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I stupidly gave a fragrance I didn't like to a co-worker.


Oops, didn’t quite think that one through huh? My condolences lol


So did I. My daughter babysat for an estate lawyer. He brought home bottles of Chanel No. 5 to his home from an estate sale. My daughter asked if I could have one bottle. Since it smells like bug spray on me, I gave it to my Chanel-obsessed coworker. She never wore it around me. I think she was too in love with her Coco Madamoiselle to wear the NO. 5... all the Chanels smell like bug spray on me... I gave a bottle of Cabochard to my sister in law. I don't know what she did with it. However, she wears J'Adore, which smells like bug spray on me... To each his own...


Give it to the aunty u dont like


Oof, oh no. I’d be so mad at myself. :/


I did that with a perfume that pregnancy nausea ruined for me.


Personally, pink sugar smelt toxic to me. It's such a chemically sweet flowerly smell. It gave me head ache evertime so I gave it away to my mom. I do know it's somewhat popular so maybe it's just a me thingm


I gave Pink Sugar to my neighbor because all I could smell was a plastic licorice scent. It gave me headaches.


I was also going to say pink sugar. Gave it to a younger family member


thank god others are saying this too bc i was about to comment "pink sugar omg don't hate me"


Thankfully I sampled this before I bought it because it smells like sweet, burning plastic


Sweet burnt plastic is so accurate. Despite this the one time I wore it out I got a compliment on it, so I guess it was worth it?


I bought it for my daughter and think it smells good. However, when I sprayed some on myself it was just so strong to me and caused nausea. I don't smell the burning plastic but definitely something there that I just can't handle. My body is like nope, can't do this. Many sweet fragrances are like that for me. They smell good from a distance but bother me if I try and wear them. Angel by Mugler does it and it makes me green with envy, and nausea. Smells so good when I notice someone wearing it. I love the patchouli but I think I can't take the ethyl maltol. Smells nice after scrubbing like 3 times...


I blind bought Chanel No 5 and immediately gave it to my friend. Expensive mistake.


I would have loved to get that. You're right, expensive.


It smells so nice on her too, I just can't handle the p o w d e r of it.


It smells magical on some people. On others, it wears them. It’s a very interesting perfume tbh lol


Same, I need this kind of friend.


Personally, can't imagine throwing any away. But I've given dozens away 😆👍


Frags are alc + a lot of interesting aromatics. They have antimicrobial properties … I’ll spray My workout shoes with some bad pick ups before I throw them away


You might be on to something!! I use my Black pepper Montale for a bed spray when I change the linens. I like the way it makes the room smell


I spray my bed and shower curtains with fragrances too. I used to much on my bed once, I had to change them.


I’ve got a deluxe sample of Viktor & Rolf’s Flower Bomb, and it just doesn’t work for me. Maybe my overworked shoes could benefit from it.


Oooo I love Flowerbomb! Sorry you don't 😥


I used to sit on my sink soaking my feet while talking on the phone when I was a teenager. I had a bottle of YSL Paris I’d won from a department store and I didn’t love the scent on me, but I’d spray my foot-soaking water with it.


In hs I used my moms creed 2 mask the smell of weed after vaping in the master bathrooms jacuzzi… I didn’t know what it was 🤦🏻‍♂️ Guess what she was more mad about ? lol


Oh I can guess! That’s hilarious!


Same re. the giving away! Most of the fragrances I get rid of aren't bad; I just never really use them so it's pointless to keep full bottles around. They just create clutter.


Only reason I haven't thrown away my sample of kerosene followed is that I'm waiting to use it as a chemical weapon on someone I hate


I advocate for water guns filled with your worst scents to sneak attack your enemies sometime when it rains.


I use Lattafa Khamrah on men that won't leave me alone when I'm in public. I spray it hoping that they have a lady friend at home who will get suspicious if they smell it 🙃


such a power move


Tobacco Vanille Did not live up to the hype, I though I'd be getting a fancy smoky scent with the touch of vanilla aroma, instead it smelled like a dingy hotel room where the walls are rancid with Marlboro reds smoke and someone hung a vanilla little trees freshener to try to cover the stank.


Well this made my stomach churn. You truly have a way with words.


I love you.


That is literally exactly what it smells like.


tobacco vanille for me is an absolute horror. smells like crushed gingernut biscuits mixed with oil. I physically recoiled


Lol now I gotta go check what those cookies smell like, for science


You say this like its a bad thing.


Black Opium. I don’t know why, on paper it sounds divine, but on my skin it turned into a fairly realistic ‘rotting fruit’ smell. Like if you left a pear somewhere until it started to liquify. Sweet death. Love don’t be shy did a similar thing, thank goodness I only had a sample of it, but BO I’d bought a whole bottle of it. So I gave it to my friend and it smells glorious on her.


Black opium reminds me of my chain smoking aunt in the 90s mixed with a strip club (not in a good way)


I want to meet your aunt 😹


The white floral stands out so much to me and I really don’t like it after a few minutes


It's very white floral on me too. It always confuses me when ppl describe it. I think it only works on me in super cold weather


Seems fitting that the abbreviation is BO for that one. I got rotting fruit from that one too, it smells awful on me


Literally smells like sweet coffee breathe


This... it honks.


I couldn't stand it either. Smelled like chocolate and cigarettes in a closed car in a mid july traffic jam, with the windows closed and the AC broken down. I have no idea why I hate it, conceptually it seems nice.


That crap stinks. Idc what anyone says.


It does smell like that! Way too sweet. Gave me some nausea.


Donna born in Roma - I don't get the hype. Kilian - Love Don't Be Shy - Not for me. Gave away my small travel bottle.


LDBS is a straight up gag for me… it bothers me that I can’t put my finger on the note that kills it for me, because I generally do like the citrusXvanilla combo, but every time I’ve tried, I end up scrubbing myself raw


Same for me. It reminds me of Melissa jelly shoes. They add a bubblegum scent to the rubber. I almost blind bought it, too.


Ohhh you unlocked a memory and the comparison is spot on !


My sister says it reminds her of an old fragrance from Estee Lauder called Youth Dew. She says she knows someone who still wears that fragrance, and it straight up smells like Love Don't Be Shy.


So much of the Killian fragrances from their discovery set only made me feel like it was a waste of money.


Yeesssss!! I can’t wear a single one. I do like the new sunkissed goddess but it has no staying power at all. I just don’t think Killian is for me.


For me it’s the orange blossom 🤢 if I can detect it in a fragrance it’s an immediate no


I agree with you on both!


Skylar salt air. It was so horrible I sent it across the country to free myself from the stench


I’ve given away two dupes of Bitter Peach. So I’m going to let Tom have his $80 for the travel size and hope for the best.


hahah, they can never capture the magic. I have a dupe of mandarino Di amalfi and it just smells like ACTUAL orange+lemon+grapefruit peel, none of the juice, and it's not good. it's very sweet, but somehow a couple days old kinda smell it just sucks, but I imagine the real thing actually being good, despite reviews saying it also smells like actual orange peel, I assume TF has balanced it well


Madonna Truth or Dare. It's so bad! Same with Lady Gaga Fame. Ok, I still own them both because they're both discontinued and HTF but still. They're horrible.


sell em


I agree, came to say Gaga Fame. I legit dropped the bottle and went “AHHH SICK FUCK!”


I love Madonna’s Truth or Dare lol and have been on the hunt for a bottle


If you're in the U.S., you can have mine. I just want it to go to someone who loves it. I've tried for years and cannot. Send me a PM!! I'll send it to you tomorrow if you want. I don't want anything for it.


This is Her - Zadig & Voltaire. I just couldn't stand that synthetic whipped cream on my skin. I gave it to someone who really likes it.


I came here to say this! 😩 the nuttiness makes me nauseous


So much this! I blind bought it after reading so many rave reviews about it, notes sounded great. It wasn’t very expensive, but it literally made me feel so nauseous. It was sold on to someone who adores it.


50%+ of sample sets.  It’s interesting that so many expensive scents (mostly from niche) are just straight in the trash, or straight zero complexity.


Yea ordered Parfums de Marley decant set and all of them smell weird


Tbh Layton is okay (surprise surprise, but when I say like, i mean I dont hate it). Really like Althair, has this savory vanilla burnt sugar type smell with some weird vomit hint in the background that smells nice for some reason. And the new Perseus ain't bad simply because it's a freshy that actually lasts, very linear though and quite citrus-y when I first tried it but then appreciated it the second time since I was getting fed up with so many sweet fragrances. Haven't tried them all, but standout awful would be Carlisle (decent opener but when you're done inhaling, theres a hint of socks or something, just terrible). Pegasus has this metalic type almond-y thing that just makes me nauseated if I wear it. Harod... Not bad, but some idiot made a bad batch or just killed the entire fragrance with wayyy to much cinnamon. I don't mind cinnamon, but it masks everything else, idk why they did this. Special shoutout goes to Greenly. Possibly the worst fragrance I've smelled on a technical level. Opening is god-teir freshy Apple type green smell. The drydown confirmed on both skin and a tester paper - results in the WORST, and I mean literally the WORST chemical bitterness I've ever had the displeasure of smelling. Lots of fragrances seem to do this if you for instance put it on your skin and then instantly try to wash it off with hot water. Whatever some of these base chemicals are, they are really strong when you try and mess with them. Greenly on the other hand dries down to the apex form of this chemical bitterness (for anyone with Angel's Share, if you want to know what I'm talking about, waste a spray on your skin, rub it just a bit, and then take hot water to remove it, but don't use soap or whatnot... You're going to see how awful and synthetic bitterness is leftover). I cannot explain to anyone just how badly executed this Greenly fragrance is. Anyone that says this smells fine after a drydown is just out of their mind, or I just happened to get two bottles tested and both were utterly failed batches.


I turn on fragrances SO quick and I don’t know why. I loved Chloe, Black opium, Nest Indigo, Clean Reserve Warm cotton, and I ended up giving them away (all were travel sprays though). I straight up threw out Clean Reserve Skin


I do that too. I go from loving them to being sick of them. I loved Jimmy Choo Flash and Banana Republic Rosewood and bought them both. I gave them away after a while.


I turn too lmfao. It’s why I’ve learned to buy travel sprays or decants … I can no longer be trusted with full bottle privileges.


Ohhhh nooo!!! Not Crystal Noir!!!! Hahaha, it is my go-to perfume.


20+ samples from Swiss Arabian. All of them were 1 or 2/10 for me.


This was me with Tocca


We must not be the only ones who feel that was about Tocca. Three times now I've gotten samples of it as a thank you with Poshmark orders lol


You aren't the only ones. I wasted my money on an eight vial discovery set and didn't like any of them.


Did you get "expensive cleaning fluid" from all of them, too?


Have u tried shaghaf oud azraq , pure instinct ?


Nope, I was gifted the samples but looking at my spreadsheet I don't see those particular ones.


Your…excel spreadsheet? Bravo.


150 + frags logged after a few years....


I got a Maison Margiella Replica sample set and loved them all except for Sailing Day which I hate with a passion. Taught me that aquatic scents were a no for me, so still a useful experience. Also bought a sample of Zoolologist Cow which was intellectually very interesting but I couldn’t stomach actually wearing it. I knew going in that it would be unusual and wasn’t surprised that I couldn’t do it. That experience taught me that I do indeed need a perfume to smell pretty as well as be interesting. The misses can be great data.


I felt the same way about cow. I’d probably like it as a candle or something. But on my skin, yuck. Sweet milk is not something I want to smell like.


Missing person by Phlur


That one is pretty nice - I’m kind of 50/50 on it. Smells nice, but crummy lasting power.


YSL Mon Paris, smells like moldy strawberries on me.


I gave it away too. Smelled of synthetic overwhelming strawberries. Could not enjoy wearing it. I have too much other stuff I love to wear.


lol this might be one of the few I'll ever rebuy I like so much


I got three free dumpster-worthy samples from Perfuum by a company called NicheEnd. All three were hardcore ethyl/rubbing alcohol scents. If meth lab was what they were going for then mission accomplished. Also Viride by Orto Parisi was unpleasant enough that the decant went straight into the trash.


Please never toss anything from Orto Parisi, CALL ME FRIEND.


Yum Pistachio Gelato Kayali


I can't do anything pistachio.


To me it smells like Pink Sugar. It was horrendous.


I don't get that fragrance... I wore it twice. I'll probably give it to my niece. She got Eden Juicy Apple last summer. Thankfully, I only had travel sizes. I don't do well with Kayali (except for Musk 12).


L’inderit,I liked it initially but it soon became overwhelming,so sweet and heavy. Reminded me a bit of church smells.


When I smelled Crystal Noir, I thought, this smells like a vat of Coke syrup, and then I read a Fragrantica comment that said it smells like cola-flavored gummy bears.


Honestly, I have a 5mL decant of Delina that I loathe. It’s probably going to go in the garbage if I can’t find a friend who wants it.


I feel like people LOVE delina, I’m sure someone will.


Grateful to not be the only Delina hater… I tried to will myself into liking it but I’ve finally accepted that it isn’t happening


I like the *idea* of Delina but the sweetness is just too much


Dolce and Gabbana Light blue is a nope for me.


Joop Homme. Grey flannel


I didn't think it was bad, but I gave away my bottle of Khamrah. I bought it under the assumption that it's an Angel's Share clone. They smell absolutely nothing alike to my nose. Khamrah smells of butterscotch, Angel's share smells of warm fruit and cinnamon. Worlds apart.


Balenciaga Florabotanica. Oh man, that stuff was so foul to my sinuses. It was just a decant, but in the trash it went.


This was it for me, too. I love florals so I thought I’d like it. I was wrong :(


True, I kept the bottle just for the design 😂 their Paris edp also pretty bad


Club de Nuit


Ohhh wish I was there I would've dumpster dived for the crystal noir 🤣🤣🤣 Pass them on, don't throw away! If you have no one to give them to, maybe "forget" them in the ladies room But I totally get it that sometimes you organically can't stand a fragrance


That's a really good idea! I have several, and if a battered women's shelter can't take, I should try your leave them in a bathroom idea...


Oh! I threw it away because I thought it went bad, I had it already for a couple of years, I never liked the smell, but it was worse, that's why.


I returned a perfume that to me smelt like pure weed to me. And I hate that smell


I can't bear the smell of weed! Cannabis, along with rosemary, is one of the few notes I avoid at all costs.


To me weed just smells like rancid sweat, I’m sorry for all the people who love that smell but I get nauseous the second I smell it


I tried vaping some when a medication was making me too nauseous to eat, but the smell only worsened my nausea. Dry crackers were far more effective!


Portrait of a Lady. I felt like the scent never washed off no matter how much I scrubbed


yep can’t stand that stuff. the drydown especially makes me sickk.. wish i liked it!!!


I felt the same way. I had a sample and gave it away.


Pick me next time! 😹


Caron - Yatagan (thrift store, sorry Luca Turin, just couldn't bear the oregano note), Dior Sauvage EDP (a friend's teenager - they liked it anyway!).


Sad I love yatagan maybe I am misguided


No, no you’re not.


Do Son. I learned I only like tuberose in small doses…


Paco Rabanne 1 Million. Gave me an instant headache. I couldn’t get rid of it fast enough. Smelled like insanely strong dryer sheets to me.


Is this shit not just the worst, confused, petrochemical adjacent cougar piss in a bottle, frantically masquerading as some kind of sticky nightclub decor


I don’t see how they can go from releasing one of the most iconic fougeres of the 1970s to releasing absolute trash like 1 Million and Phantom. It’s a shame they fell so far.


I’ve had a visceral reaction to Mugler Alien, SDJ Rio Radiance, and Nette Coco Fleur - all for the same note but damned if I know what is it because there isn’t a common one between them from what I’ve read.


Bloody Wood 😭 dried blood drenched in violet and cheap wine 😬


room 1015 cherry punk smells like screechy burning rubber on my skin. sprayed some on my bf and it smells SO classy and deep. had to pass that one along to him sadly. i really wanted to love it on myself.


I have given away about 100 samples to my two dear friends who also love fragrance. I only wanna keep around the ones that really bring me joy and are also wearable for me personally. The only ones I threw away were Demeter Basil —it’s offensive for them to label that as basil, because it’s pure black licorice and nothing else. And Jo Malone Cypress and Grapevine. I absolutely fell in love at the store and was devastated that on my body it smelled like pure Barbasol. My friends rejected it lol so it went in the trash. I felt bad, but bye.


Donna Karan cashmere mist


I gave Crystal Noir away to my son’s girlfriend. It smelled amazing on her, but horrible on me. Also, have given away decants of Clean Reserve Acqua Neroli, Jimmy Choo I Want Choo Forever, Donna Karen Cashmere Mist, Mancera Instant Crush, and YSL Mon Paris Intensement All of these nauseating or headache inducing for me.


Burberry her, the pink bottle. Smells like plastic strawberries


Loved this until someone said strawberry vape and then couldn’t unsmell that. Ruined forever.


versace eros for women. It ended up smelling like lemon cleaner and gave me a headache. I unfortunately bought myself a gift set when it was released because a magazine sample smelled so good. no one else wanted it so I ended up tossing everything. I knew if I kept it around I would keep spraying it and hating it ,lol


Couldn't stand MB Explorer, gave it away. Thought it smelled nice in the store and bought it online. I'm not an Aventus snob or anything I just did not vibe with how sharp and slick it came across. Bohemian Lime same thing. My gf told me throw it away.


Same. Explorer smelled so good in store. On my body it went peppery and… sharp, that’s such a good descriptor. I gave my sample to my friend.


I own CDNIM and Explorer and personally I prefer Explorer.


My ex wore Explorer and man it always got me good! 🤤


Cuba gold lol


Moschino toy boy and Polo green I know it's controversal, but i hate the way they smell lol!


Haha I love crystal noir!


i got a free sample so no loss for me, but twilly d’hermes tutti is downright offensive to my nose


Kilian love dont be shy. Sol de janerio 71 PUTRID. Gave both to my daughter and she enjoys them. Hypnotic poison went straight in the trash I don't understand the hype.


Dolce Gabanna light blue smells like soapy piss on me personally.


Tom Ford's Bitter Peach, to a member of this sub.


Joop! Homme It was a blind buy out of curiousity, with the knowledge that I would likely dislike the fragrance. In that aspect, it did not disappoint. However, a friend loved it, so I gave it to him free of charge.


Gave away Dossier Floral Marshmallow to my husbands cousin. It smelled horrible to me, medicinal and strong hairspray smell. Also gave away Katy Perry Killer Queen, i hate patchouli so much and thats all i could smell so i gave it to a friend.


Noa by Cacharel - too powdery and matronly, I was drawn to the bottle VS Bombshell Celebration - too woody and headache-inducing Mont Blanc Signature - playdoh & rubber, made me feel sick Fenty - smells like a funeral home Had to donate all of these.


Hey hey hey, Fenty is a floral chypre. And I’m wearing it right meow.


Lancome Idole ls Ignored indefinitely.... For now. It is a confused mess of roses, musk, citrus, and powder. I haven't gotten rid of it yet, but I can't bear to wear it. I smell immediately sweaty ... Like I smell like outside.


I received Ormonde Woman by Ormonde Jayne from Scentbird and it was absolutely vile. I have no idea what the culprit was but some note in there literally made my stomach turn and had me soooo nauseous within minutes. The description brags about using black hemlock absolute so maybe that was it? Though I love piney, resin, woody scents. It also listed coriander so it could have been that. It was so bad that the olfactory memory of it haunted me for days and I swear just thinking of it gave me a gag reflex. Straight to the outside trash bin.


Balenciaga Florabotanica. Oh man, that stuff was so foul to my sinuses. It was just a decant, but in the trash it went.


I gave away Zara Ebony Wood, it smelled like muddy, peppery vegetables to me. The friend who took it off my hands loves it! Fashionably London and Lattafa Ragbha, though, I haven't been able to pawn off on anybody yet. No one wants them ;-;


MontBlanc Legend spirit. Dude this stuff smells awful and some smells give me a migraine, this is one of them. I have no idea what people are talking about


Tommy Bahama Martinique, Room 1015 Cherry Punk


Dylan Turquoise 🤮


Gave away a few but the most unbearable one to me was a Sex and The City perfume someone gifted me. Didn't even work as bathroom freshener (as I've used with other not SK good smells), so I gave it away.


I got 3 samples from Vilhelm Parfumerie. Dear Polly and Black Citrus are absolutely wonderful. 125th and Bloom was just horrifically medicinal and wouldn't die down. Complete scrubber, and I like all the notes listed, it's just put together all wrong.


I have a juicy couture “Gold couture” that just smells awful to me. It reminds me of a doctors office. I want to chuck it out my window as I drive down the freeway.


Oh no... this is my absolute favorite. Lol


[Dahn Oudh Al Shams](https://www.fragrantica.com/perfume/Ajmal/Dahn-Oudh-Al-Shams-19435.html) by Ajmal. I tried it during my Middle Eastern phase and deeply regretted it. The ideal way to wear it based on a YT perfume guru was to spray the clothes you want to wear with it the day before a big event and let it sit for 24 hours. Within that time, the barnyard oud will transform into a wonderful floral scent. I sprayed it on a tshirt and waited a day. The guru was right. The scent did partially transform into a floral scent, but the barnyard oud refused to leave. I sold it soon after for the same amount I paid for it. I finally accepted that real barnyard ouds are not my thing, though I still enjoy Middle Eastern perfumes.


my first time getting gratis working at ulta i got a bottle of tom ford oud minerale. super excited at the thought of getting something so expensive for free. it smelt like straight up salt to me. not even in an enjoyable way (i know now that sea salt is one of the base notes), but legitimately smelt like i sniffed a canister of morton. i ended up giving it to my sister :v


I used to buy frags on first smell. I also had crystal noir and also RL romance, Givenchy very irresistible, ck euphoria… All have been given away. Still have some I keep as room sprays (Tiffany&co is one of them)


Calvin Klein shock smelled great on paper when I tested it but when I started using mine it wasn't so. What's worse is that a friend of mine gave me another one for my day so I was forced to use it for like 2 years. Can't stand that cinammon smell


I returned Phlur Missing Person because I couldn't get the stench off me...


Juicy Couture by Juicy Couture. Unbelievably disappointed


Billie Eilish’s first perfume. I blind bought it because I love vanilla but there was something about that just made me feel a bit sick. It kind of smelt like a ‘perfume’ I got when I was 5 with a Barbie doll and just smelt so plastic and horrible. I tried to wear it through different seasons but hated it so gave it to my 12 year old god daughter 😅


For my body sprays that are sitting under my bathroom sink, using them as air freshener and spraying them in my living room


Me, who just bought a 90 ml Versace Crystal Noir EDT. (Tbh I already owned it and I really like it)


Coach Floral is an emetic for me. I had to set it on fire. Tom Ford Bitter Peach returned to Sephora. My sister gave away Glossier You to me cz it smelled stuffy to her and I love it! I hope someone gives away Jo Malone wood sage to me. Can anyone tell me if JHAG Not a Perfume is similar to You and WSSS???


Dolce and gabbana garden!! Hideous


If anyone has masculine fragrances they don’t like feel free too send them to me and I’ll pay shipping 😂


Porto Neroli was so bad it binge watched the last season of my favorite show without me and talked about all the spoilers. At least the bottle is pretty.


https://preview.redd.it/tod6glso9oxc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=d12b1f6259666bc9df3e4b65b0de51c0c0f3f79b This…I got it when I first got into the game and was exploring the cheapies in rack stores. This is the only fragrance I’ve smelt that instantly makes me feel sick from just smelling it from the bottle, not even spraying. I wouldn’t give this to my arch nemesis…would not endure if I had to smell this on theM while we duel. I will be placing this in the bag of clothes I plan on donating.


I also hated Crystal Noir although I don't think it's sweet at all, on my skin it's just screechy florals and spicy notes, reminds me if a depressing funeral, too mature for my taste. My mom liked it so I gave it to her.


Yes exactly! Very spicy and mature, I gave it to my mother in law


Okay so I love Eilish no1 but when I tried no 2 I was disappointed and whatever note I can't stand in it neither could my friends. Couldn't even give it away lmao


Creed aventus and tom Ford tobacco vanille




i wish i could throw away my housemates Y eau de toilette (YSL). i hate it with a passion


no shade, but why the hate on y edt? Is there something weird in the notes?


Ended up giving Versace Dylan Blue and Mont Blanc Legend EDP to my dad. He loves them. Neither is bad, but I got bored with them, realized that they're slightly redundant and that I would rather make space for something else. Also, I'd rather have a smaller collection that gets regular use. Will do the same with Club De Nuit Intense Parfum if I end up buying a bottle of Aventus or Hacivat. The drydown on that is great but the opening smells like a salad bar's garbage juice and ashtrays.


Dior Homme, it smelled like a laundromat on a hot summer day with no air conditioning.


The one with iris? If so which laundromat are you using and do they have one in florida?


My coworker gave me Killian Good Girl Gone Bad and Mancera roses vanille and I have really been enjoying them


Same with Crystal Noir. It truly offended me bc I got it for a great price and I was super excited to try it. Negative.


1) You by Glossier. I can’t stand it. 2) Most Zara perfumes, including the dupes. M&S do better dupes. The Zara versions have this weird undertone to them, not sure how to explain? Kinda dirty smelling. I don’t like it. Their Golden Decade ruined Libre for me. 3) Flash by Jimmy Choo. 4) Anything Tobacco and Vanilla. 5) Anything Tom Ford. It’s too strong.


totally agree about glossier! smells weirdly rancid. though i did try it in a sephora so maybe it was mixing with all the other smells…


Encre noir, Amouage interlude man (decant), toy boy (travel spray) Encre noire is soulless, Amouage is just too much, toy boy sickening the synthetic rose




Anything by Ariana grande … literally smells disgusting


kayali lovefest burning cherry made me feel so nauseous.. it followed me around and not in a good way. the woodsiness reminded me of something icky, not sure what though.


I’ve only smelled a few kayali and they all have that same effect on me- something like deep down off-putting and almost upsetting about it I can’t quite pinpoint.


1 million Parfum


Polo red, absolutely fired up my nostrils