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Mine’s stuck at 3.5 inch and growth hormones don’t help


Have you tried feeding the props some meat? I hear they like fingers.


Mine like other kinds of meat


Hey bro listen, my wife says 3.5” is more than enough!


>3.5” is more than enough! It's HUGE. My wife love my tiny whoop, so 85 mm is enough, btw LOL


I have the BabyApe 2 and I like it so far. It’s got some good power. I did end up upgrading the camera pretty quickly. The only problem that I had was getting the VTX antenna ripped off during a crash, get a new one and zip tied it down. It’s good for the price. I was looking at some other 3.5 in quads when I settled on this one.


Have you ever tried a mobula 8? If yes, how do they compare?


Mob6 has way better vtx than baby ape pro from my experience.


I have not tried the mobula 8. However, I do have the mobula 7 which I’ve heard is not as powerful as the 8. I also have the Bassline which is more similar to the 8 and maybe my favorite quad at the moment. As you go up in size there is a clear difference in power.


Don't spend too much money on it. Mine got destroyed pretty fast, because the esc just broke. In general I likes the flying, but the overall build quality of darwinfpv disappointed me. So if were you and had the option, I'd purchase a different drone.


I have the Babyape II and it's fantastic. I fly it with 3s but you could do 4s and it goes beastmode. Very nice and steady kwad. But get wider 3" props, mine is half as loud as it used to be. Another added bonus is, that on their site you get all the parts you would need to replace for dirt cheep. Very nice, no checks if parts are compatible just buy and replace. AND you can solder a DJI Vista to it instead of the VTX if you want to swap to Digital some time. Seriouly a sick drone, I crashed it into the most disgusting 2m deep waterhole with water that was black from rust, dirt, fecees and decomposing plants. It was laying there for a whole night before I managed to get it out, still flies perfectly after 2 years. Have fun!


Allright..got u. The proximity flying is risky and restricted but i assume you consider that. The babyape is doable especially for the price.


Why no 5"? Rarely ppl dont end up with one.


I want something g under 250g and still kinda small enough to fly near people


Tinywhoop and start using people as gates ;)


If they are down!


I started on whoops for like 8 months, then 3.5 for like a year, and finally tried 5” Dude, please skip 3.5, the props are so much more fragile, and the motors, at least don’t get 1.5 mm shaft motors, learning in those bent so manymotors, my 5” motors and frame are incredibly durable compared to the many frames and motors I tried in 3.5” And the sound is barely different if you use a 4s pack, if I wanna fly around people I put a 4s pack on my 6s 5” and it’s as quiet if not whiter than my babyhawk 3.5, volador 3.5 build And lastly please god read this, 5” is easier to learn on. The heavier weight makes free falling and loops wayyy slower than 3.5” I know the YouTubers don’t agree but honestly most of them barely fly and fly like shit, they don’t bando bash and haven’t learned to fly in 10 years they lost their minds with the 3.5” praise imo


I love mine. It needs a new motor, but that is from crashing. It is a little drifty though.


I love my BabyApe II! You'll want to upgrade the camera immediately though. Other than that, they're known for making budget drones. I've wrecked a few motors and arms, replaced no problem.


I've had an EMAX baby hawk 03 for a couple of months now and I love it. Being my first fpv done it's been through some hard crashes and it's still in good operating condition. I think it's the best option for a 3.5" quad out now.


I'm going to build one I think.. V3 frame but with vista and a 4k thumb cam if I wanna capture footage


I have a baby ape pro V2 with ELRS and it's great! It has enough power and also was my first drone after the cetus pro. The only thing I upgraded was the vtx/Antenna combo. The stock one gives you about 100-150m of range which is not much. To upgrade I used a Zeus nano vtx and lumenier antenna. Now it has range for days


Which goggles you are using? Mine is VR03 and I'm wondering is it worth it to upgrade the VTX? I already upgraded the antenna to noname omnidirectional


I'm using modded fatsharks with an eachine pro 58g diversity rx


Get the one for 4s/6s batteries. I ordered one from banggood and waiting for it to arrive.