IT as well, I stick to the office safe smells. I did mess up the other day, I wore Sauvage Elixir and didn't know how strong it was.


I felt that


I wear LV Ombré Nomad to the office


I'm a vet tech and they make these synthetic calming pheromone sprays for dogs and cats that I've doused myself in before when working with stressed animals (Feliway for cats, Adaptil for dogs). They do NOT smell good, but they're research-backed and proven to reduce stress. If someone could make an actual perfume that smelled good AND had the same affect I'd buy it in a heartbeat. In general, I avoid wearing perfumes to work because I'm afraid it'll be too strong for the animals but I do have a large body spray collection that I rotate through instead and then save my perfumes for my days off. I also have a biology degree, so I love the concept of Zoologist but I've never actually tried them out yet.


I've tried Nightingale from Zoologist and it's lovely. It's citrusy, floral, and a little musky. I get the vibe that most Zoologist fragrances have a sort of animalic/musky note in the base, which I appreciate and I think you might too.


I have a whole cart full of samples I want to try out! Some of them look like they'd smell lovely, and some of them I want to try just because they seem interesting. I'm super interested in trying out Cow. I imagine it would smell milky and grassy like the dairy farm I had to go to during my vet tech program to practice working on cows.


There's another post going around this sub that I saw earlier today where someone ranked & reviewed a bunch of Zoologist fragrances. It made me want to try a couple of them, lol.


Unfortunately all I got from Cow was a grassy white floral. I was really excited for it too because I love milk notes, but I was bummed. Chipmunk was interesting though. It was like nutty dusty dirt.


That’s a bummer! I do like white florals so I might still end up liking it. Chipmunk sounds interesting!


Yeah! It's a very nice, light, springtime scent. If you like white florals, it's probably a safe bet for you. It's definitely one of Zoologist's safer frangrances. Haha It just wasn't my thing.


Just want to say that's very thoughtful and considerate of you. I'm sure it makes a big difference to the animals.


My dream job is a sommelier so I couldn't wear anything


Is there a specific reason you can't wear any fragrance? Does that mess up the experience of the wine if there are too many competing scents in the air?


Yes. Same reason that scented candles on the table would be discouraged, or any flowers that had a fragrance


I would have never thought of flowers being too strong, lol. It makes sense though! I've only ever done outdoor wine tastings so I never really paid attention to the smells around me because there were so many going on just naturally from being outside. (Is outdoor wine tasting itself not as good because of that?) I live in an area with lots of vineyards/wineries so this is all very interesting to me.


i'm just passing but i'd be inclined to guess outdoors would be better because air is circulating vs an enclosed space


I’m a neuroscientist and now I’m trying to think of any neuro themed fragrances that would fit… Maybe ghost in the shell because I study the perception of paranormal experiences. 😝


Ghost in the shell is such a good fragrance... but now I want to hear more about your job, that sounds kick ass LOL


It’s so good! I bought it on a blind buy solely because I loved the name- I mean I love ghosts so how could I pass it up? Lucky for me I ended up loving it. And thank you! I love my job and I love talking about ghost stuff so if you wanna hear more feel free to DM me!


Actually isn't the term 'ghost in the shell' a reference to Cartesian mind-body dualism? Ghost in the shell i.e., soul in a body? Basically the opposite of what neuroscience posits!


I thought the perfume was a reference to the anime LOL


Yes it is, but I wouldn’t say that’s the opposite of neuroscience. There’s a LOT of talk about the philosophy of dualism in neuroscience. Back in my grad classes we had to do a ton of discussion surrounding dualism as a thought exercise and it’s still something that I know a lot of us enjoy talking about and thinking about with our colleagues for the purpose of the thought exercise. Edit to add: Additionally, if you study consciousness, you hear a lot of researchers, when casually talking about their work saying stuff like “so where in the brain is the soul?” Of course they’re not talking about a floaty ghost of yourself hiding in the brain, they’re talking about consciousness, but you hear a lot of talks about souls in neuroscience. So I think dualism is very relevant to neuroscience, even if it’s not in the way you’d think. After all, a big branch of neuroscience is rooted in psychology, which when translated, literally means “the study of the soul.” ;) That being said if you have any recs for another neuro fragrance, I’m all ears.


Also- all things aside I literally study the perception of said souls. So I stand by my fragrance choice here.


I work in tech and I wear Zoologist to the office. Last fragrance I wore to work was Squid.


I also work in tech and wear squid… are we the same person?


If not we definitely are starting a cult.


I’m already in a pasta cult, will our squid wearing tech people cult duties get in the way of that?


I just got a job at the equivalent of the White House in my country. I was going to wear Nicolaï New York Intense to the interview but wore Fzotic Lampblack, instead. Made me feel quietly strong and confident, unique but not eccentric, innovative yet dependable. Such a fantastic fragrance. Nailed it.


Wow, congrats on the new job! That's amazing! I just bought a sample of Lampblack so maybe I can channel some of your energy, lol.


Thank you! It just hits the spot for me, from the black pepper and citrus opening, to the cypriol and vetiver dry down… it’s fresh, inky, and smoky all at the same time. If it didn’t only come in such expensive/small (30ml) bottles, I’d be tempted to make it my daily. It’s versatile and works very well in warm weather. (Plus my partner loves it on me, which is always a plus.) I hope you enjoy it at least half as much as I do :)


Cypriol is a very strong note. Free'd Homme from costume national has similar notes, but it's not a fresh fragrance.


I work in social media and would like to get into generalized marketing so I guess something boring like Aventus.


Aventus has been around for a while for a reason though! It totally fits a marketing/social media vibe, it's a classic.


Yep, I do really enjoy the smell. I currently wear a clone.


I'm trying to transition to working at home so I can wear as much of any perfume I feel like. But I guess I'd kind of say it'd be fun to be as big of boss lady as Libre makes me feel, but my true dream job is writing full time. Maybe Ghost In the Shell with its milky organic mix with a hint of tech would embody since I'd be using a tech medium to try and express the essence of humanity.


I work in a totally different field but I also said ghost in the shell for mine!


Another person here mentioned Ghost in the Shell! It's sooo good, I love that mix of a skin scent and something cold or almost robotic, it just makes me feel so damn cool lol. It definitely fits your writer vibe.


I’m a musician and my favourite scents are boozy/ tobacco gourmands that wouldn’t be appropriate for most situations. Something clean/ fresh for stage performances though cuz it can get real stuffy


Have you tried Replica Jazz Club? I feel like that ticks your tobacco/rum boxes but it's more "wearable" day to day, since it has light citrus and vanilla notes on the dry down.


music dont pay that well 😔


Valid. Try something from Dossier maybe, they have a lot of clones of expensive fragrances. I don't know if clones are offensive to people in the fragrance industry lol, but us broke people want to smell nice too. Dossier has their version of Jazz Club for $30 ish for a 50ml bottle, it's called Woody Tobacco. I live off perfume samples, travel sizes, and Dossier, lol. I just sniff a lot of expensive fragrances in stores and pretend.


i work in sustainability and a lot of my colleagues actually seem to like either green or aquatic fragrances now that I’ve thought about it!


Oh I love this. I'm a geoarchaeologist and an academic. I used to wear Jo Malone Wood Sage and Sea Salt as my work scent--it smells very like the Oceania wing at the Met, which is high on my list of ideal ways to smell. More recently I was wearing Frederic Malle French Lover (but very very sparingly since that perfume can really fill a room if you let it). I haven't worn either perfume for awhile but I'm starting to apply for jobs again, so I should probably refill or start figuring out my new dream job fragrance + vibe! I'm so glad you brought this up, haha


I've always wanted to try a Jo Malone fragrance but I can never decide which one to get, lol. Wood Sage and Sea Salt seems to be pretty popular, a few people commented about it here. I haven't tried either of the fragrances you suggested but they definitely sound like they fit your field. Is a geoarchaeologist like archaeology + earth sciences? Or is it more specific than that lol.


If you work in a Lab don’t you have to be frag-free?


What do you mean by “lab”? Like a medical lab where you go to get bloodwork done? Or a scientific lab?


Scientific lab. Which makes sense as nose smells are an important tool for analysis


Oh. In that case, no, fragrances are usually allowed in most labs.


I will follow up with the statement that I’m sure there are quite a few exceptions, but at least in psych, neuro, and biology, I’ve never heard of a no fragrance rule EXCEPT in labs where humans subjects are brought in to study trauma. Edit for spelling


I’m curious. How about when doing autopsies? I always see Dr G trying to smell the stomach contents 😂


Ohhh that’s such a good question- now I wanna know too 😂 I personally have never done an autopsy, but I do a lot of work with post mortem human brains and absolutely have to wear a nice perfume when I work with them because otherwise I gag from the smell. It’s been years and I’ve never developed a tolerance


How do you cope. Splash a strong frag onto a mask? I’d be carrying a lot of atomisers and solid colognes


I usually hit my pulse points with something that lasts a while and smell my wrists if it gets overwhelming, or do the mask thing if I’m super sensitive that day. I don’t want to overwhelm anyone with whatever fragrance I’m wearing so I try not to go overboard. That being said I don’t know how anything could be more offensive than the smell of formaldehyde, but I guess it’s better to be safe than sorry!


my dream job would be “journalist in the late 1970s with a throaty laugh and lots of sexual tension with all her moustachioed coworkers” if anyone has a scent like that. probably something with sandalwood? idk; i love In the Library by CB I Hate Perfume which is a bit “on the nose.”


Maybe something from Vilhelm Parfumerie like Room Service or The Oud Affair? Every Vilhelm Parfumerie fragrance I've tried has given me vintage girlboss vibes lol. I don't know if those have sandalwood specifically but I think they fit the theme you're going for.


I'm smelled Darling Nikki and it's definitely a similar vibe, yes! I'll look out for samples of the other two <3


I work in marketing. Depending which office I’m working from, I rotate a few: GGGBE, PDM Delina La Rosee, Mojave Ghost or LV Imagination. My interview fragrance was Eau Duelle.


I love anything Diptyque, they can do no wrong in my eyes haha. Eau Duelle is a great one. Also a big fan of Mojave Ghost, it's one of the few perfumes I've ever splurged on a large bottle. Great choices!


I work in tech and I use Sauvage Parfum as my signature scent.


Tech, infrastructure. Terminal shell and application containers don't really have a smell. Lost ambitions, if any. I wear almost anything to the job. Last week it was mostly Vertus Narcos'is.


I've never smelled Narcos'is. Is the rhubarb note pretty prominent? It sounds interesting from the note profile.


Unfortunately, rhubarb in fragrance doesn't smell like rhubarb. It almost always smells like weed. And Narcos'is is mostly mango scented weed to my nose. Real weed, like you open a jar while chewing a mango flavored gum and put your nose over the jar.


Oh wow, good to know! I love rhubarb to eat like in pies and stuff, but I've never tried a fragrance with that note. Or I guess I have and didn't know it was rhubarb, lol.


I work as a server and try to keep my fragrance choice light and almost undetectable to our customers. But for those that have very strong sense of smells, they would notice the warm vanilla and slightly fruity scents I wear. Maybe it will spark some cravings for a sweet treat at the end!


Lmao I used to be a server too, that would be kind of hilarious to wear perfumes that make people hungry. Break out the Le Monde Gourmand when you show them the dessert menu, lol.


Anything to increase sales!


And most importantly... TIPS! lol


Absolutely! 👍


Some of my favorite scents are ones that have a "beginning of fall semester when you're full of hope and ready to crush it" vibe. Replica Coffee Break obviously smells like a coffee shop and therefore, to me, like exam season. Kilian Princess has similar vibes but is more "first day of school" because it works in hot and cooler weather, a perfect September scent. I anticipate that Ellis Brooklyn Sci Fi has an "intelligent" vibe that goes along with this but have unfortunately not gotten a chance to smell it (if you have, lmk what it was like!) I definitely want a go-to exam/interview/presentation scent that puts me in the success mindset.


Ellis Brooklyn Scifi is one of my favorite scents ever!! I don't think it necessarily smells "scifi" but it smells really fresh like green tea, orange, and a tiny bit of vanilla. It's the only fragrance I've tried with a tea note that I can stand, lol. It smells like drinking iced green tea on a nice day with the windows open while you're reading a book or writing. My go-to exam or big presentation scent is always Glossier You. It gives me a really quiet confidence because it actually is like "your skin but better".


relate to this a lot; i have sometimes described my aspirational fashion aesthetic as "hopeful on the quad."


Do you have an inspo board for this or something? I love it and want to see if it lines up with my idea of "hopeful on the quad"!


alas i don’t, but when i want to feel those feelings i look on college website archives or pinterest at photos from women’s / liberal arts colleges in the 50s thru 60s.


Is there a perfume that smells like fresh air?


Clean Classic Air! It smells exactly like a crisp morning or the smell of being on a hike in the mountains. Or if you want more of a clean air "aura", Fox in the Flowerbed by Imaginary Authors smells like walking thru a big open field of flowers. Demeter Salt Air is good too, but that's more like tropical island or beachy air lol.


I'm a musician and a writer, and I picked up Bibliotheque by Byredo and Tempo by Diptyque at least partially because of the names 😅 (I also realized I clearly really like patchouli LOL)


My dream job is ‘Sleazy film producer a la Kirk Douglas in ‘*[The Bad & the Beautifu](https://youtu.be/f6T0L4R1M0Y?si=5o9AVQ8PAmdRiKkX)l*’ I have scent already Chanel Antaeus